Brian and Rochelle were a two-income family and lived financially stress-free—until Rochelle became a stay-at-home mom to her three children. One paycheck didn’t cover the expenses and financial fear set in. They were desperate for an answer ...
Read Transcript
- [Announcer] The following program
is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up, whatcould president Biden's
recovery plan mean for your bottom line?
- I know what I just describeddoes not come cheaply.
- [Gordon] Will the plan leadus on the road to recovery?
- We must act now.
- [Gordon] Or plunge usdeeper into recession?
Then, twisted out of place.
- What am I going to do?
- [Gordon] Lower back painleaves this man in agony.
- Almost to the point of passing out.
- [Gordon] See what gothim back on his feet
on today's 700 Club.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to the 700 Club.
A dire warning from Israel.
Iran could have a nuclearbomb within months,
maybe even weeks.
- The stage is being set for a
possible military confrontation
between these two enemies.
So how will the Bidenadministration handle this
huge foreign policy challenge?
Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.
- [Chris] As the Bidenadministration seeks a new path
with Iran that could bringback the 2015 Nuclear Deal,
Israel is sending its ownsignals to the regime.
IDF chief of staff, Aviv Kochavi,
has announced the military will have plans
ready to strike Iran's nuclear program.
- We're taking care of these plans
and developing themduring the coming year.
Those who decide on carrying them out
of course are the political leaders,
but these plans have to be
on the table, existing,ready, and practiced.
- [Chris] Israeli leaders seethe 2015 Iran deal as flawed,
that would only pave theway for the regime to
develop a nuclear bomb.
For its part, Iran is pushing limits
with plans to take uranium enrichment
to a level just below weapons grade.
- Iran is provoking a conflict.
I think a big question iswhether President Biden
and his team can figureout a way to stop them.
Negotiation would be a good way to do it.
Nobody wants a war in this region again,
but Biden is going to be tested
- [Chris] Middle Eastexpert, Joel Rosenberg,
says Iran is telegraphing intentions
by taking rogue action.
The regime recently seesthe South Korean tanker
and its crew near the Strait of Hormuz.
Rosenberg says it's important that Biden
and his team of advisorslearn from the mistakes
of his former boss,
such as not including regional players
like Israel, the UAE, Bahrain,
and the Saudis when negotiatingthe Iranian Nuclear Deal.
- But also the flaws in the deal
that didn't deal with missiles,
that didn't deal with terrorism,
that didn't deal withany of these other issues
and left all these loopholes.
- [Chris] Loopholes likeIran's widespread use
of proxies across the Middle East,
such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria,
the Houthis in Yemen, and militias in Iraq
that have attacked US troops there.
- [Assaf] Iranian art ofwar is based on fighting
on other people's lands
by other people's hands.
- [Chris] IsraeliReserve Brigadier General
Assaf Orion says thebiggest factor shaping
the Middle East right now isAmerica's transition of power.
- Trump gave the Iranians the impression
that he's pretty unpredictable.
- [Chris] According to Orion,
the Iranians took extreme caution
about launching attacks against the US
with Trump in office.
- The stage is set forthe Biden administration.
Why do we focus on the nuclearas the most severe threat?
We shouldn't overlook Iran's dual strategy
of doing also in direct proxy warfare
across the Middle East.
- [Chris] Rosenberg adds Biden must keep
maximum pressure on Iran tocreate the right conditions
to negotiate and avoid war.
- All eyes are gonna be on Biden.
And if he flinches in thelight of Iran's intransigence,
it's gonna be a verytroubled season ahead.
- [Chris] Chris Mitchell,CBS News, Jerusalem.
- Oh, welcome to the WhiteHouse, President Biden.
And guess what, the world is in danger.
I don't think Iran is going to try to
intentionally come after the US,
but at the same time,
I do think they're going tointentionally come after Israel
and intentionally come after Saudi Arabia
and if we get in the way,
we will absolutely be a target.
It was just a few years ago that
they shot down one of our drones
and we were at the brink of war.
And it was just a few years ago that
one of their anti aircraft installations
took down a commercial liner
because they miss identifiedit as a military jet
and they weren't sure what military jet
or what it was but theystill shot it down.
So there's a hair trigger here
and we could be at war andcould be at war very quickly.
Here at home, January hasbecome the deadliest month yet
during the coronavirus pandemic
and the Biden administrationis warning that
the death toll willcontinue to rise sharply.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.
- That's right Gordon.
Unfortunately the BidenWhite House is up to 90,000
more people could diein the next four weeks.
This while the governmentstruggles to administer
the vaccine and schools debate reopening.
CBN's Heather Sells has the story.
- COVID-19 has taken the lives
of more than 425,000 Americans.
And the latest WhiteHouse forecast shows that
in the next month theUS will reach between
479 and 514,000 deaths.
The federal government isracing to get the vaccine out
as many Americans desperatelytry to get their shot.
In Kansas, hundreds of peopleover 80 waited in the cold.
While in Alabama, people linedup in their cars for hours.
- Two hours we moved maybe four spaces
in this line of cars until my mom said
I can't take it anymore, we have to go.
- [Heather] The Presidentsays a million extra doses
will go out next week,
but his advisors are cautious.
- It will be months before everyone
who wants a vaccinewill be able to get one.
- [Heather] There aresome positives signs.
New confirmed cases and hospitalizations
have dropped drasticallyin the last two weeks.
And in some states likeCalifornia and New York,
authorities are easing up on restrictions
as the numbers get better.
- Every curve statewide is down.
That's good news.
We will then adjust thevalves to those facts.
- [Heather] But the CDC director
wants Americans to remain vigilant.
She says COVID mutations are now confirmed
in half of the country.
- They're more transmissible
which can lead toincreased number of cases
and increased stress on ouralready taxed healthcare system.
- [Heather] Experts believe that by March,
the highly contagious variant from the UK
will likely become the dominant source
of infection in the US.
On another pandemic front,
many school districtsare debating reopening.
In Philadelphia, kids haven'tbeen in their classrooms
since the pandemic began.
The new plan, transitionback with a hybrid model.
- The earlier years ofthe child's education
is some of the most important years
and these kids arealmost a year behind now.
- [Heather] In Chicago,
the Mayor wants to reopen schools,
but so far the Teachers Union has said no.
- I cannot, as mayor, in good conscience,
as a mayor, as a mother, anda proud resident of the city
leave these students behindwho are failing, failing
when a safe solutionis absolutely possible.
- The Biden administration wants to reopen
most schools within 100 days.
A new CDC report says thatchildren should go back to class
and that the risk of virustransmission is small
if precautions are followed.
Heather Sells, CBN News.
- Thank you, Heather.
Healthcare tops the Biden agenda today,
reversing some ofPresident Trump's policies.
He'll be signing orders toexpand enrollment in Obamacare
and to reverse a federal policythat allows taxpayer funding
for international healthcare groups
that offer abortioncounseling or referrals.
Wednesday Biden signed executive orders
to fight climate change
and to move the countryaway from fossil fuels.
Biden says it would create jobs.
Republicans though criticizehis plan as a job killer,
saying it would hurt the mining,coal, and gas industries.
Well in the ongoing debateover online censorship
and internet misinformation,
Twitter has launched a newway to moderate its platform.
It's called "Birdwatch"
and it lets some users,
both experts and non-experts,
write notes and flag certainposts for possible issues.
Some critics questioned the plan,
suggesting that it could be another way
to censor certain types of online speech.
Well, as social distancing requirements
have become the norm,
even taking over holiday gatherings,
kids are living livesthat are much lonelier.
That means turning toscreens and technology.
CBN's Charlene Aaron recently spoke with
an addiction specialist about what parents
can do to help kids unplug.
- Given the combination of the web,
social media, and multiple mobile devices,
today's youth are no doubt the most
tech savvy generation ever.
That fact combined with a global pandemic
and virtual education is driving tech use
among kids even higher.
- It's universal at this point.
- [Charlene] Addictionspecialist Joshua Andrus
started "Parents Overcoming Electronics."
He says kids often turn to their devices
to deal with emotional struggles.
- If we're looking at tech addiction,
it's their version of telling an alcoholic
to just stopped drinking
and that's just never effective
because they're going there totheir devices to fill a void.
- [Charlene] In a seriesof books on the issue,
he highlights lessons andalternatives for the whole family.
- Teaching kids ownership about what
their home environment looks like,
but then spreading that out.
Parents start to get wise about,
you know, what quality time looks like.
- [Charlene] His release called
"Thriving During COVID and Beyond"
helps kids endure thishistoric part of their lives.
The purpose of it is to help our kids
to see themselves as as warriors
that have gone through a sentinel event.
They're the first generation that had to
do school exclusively online for a time,
to see themselves asmost prepared for that.
- [Charlene] He also urgesparents to create stronger bonds
by becoming partners with their kids.
- If we can build in healthy disciplines
where we're spending 15minutes engaging with our kids
and their favorite card game
and that's all we have,
then that's still 15 minutesthat we didn't have yesterday
and that was an intentionaluse of our time.
Start finding thingsthat you look forward to,
but also monitoring the time to see
if you can push it up alittle bit more and more.
- [Charlene] Results Andrus believes are
well worth it in the end
- When I notice this iswhen I engage with my kids,
right, engage with their friends,
they get their bucketfilled of that connection
they're really seekingthrough social media
or they're seeking through video gaming.
They get filled in a less superficial way.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Thanks Charlene.
Gordon, we're talking abouta pre-pandemic phenomenon
that's been exacerbated by COVID lockdowns
and safety measures.
- Well certainly it has been exacerbated
where it looks like these devices,
the only way to haveany kind of connection
where you have these Zoom meetings
or Microsoft Team meetings
and how do you, you know,
just get things done, but realize the,
what happens when you get wired in
to one of these devices,
it does actually change howyou think and how you respond
and we were seeing a wholegeneration of digital natives
that is absolutely tied to these devices
and if you don't think it'saddicting well, think again.
I had my own experience.
Last night, I was cookingdinner in the kitchen
and my wife had left her phone in there
and it started doing its little thing
of sending notifications and all of that
and I found myself overwhelmed with it.
I had to stop cooking.
We have to, we have todeal with the phone.
And in it, you know,
what kind of normal world is that?
It shouldn't be that way.
Devices shouldn't command our attention
and shouldn't triggerresponse mechanisms in us
that they need to be ourservants, if you will,
and useful when we want to use them
as opposed to demanding our attention.
But here's the really bad news
and this is really bad news.
The people who are creating the devices
and creating the apps for the devices
absolutely know about theaddictive qualities of it
and frankly are taking advantage of it
and are trying to do more
so you spend more time on their app
or on their device.
That is chilling to know that people
with degrees in psychology,
with degrees in sociology are doing that
and doing that for profit.
- Well coming up, jetskiing, four wheeling,
on the water, in the woods.
This outdoorsman never slowed down.
So what hit him like a baseball bat
and left him crawling in pain?
He'll tell you himself.
That's later on.
And up next, a steep price tag
including three and a halftrillion dollars in new taxes.
Will President Biden's COVID rescue plan
send the economy into a death spiral?
Well, that's the question.
Coming up.
(upbeat music)
- The promise is a big stimulus
to boost the American economy,
but President Biden's relief plan comes
with a hefty price tagof two trillion dollars.
The President also has bigger plans
for even greater spending and higher taxes
in the years ahead.
The question is will his plans backfire?
Caitlin Burke has the story.
- President Joe Biden ispreparing to spend big.
His goal?
To rescue Americans and the US economy
from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The question remains ishe spending too much.
- I cannot watch people losetheir jobs and we have to act.
We have to act now.
- [Caitlin] The Bidenadministration's nearly
$2 trillion rescuepackage would pump money
into vaccine deployment,reopening schools,
funding state and local governments,
and of course putting money directly
into the hands of Americans.
It's a steep price tag,
but Biden says the nationcan't afford anything less.
- Now I know what I justdescribed as not come cheaply,
but failure to do so will cost us dearly.
- [Caitlin] Economists agree
getting out of thepandemic is the first step
towards economic recovery.
Where they don't agreebegins from that point on.
By some estimates,
Biden has proposed closeto 11 trillion dollars
in long-term spending plans,
investing in healthcare, infrastructure,
energy, and educationover the next decade.
- President Biden promisesmassive new spending.
Most of which franklyis the proper priority
of state governments.
So he wants to expand education spending
and transportation spending,
but that's why we have state governments.
We don't need the federal government
increasing spending on that.
- Those are all spaceswhere we have lacked
adequate investment for a long time,
not just four years, longer than that.
You'd need to try to makeup for the investments
that have been neglected over time.
Those are specific areas of spending
that I do think it's important to do.
- [Caitlin] A third of that new spending
would be courtesy of more than
three and a half trilliondollars in new taxes,
including reversing Trump's tax cuts
for large corporationsand high earning families,
along with some new taxes.
Critics say the tax hikeswould hurt the economy,
including many smaller businesses,
at a time when we can't afford it.
- President Biden wants to raise taxes
not to reduce the deficit,
but to increase spending.
So I think this would be adeath spiral for the economy.
Higher taxes would damage growth
and that would push debt ever higher
compared to the size of the economy.
- [Caitlin] Chris Edwards,
Director of Tax Policy Studies
at the Cato Institute,
predicts it would send bigbusiness back overseas.
- Big corporations, they don'thave to locate in America.
If you're building,
if you're building electric cars
or building semiconductors,
you can locate your new factory anywhere.
You don't have to investin the United States.
So by raising the corporate tax rate,
you'll be driving those new factories
and facilities overseas
and ultimately that isbad for American workers.
- [Caitlin] Lawrence Kotlikoff,
a professor of economics atBoston University, disagrees.
He says there are incentives
that can lure businessesto invest in the US.
- It's called 100% expensing.
You may also have heard ofaccelerated depreciation.
These are ways to say, look,
you Caitlin are investing in the US,
you're gonna have topay a higher tax rate.
But on the other hand,
we're going to give yousome money up front.
- [Caitlin] Some economists also warn
that Biden's tax increaseswill trickle down
to the average American.
If economic growth slows
and businesses don't grow as quickly,
the American workerwon't make as much money
and we'll end up with alower standard of living.
The almost $28 trillion national debt
is another major concern.
Austan Goolsbee,
a former economic advisorto President Obama
and current advisor to Biden,
says raising taxes is how webegin to address our debt.
- It's going to involve more revenue.
It's going to involve tax rates going back
to something like the historicrates and historic levels,
not the depressed levels that we've seen
the last three, three and a half years.
- [Charlene] Critics say only a decrease
in spending will make a difference.
- The way to chip away atthe federal government debt
is simply to lower thegrowth rate in spending
or freeze spending for a few years
while the economy recovers.
That that way we can get thisdeficit on a downward path.
- Biden's economic policies will
have to make it through Congress.
Budget bills, including tax bills,
need 51 votes to pass in the Senate.
So each Democrat will haveto back any legislation
that comes through or itwill need bipartisan support.
Caitlin Burke, CBN News.
- Oh my, how things change.
I remember four years agoand that presidential race,
the argument that because America has
the highest corporate tax rate
in the industrialized world,
that it was causing our major corporations
to offshore most of their profits
and keep it outside of the United States
so it would be exempt from US taxation
and it was over a trillion dollars
that they had in cash
that could have been investedin the American economy
and wasn't because of our tax rate.
So here we have, again,
let's try to get corporations to quote,
pay their fair share, close quote,
not realizing, well,they have their choice.
They can locate wherever they want
and they can locate based on tax policy.
And so what you're doing is instead
of increasing business andinvestment in the United States
and thereby employmentin the United States,
what you're doing is offshoring it.
That problem was fixed
and a lot of money cameinto the US economy
and we've all seen that.
Why in the world would you go back
to policies that drive it away?
And I strongly disagreethat while we can tweak it
so that you can expense in year one
and there are ways to front-load that,
any tax lawyer, any taxaccountant will tell you,
well you can do that anyway.
There are plenty ofways to either lease it
or take the five-year depreciation
where you can do that ina short period of time,
but why commit to alifetime of higher taxes
on your investment for a smallone time, year one stimulus.
It just doesn't make sense.
And businesses try to makes sense.
They try to have rationaldecisions with their investment.
So if we raise their taxes,guess what's going to happen.
Their money, their profit money
from international operations
is going to stay international
and it's not going tocome back to help America.
We need to pray.
We're in a desperate situation.
Do people who are renting and out of work,
do they need help to makesure they don't get evicted?
The answer is yes.
Do people who are unemployedneed stimulus checks?
The answer is yes.
Do people with low wage jobs need help?
The answer is yes
But this stimulus packagewould allow families
with $300,000 a year in incometo receive a stimulus check
and why go into debt to do that.
You're not helping atthe exact point of need
those people who have the most need.
So let us, let us pray.
You look at you,
you look at the expanding federal deficit
and we're coming close to a point
where we will never be able to pay it off.
And what does that do to our currency?
What ultimately doesthat do to our Republic
if our currency fails?
These are enormous decisionswith enormous ramifications
and we need prayer.
We're asking people to pray for America.
If you'd like to join with us,
all you have to do iscall us, 1-800-700-7000,
or you can go to thewebsite,
or text "pray," that word to 71777.
- Up next, the lights went out
because this couplecouldn't pay their bills.
How did a desperate prayer for help
lead to an idea for a side business
and what made their income from that
side business shoot up by 400%.
Well, the answers are coming up.
Plus, like a freight train.
That's how this woman described the sound
of a monster hurricane as itbarreled through her town.
She thought she was gonna die.
Find out what happened instead after this
(upbeat music)
- Well first their electricity was cut off
and then later Brian and Rochelle
had their truck repossessed.
This couple was falling further
and further behind on their bills.
So they uttered adesperate prayer for help.
And what happened next
and how did it lead to a400% increase in income.
Just watch.
- [Narrator] For years bothBrian and Rochelle Lindsay
were teachers with a combined income
that allowed them to have afinancially stress free life.
- If I wanted to spend, no problem
because I knew every twoweeks I would get a check.
She would get a check as well.
- [Narrator] Then right beforethey had their third child,
Rochelle quit teachingto be a stay at home.
- I just felt like God wasleading me to stay home.
We didn't talk about likehow we were gonna budget
and what we were gonna spend.
- [Narrator] At first they used
Rochelle's retirement to get by.
When they ran out, theydidn't have enough to live on.
- It was a lot of fearof not really knowing
what tomorrow will look like
or even that day, just, youknow, us really being poor.
And I felt like a lot of it was my fault.
- Everything seemed to just come
crashing down all at one time.
You know, on top of medical bills,
car payments, light bills,
phone bills, student loan debt.
We were taking food from churches.
- [Narrator] Sometimes the Lindsays
couldn't even pay their utilities on time.
- I was in the kitchen cooking
and our lights were turned off.
Well this is very humbling.
But I had to go up to,
it's a ministry thathelp you pay your bills.
- I was frustrated,
difficult because beingahead of the house though,
that's your number one priority as a man.
Take care of your family.
And when you just can't,it's pretty tough.
- [Narrator] Brian andRochelle are Christians,
but they had a hard timetrusting God with their money.
- I just felt like hewasn't moving fast enough,
so made some stupidchoices or just, you know,
continued to wallow indepression and self pity.
- [Narrator] The coupleoccasionally gave to church,
but usually thoughtthey couldn't afford it.
- Because of fear, just pure fear that,
you know, I may not have money for gas.
I could use my tithe money.
- [Narrator] After their truck was repoed,
the Lindsays knew something had to change.
- But I felt like it was,
what else is there to do but trust God.
- [Narrator] Theysurrendered their own plans
and prayed for help.
Shortly after that,
Brian got an idea for a side business
to increase their income
and get them out of their financial hole.
- I saw two of my formerstudents leaned up
against their mother while she's trying
to tell them to pedal.
And soon as I saw it immediately,
I was like that's it.
I'm gonna teach kids how to ride bike.
- [Narrator] Mr. B's Bike Camp took off.
- [Brian] God blessedme with this business
- The first year I thinkhe had 20 students.
The next year he had over 70.
- [Narrator] Soon, the couplestarted intentionally tithing.
My mom always said, hey, don't just tithe
without knowing whatare you believing for?
What are you praying for?
So I started writing onthe back of my envelopes
increase in business and a new truck.
- [Narrator] As thecouple continued to give,
Brian got that new truck
and the income from Mr. B'sBike Camp shot up by 400%.
Business even increased duringthe coronavirus pandemic.
Once again they have acomfortable lifestyle
and no longer worry about how
they're going to pay their bills.
- Now the mindset is who canwe bless, who can we bless?
- The Lindsays encourageothers to trust God
with their financial struggles
and take a step of faith.
- With everything going on,
I feel God needs you to stepout of your comfort zone
so that he can use you in theway that he needs to use you.
You have to surrender.
Just say, hey Lord, I'mcoming to you first.
Right now, straight off the top,
what do you want for meduring this situation?
- I believe that, you know,
God's word is true, thatyou do reap what you sow.
God not only wants us tobe receivers, but give,
ultimately is to see him glorified
and lifted up through all of this.
- God will be glorifiedbecause you honor him
and when you honor him,wonderful things happen.
Jesus said it clearly, seeking first
the kingdom of God,that means his dominion.
The kingdom of God and his righteousness.
All these other thingswill be added unto you.
For Brian and Rochelle,
they put the principles into practice
and Brian's mother taught him well.
When you tithe, when you give,
make your requests known,ask God for specific things.
When you ask him for specific things,
then you know he is answering
and he gets glorified from that.
So ask and ask largelyand then when it comes,
remember this.
This is from Deuteronomy chapter eight.
Remember the Lord your God,
for it is he who givesyou power to get wealth,
that he may establish his covenant
which he swore to your fathers,
as it is his day.
Realize God wants toestablish his covenant.
He wants to do it foryou and for your children
and for your grandchildrenand your great-grandchildren.
He wants to establish hiscovenant with his people.
What is he looking for?
Well, he's looking foryour obedience to say,
all right, God, I'll live it your way.
I'll come into the, your kingdom.
I'll submit to your dominion
and then I will pray and ask and know
and have confidence myprayers will be answered.
This is January 2021.
If you want to put theseprinciples into practice,
this isn't something youdo on again, off again.
This is something yousay I commit as my life.
I want to do this week in, week out,
month in, month out, year in, year out.
I want to do this and Iwant to do it cheerfully
and I want to do it generously.
If you want to start doingthat, give us a call.
Say yes, I want to join the 700 Club.
We have a lot of different club levels.
We have 700 Club at $20 a month.
We have 700 Club Gold at $40.
1000 Club is $1,000 a year.
We have 2,500 Club.
Then we have Founder at $5,000 a year
and then Chairman'sCircle at $10,000 a year.
At whatever level, call and join
and when you call, make sureyou ask for a Pledge Express.
That's electronic, monthly giving.
You know your giving will beon time and every single month.
And we can send as our gift to you,
"Power for Life" monthly teaching CDs.
So if you'd like those, call us,
say I want to join Pledge Express.
You can go to,
when you give monthly on the internet
and you automatically sign up for it.
Or you can text, text "CBN" to 71777.
Either way, do it now.
- I'll never do it again.
That's what Cassie Moe vowed
after riding out Hurricane Laura.
Cassie figured she'd be okay
hunkered down in her brick home.
Instead, during the storm shefeared she was going to die.
- Rita was bad, but Ifigured, well, we can stay
because I had a brick home,
but this was way worse than Rita.
- [Man] Cassie Moe and her family
hunkered down during Hurricane Laura
in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
- Sounded like freight trains.
I was just waiting forthe roof to come off
and just taken us.
I thought we were gonna die, I really did.
And I would never do it again.
I'll never stay.
- [Man] The damage wasso bad, after the storm,
practically everyone inher neighborhood left.
- I was the only one in thewhole subdivision that stayed.
And it's like I was helpless.
- [Man] The damage to a roofwas covered by insurance,
but the devastation to her yard was not.
- I tried getting a lot of the stuff up.
You know, some of mydaughter's friends came,
but there's only so much that I can do.
I didn't know where to turn.
I didn't know what to do.
- [Man] Then a crew fromOperation Blessing arrived
with cleaning supplies,chainsaws, and more.
- It was so hard to find supplies
and then here y'all come.
I felt relief.
I felt found.
- [Man] Operation Blessing volunteers
cut trees, cleared debris,
and provided hope inCassie's time of need.
- If y'all wouldn't have come,
I don't know what, I don'tknow I would've done,
I don't know.
I cannot thank you all enough
and all I can say is Godis good, God is good.
- You know Cassie said, I felt found.
What she really is saying issomebody sees me in my need.
You know, that's reallywhat 700 Club members
do every day all around the world.
They see people in need andthey do something about it.
That's what happens when yousend a gift of 65 cents a day,
$20 a month and become a 700 Club member.
You are part of that team that exists.
It's already in place
here in the United Statesand internationally
and you really have anopportunity to meet people
just like Cassie rightat their point of need.
And not just give them thehelping hand that they need,
but that sense that somebodysees me, I am known,
somebody cares about me.
You know, you can't put aprice tag on hope, can you?
But today you can be a part of that
army of people who is caring,
who has already decidedwe're going to do this,
we're gonna commit, we'regonna make a difference.
If you haven't joined the 700 Club,
will you do that right now?
It's so simple.
Our number is toll free, 1-800-700-7000.
You just call and say Iwant to join the 700 Club.
As Gordon told you a few minutes ago,
there are many Club levels you can join.
65 cents a day, $20 a month
makes you a general club member.
Maybe you already are.
Would you go up to 700 Club Gold?
That's a gift of $40 a month
or you might want to join our 1000 Club.
That's $84 a month.
Become a 2,500 Club member
or a Founder at $5,000 a year.
That breaks down to $417 a month.
Right now, today, this moment you can have
the peace of knowing that you are
stepping up to the plate,making a difference,
caring about others,
and isn't that whatwe're all supposed to do.
I have something special for you.
When you join the 700 Clubor increase your membership,
we're gonna send you Pat's latest book.
You're gonna love it.
It's called, "I've Walkedwith the Living God."
The history and story of Pat's journey,
his faith and God'sresponse and faithfulness.
We want you to have this.
We think it'll really make adifference in your own walk.
Plus when you call,
if you say I'd like to use Pledge Express,
electronic monthly giving, you know,
your bank does all the work,
saves us some money sowe can put even more
of your gift into the livesof people like Cassie,
we're gonna send you a"Power for Life" teaching.
You'll get one of these every month.
It's our way of sayingthank you for caring.
So right now, 1-800-700-7000,
just say I wanna join the 700 Club
and I'd like to do itusing Pledge Express.
We say, thank you.
- Well when you join the 700 Club,
you'll also receive accessto the audio version,
"I Have Walked with the Giving God,"
read by actor, Kevin Sorbo.
You can listen at home or on the go
on your computer, phone, smart TV,
any of your favorite devices
using the CBS Family App or streaming link
when you join as a CBN partner today.
Well just imagine watchingyour grandchildren go hungry.
That's what broke agrandmother's heart in Cambodia.
The pandemic wiped outher family's livelihood.
Her neighbors were also suffering.
So she had nowhere to turn.
What kept them all from starving?
Take a look.
- [Man] Twelve-year-old Vanny
his brothers, and a cousin were all hungry
because the family had run out of food
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Normally we would have some porridge
because that's what grandma sells.
- [Man] Vanny's grandparentshave been raising
all of the children ever sincetheir parents abandoned them.
Grandpa lost his job andgrandma lost her ability
to sell food at her houseafter the government shut down.
- No one come to my place anymore.
Everyone is scared thatthey will catch the virus.
- [Man] Grandma saidwatching the four grandkids
go hungry has been thehardest thing for her.
- I am heartbroken when mygrandkids have nothing to eat.
I tried to borrow from the neighbor.
They are having a tough time too.
- [Man] Before the pandemic,
Vanny prayed to become a Christian
after watching an episodeof CBN's "Super Book."
He told his brother and cousinabout the Bible cartoons
and they became followers of Jesus too.
Finally Vanny invitedhis grandma to church
and she also he came a Christian.
Recently when Operation Blessing
learned that Vanny's family was suffering
from the economic impact of the shutdown,
we gave them a supply of food.
And to help them have a morestable income moving forward,
we gave them 100 chickensto raise and sell.
- We have food to eat.
I can sell eggs and thechickens and earn $15 a day.
When the virus comes down,
I will be able to startmy food business too.
Thank you for saving our lives.
- Well that thank yougoes from Cambodia to you
as a member of the 700 Club.
If you're a member, youare part of that outreach.
If you're not a member, join with us.
And if you are a member,consider increasing,
consider increasing in 2021.
Go to 700 Club Gold at $40 a month
or 1000 Club, $1,000 a year
and that breaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level, do it now
And make sure you ask for Pledge Express,
electronic monthly giving,
and we send is our gift to you
"Power for Life," monthly teaching CDs.
A lot of different ways
you can sign up for Pledge Express.
You can call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Say I'd like to join Pledge Express.
You can go to
You can give monthly on the internet
and automatically join.
Or you can text "CBN,"
those letters, "CBN," to 71777.
Either way, do it now.
And when you join, we'd like to thank you
by sending you my father's latest book.
It's called, "I Have Walkedwith the Living God."
Here's a segment from the book
that describes what it meansto be a servant leader.
Take a look
(upbeat music)
- Hi, this is Pat Robertson
with an excerpt from my new book,
"I Have Walked with the Living God,"
read by actor, Kevin Sorbo.
I hope it will help youin your walk with God.
- [Kevin] The Bible says that
although Jesus was God himself,
he did not feel that equality
with the Father wassomething to be grasped.
Instead he took on the form of a man
and became obedient unto death.
True leaders are those who are humble
and who feel that their calling is to
serve their fellowworkers, not dominate them.
- [Announcer] Get your copy today
when you become a CBN partner.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to
These challenging timescall for strength and faith.
- You're going to be just fine, just fine.
- [Announcer] You need the wisdom
to manage new responsibilities.
- Great job.
And Cally, please write a sentence.
- [Announcer] And the courage and favor
to fulfill life's demands.
- Hey, what's good, let's go.
- [Announcer] Get theinsight and power you need
to triumph from Pat Robertson's new book,
"I Have Walked with the Living God."
Pat shares his miraculous journey
that will inspire you and grow your faith.
- [Kevin] You can take one thing away
from this book, it is this.
Get rid of the clutter in your life.
Instead, spend your time inthe presence of the Lord.
- [Announcer] Learn howto overcome adversity
and live in God's blessing.
Get "I Have Walked withthe Living God" today.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to
to become a CBN partner.
Call now.
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washington
for this CBN News Break.
The Biden administrationis creating a commission
on reforming the Supreme Court.
Political reports the specific mandate
of the commission is still being decided,
but some members have already been chosen.
Biden promised such acommission during the campaign
amid the debate overpacking the Supreme Court.
The commission's report isexpected within six months.
Well San Francisco will be dropping
some famous names from its public schools.
The school board voting to change
the names of 44 schools forreasons including quote,
dishonorable legacies.
That means renaming schools after
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
who both owned slaves
and Abraham Lincoln who ended slavery.
Critics say his administration though
was harsh to Native Americans.
Several other former presidents
and other famous historical figures,
like Paul Revere, also made the list
as is current Democratic Senator
and former San FranciscoMayor Dianne Feinstein.
You can read more about this story
and always get the latest from CBS News
by going to our website at
Gordon and Terry will be back with more
today's 700 Club right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Like a baseball bat slamming his back.
That's how John Chase describedhis excruciating injury.
Even after receiving an epidural shot,
this rugged outdoorsmanwas in such intense pain
that he actually thoughtabout shooting himself.
So what stopped himright in his own garage?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] At over 60 years old,
John Chase loves living onthe water and staying active.
- So my whole life has been activity.
I mean, jet skiing, four-wheeling,
you know, that was my line of business.
So we were constantly,you know, very active,
you know, in the woods and on the water.
- [Narrator] In March of 2020,
his life came to a halt while working
under his boat trailer.
- I guess I had twistedmyself in the wrong position.
I had the most excruciating hit
like a baseball bat in my back feeling
and then it was just excruciating pain
and just crawled outof there into the house
and made it to the bedroom.
- [Narrator] John tried to endure the pain
as he drove himself to the doctor.
- The way the doctor explained it to me
that your bottom lower disk,
the very lowest one hasmajorly slipped over
from me crawling underneath that boat
and had jammed that sciatic nerve
and it was not letting off,
it was not gonna free itself.
- [Narrator] The doctor saidJohn might need surgery,
but suggested they try a series
of three epidural shots two weeks apart.
After the first one,
John didn't feel any relief.
- I'm a tough, grown man.
But when you're screamingout this horrible type
of scream to relieve the pain
and nonstop it's, you know,
that's the type of pain,
it's the only way I can describe it
and your face is white,
you're sweating, you're, you know,
just almost to the point ofpassing out type of pain.
- [Narrator] As John waitedfor his second epidural,
the pain became so severe
he didn't think he couldtake it any longer.
- At the time I was going through this,
very weird thoughts go through your head
and the pain was so bad.
I thought about shooting myself.
That's how bad the pain was.
And, but I wouldn't do itbecause I have a daughter.
- Finally, John receivedhis second epidural,
but still didn't feel any relief.
- That's when I really,really started losing faith.
Where am I going from here?
What am I going to do?
You know.
- [Narrator] One daywhile lying in his bed,
John decided to crawl into his garage
for a change of scenery and to watch TV.
Flipping through the channels,
he landed on the 700 Club andPat Robertson was praying.
- And I'm looking kinda down at that point
and he says, there'sa gentleman out there.
- Somebody has pulled a muscle
in your right side, it's the side of,
you were doing some kind ofstress, you were exercising,
and that muscle pulledand you've been in pain.
Just reach over and touch it,in the name of Jesus, touch.
- And I was like, he's gottabe, that's gotta be for me.
How else, who else could that be for?
And so what the heck, let me try it.
So I got up out of the chair
and I have this 100 feet more driveway.
And I said I'm gonna walk that,
I'm gonna see if this is real.
It was so incredible.
Nothing, no limp, no pain, no nothing.
And I was so much joy.
I walked the drivewayback and forth three times
to make sure it was real.
And I've had nothing since.
- [Narrator] Today, stillfree from back pain,
John is thrilled to be backto his active lifestyle
and enjoying the beauty ofGod's creation around him.
- God's country is so beautiful here.
So, you know, it's like,you want to get out there
on the water and just enjoy, you know,
the peace and the quietand just, you know,
it's so beautiful.
I just wish everyone wouldtake more time for God.
He is a healer.
- When something thatextreme happens to you,
you are so aware of the presence of God,
but you know what?
The presence of God iswith us all the time.
We just get busy or we getunderstandably caught up
in the things thatsometimes are hurting us
or causing pain in our lives,
in our bodies, in our relationships.
But God is there all the time.
We want to take some timeto pray for you today
as we've listened to John's story
Here's one, Gordon, that I,this is another great testimony.
Leonard lives in Michigan City, Indiana,
suffered from a bad knee,
decided to tune into this program.
While watching he heard you pray,
there is someone named Leonard
laying his hands on his left knee
and God has just healed that knee,
that pain, discomfort,the inability to move it,
all of that's gone,just get up and realize,
you can test it, you can lean on it,
you can put your weight on it.
God has healed you andrestored you in Jesus name.
So just like John, by faith,
Leonard touched his hurtingknee with both hands,
said he started feelingelectricity running
through the top of his head, like a wave.
Instantly his pain was gone.
- [Gordon] That's absolutely wonderful.
- [Terry] What a mighty God, he said.
- Here's Claude from California.
He was watching the 700 Club
hoping he would hear his issues mentioned.
Last month during the Healing Prayer,
Terry said there is someone who has
a social drinking problemand you drink white wine
because it seems less of a problem,
but it is a problem nonetheless.
God is taking it from you.
Claude knew the word was meant for him.
Alcohol had dominated hislife for the last 20 years.
No more.
As of this email, he is 28 days sober,
has no desire to drink again,
and God is good and hewill be good for you.
What did it take for Leonard?
What did it take for John?
What did it take for Claude?
It took hearing a word and then saying,
well that has to be for me,
they're talking about me.
And I want you to knowthe words are for you.
They're for you.
God cares infinitely about you.
You are worth the pricethat Jesus paid for you.
Here's a word for you,
if you have any doubt it's for you.
Whosoever would believe in him
would not perish buthave ever lasting life.
You are whosoever.
The word in James chapter five.
If any of you are sick, let them call
and the prayer of faithwill raise them up.
You can be part of any.
We're going to pray in an act of faith,
just what you heard in these reports.
People laid hands on that area
of the body that needed healing.
You can lay hands on yourself
and you can believe and God will heal you.
He watches over his word to perform it.
Let's pray believing.
Let's be a whosoever wouldbelieve, let's do that
and get the same results.
Lord, we come to you.
We come boldly to the throne of grace.
We come boldly into your mercy.
Not on anything that we have done,
but on what Jesus has done,
that he died for us,that he traded his life
so that we could be withyou for all eternity.
So Lord God stretch forthyour hand to do miracles.
Restore health, restoreeverything that has been taken,
give life and life more abundantly
because that's the reason you came.
There's someone you'relaying your right hand
on your right kidney in the back
and you're saying please say kidney.
So for you, kidney.
Your kidney is beingrestored and being healed.
All of that is leaving in Jesus name.
All the disease is leaving right now.
Just receive it.
Receive your heal.
- Yeah, restoration isthe word for you Rosalyn.
And your name is notRosalyn, it's Rosalyn.
And you are so discouraged and alone.
God is answering the thingyou have asked of him.
He's with you right now.
You have never been alone,
but just put up your hands,receive it and thank him.
- All right.
If you need healing, call us.
All you have to do is pick up the phone.
Here's a word from Psalm 30.
Oh Lord my God,
I cried out to you and you healed me.
God bless.
We'll see you tomorrow.
(upbeat music)