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Facing a Depleted Income and Financial Fears—But God Had a Way!

Brian and Rochelle were a two-income family and lived financially stress-free—until Rochelle became a stay-at-home mom to her three children. One paycheck didn’t cover the expenses and financial fear set in. They were desperate for an answer ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] For years, bothBrian and Rochelle Lindsey

were teachers with acombined income that allowed

them to have a financiallystress-free life.

- If I wanted to spend, no problem,

'cause I knew every twoweeks I would get a check.

She would get a check as well.

Then right before theyhad their third child,

Rochelle quit teachingto be a stay-at-home mom.

- I just felt like God wasleading me to stay home.

And we didn't talk aboutlike how we were gonna budget

and what we were gonna spend.

- [Narrator] At first, theyused Rochelle's retirement

to get by.

When they ran out, theydidn't have enough to live on.

- It was a lot of fearof not really knowing

what tomorrow will looklike or even that day,

just, you know, us really being poor.

And I felt like a lot of it was my fault.

- Everything seemed tojust come crashing down

all at one time.

You know, on top of medicalbills, car payments,

light bills, phonebills, student loan debt.

We were taking food from churches.

- [Narrator] Sometimes theLindsays couldn't even pay

their utilities on time.

- I was in the kitchencooking and our lights

were turned off.

Oh, this is very humbling(laughs), but I had to go up

to a ministry that helpyou pay your bills.

- It was frustrating, difficult,because being the head

of the household, that'syour number one priority

as a man to take care of your family.

And when you just can't,it's pretty tough.

- [Narrator] Brian andRochelle are Christians,

but they had a hard timetrusting God with their money.

- I just felt like Hewasn't moving fast enough,

so made some stupid choices or just,

you know, continued to wallowin depression and self pity.

- [Narrator] The coupleoccasionally gave at church,

but usually thoughtthey couldn't afford it.

- Because of fear, justpure fear that, you know,

I might not have money for gas.

I could use my tithing money.

- [Narrator] After their truck was repoed,

the Lindsays knew something had to change.

- I felt like it was,what else is there to do,

but trust God?

- [Narrator] Theysurrendered their own plans

and prayed for help.

Shortly after that, Brian gotan idea for a side business

to increase their incomeand get them out of

their financial hole.

- I saw two of my formerstudents leaned up against their

mother, while she's tryingto tell them to pedal.

And as soon as I saw it,immediately, I was like, that's it.

I'm gonna teach kids how to ride bike.

- [Narrator] Mr. B's Bike Camp took off.

- [Brian] God blessedme with this business.

- The first year, Ithink he had 20 students.

The next year he had over 70.

- [Narrator] Soon, the couplestarted intentionally tithing.

- My mom always said, "Hey,don't just tithe without knowing

"what are you believing for?"

"What are you praying for?"

So I started writing onthe back of my envelopes,

increase in business and a new truck.

- [Narrator] As thecouple continued to give,

Brian got that new truck and the income

from Mr. B's Bike Camp shot up by 400%.

Business even increased duringthe Coronavirus pandemic.

Once again, they havea comfortable lifestyle

and no longer worryabout how they're going

to pay their bills.

- Now the mindset is, who canwe bless, who can we bless?

- [Narrator] The Lindsaysencourage others to trust God

with their financial strugglesand take a step of faith.

- With everything goingon, I feel God needs you

to step out of your comfortzone so that He can use you

in the way that He needs to use you.

You have to surrender.

Just say, Hey Lord, I'mcoming to you first,

right now, straight off the top,

what do you want from meduring this situation?

- I believe that, youknow, God's word is true,

that you do reap what you sow.

God not only wants us tobe receivers, but give.

Ultimately, it's to seehim glorified and lifted up

through all of this.


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