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The 700 Club - September 22, 2020

Brian and Rochelle were a two-income family and lived financially stress-free—until Rochelle became a stay-at-home mom to her three children. One paycheck didn’t cover the expenses and financial fear set in. They were desperate for an answer ... Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Gordon] Coming up: when they dated,

they partied hard.

- [Danielle] Smoking a lot ofweed, we were doing cocaine.

- [Gordon] After theymarried she settled down

but he didn't.

- I was not thinking about her.

I was thinking about myself,

- [Gordon] Why she split.

- Felt like we were bothgoing in different directions.

- [Gordon] And the power thatbrought them back together.

- I felt somethingreally deep in my heart.

I want that.

- On today's "700 Club."

(adventurous music)

Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Republicans think they have the votes,

so they're moving forward toconfirm a Supreme Court nominee

before the November election.

And no surprise, theDemocrats are now threatening

all out war.

- They can't stop the nomination,

so what retaliationare Democrats planning?

Dale Hurd explains.

- Republican leadersbelieve they have the votes

to confirm a nominee replacingJustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,

and the president says he won'tlet Democrat threats stand

in his way.

- Now they want to impeach meagain if I nominate somebody.

Go ahead. I want them to do that.

- [Dale] And Senate MajorityLeader Mitch McConnell says

the nomination process is going forward.

- This Senate will vote onthis nomination this year.

- [Dale] Democrats, includingpresidential candidate

Joe Biden, want Republicans to wait

until after the election,

accusing Republicans of blatant hypocrisy.

- Why not just come to the floor and say

I'm gonna do what's everbest for my political party.

- [Dale] President Trump has already met

with appeals courtjudge Amy Coney Barrett,

a practicing Catholic whois considered the favorite

to replace Justice Ginsburg.

Barrett from Indiana is a former clerk

for Justice Antonin Scalia.

In confirmation hearings forher current judicial post,

Democrats took issuewith her Catholic faith.

- The dogma lives loudly within you.

That's of concern

when you come to big issues.

- It's never appropriate for a judge

to impose that judge'spersonal convictions

whether they derive from faithor anywhere else on the law.

- [Dale] Support in the Senate is growing

with Senators Charles Grassleyand Cory Gardner saying

they'll consider nominees

while Mitt Romney's supportis still in question.

Republican Senator LindseyGraham told Fox News

Republicans have the votes

and they're not afraidof Democrats threats.

- I've seen this movie before.

It's not gonna work.

It didn't work with Kavanagh.

We've got the votes to confirm

a Justice Ginsburg replacement.

- [Dale] Democrats arethreatening to go scorched earth

if Republicans install a new justice

and Joe Biden wins the election

by packing the Supreme Court,

abolishing the Senate filibuster,

and granting statehood toWashington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

John Daniel Davidson, politicaleditor at "The Federalist,"

writes that Democratsjust made the constitution

an election issue.

- This is sort of a culmination

of increasing extremismfrom the Democrats.

They've long wanted to erodeconstitutional mechanisms

that are a check againsta pure majoritarian rule.

- The president is expectedto name his nominee

Friday or Saturday.

Justice Ginsburg will lie inrepose in the Supreme Court

Wednesday and Thursday.

On Friday she'll lie instate in the Capitol,

the first woman to do so.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, the battle is on,

and of course politicalparties are going to act

in their own self interest.

That's what politics is all about,

so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone

that this has become a political issue.

It has been for some time,

but the thing thatwe're losing sight of is

why are the Supreme Court justices...

Why has it become so heavily politicized?

You go back in history,

and Judge Bork was the first one

that it was just this all out war

to make sure that he doesn'tget on the Supreme Court.

That was a successful thing

because the Republicanscouldn't hold together

under Ronald Reagan in orderto ensure his nomination

to the bench.

The reason it's so political is

that left is deathly afraidabout Roe versus Wade.

So if your constitutional rights

and what you think areyour constitutional rights

are based on individualdecisions by the Supreme Court,

well, that's a very shaky ground.

And that's why these thingshave gotten so heated

and why it's no-holds-barred warfare,

open warfare, blood warfare,

where you can't just win,

you actually have todestroy the other side

because you think so much is at stake.

Keep in mind if Roeversus Wade is overruled

by a new majority on the Supreme Court,

which is very likely to happen...

Lots of legal scholars have criticized

that it's based on penumbrasof the constitution,

it's not based on the constitution.

Penumbra is an astronomical term talking

about partial shadows on the moon.

So if it's a penumbra of the constitution,

then quite clearly, it'snot in the constitution.

So what happens if Roeversus Wade is overturned?

Well, then the issue about abortion

goes back to the state legislatures,

which is where it should'vebeen in the first place.

It should've never been thiskind of political battle.

We're in the process ofdestroying our Republic,

and we're ratcheting up the speech

where you can't possibly compromise,

you can't possibly see the other side,

you can't possibly go anywhere

because we have taken awayone of the fundamentals.

And the fundamental is if youwant our society to change,

you have to do it through the legislature,

you should not do itthrough the court system.

Because we've chosen to doit through the court system

and because we've allowedthe Supreme Court to take on

this role that thefounders never intended,

we're in the state we're in today.

Well, in other news, the approaching 200,000 deaths

from the coronavirus.

At the same time, Americansappear to be losing confidence

in a vaccine.

John Jessup has more on that story

from our CBN News Bureau in Washington.


- That's right Gordon,Johns Hopkins is reporting

199,890 people have died so far.

Meanwhile, Americans'confidence in vaccines

appears to be plummeting.

New survey shows only 13% say

they'd be willing to try one immediately.

And this comes as the CDC is pulling back

from guidelines it published last week.

Friday, the agency postedthat droplets can travel

more than six feet in some settings,

like gyms, restaurants,and choir practices.

On Monday, the agency tookthat information down,

saying it was only a draftand posted too early.

Well, as we all are well aware,

the coronavirus is impactingAmerican lives in so many ways.

Now we're learning thatit's a driving factor

behind a 93% increase

in the number of childrensexually solicited online.

As Lorie Johnson reports,

since the country's virtual lockdown,

children are spendingmuch more time online,

and that means parents need to be

on the lookout for predators.

- Online child sex predatorshave been more active than ever

during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pretending to be kids themselves,

they ask their victims for nude pictures

and even arrange to meet them for sex

or try to force them into slavery.

Just last monthauthorities arrested 34 men

in Fresno, California,

as part of Operation COVID Chatdown.

The suspects thought they weretrapping 12 and 13 year olds

when they were actually communicating

with undercover cops posing as kids.

Too often, however,predators get away with it.

- The access to our kids isthere through online gadgets.

You think of a child predator

who may have to deal with restrictions

of being away from aschool or away from a mall.

Well, online, those don't apply.

They're looking for kids.

They're just like cockroachesall over the online world

looking for kids to target.

- [Lorie] As the head

of a leading crimeprevention organization,

Rania Mankarious says parentsneed to understand the extent

of this sexual exploitation

and warn their childrento be on their guard.

- I'll always say that apredator's greatest wish is

that the family stays naive,

that the parents are naive,

that the kids are naive.

It gives them an opensegway into the house.

- [Lorie] She says predatorsuse phones, tablets,

and computers to reach kidsthrough social media sites.

And we're not just talking

about Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Kids are drawn to the latest popular apps

like TikTok almost weekly.

Parents can keep up through websites,

like Crimestoppers and others.

- They are really detailedin walking parents

through dangers and trends andhow to protect their phones.

You can actually go throughthis whole questionnaire

about what kind of computers you use,

what type of firewall you have,

do you use Chrome or Google,

or what search engines you use, what apps.

It will literally create acustomized platform for you

or directions on how to protect your kids,

and it will rate the apps andshare what's wrong with them.

- [Lorie] Parents also needto literally look at each app

on their kids' phones

and check them out on the app store.

Many don't know thatApple apps, for example,

carry age ratings which identifysexual content and nudity.

Children must never reveal their location

and should double-check apps like Snapchat

which track automatically.

- We encourage kids to disable

whenever possible GPS tracking devices

from any of these apps

because beyond not overtlysharing information,

you can be sharing thatinformation without even knowing

just by having the phone in your pocket.

- Most important, kids need to understand

they should never meet in person

someone they've gotten to know online.

In fact, they should tell their parents

and perhaps even the police

if someone they metonline is pressuring them

to get together face to face.

Laurie Johnson, CBN News.

- Important information, thanks, Laurie,

and for a list of website addresses

for Crimestoppers and others,

you can go to our website,

Well, turning now to the unrest

that has rocked ournation in recent months,

the Department of Justice taking action

against cities it saysaren't protecting citizens

from destructive protestsand criminal behavior.

Monday, the DOJ named Portland, Oregon,

Seattle, and New York City

as jurisdictions where localgovernments are, quote,

"Permitting anarchy,violence, and destruction."

The designation could resultin a loss of federal funds.

Attorney General BillBarr's letter states:

We cannot allow federaltax dollars to be wasted

when the safety of the citizenry

hangs in the balance.

President Trump has harshly criticized

Portland's Democrat leaders

for not putting down violent protests

that have continued formore than a hundred days.

- If you look at Portland,

you look at what's goingon there, what a mess.

Go ahead, and we can straighten it out.

All Democrats, all radical lefts.

We could straighten it out so fast.

Go ahead.

- In New York City, wherecity officials cut $1 billion

from the police budget,violent crime has shot up.

The city has seen at least321 murders so far this year,

surpassing the 319recorded in all of 2019.

Well, a New York Citypolice officer is in custody

for allegedly spying forthe Chinese government.

The man is charged with illegallyacting as a foreign agent,

wire fraud, and making false statements.

He worked in Queens where authorities say

he collected and passed along information

on ethnic Tibetans tothe Chinese consulate.

He also tried to connect hiscontacts in the consulate

with influential members of the NYPD.

The former officer isa naturalized citizen

and a reservist in the U.S. military.

The city's police commissioner said

he violated every oathhe took in this country.

Well, turning now to the stormassaulting the Gulf Coast,

nearly 11 million people areunder flash flood watches

all along the Texas-Louisiana coast.

Tropical Storm Beta madelandfall late Monday night

between Corpus Christiand Galveston, Texas.

The storm surge and high winds

swept away this dockand washed out beaches.

The slow moving storm isexpected to linger over the coast

for two to three days,

dropping up to 15 inchesof rain in some areas.

Beta is the ninth named storm

to hit the United States mainland

in the 2020 hurricane season.

The last time that manystorms made landfall

was back in 1916,

WeatherBell chiefforecaster Joe Bastardi told

our "CBN NewsWatch" program

there's more to come.

- But we believe that the month of October

will have one or two stormscome out of the Caribbean

and perhaps some major hurricanescoming out the Caribbean.

It's the pattern we're in.

We outlined it back in April.

We're still in it.

- And Gordon, let's hopethat forecast is off.

- Oh, I do hope that forecast is off

because this has been a record year,

and if we get two more,

it'll stand for another 100 years.

When you have to look back 100 years

to say you've got asimilar weather pattern,

you know how bad it's been.

If you wanna be a part

of Operation Blessing's disaster relief,

there are multiple locations now

throughout the Gulf Coast.

We were primarily inLouisiana, Lake Charles,

but now expanded disaster relief.

You can be a part of it

by just calling us: 1-800-700-7000.

You can also write to us:

Disaster Relief Fund, CBN Center,

Virginia Beach, Virginia, 23463.


- The Gulf Coast must be so weary.

I mean, pray for them.

Well, coming up later:

instant gratification, drinking,

doing drugs, watchingporn, and having sex,

that's what consumed this husband

until his wife found out.

How can their marriage be saved?

That's coming up.

But first, the founder of Blexit

is now calling for a blackout.

Candace Owens tells

how black America canmake its second escape

from the Democrat plantation.

What backlash is thisoutspoken conservative facing

for her views?

Find out after this.

(epic music continues)

(momentous music)

- Well, what happens whenyou turn conservative?

Well, get ready for social lynchings,

being smeared as a white supremacist,

and even being calleda Hitler sympathizer.

Candace Owens is a black conservative

who thinks the policies of the left

hurt the black community,

and she's calling for blacksto liberate themselves

from what she calls theDemocrat plantation.

Charlene Aaron explains.

- Political activist Candace Owens says

the time has come for African Americans

to unshackle themselves politically,

and the outspoken conservativeisn't afraid to point out

why she feels many of the left's policies

actually hurt the black community.

As a conservativefirebrand eager to tackle

controversial issues of the day,

Owens is challenging black Americans

to think outside the box.

Recently, on the Ben Shapiro show,

she accused Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders

of pandering to blacks

after the two wereinterviewed by rapper Cardi B.

- It is demeaning. It is pandering.

It is ridiculous,

and she asked pointedlyridiculous questions.

"I want lower taxes,

but I want universal healthcare for all."

She had no idea what she was doing,

and yet both Bernie Sanders

and Joe Biden made thetime to sit with her

because they believeblack people are stupid.

- For decades, African-Americans have been

a loyal voting block for Democrats

with 89% supporting Hillary Clinton

over Donald Trump in 2016.

In her new book "Blackout:

How Black America CanMake Its Second Escape

from the DemocratPlantation," Owens explains

how liberal politicians takethe black vote for granted

and why she moved toembrace conservative ideals.

- When I had my aha moment,

which really happened with me just looking

at Trump coming down theescalator, being like,

"This man is crazy. I don'twant this guy to be president."

But then hearing him when he said,

"Black America, what do you have to lose?"

and he listed the statistics,

and I knew that I came from afamily that was impoverished,

and I have so many cousinsthat are on welfare,

I thought to myself, "Yeah,no, what do we have to lose?"

- [Charlene] Owens points to

how president Trump has made progress

within the black communityafter helping achieve

historically low unemploymentfor African Americans

and prison reform.

She argues while Democrats havelong acknowledged struggles

in the black community, theydo very little to solve them.

- This hasn't worked out for us.

Exactly right, look at our neighborhoods.

Look at the condition of our families.

Look at the crime statistics.

Look at the father absence statistics.

What could go worse?

That was sort of my perspective

when I decided to supportthe president, and now

after watching his performanceover the last three years,

things have gotten better.

Black Americans are better off

with Donald J. Trump in president

than we were after eightyears of Barack Obama,

who was the first black president.

- [Charlene] As a black conservative,

she faces backlash for her views,

something she calls a double standard.

- Be an outspoken blackliberal, you're treated fine,

the media glorifies you.

I've gone through somany social lynchings.

I've been smeared as a whitesupremacist believe it or not.

I've been called a Hitler sympathizer.

It really is somethingfor people to consider.

If we are actually freeas black Americans,

why are we not free tochoose to be conservative?

- [Charlene] As founder of Blexit,

the exit of black Americansfrom the Democrat party,

Owens says more African Americansare seeing a difference,

comparing the president's results

to the lack of progress by Democrats.

- I really do believe that the exit polls

of this election aregoing to shock everybody.

I think people are thinking differently.

That's all I've ever wanted.

I wanted to destroy the monolith.

- [Charlene] On recentattacks against police

across the country,

Owens tweeted to her morethan 2 million followers

that Black Lives Matter

and the complicit media organizations,

athletes, and entertainers

are to blame.

- Just they love theblack-versus-white narrative.

The proper context thatpolice officers are killed

by black men 18 1/2 times more.

- [Charlene] Owens alsowrites about why she feels

the left wants to separate black Americans

from their faith in God

and replace it with a faith in government.

- We are seeing this purposeful push

even in the mainstream media.

The reason for that is because

in order for a government to grow,

which is what the left is after,

that's what socialism is,

it's just the ultimate powergiven to the government,

in order for a government togrow, you have to make sure

that individuals and familyunits believe in nothing,

that family units can't exist,a belief in God can exist,

you actually need for God tobe replaced by the government.

- [Charlene] It is anissue Owens holds dear

as her personal faith guidesher political beliefs.

- My husband and I goto church every Sunday.

Actually, we go to thesame church as Mike Pence,

ironically, because we live here in DC.

We didn't know he wentto the same church as us.

We read the Bible everynight before we go to bed.

That is just a part ofwhat, I think, humbles me.

- [Charlene] Yet, whenit comes to fighting

for her conservative values,

Owens feels called to the front line.

- For so long blackconservatives have been

too educated, too polite,not willing to fight back

when they're called UncleToms, when they're smeared

as coons and all of thesehorrible racial slurs.

I have a different attitude about it.

I'm unapologetically a black conservative.

If somebody has somethingrude to say to me,

I am willing to speak back to them.

- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Well, Candace has it right.

If you lose God in your culture,

if there is no fear of God, what happens?

Suddenly your culture becomeswhat you can get away with.

That's one side of it.

We certainly have seen that in America,

but the other side of it is

the end of socialism andthe end of communism,

the state becomes everything.

The state becomes your God.

All your rights derive fromthe state, not from God.

All of your privileges,

what you are entitled to,

all comes from the state.

That's a society I franklydon't wanna live in.

That always turns into a dictatorship.

We've seen it again and again and again.

When you look at whensocialism takes over,

when communism takes over,

individual liberty goes away,

and you have to do things in accordance

with what the state dictates to you

rather than what yourconscience dictates you.

So Candace has it right for America.

I actually am in fear of our future.

If we get rid of "underGod" from our, our pledge,

and it's now under thelaws of the United States,

then that's a completelydifferent social contract.

Candace Owens' book is titled "Blackout:

How Black America CanMake Its Second Escape

from the Democrat Plantation,"

and you can find itwherever books are sold.


- Up next, the lights went out

because this couplecouldn't pay their bills.

How did a desperate prayer for help lead

to an idea for a side business?

And what made their incomefrom that side business

shoot up by 400%?

The answer's after this.

(hopeful music continues)

(upbeat music)

- The lights went out.

Then later, Brian and Rochellehad their truck repossessed.

This couple was fallingfurther and further behind

in their bills.

So they uttered adesperate prayer for help.

What happened next?

And how did it lead to a400% increase in income?

Well, take a look.

- [Narrator] For years, bothBrian and Rochelle Lindsey

were teachers with a combined income

that allowed them to have afinancially stress-free life.

- If I wanted to spend, no problem

'cause I knew every twoweeks I we get a check,

she would get a check as well.

- [Narrator] Then right beforethey had their third child,

Rochelle quit teachingto be a stay-at-home mom.

- I just felt like God wasleading me to stay home.

We didn't talk about likehow we were gonna budget

and what we're going to spend

- [Narrator] At first, theyused Rochelle's retirement

to get by.

When they ran out,

they didn't have enough to live on.

- It was a lotta fear

of not really knowing whattomorrow will look like

or even that day, just us

really being poor.

I felt like a lot of it was my fault.

- Everything seemed tojust come crashing down

all at one time

on top of medical bills, car payments,

light bills, phonebills, student loan debt.

We were taking food from churches.

- [Narrator] Sometimes theLindseys couldn't even pay

their utilities on time.

- I was in the kitchen cooking,

and our lights were turned off.

Oh, this is very humbling,but I had to go up to a...

It's a ministry thathelp you pay your bills.

- I was frustrating, difficult

because, being the head of the household,

that's your number-one priority as a man,

take care of your family,and when you just can't,

that's pretty tough.

- [Narrator] Brian andRochelle are Christians,

but they had a hard timetrusting God with their money.

- I just felt like he wasn'tmoving fast enough so made some

stupid choices or just

continued to wallow indepression and self pity.

- [Narrator] The coupleoccasionally gave at church,

but usually thoughtthey couldn't afford it.

- Because of fear, just pure fear

that I might not have money for gas.

I could use my tithing money.

- [Narrator] After their trunk was repoed,

the Lindseys knew something had to change.

- I felt like it was

what else is there to do but trust God?

- [Narrator] Theysurrendered their own plans

and prayed for help.

Shortly after that

Brian got an idea for a side business

to increase their income

and get them out of their financial hole.

- I saw two of my formerstudents leaned up

against their mother

while she's trying to tell them to peddle,

and soon as I saw it,

immediately, I was like, "That's it.

I'm gonna teach thekids how to ride bike."

- [Narrator] Mr. B's Bike Camp took off.

- [Brian] God blessedme with this business.

- The first year I thinkhe had 20 students.

The next year he had over 70.

- [Narrator] Soon, the couplestarted intentionally tithing.

- My mom always said, "Hey,

don't just tithe without knowingwhat are you believing for.

What are you praying for?"

So I started writing onthe back of my envelopes,

"Increase in business and a new truck."

- [Narrator] As thecouple continued to give,

Brian got that new truck,

and the income from Mr. B's Bike Camp

shot up by 400%.

Business even increased duringthe coronavirus pandemic.

Once again, they havea comfortable lifestyle

and no longer worry

about how they're goingto pay their bills.

- Now the mindset is who canwe bless, who can we bless.

- [Narrator] The Lindseysencourage others to trust God

with their financial struggles

and take a step of faith.

- With everything going on,

I feel God needs you to stepout of your comfort zone

so that he can use you in theway that he needs to use you.

You have to surrender.

Just say, "Hey, Lord,I'm coming to you first.

Right now, straight off the top,

what do you want from meduring this situation?"

- I believe that God's word is true,

that you do reap what you sow

'cause God not only wantsus to be receivers but give.

Ultimately, it's to seehim glorified and lifted up

through all of this.

- What a wonderful story.

What a wonderful outcome.

God watches over his word to perform it.

When you put him to the test,

he always comes through.

Brian's mother, what agreat teaching to give

to your son,

when you tithe,

ask God for things,

make sure you're tithing intentionally.

It reinforces two things.

One is giving to Godneeds to be a priority.

It's not some on-again, off-again thing.

It's not something where,

"Okay, I'll do this,I'll tip God, whatever."

It's a life of giving.

It's a life of generosity.

It's a life of cheerfully giving.

But then it's a life of intention.

It fulfills what scripture talks about.

Here it is in Deuteronomy 8:

Remember the Lord your God,

for it is He who givesyou power to get wealth

that He may establish his covenant,

which He swore to yourfathers as it is this day.

When you remember God

and remember that it's his ability

to give you the power to get wealth,

when you do that,

then wonderful things happen.

For Brian it was just being observant

and seeing something and going,"Well, that's a great idea,

I could start a business doing that,

that's in my wheel house."

Then it gives him the power to get wealth,

the power to give even more,

and the power now to be ablessing to other people.

What a wonderful outcome.

Now, imagine what God can do with you.

He's a God of creative ideas,

and he wants to givehis children creativity.

We're made in his image.

If you start living life God's way,

he will give you that creativity.

he will give you good things to walk into.

He watches over his word to perform it.


- Well, when the COVID pandemic hit,

Chastity lost half her income.

As a single mom,

she was struggling to paythe bills and put food

on the table.

So where did she turn for help?

And how did she and her kids get much more

than they bargained for?

You're about to find out.

- [Narrator] Chastity is a single mother

who loves spending timeoutdoors with her children.

When the COVID pandemicforced them to stay inside

and disrupted her income,

she didn't know where to turn.

- I lost half of my pay,

half of my income, for a couple of months.

It was very hard

trying to make my car payment

and trying to keepeverything paid by myself

as a single mom.

- [Narrator] She knew she needed help.

That's when some friends told her

about Operation Blessingpartner OpenDoor Church

in Burleson, Texas.

- My daughter likes to bake,

and it was when we wentto Operation Blessing

they loaded my car up.

I mean completely full.

They brought three or four dozen eggs.

She just lit up.

She was just so excited.

There were so many kind people there.

It was a huge blessing.

My daughter, she'llprobably never forget it.

It was just eggs, but itwas the thought behind that.

She literally went homeand made a Bundt cake

and decorated her cake.

It made her week.

- [Narrator] Thanks toOperation Blessing partners,

Chastity was able toget the help she needed

to feed her children.

- I want to thank everyone whogave to Operation Blessing.

I know I personally was very, very blessed

by Operation Blessing.

One day I would love to give back.

- One day I'm sure she will.

One day it's my prediction

that Chastity's daughterwill give back as well

because of what she saw, but listen,

we're all in this together, aren't we?

She said one of the thingsthat was such a blessing

about going to thisOperation Blessing outreach

was the joy that was there,the people that were there.

- We're all ordinarypeople helping each other

through extraordinary circumstances.

We want to invite youto be a part of that.

Some of you who are watching today

may be in the same situationthat Chastity's in.

There's help for you when weall stick together in this.

So if you're a 700 Clubmember, I wanna say thank you

because it's your giftthat allows us to be there,

putting groceries in the cars of Americans

who have been impacted bythis whole COVID-19 issue.

If you're not a 700 Club member,

what a great opportunity for you to join

to become a part oftouching people's lives

right at their point of need

in such a practical day-to-day way.

65 cents a day, $20 a month,

makes you a 700 Club member,

But for those of you whoare club members already,

can I show you the various club levels

because we wanna invite youto go up to the next level

from wherever you're at.

You could join 700 Club Gold.

That's a gift of $40 a month.

Or go up to the 1000Club level, $84 a month.

We have 2500 Club memberswho join us at $209 a month.

Then you see there are Founders.

That's $417 a month.

You can do something todayto make a difference,

so join with the rest of us.

Our number's toll-free, couldn'tbe easier, 1-800-700-7000.

You just call and say Iwanna join the 700 Club.

When you do that, ourway of saying thank you

for caring about others,"The Name of God,"

this is Gordon's latest teaching,and I absolutely loved it.

We're all looking forways to deepen our faith,

to encourage us in our faith.

I think this'll do that for you

because it talks aboutthe character of God

and how does that translateto our relationship with him.

This is our gift to youwhen you join the 700 Club.

So will you call that toll freenumber now, 1-800-700-7000.


- $1 a day.

That's all a family of seven in Cambodia

had to live on

after their father lost his job

due to the pandemic.

Srey Nget is one of his five children.

She spends her days crying from hunger

and desperately doing all she can

to keep her family from starving.

- [Narrator] 10-year-old Srey Nget

and her brothers andsisters were starving.

She cried as she told ushow her family has suffered

since the outbreak ofCOVID-19 in Cambodia.

(Srey speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] We don'thave anything to eat.

My daddy lost his job.

I saw my sister cryingbecause she was hungry.

That makes me cry too.

- [Narrator] After he lost his job,

Srey Nget's dad triedto earn a few dollars

as a motorcycle taxi driver.

His wife explained howdifficult that has been.

(Srey's mother speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Nowhe's only make $1 a day,

and we have five children.

I feel so helpless, notbeing able to feed them.

- [Narrator] Srey Nget triedto help any way she could.

(Srey speaks in foreign language)

- [Interpreter] Sometime, Iwent and found tiny crabs.

Other times, I collected wild berries.

- [Narrator] We first met Srey Nget

through a CBN SuperbookSunday School program

in her village.

A missionary pastorvisited them every week

before the COVID virus.

During one class Srey Ngetprayed to become a Christian

after watching the Superbookepisode about Noah and the ark.

She then helped her entirefamily to become Christians too.

- [Interpreter] I wanted myfamily to believe in Jesus

so that we can all go toheaven together someday.

I wanted them to besafe like Noah's family.

- [Narrator] Meanwhile, tohelp families struggling

with food shortages and even starvation

during the COVID-19 shutdown,

Operation Blessingdelivered hundreds of bags

of food and other groceries

to Srey Nget's family andothers in the community.

- [Interpreter] Thank you for helping us

in our time of need.

I am speechless.

Now I am crying for joy.

- [Interpreter] Now myfamily has food to eat.

Thank you to all people who help us!

(Srey laughs)

- And that thank-you fromCambodia goes all the way to you

if you are a member of the 700 Club.

How much is it to join?

Well, it's just $20 a month.

That's 65 cents a day.

Just start thinking what happens

when tens of thousands ofpeople say yes to that.

The amazing things can happen.

You can reach the world.

You can help people around the world.

You can help people right at home.

Now, some of you can givemore than $20 a month.

We have 700 Club Gold at $40 a month.

We also have a 1000 Club.

That's a $1000 a year.

That breaks out to $84 a month.

But at whatever level,

just imagine you're doing your part,

and you're joining withtens of thousands of others

who say yes, let's make a difference.

In the middle of thispandemic, let's help people.

Let's make sure people inAmerica have enough food

to get through the month.

Let's let's help peoplewho are literally starving

because they can't find work in Cambodia.

Let's help them.

Let's do our part.

And while we're at it,let's preach the gospel.

Let's tell them that there'sa God who loves them,

who wants to be with them

and all they have to do to is turn to him.

If you wanna do that,

if you wanna be a part of all of that,

join the 700 Club.

Call us right now, 1-800-700-7000.

When you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express.

That's electronic monthly giving.

The bank is doing all the work,

and we can send as our gift to you

"Power for Life" monthly teaching CDs.

So if you'd like those,ask for Pledge Express

when you call.

And when you call and pledge,

we'll send you this wonderfulDVD on the names of God.

One of them is Jehovah Shalom,

and that means the Lord our Peace.

That name has tremendous power.

just ask Noah Stolz and his parents

who found peace in thename of Jehovah Shalom.

(commanding music)

When four-year-old Noahwas rushed to the ER

with a mysterious illness,

the doctors told his parents

that unless they couldget Noah stabilized,

he was going to die.

When you're gettingthis kind of diagnosis,

how do you find peace?

Well, he found it in prayer,

and God spoke to himand gave him that peace

that he needed to get through.

That's when a supernatural peace took over

in Noah's father's heart andhe knew that Jehovah Shalom,

The Lord our Peace, was with him.

These are times of warfare.

You go into the strong tower

when you're under attack.

- [Announcer] CBN presents"The Name of God,"

the latest teaching by Gordon Robertson.

- God has given you theright to carry his name.

That is life changing.

- [Announcer] Discover thepeace, healing, provision,

and protection that can be foundin the Lord's name, plus...

- You're going to see sometremendous real-life stories

of people who have seen firsthand

what trusting in the name of God can do.

- The thought of losing Noah was one

of the most terrifying thingsI've ever walked through.

- I could hear my house being shredded,

and I heard my wifescreaming over the phone.

- I knew that God didn't lie to me.

I knew that God didn't forget about me.

- This is God's promise.

This is the way this is the answer.

Go into that strong tower.

- [Announcer] Get your DVD copyof "The Name of God" today.

Call now or go to

(tense music)

- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN Newsbreak.

President Trump has signed

an executive order spelling out

how the United States willreimpose sanctions on Iran.

The administration says it's necessary

because the Iranian regime isn't complying

with the 2015 nuclear deal.

Other countries say the move is illegal

because the president pulledout of that agreement.

The U.S. says it still has theright to reimpose sanctions

because it was one of theoriginal countries involved

in the deal.

Well, the newest branch ofthe United States military

has deployed its firstsquadron overseas this month.

The Space Force now has 20airman stationed at an air base

in Qatar on the Arabian Peninsula.

The base is home to the headquarters

of the United States Central Command

and the United States AirForce Central Command.

The 20 members of the AirForce enter the Space Force

in a swearing in ceremony.

Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN News

by going to our website at

Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of "The 700 Club"

right after this.

(tense music)

(persevering music)

- For years, DanielleGonzalez loved to party hard

with her boyfriend Omar.

Then they married andDanielle settled down,

but Omar, he just keptwalking on the wild side

until Danielle walkedaway from the marriage.

So how did Omar convince her to come back?

Take a look.

- We partied a lot.

He had a lot of money to spend.

That was usually, like, anew outfit every weekend

so we can go out to the clubs.

It was money on alcohol.

It was money on drugs.

We were smoking a lot of weed.

We were doing cocaine.

That was pretty much the first years

of our relationship together.

- [Narrator] Omar and DanielleGonzalez brought a history

of drug and alcohol abuseinto their relationship.

Omar was also addictedto sex and pornography.

- I was not thinking about her.

I was thinking about myself.

It was all about me.

It was me leaning on what I wanted,

instant gratification to meet my needs,

getting drunk, drugging,

watching porn, having sex.

- [Narrator] The couple datedon and off for seven years.

When Danielle found out she was pregnant,

they decided to get married.

Danielle's partying life slowed down,

but Omar's did not.

- We had really had a rocky or that year.

Felt like we were both goingin different directions.

Our priorities, our goals,

they weren't in line as a married couple.

They weren't in line as a family.

- [Narrator] Danielle didn'tsee any hope for their marriage

and left Omar.

- When I realized that she was gone,

my marriage was about to be gone,

I started realizing

that it was me the problem,

that I needed something bigger to help me.

- [Narrator] Omar searchedfor something bigger

and found it, attending a friend's church.

- The guy that was teachingor facilitating the class

started talking about thepower of the Holy Spirit.

Can still remember that.

He started talking about the power,

what he does,

what the Holy Spirit doeswhen he dwells in you

and he's your companion every day.

All the sudden

I felt something really deep in my heart.

I stopped the class, and I said:

Guys, wait a minute, wait a minute.

I want that.

I want what you guys have.

I wanna commit my life to Christ.

I prayed the good confessionto accept Christ in my heart.

(glimmering music continues)

It was the greatest moment in my life

to know Jesus personally.

Two weeks later I got baptize.

I continue seeking himreading every day the Bible,

reading his word.

- [Narrator] Several months had passed,

and Danielle saw a change in Omar.

- I could tell that,

his words and his voice,

it wasn't coming from aplace of anger anymore.

It wasn't coming from a place of,

I would say, hate anymore,

which I felt like for a long time

that's what our levelsof communication were at.

I just felt like it was better.

- He put that desire torestore their marriage,

'cause that's what ultimately won it.

It's my marriage,

but alongside I discovered Jesus.

They gave me a bigger desire

for Him, for His kingdom, for humanity,

not just my marriage.

I needed to see that compassionthat Jesus Christ sees

in us every day.

I needed to model that.

I needed to love my wife

the way Jesus loves the Church.

- He shared with me that histhought process is different,

that he wants to be better,

that he wants to reallygrow as this new person,

a servant, a follower of Christ.

That was never a priority in our marriage.

That was never a priority inmy life as a child growing up.

I feel like it wasn't really in his,

but I knew it wasn't coming from nowhere.

I could tell that, theattendance at church

and his willingness to be baptized,

it was coming from a genuine heart.

- [Narrator] Omar and Daniellemoved back in together,

and he eventually led her to Christ.

They have left theirlife of partying behind,

and today their marriage is thriving

with Jesus in the center of it.

- I am so grateful thatGod has restore my marriage

because we can really focus onour call and for the kingdom.

We're grateful for whathe's done in our life,

not just restoring our marriage.

We get to do his will

which is preaching the gospel to people

that don't know it.

- I've lived in a marriagethat was of the world.

I now have that samemarriage that is of Christ.

I absolutely believe thatyou can get through it

and you can get through it stronger.

It's just what is yourwillingness to give grace.

Do you really grasp that concept?

Do you know that you're not perfect

and that our father gives all of us grace?

But as long as we learn and we move on

and we put him at thecornerstone of our lives,

we can absolutely get through it.

- Jesus is not done with your marriage.

God is not done.

God created your marriageto be a relationship

and a covenant between youand God and your spouse,

so don't give up.

- God never gives up on us, not ever.

I think if people whoknew Omar in the beginning

would have seen pictures

of Omar standing andsharing Christ with people,

standing committed to his family,

they would have said, "Not this guy."

We're always caught up with the fact

that we are not enough for ourselves,

and there must be something more.

So we set out on this search in our lives,

and we start trying this, trying that,

getting involved in this and that.

When we do it ourselves, wemake such an incredible mess

of our lives.

Thankfully, thankfully, Omarcame in contact with some men

that he saw had something more.

He said, "Wait a minute.

I want what you've got"

as these men talked about the power

of the Holy Spirit to change a life.

Some of you are involvedin some of the same things

that Omar was involved in.

Some of you are women involvedin some of the same things

Omar was involved in, and you think,

"I can't change.

I can't go there."

You know what? You can't of yourself.

It's why we need the Holy Spirit,

because it's the powerof God at work within us

that changes who we are.

The person Omar is today,

the person that Danielle is today,

that is not the peoplethat they were before.

They are back in themarriage with each other,

but it's not the samemarriage that they had before

because God is in thebusiness of changing us,

restoring us to what hisoriginal intention was

when he created us.

I think there are some of youwho watch this story and say:

I need that in my life.

I need more.

I need to understand all of this.

What am I here for?

What's it about?

I need to know that there's hope for me.

I need to know that there'san option for me to change.

Oh friend, there is today.

You cannot go too far

to come back to the love of Jesus Christ.

It's there always.

The power Omar and Danielle experienced

is available to you today.

It's a prayer away,

but you have to come to the place

where you're gonna say:

I'm not gonna chase after the world

and all the things that it offers, God.

I'm gonna give it all to you,

and I'm gonna ask you to fillme with your Holy Spirit.

It's acknowledging thatyou're involved in things

that are ungodly

and you need to ask God'sforgiveness for that.

You need to say: Lord, I'm sorry.

You didn't create me for this.

I got involved in this.

I made a mess out of my life,

and now I'm asking you

to come into the center of my being

to change me.

I wanna belong to you.

I wanna think like you,

I wanna be free from the shackles

of what I thought was fun

that now has become a burden to me.

I wanna start over.

That's what Jesus Christ came for,

that we might have lifeand have it abundantly.

Pray that prayer with allyour heart right now today.

Ask Jesus Christ to comeinto the middle of your mess

and give you a messagethat's worth sharing

with other people.

If you need someone topray with you specifically,

our number's toll free.

It's 1-800-700-7000.

When you call, if you'restruggling in your marriage,

we have a great pamphlet foryou called "Love and Marriage."

It just shares with you

what does God's word have to say about it.

If you've prayed that prayer,

this packet "A New Day" is for you.

How do you walk in this newrelationship with the Lord?

This is free.

Even the phone call is free.

It's 1-800-700-7000. Call now.

There's a friend on theother end of the line

that will be thrilled to hear from you.

We wanna leave you with thesewords from 1 Corinthians 13:

Love bears all things,

believes all things,

hopes all things,

endures all things

because love never fails.

God bless you.


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