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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - November 23, 2020


- Pat, this first onecomes from Jerry, who says

"I talk to my parents and mysiblings that have passed.

I just wonder, do they hear me?

Do they understand me?"

- If I were you, I would stop that.

I think you are libel to be intouch with a familiar spirit.

And the next thing somebodywill come to you and say,

"Look, I'm Grandmother Sue."

And the next thing you know,they've got you hooked.

That's what a familiar spirit is.

It's the one that actslike a family member.

And I just don't thinktalking to dead people

is a good idea.

No, I don't think they hear you.

I really don't.

But the Bible says there'sa great gulf between us

that's fixed and you can't gofrom one place to the other.

But I don't know.

I mean, I can't give you chapter and verse

about why you're not supposed to,

but I just recommend you don't, okay?

- Okay, this is Christine, who says,

"I am a teenager who wasin a serious car accident

that was my fault due to failure to yield.

I pulled out and didn'tsee a truck coming.

My best friend is now in a coma,

and I'm doing much better than she is.

I keep having dreams andvisions about the accident.

It's a very scary experiencethat happens frequently.

Does God let these things happen

because of the sin in my life?

Why wasn't I the one whowas put into the coma?

If God is merciful and just,

how does this get incorporatedinto freak accidents?"

- You've got what's called survivor guilt

and there are a lot of people, you know,

"How come I'm the onlymember of my platoon

that didn't get blown up?"

"How come I'm the only onein the wreck who survived?"

"How come I'm the only onethat got out of the plane

before it blew up?"

You know, how come, how come.

That's just the way life is.

I wouldn't let it be a cause of grief

nor is it the cause ofyour sin or anything else.

But the truth was youweren't paying attention.

And so you can ask God for forgiveness.

"Lord, I wasn't paying attention.

I made a mistake andmy friend got injured."

But beyond that, receive his mercy

and get on with your life.

- This is Kay, who says,

"Can we cause our prayers to be hindered

by words we've heard or said?

For instance, if I say thatarthritis runs in my family,

am I giving Satan an upper hand?

Am I hindering my healing?"

- There's one thing Satan wants

more than anything else is worship.

He wants worship.

And when you acknowledgedhim either as a bad source

or a good source, you'regiving him worship.

You start today off and say, you know,

"I feel bad because..."

and by the fruit of yourlips you shall eat good.

Confess healing, confess joy.

This is the day the Lord...

Always let your voice befilled with joy, praise,

and positive confession.

Do not start a negative confession.

- Okay, this is Louise who says,

"My husband and I havebeen going to a church

for about three years,

but we've not been involved inany extra church activities.

One of the elders got upand told the congregation

that half of us were not going to heaven

because we come and just warm a bench.

Is that true?"

- Not true at all.

That's a lie and you shouldn't believe it.

You know, your salvationcomes about with your walk

with the Lord, not whatyou participate in church.

And I tell you, if youlook at the average church,

they run the church members,their tongues are dragging out.

There's so many activities

and you've got so much to do

that you don't have achance to be with the Lord.

I mean, don't believe that.

And if that's what they'reteaching and preaching,

see if you can't find someplace that's more forgiving.

But we're told not toforsake the assembling

of ourselves together so we come together

and we come with prayer and praise,

not to get involved in thesocial events of the church

or you didn't help cleanup the rectory or whatever.

I mean, that has nothingto do with your salvation.


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