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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - August 26, 2020


(upbeat music)

- Welcome back to the 700 Club.

It's time for your questionsand honest answers from Pat.

We'll start with this one from Linda.

She says, "What doesPaul mean when he says,

"all Israel shall be saved?"

"Are they saved by divine revelation

"without seeking Christ?"

"Only the last generation?"

"What about all those who died before?"

- You know, I really don't have an answer

to all of that, because I'mnot sure the Bible tells us.

But what Paul is saying, look,there's something called the,

if I can use the Greek,it's called pleroma,

which means fullness.

When the fullness of theGentiles has come in,

then all Israel is gonna be saved.

There's gonna be a returnof the revelation of God,

away from the Gentiles,unto the nation of Israel,

and Israel will be coming after the Lord.

Now does that mean there's goingto be a time of tribulation

or will it be a timeof warfare or disease?

I don't know what it's gonna be.

But I believe at that timethey're going to perceive

the Messiah, the Jesus Christ,

who himself was a Jewish rabbi,

that they are gonna say,"This is our Messiah."

You remember "They will lookupon him whom they have pierced

"and they will mourn for him."

So there's gonna be a timethat God is going to swing

His revelation back to Israel,

and the nation is going to be saved.

Now that has nothing todo with before they died

or before any of that other.

Just at the time they're living,

when the fullness of theGentiles has come in,

then God is gonna turnhis revelation to Israel.

All right?

- All right, here's one from Jamiel.

He says, "Hi Pat, I'mJamiel, I'm 11 years old."

"My question is, whathappens to you if you die

"in the rapture and youweren't raptured to heaven?"

- (laughing) At 11 years,worrying about those things.

Look, when the real rapture happens,

when Jesus Christ is coming to earth,

He'll send his angels to thefour corners of the earth.

And those who are alive and in the Lord

will be caught up to be with the Lord.

Now if you, at 11 years old, love Jesus,

when He comes back again,you're gonna get raptured.

It's not gonna be a half a rapture.

You'll be with the Lord.

He'll catch you up to be Him.

The word rapio means snatched.

And there's not gonna be seven years

and all that kind of nonsense,that pre-trib and all that.

That's false theology.

When he comes back, He'sgonna take over the world

and that's when he's gonnabring you to be with Him.


- Amen, all right.

Kenneth says, "Is it asin to pray and ask God

"to take me on home?"

- Well, the prophet said, "I'mno better than my fathers."

"I'm tired, I'm worn out,please take me home."

You know, Paul wrote these words,

"I've finished my course,"

you know, "I've run therace, I've kept faith."

"Now there is laid upfor me a crown in heaven

"and for all those wholove his appearing."

There's nothing wrong withasking God to take you home,

but, you know, God told theprophet who prayed that,

He said, "Look, I've gotsome work for you to do,

"so get up out of hereand go anoint somebody."

"He's gonna run Syriaand I got somebody else

"who's gonna be yourprophet in your place."

"So I know you thinkyou're a little tired now,

"but it's a little too early."

It's not a sin to ask togo to be with the Lord,

of course not, okay?

- It's not over 'til God says "It's over."


- You know, you get thatfeeling after awhile.

I mean, you're looking atsomebody who's 90 years old

and you say, "I think I've run the race."

God says, "I'm afraid old buddy,

"you've got some more work to do."

Okay, yes sir.

All right.

- (laughs) All right.

Anna says, "A friendtold me recently that,

"according to Romans nine,God picks and chooses

"who will go to heaven or hell,

"since we're too depravedto choose for ourselves."

"I've been praying daily formy atheist brother for years,

"and to no avail, and I'mterrified that God already decided

"he's going to hell."

"As a result, my faith inan all-loving, just God,

"who doesn't show partialityand desire all to be saved

"is starting to fray."

"Do you think my friend's interpretation

"of Romans nine is correct?"

- Calvin used to teach whathe called the bound will,

that the people were bound.

That their will was decided in advance

and they really couldn'tdo anything about it.

The Bible says, "Work outyour salvation with fear

"and trembling, for itis God that works in you,

"both to will and to do his pleasure."

There's a work between you and God.

So, don't think that Godhas fixed for somebody.

He leaves the door open.

It's His will that all wouldbe saved and all would come

to the knowledge of the truth.

So, you know, you prayfor your atheist friend

that he'll come to the Lord.

I mean, don't think of a bound will.

I don't think that'swhat the Bible teaches.

It just isn't there.

That's extreme Calvinism,

but I am not an extreme Calvinist, okay?



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