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The Global Lane - June 11, 2020

GOP says bye-bye to Charlotte, but bigger concern is mail-in balloting & voter fraud; Defunding police and race politics; Following Antifa & leftist funding; Criminal nation. Hundreds of thousands of laws and regulations crushing American liberty. Read Transcript

- [Gary] Today from the "Global Lane,"

the GOP says bye-bye to Charlotte,

but its biggest concernnow is over voter fraud

and mail-in ballots.

- People who have diedshould not be able to vote.

(slams)(air whooshes)

- [Gary] Defundingpolice and race politics.

- "We may have comeover on different ships,

"but we're in the same boat now."

(slams)(air whooshes)

- Follow the money.

Who is funding Antifa and othergroups accused of violence

during the George Floyd protests?

(slams)(air whooshes)

And criminal nation, hundreds of thousands

of laws and regulationscrushing American liberty.

And it's all right hereon the "Global Lane."

(air whooshes)

Democrats and Republicans are sounding

the alarm about possible vote fraud

after primary electionirregularities in Georgia.

Voting machine malfunctions,provisional ballot shortages,

and missing and late-arrivingabsentee ballots

are of concern.(air whooshes)

- Once I got inside, I thinkthe most frustrating part

was that several of themachines were broken.

It seemed like maybe halfof the machines were down.

I definitely understandthat there are hiccups

in technology, but I also feel like

every time I vote, it'ssome sort of new technology

and there's always a problem.

I just feel like, I don't know,

I feel like maybe it's intentional

that it's so difficult tovote (laughs) in general.

It's very frustrating that it seems

like every single time, there are issues.

(air whooshes)- Could this be a harbinger

for the upcoming presidential election?

Joining us is Tommy Hicks Jr.

Mr. Hicks is the co-chair

of the Republican National Committee.

Tommy, thank you for being with us.

The primary election inGeorgia was a messy one.

It brings back memories ofthe presidential election

of 2000, remember that?

Hanging chads in Florida,

the Supreme Court steppingin to stop the recount

that ultimately gave George W.Bush a victory over Al Gore.

So what do you think?

Are we in for a messygeneral election this fall?

- You know, it's funny, itseems to be very consistent

in these deep blue countieswhere we have the problems.

But we're very focusedon protecting your vote,

and we're gonna spend$20 million litigating

to make sure that these frivolous lawsuits

that are taking place on the other side

don't cancel out the legalvotes of the American people.

And we've launched awebsite,,

that goes through, state by state,

exactly what we're doing tomake sure that your vote counts.

- Well, you're talkingabout these lawsuits,

now, mail-in balloting.

Many Republicans opposeit, Democrats support it.

Why is that, and whatdo you think will happen

with this push by several states to do it?

I mean, some states likeColorado already do it.

- Well, it's ripe for fraud,and what they want to do

is they want to mail live ballots

to all registered voters, not active.

So for instance, in San Diego recently,

we had half a million inactive voters

kicked off the voter file.

These are people whohave moved or have died.

And still, you have 117% of the residents

of San Diego County, California,as registered voters,

so you know at least 17%of those votes are fraud.

So we can't let that happen.

Mail-in voting is ripe for fraud.

- [Gary] And I think they're not really

purging these rolls, are they?

Maybe that's an effortthat should be done.

- Absolutely, people who'vemoved to other states,

people who have died,should not be able to vote.

- Well, and that's where voter ID

laws come in, I guess.

And another issue of concern for the GOP,

it seems that North Carolina has now lost

the Republican conventionthis summer, Tommy,

because of its failure to reopenfrom the COVID-19 shutdown.

Now, I know Republican Party officials

reportedly visited Jacksonville this week,

trying to figure out if that city has

enough hotel rooms for a convention.

Why Jacksonville?

And I'm sure Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

would be quite welcoming.

- You know, lots of peoplewould be very welcoming,

and lots of cities have stepped up

to try to welcome this celebration.

It's really unfortunate thatthat the Democrat governor

of North Carolina would not allow this

to take place the way it should be.

It's really bad for thebusinesses of downtown Charlotte.

It would have been a $250million shot in the arm

at a very critical timeas we reopen our economy.

And we had been working for over a year,

well over a year, withpeople on the ground

for over a year workingfor that convention.

And you know what?

We've got a great team, andwherever it ends up being,

wherever the celebration ends up being,

we're gonna be able to pull it off

and do a great job celebrating.

- Just be careful with Florida,hurricane season in August.

Recent polls show the president may face

an uphill battle in therace against Joe Biden.

We know that social media may be one key

in winning the election.

Attorney General Barrhas once again expressed

concern about social mediaplatforms and their censorship.

What impact could social media censorship

have on the president's campaign

and those of conservativecandidates this fall?

- Well, it's very important.

Censorship is a big deal,especially when you talk

about a president who has the ability

to connect directly withso many tens of millions

of Americans throughhis Twitter, Facebook,

and other accounts,and this is a president

who likes to talk directlyto the American people.

He likes to be out there having rallies,

through the crisis, talkingdirectly to the American people,

And I think it's importantthat they not censor him,

or anybody, for that matter.

- And finally, how do youthink the COVID-19 shutdowns

followed by the GeorgeFloyd protests and riots

will affect the electabilityof this president?

He's taken a lot of criticism on both.

- Well, you know what?

The transition back intogreatness has begun.

Last week, we had a great jobs report.

2.5 million jobs were created.

The experts expected us tolose 8 million, 8.5 million.

So we're seeing lightat the end of the tunnel

in terms of the economic recovery.

And we know this president built it once.

He's the right presidentto build it again.

And I think you're alsoseeing, the president

was very quick to condemnwhat happened to George Floyd

and to seek justice for his family,

but he was also quick to condemn the riots

that were taking place.

There's a big differencebetween riots and protests.

And I think when he declared Antifa

a terrorist organization,that was a really good thing,

and the violence quickly stopped

- Not to mention COVID-19.

- (laughs) Yeah, itstopped too, didn't it?

- Yeah.

Well, thank you.

We appreciate you, Tommy.

Thank you for your time and insights.

- Thank you so much, guys.

Take care.

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- The progressive push is onto defund police departments

in some of America's largest cities.

In Minneapolis, the City Council

says it will move to dismantleits police department

and create a new public safety system.

In New York City, Mayor Billde Blasio says he'll shift

police funding to youthinitiatives and social services.

Attorney General WilliamBarr warns police defunding

will lead to vigilantismand more killings.

Well, here with us is Mrs. Alveda King.

She's evangelist anddirector of civil rights

for the unborn for Priests for Life.

Mrs. King, thank you for being here again.

It's so good to see you.

So what do you think of thiswhole effort to defund police

in Minneapolis, New York City, elsewhere?

What will it mean,especially for people living

in minority neighborhoodsalready devastated by riots?

- Well, what we mustdo, even with the riots,

with the COVID-19,people not understanding,

"If I should wear a maskand social distance,

"but I need to go out and protest

"and I'll be next topeople, how does that work?"

So we're in the midst ofsome chaos and confusion.

I want to remind people not to be fearful,

not to be tearful, don'tpanic, and do prayer instead.

And get the correct information.

Find out from, the WhiteHouse has some good guidelines

there for the riots and for COVID,

your governor should have that,

your mayors, and so we do that.

Thankfully, the churchnever closed during COVID,

nor during the riots.

The church is us.

We are the church.

So there is information there on Facebook

and Twitter and that type of thing.

And also, as we worship andread our Bibles and pray,

we can get guidance from heaven as well.

- And that's the best guidance of all.

So former Vice PresidentJoe Biden actually agrees

with the president on this.

He says police should not be defunded.

What effect do you thinkthat position will have

on his support amongblack voters in the fall?

- What we are having now is a situation

where violence and unrestand lawlessness occurs.

And so, Mr. Biden alsounderstands that there must be

some order so that America can be safe.

He understands that.

The president of the United States

has been saying that allalong, and demonstrating,

by walking with his Bible,by inviting people in

to pray with him in the White House,

that God is in control ofAmerica, not the president.

"One nation under God," "In God we trust."

The president says we all bleed the same.

So I'm glad to knowthat Mr. Biden realizes

if you take away order,there's going to be a problem.

- And I know there areinjustices committed

by police in non-electionyears, but it seems

that larger-scaleprotests, racial divisions,

are often accentuated in election years.

I'm thinking of theRodney King riots, 1992,

Michael Brown and Ferguson in August 2014,

and then I think therewere riots in Sacramento,

Milwaukee, and Charlottein the summer of 2016,

election years.

I'm not saying it doesn'thappen in off-election years,

but it seems it's accentuated.

So what do you think ofpoliticizing race relations?

- You can observe two things.

During election years, thegas prices go up and go down,

and they manipulate thosepolitically, believe it or not.

Also, maintaining order is very important,

but if you can do something that shifts

the attention to the people out of order

into chaos during an election season,

then the people are more vulnerable,

and then it becomes a money game,

who has the most money to get out the ads

to calm the people down.

However, there's a God in heaven

that is not ruled by human mechanics.

And so I just ask people to continue

to seek the Lord, examine your faith,

and as these things occur, don't be moved.

Some things we have tojust agree on and vote for.

The sanctity of life fromthe womb to the tomb.

Not just the babies inthe womb, the veterans,

the old people, the sick people,

the different minority groups.

People may have money, but that doesn't

mean that they're not people.

They're still people.

So my uncle, Martin Luther King Jr., said,

"When we value the human personality,

"we won't kill anybody."

So we need to vote forlife, for stable families,

for safety and security, for jobs,

the opportunity to worship as we choose.

And I'll even say notworship as we choose.

We can't force people to worship,

but we should not demandthat people not worship.

And that's a differencethat we sometimes miss.

- And I saw a meme onsocial media the other day,

it was a photo of actor Denzel Washington,

had a quote in it, I'massuming it was from him.

It was about eliminating racism.

And it said "An innocent manwas murdered by a corrupt cop."

And he struck out thewords black and white.

So what needs to be donenow to make more progress

against racism in the United States?

- Well, my uncle, MartinLuther King Jr., also said,

"We may have come over on different ships,

"but we're in the same boat now."

So many of us are at leastdescended from immigrants.

You know, the Europeanscoming out of Europe,

some were indentured slaves or servants

or that type of thing, or trying to run

from some legal matters and all of that,

and were either shipped here or came here.

In Africa, our own Africanbrothers and sisters

sold us to white slavemerchants and mercenaries.

So they did that together.

We all get here in Americaand there's already

a family here called Native Americans,

and they were mistreatedsometimes as well.

So here we have a human condition

where we all need to recognize,regardless of skin color,

see skin color, we cansee, God is creative.

We have colors in our skins, our clothes,

flowers, everything, that's color,

but we're not supposed to fight over it.

So we are not colorblind, we can see,

but we have to see each otheras brothers and sisters.

Acts 17:26 says, "Godcreated us of one blood."

- One race, the human race.

Mrs. Alveda King, evangelist and director

of civil rights for theunborn for Priests for Life.

Always good to talk to you.

Thank you for your time and your insights.

- Thank you so much.

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- George Floyd, the black man killed

by Minneapolis police, was laid to rest

following an emotional memorial service

in Houston this week.

Questions remain about theviolence that broke out

in American cities in the aftermath

of Floyd's choking death.

In Minneapolis alone, costestimates of the damage

to businesses are expectedto exceed $25 million.

So who is responsible for the riots?

President Trump is pointing fingers

at Antifa and other left-wing groups.

And The Wall Street Journalrecently quoted civil rights

veteran president of theWoodson Center Robert Woodson

as saying, "There area small group of people

"hell-bent on destroying this republic.

"They're using our birth defect of slavery

"to devalue our foundingprinciples and virtues,

"and using race grievance as its weapon.

"We must resist."

Well, here with some thoughts on this

and to set us straight is Scott Walter.

He's president of theCapital Research Center.

Scott, it's good to have you with us.

So CRC has done a lot of research

on left-wing groups and Antifa.

What have you found?

Are Woodson and the president correct?

- They definitely are,although what I always

wanna caution peopleis, one of the strengths

of the Antifa movement, and I say movement

because it's a loose, amorphous thing.

It's not like there's aheadquarters on a street somewhere.

So one of their strengthsthat makes them effective

is they stay in theshadows, they don't have

a regular headquarters, regular funding,

so it makes it much harder to trace

exactly what they're doing,and it lets them always claim,

"Oh, well, that isn't us,and you can't prove it."

- [Gary] I know ProjectVeritas just released

its undercover video,it's an investigation

of Antifa's militant wing,known as Redneck Revolt.

So who are they and who funds them?

- Well, a couple things.

Redneck Revolt is one of the little groups

that are sort of part ofthis amorphous network

of Antifa groups.

So almost anybody in Antifais prepared to be violent.

That's part of the essence of Antifa,

is that you're, you'rebrave and tough and manly,

and you're ready to be violent.

But the Redneck Revolt is agroup active in some places,

also goes by the namethe John Brown Gun Club.

If you know, your CivilWar history, of course,

John Brown shortly before the Civil War

tried to have a violent revolt.

There is a little bitof money that, you know,

we're very good at tracingmoney going to the left

and throughout the left,and we can find some places

where money, like GeorgeSoros will fund something

called the Alliance for Global Justice,

and that is what's called a pass-through.

It will then pass the moneyon to individual groups

like Refuse Fascism, whichwas an Antifa-style group

that started after Trump was elected.

But there's not a lot ofmoney to be traced easily

because of how vague all the ties are.

Plus, remember, howmuch money does it cost

to get a black hoodie, a black face mask,

and a couple of bricks, right?

You don't need multimillion-dollargrants to do that.

- Well, what can you tell usabout other left-wing groups

threatening the country,those like the Sunrise group

that is recruiting young Americans

by appealing to environmental concerns?

- Yes, well, that's,that's another lefty group.

And by the way, is our online

encyclopedia with thousandsof pages of information

on all of these groups,so,

Sunrise Movement was startedjust a few years ago.

It is the main backer of thebetter-known Green New Deal.

Green New Deal is a couple of bills

they're trying to pass inCongress, very radical,

the most extremeenvironmental stuff possible.

It's so radical that they've had protests

at those well-knownconservative right-wingers

Nancy Pelosi's office,Governor Jerry Brown's office

when he was governor of California,

and folks like that, Governor Cuomo.

But they started in 2017.

They were incubated, really,out of the Sierra Club

and, which isanother big enviro group,

and they pretty much wannashut down the entire modern

world, all nonrenewableforms of energy, et cetera.

You couldn't get more laughably radical.

- Scott, we're running outof time here, but quickly,

so should we designate these groups,

especially Antifa, terrorists?

- Well, we should prosecute their violence

as terrorist violence, butfor complicated legal reasons,

there isn't really a good way to designate

a domestic group a terrorist group

the way you do foreigngroups like Al-Qaeda.

- Okay, we'll leave thatup to the attorney general.

Scott Walter, president ofthe Capital Research Center.

We appreciate you.

Thank you for setting us straight today.

- Thanks so much for having me.

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(air whooshes)

- Democrat members ofCongress took a knee this week

and then unveiled theJustice in Policing Act.

It's a sweeping policeand justice reform bill.

But folks, here's something that will make

a bigger difference beyondbanning police chokeholds.

It's time Congress and the president

take a closer look at thecriminalization of America.

Did you know there are at least 300,000,

maybe as many as 500,000,federal regulations on the books?

Too many to count.

Over the years, the same Congress

that is now proposingnew laws actually passed

those countless laws and regulations.

There are maybe 20,000 to 30,000 laws

for use and ownership of guns alone.

And don't forget thetens of thousands of laws

passed by state and local governments.

President Trump has taken action

to eliminate many federal regulations,

but many needless lawswith criminal penalties

would likely take years,if not decades, to abolish.

(gavel bangs)

In the meantime, 2.3 millionpeople are currently held

in federal and state prisons, local jails,

detention and correctionfacilities nationwide.

That's more than any country in the world.

One in five are incarceratedfor drug offenses.

Possess a few joints of marijuana

or grams of cocaine, go to jail.

Well, I could go on,but you get the point.

No wonder we're seeing akickback against police,

and demands to defund them.

No wonder churches arestanding up to governments

arresting and ticketingpastors and church attendees.

No wonder people likeMichigan barber Karl Manke

kept their businesses opendespite gubernatorial decrees

closing them during the COVID-19 pandemic.

By the way, Manke recently won his case

before the Michigan Supreme Court.

Retired Louisiana State University

law professor John Baker said, quote,

"There is no one in the UnitedStates over the age of 18

"who cannot be indictedfor some federal crime.

"That is not an exaggeration."

And three-strikes laws ina majority of U.S. states

are ruining young people's lives.

Listen to this from CBN NewsWashington correspondent

Jennifer Wishon, who has spent time

researching and reporting on this issue.

(air whooshes)- In some cases,

you have young people thathave got into some trouble,

and then they get caught stealing

a pair of socks or some chewing gum

at a convenience store,three strikes and you're out,

and they are serving a life sentence.

And again, think aboutthe toll that that takes

on that person's life,on their families' lives,

and also to the taxpayer.

It costs about $30,000 to$60,000 a year per inmate,

depending on what state they're in,

to keep them incarcerated.

$60,000 is a salary a lot of Americans

would certainly like to have.

(air whooshes)

- Folks, a nation with an excessive number

of laws and regulations isa nation of unfree people.

It's time for all ofus to break the chains

of big governmentcriminalizing our people,

crushing our nation's spirit and liberties

with absurd rules for servitude.

We should demand thatCongress and the president

begin immediately to bring real

and lasting change to this nation.

So where should we begin?

How about starting withthe Ten Commandments?

It's that simple, when we look to God

instead of government for guidance.

Well, that's it from the "Global Lane."

Be sure to follow us onFacebook, SoundCloud,

iTunes, YouTube, and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.

(urgent, serious music)

(air whooshes)


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