Stealing election USA? Evidence of ballot irregularities across country; Bye-bye Israel & more money for Iran? Reversing Trump in Middle East; Game changing success rate. On brink of Covid-19 vaccine; What we should pray during election uncertainty.
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(logo whooshing)
- Today from the Global Lane,
stealing the election USA,
postal workers backdating mail-in ballots,
contested ballots counted,
others destroyed.
- We're seeing theseirregularities all over the place.
- [Instructor] Bye bye Israeland more money for Iran,
reversing Trump in the Middle East.
- It's likely that Bidenmay actually try to undo
some of the gains Trumphas made in the region.
(inspiring music)
- 90% success rate
on the brink of the COVID-19 vaccine.
- It's a game changer.
(inspiring music)
- And stressed out
over an uncertainty election.
What we all should be praying.
- And it's all righthere on the Global Lane,
(inspiring music)
No evidence of votefraud in this election.
There's plenty at this point
and election training video in Detroit,
shows that ballot counters were instructed
to enter challenge ballots
into vote tabulatingmachines in Wayne County.
Normally challengedballots would be set aside
and not counted and WhiteHouse Press Secretary,
Kayleigh McEnany toldSean Hannity this week
that the Trump campaign has234 pages of sworn affidavits
from witnesses alleging vote fraud.
- They're alleging this is one County,
Wayne County Michigan.
They are saying that therewas a batch of ballots
where 60% had the same signature.
They were saying that 35 ballots,
I had no voter record,
but they were counted anyway,
that 50 ballots were run multiple times
through a tabulation machine.
That one woman said her son was deceased,
but nevertheless somehow voted.
- In Nevada, at least 10,000non-residents were allowed
to send in balance for accounting there.
And what about Pennsylvaniaand other States?
Well here to share someevidences Neil McCabe.
He's CommunicationsDirector at Project Veritas.
Neil, thanks for your time.
So I know your organizationand James O'Keefe
are known for your many undercover videos,
we've shown portionsof them over the years.
Now, you've received morethan 12,000 tips about fraud
this time, some from whistleblowersafraid to come forward.
So tell us what you've discovered overall.
- Well, Gary we've received as you said,
thousands and thousandsof phone calls and emails,
and we're sifting through all of them
where we have a specialteam of people dedicated
to make sure that we sortof separate the wheat
from the chaff.
But we do have veryimportant whistleblowers
who have come forward
to postal workers andTraverse City Michigan,
confirmed to us that Lake ballots
were being collected,
sorted separately
so that they could be postmarked,
November 3rd.
And these are late ballots thatcame in after election day,
Richard Hopkins,
who was a mail carrierin Erie Pennsylvania.
He came forward with a similar account.
He said that he overheard his postmaster
rebuking a supervisor
because one of the ballots that came in
was postmarked November4th, instead of the third.
Now Hopkins said he heard this
on the morning of November 5th.
Now Hopkins originally spoketo us with a disguised voice
and a blurred face.
Eventually he decided,
he wanted to come on therecord with his own name.
And so he did that.
He also swore out anaffidavit which was submitted
to the Senate Judiciary Committee
and acknowledged by South Carolina,
Republican Senator Lindsey Graham,
as being a Keystone documentin his investigation
into election fraud,
since then Hopkins hasreceived tremendous pressure
to change his account.
And he endured more than threehours of an interrogation
from an agent from the postoffice Inspector General Office,
who is flown in from New York city Gary
to basically work him over
and to quote update unquote his statement
as Inspector General.
- Okay Neil, I wanna showa clip of that right now
'cause we have a clipthat you guys provided.
So here it is.
- [Man] Getting crazy, right?
It's out of a lot of people's control.
And so the reason they called me in,
is to try to harness that storm.
Try to reel it back inbefore it gets really crazy.
- [Man] We like to control our mind.
And when we do that, we canconvince ourselves of a memory.
I'm not scaring you.
But I am scaring you.
- Neil the Washington Post reported that
after that federal interrogation
Hopkins recanted his story,
but Hopkins later released avideo saying that's not true.
So what's going on here,
is Hopkins believable.
- Yeah, Gary I think if you go back
to that Washington Post story,
you'll see that they haveupdated their headline
and their story toinclude Hopkins statement.
What Hopkins said isthat he was worked over.
He was, they gave him fear and anxiety.
They told this guy, Russel Strasser,
who was from the IG's office,
that the post officeheadquarters in New York.
He told him that he wasgoing to be in trouble
because he could be accused of deception
because he raised more than $130,000
on a GoFundMe.
Now, Hopkins was very anxious.
He was very concerned.
Stresser told him,
the only way I can protect you
is that you signed this statement
to amend what you said before.
Now, Hopkins didn't have a lawyer present.
He didn't have a union rep present.
He thought that Stresserwas trying to protect him
and he signed it.
Now, after he signed itHopkins asked for a copy
of the document,
Strasser said, I can'tgive you a copy of it
because it is part of anongoing investigation.
The next thing Hopkins knows
he's putting on administrativeleave without pay.
And that document that Stresser said
he couldn't have a copy of
was released by houseDemocrats with the headline
that Hopkins admitted that he lied,
Hopkins did not lie.
Hopkins stands by his account
and he recorded the morethan two hours or three hours
that he was in that room with Stresser.
- Also I wanna get toMichigan in a minute,
but another one inPennsylvania in Bucks County,
you found destroyed ballots
and then the director ofthe elections there verified
the authenticity of those ballots.
So they weren't fake.
Tell us about that. Why is it worrisome?
- Our Project Veritas journalists
were poking around Bucks County.
They went to a closed election center
that had been open tohandle sort of the flux
from election day.
They saw the bags of trash.
They said, "Hey, let's justgrab these bags of trash
take them back to the hoteland see what's in it."
They opened it up.
They found roughly a dozen ballots
that were what they call spoiled ballot.
And many of them hadbeen ripped up by hand.
Pennsylvania state lawsays that spoiled ballots
must be kept under lockand key for 22 months
and they are part of any recount.
So that inspectors conducting the recount
can verify whether theyindeed are spoiled or not.
Obviously if there's arecount in Pennsylvania,
spoiled ballots thrown in the garbage
are not gonna be part of that.
And obviously it was a violation of law.
We're seeing these irregularitiesall over the place, Gary.
- Yeah. Yes Neil
and of course there's noevidence of any widespread fraud
but we've got plenty of examples.
Let's go back to Michigan,
poll watchers in Detroit say,
thousands of mail in ballots,
were counted from people whoare not properly registered.
At least 10,000 mail-inballots were returned
from dead people.
And here's a whistleblower,
write a short clip from your video
of a post office inTraverse City Michigan,
the Barlow Branch.
- [Man] We were issueda directive this morning
to collect any ballotswe find in mailboxes,
collection boxes justoutgoing mail in general,
separate them at the end of the day
so that they could hand stamp them
with the previous days date.
Today is November 4th for clarification.
- We spoke to a second mailman and also
in Traverse City Michigan,
he did not wanna come ona recorded line with us,
but he confirmed his account,
saying that the same thing was happening
in his post office.
Listen Gary,
with so much of this election
and so many of these ballots
being passed through the post office,
the integrity of the postoffice has a direct relationship
to the integrity of the election itself.
- Okay.
You're asking for more whistleblowers
others who witnessed thevote fraud to get in touch
with Project Veritas.
How can they do that Neil?
- The best way to get in touch with us
is at
- Okay. Neil McCabe the Project Veritas.
Thank you for your time and insight today.
- Thanks for having me on here Gary.
(inspiring music)
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- There are 20 nickels in a dollar
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- If Joe Biden becomes our 46th president,
how will he handle Iranin the Middle East,
President Trump removed the United States
from the Iran nuclear deal.
He imposed stricter sanctions.
He also ordered the killingof chief Iranian terrorists,
Qasem Soleimani.
Well joining us with some insights
on possible Bidenadministration Iran policy
is foundation for defensive democracy's,
Senior fellow Benham Ben Taleblu
Ben Biden's website sayshe'd returned the USA
to the Iran nuclear deal.
So what would that mean?
- Well, great to be with you in fact,
I believe then candidate Joe Biden,
pinned an op-ed in CNN this September
talking about thecompliance for compliance
that Joe Biden would return to the JCPOA
the 2015 Iran nuclear deal
if he Iran return to compliance.
The real kicker here isthere is an intent to return,
but what capability do we have?
If Joe Biden doesn't wanna deliver
premature sanctionsrelief for pallets of cash
like the administration he served in,
or he doesn't want war,
which both him and Trump don't want,
the really tool,
the really only optionthat he has left with
is his predecessor, DonaldTrump's economic sanctions.
So there is this question ofhow do you incentivize Iran
to return, so that if you are the US
and wants to return,
you can do so as well.
That's a big question, Mark
that I don't think hisadvisors nor him have publicly
weighed on in detail.
- And Ronald Reagan alwayssaid trust, but verify.
So, wouldn't it be a bit hardernow to return to the deal
because of the tighter sanctionsthat a Trump has imposed?
- Well, it'd be muchtougher to return to deal
for many reasons.
The sanctions are one,
but honestly Iranianbad behavior is another
and perhaps maybe thethird and most important
is that the JCPOA,
even though the us leftit in May eight 2018,
the Iranians and the Europeanshave continued to act like
that ghost of a deal stillis alive and still in force.
And what that means is in October,
at the UN level,
the international armsembargo lapsed in Iran.
Now the us has an executive order blocking
the Iranian weapons transfers or imports.
But if a Joe Bidenadministration wants to go back
into the deal,
they could easily liftthat Executive Order.
So there's a different nuclear reality,
different nuclear factson the ground today
as the Iran's program has expanded,
and of course there's adifferent international reality.
So a potential bite the administration
is going to face an uphill battle,
even dealing with Iran.
- Well, and the differentreality, of course,
in the middle East,
how would our allies in the Persian Gulf,
the Sunni regimes,
handle that after allwe've seen several of them
signed a peace deal with Israel,
how would they view this?
- I think it's reallyprecious that you mentioned
the Abraham accords
on the growing kind ofwave of normalization
between Arab States and Israel.
And that's because theymay see this relationship
with Israel as a very important hedge.
If the perception is thatthe us is on its way out,
that the Iranians are rising,
who is the only other regional power
that has been able to check and roll back
and contain Iranian power?
And the question is quiteclear over the past decade,
you've see the, some of the Arab regimes,
particularly in the Persian Gulf,
deprioritize the Palestinian issue
as the threat from Iranhas grown considerably.
Now that necessarilydraws them towards Israel.
Now, one hopes bonds form between them
that are not just driven
in that mutual shared security concern,
but we can't ignore how importantthat security concern is
has been for drivingsome of these regional
peace agreements.
- Well, you mentionedthe Palestinians now,
what if Biden returns us tofunding of the Palestinians
and other funding that Trump cut off?
How likely is that thatBiden would return to that?
- Well, I'm not an expertin Palestinian politics,
but I do see an unfortunate trend rising.
And this trend has beenwith us in the US really
since the end of the Cold War.
And it's the political incentiveto do the exact opposite
on your predecessor,
particularly on executive branch issues
and philosophical issues.
George H.W Bush had realism,
as his governing foreign policy agenda,
and Bill Clinton reversed that
with two terms of internationalism
and liberalism,
then you had George Bush campaign
for more humble foreign policy,
but after 1911 really
an overextension of the US
particularly throughdemocratization in the Middle East,
we had a Obama roll that back
and achieve that 2015 nuclear deal.
Then you had Trump reversedthe 2015 nuclear deal
and revert to some of thosemore traditional allies
we had in the region.
So it's likely that Bidenmay actually try to undo
some of the gains Trumphas made in the region.
It's unclear how that may,
flesh out with the respectof the Palestinians here,
but I think what returned tothe 2015 Iran nuclear deal
and a return to the Paris climate deal
is something they're receding.
So if there's somethingthat the executive branch
they can do easily,
it could actually be withoutthe wrong of possibility.
- And I'm sure Israel isvery concerned about this,
everything unraveling,
because obviously they didnot have a good experience
with the Obama administration.
Your thoughts on that.
- And that's unfortunatebecause the US and Israel
do see eye to eye on so much.
And really there's not just shared values,
but there are sharedinterests in the region
when it comes to stability,
when it comes to the free flow of energy,
and really when it comesto not letting Iran
get a nuclear weapon.
So one hopes that politics canbe put aside in 2021 beyond.
And these states can actuallyfocus on some of these
shared security and othergoals in the region.
One that has to be aware, of course,
that the Iranians are quiteadept at exploiting cleavages,
and they may want to fleshout some of these cleavages
in the international community.
When the us left the nuclear deal,
Iran tried to isolate the US
and Iran benefitedimmensely from that spat
between Netanyahu andObama in 2014 and 15.
- Okay. Benham Ben Taleblu,
senior fellow at FDD.
Thank you Ben, for your time and insights.
We appreciate it.
- It's a pleasure. Thank you so much.
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- There's good news on the home front
concerning a corona virus vaccine,
the Pfizer drug company has announced,
initial testing of its vaccine,
shows promising success inpreventing viral infection,
preliminary results show a 90%prevention effectiveness rate
among trial volunteerswho received the vaccine.
Well here with Morris former food
and drug administrationAssociate commissioner
Peter Pitts.
Mr.Pitts is co-founder ofthe center for medicine
in the public interest.
Peter, it's good tohave you with us again.
So certainly this was good news about
the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine.
90% is amazing compared to other vaccines.
Your thoughts about it?
When do you expect we'llsee final FDA approval?
- 90% Effectiveness froma vaccine for any vaccine
is amazing.
But when that vaccine is for COVID-19,
it's a game changer.
Clearly there's still a lotof data to be given to the FDA
for review,
but I think that we could havea emergency use authorization
for Pfizer, potentiallybefore thanksgiving,
certainly before the end of the year.
And that means that wecan begin to inoculate
the healthcare workersand essential workers.
And then after that,
probably early in 2021,
we can roll it out to older Americans
and people with underlyingserious healthcare conditions.
And of course everybody else.
And I think that the 90% numberis good for lots of reasons,
one, it's gonna workit's highly effective,
but also I think that'sgoing to influence people
as to the value and importanceof vaccinations in general.
And especially for COVID-19,
we've got to get thevaccination rates up above 60%
for the general population
if we really wanna get the job done.
90% really is an astounding percentage
it's the holy grail whenit comes to vaccines.
I think what it tells us isthere new types of technologies
that we're talking about mRNA,
for example, messenger RNA,
which is how the Pfizervaccine is manufactured,
allows us to manufacturethese vaccines safer,
faster, less expensively,
and we can scale up globally more quickly.
So we're really hittingall of our bases here
relative to what needs to get done.
- Many people still saythey won't get the vaccine.
Just how safe do you expect it to be?
What about potentiallong-term health risks?
- I'm very excited and very positive about
the safety profile of the Pfizer vaccine.
FDA is really doing its job,
they're demanding twomonths worth of data,
which is a little morethan is generally expected.
And that's, I think agood thing considering
the severity of the pandemic
and the importance of a vaccine.
If people don't think theyshould get vaccinated,
they need to listen to the facts,
protect themselves,
their families, theircommunities, their States,
and our nation.
Unless we all get behindthis and get vaccinated,
it's not going to havethe desired robust effect
of stopping COVID-19 to the ground
and allowing us toreturn to normal activity
on a regular basis.
I think the 90% rate will convince people
it's the right thing to do.
I think that putting allof our politics aside
and doing the right thing
is crucial here.
We've got to all get vaccinatedand as early as possible.
And by the way, that alsoholds true for the flu.
- What do you think of Joe Biden's choices
to lead his advisorygroup on COVID-19 doctors,
David Kessler,
Vivek Murthy, and Marcella Nunez Smith.
- I think they're good choices,
these are people thatreally know their business.
I would have liked to havesee a smoother transition.
In other words, someof the people currently
on the president's COVID-19 task force
could have been engaged,
but I guess there are political issues
that are making that difficult.
But I think that the team that Joe Biden's
put together is a solid team,
they're gonna do the right thing.
They recognize theimportance of vaccinations
and the alacrity ofgetting people vaccinated
and convincing people and educating people
as to the safety of vaccines.
I think we've got to talkto communities of color.
They have traditionalsuspicions of government run,
healthcare programs.
We've got to deal with that respectfully.
We've got to deal with peoplethat don't think that vaccines
are really that important.
We've got to educate them
as for the people thatdon't believe in vaccines.
We think that they're dangerous.
I think we've got to talk to them as well.
We've got a big publiceducation effort ahead of us,
and I hope that Joe Bidentalks about that sooner
rather than later,
because a community, a nation
that's excited about the vaccine
will get vaccinated
and a nation that has suspicions won't.
We have to make sure that every American
wants to get vaccinatedand as quickly as possible,
I'm going to be the first one in line
when I'm available to get a vaccine.
- And what do you think of apossible federal government
mandate for mask wearing?
- I think you can certainly do it.
I don't think it's going to be effective.
You can't make people dothings they don't want to do.
We have to convince people
it's the responsible thingto do, to wear masks,
to maintain proper social distancing
and to practice enhanced personal hygiene.
Unless they're gonna to hire,
million new police officers
to write people ticketswarrant wearing masks.
It's not gonna happen,
but there is value obviouslyin using the bully pulpit
to convince people, to controlpeople, to plead with people,
to ask people to please wear masks
because it's the right thing to do.
And it is,
I would hate to see,
the movement towards the federal mandate,
further create polarization in our nation,
relative to the sciencebehind mask wearing.
- And how about the futureof National Health Insurance
and Obamacare under a Biden presidency?
The Supreme court willbe deciding the laws,
now that there's no insurance mandate.
So what might happen?
- The Supreme court is not goingto rule the Affordable Care
act, AKA Obamacare unconstitutional.
I think that that president elect Biden
and soon to be president Biden,
if that holds up,
we'll certainly try to amend it,
be as time marches on
obviously there are problemswith the ACA big problems,
hopefully as one of thedesigners of the legislation,
he can see that and try to make it better.
- Okay. Former FDA AssociateCommissioner, Peter Pitts,
thank you for your expertiseand for sharing your insights.
- My pleasure. Thank you very much.
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(inspiring music)
- So you say you're a bitstressed about the uncertainty
of this election,
folks we knew this chaosand uncertainty was coming.
Many experts warned usthat mail-in balloting
would be a mess.
And like Al Gore whochallenged the election results
for 37 days after the election in 2000,
President Trump has do his day in court.
So what are you praying?
Are you praying for Trump tobe sworn in on January 20th
or for Joe Biden to be victorious
when all the legal battles vote counts
and recounts are finished?
I know God will have his way.
He's not a Democrat or Republican,
but I think he may be a bit libertarian
because after all hedoes give us free will
to make our own choices in life,
to love or reject him.
So let's freely pray thatGod's will be done in America
as it is in heaven.
No matter who is finallydeclared the winner,
pray that America embraces unity
and experiences a peaceful transition,
pray that God shines hislight on the darkness.
And that fraud and corruption are exposed
that Godliness and grace,
not power and greed willprevail in Washington
in our state capitals and in our hearts.
Well, that's it todayfrom the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us onFacebook, YouTube, SoundCloud,
iTunes, Parlor and Twitter.
And until next time be blessed.
(inspiring music)