Re-election victory for Israel's Bibi Netanyahu. The Trump effect & what's next; Millions of jobs unfilled in USA--is the immigrant caravan the answer? Offended students at GWU. Buh-bye Colonial George? Why Americans turning their backs on religion.
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- Today from the Global Lane.
Re-election victory forIsrael's Bibi Netanyahu,
the Trump effect, and what'snext for the Middle East.
In the United States,millions of jobs go unfilled.
Is the immigrant caravan the answer?
What a closed borderwith Mexico may cost you.
Offended students at GWU.
Bye-bye Colonial George?
And why Americans are turningtheir backs on religion.
And it's all right here, rightnow, from the Global Lane.
(dramatic music)
Now that the Israeli election is over,
what's next for the Jewish state,
the Palestinians, and the Middle East?
President Trump is expected to unveil
his long-awaited MiddleEast peace plan any day now.
Well here from Jerusalemto discuss the Trump plan
and Prime MinisterNetanyahu's election victory
is the former mayor ofShiloh, Israel, David Rubin.
He's also the author of thebook Trump and the Jews.
David, welcome.
So first up, I've got to ask you
about Bibi Netanyahu's victory.
How much credit can Donald Trump take
for the Likud Party win?
- Well definitely it helps.
We have to look back at PrimeMinister Netanyahu's term,
the two years, two and a half years
together with the president
and they've had a lot of commonality,
a very good relationship,and the Golan Heights
sovereignty move was a very big move
and Jerusalem sovereigntymove was a very big move,
very popular in Israel, sothose two recognitions alone,
that has to be a featherin Netanyahu's cap
even though I think that a lotof it came from Washington,
not from him.
- Well, it seems that theUS-Israeli relations are,
have been improved under this president.
And you wrote the book Trump and the Jews
so has Israel ever had a more committed,
better US presidential ally than this one?
- Not at all, not at all.
Look, for a while, I was saying
that President Trump hasbeen the best president
for Israel-United Statesrelations since Harry Truman,
but the fact is that, at thispoint, having seen everything,
looking at the moving ofthe embassy to Jerusalem,
recognition of Jerusalemas Israel's capital,
the doing away of thathorrible Iran nuclear deal
which basically gave themthe pathway to a nuclear bomb
plus billions of dollars,
the closing of the PLOoffice in Washington,
and of course, the GolanHeights sovereignty.
And not paying the terroristsof the Palestinian Authority
who give salaries to theirindividual terrorists.
That had to be stopped.
This has strengthened theUnited States' relationship.
It's turned it into atrue bonding of values
between our two countries.
- And Trump's commitment,his love for Israel,
may be what is driving his peace efforts.
He's unveiling a new peace plan soon.
What do you expect will be in it.
- Well, nobody reallyknows what to expect.
There are different possibilities.
There's talk and there are rumors
about the issue of borders,
what it's going to meanas far as borders go.
There's talk about the possibility that
many of the so-called Palestinians,
the Arab residents of Judea and Samaria,
might be made Jordaniancitizens and a question of
whether they would haveto move to Jordan or not.
Obviously, it would bemuch better for peace
if they were moved over to Jordan,
but I'm not sure thatthat's what's in the plan.
So we're all gonna have tojust be a little bit patient
and we'll see.
Soon after the Israelicoalition is formulated,
I think that's when we're going to see.
- Now Daniel Pipesrecently wrote in a column
mentioning the possibility of Jerusalem
serving as the capital ofboth Palestine and Israel,
Israel maintaining 10% ofthe so-called West Bank,
Judea and Samaria, andthe Palestinians 90%.
So what do you think of that idea, David?
- I think it's a ridiculous idea.
That would be a non-starter
if I ever heard a non-starter.
Look, you're not going to have peace
based on falsehood and basedon fiction and based on lies.
There is no peace that isgoing to be accomplished
in this area without havinga little bit of biblical,
historical precedent.
And when you talk abouthistorical precedent
and you talk about biblical accuracy,
it's not gonna happen unlessIsrael has sovereignty
over all of Judea and Samaria.
Netanyahu has spoken about,
you know, he promisedright before the election
that he's going todeclare sovereignty over,
Israeli sovereignty overthe Jewish communities
in Judea and Samaria.
So that's, you know, thatis a good first step,
but the ultimate stepthat's really going to work
is to declare Israeli sovereigntyover Judea and Samaria,
100% of Judea andSamaria, and if necessary,
having a path to loyal citizenship
for those Arab residentsof Judea and Samaria.
And those who don't wantto be loyal citizens
simply giving them a stipendand moving them over to Jordan.
It's not going to work givingthem 90% of Judea and Samaria.
- [Gary] And David, itseems the Palestinians
may never accept a Jewishstate as their neighbor,
that they'll continuefighting against Israel
no matter what.
- That's absolutely correct.
I was telling you what Ithink is going to work,
what could possibly work.
And in my book, Trump and theJews, I made that quite clear,
that we have to have peaceagreements based on truth,
but it's also a truth thatthe Palestinian Authority
is not going to acceptanything less than 100%
of Judea and Samaria.
It's already been proposed to them.
And you cannot have anysplitting of Jerusalem,
any dividing of Jerusalem,
any dividing of the land of Israel.
It's not gonna work.
We're not like an apple cakethat you cut up into pieces
and you hand out to different parties.
- Well, I'm sure
President Trump--- We're a tiny country
about the size of New Jersey.
- I'm sure President Trumpand Secretary Mike Pompeo
are aware of that.
We'll see what the president comes up with
in the days ahead.
David Rubin, former mayor of Shiloh,
and author of the book Trump and the Jews.
Thank you for your insight, sir.
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(dramatic music)
- Now that Kirstjen Nielsen is out
as Homeland Security secretary
and former Bordercommissioner, Kevin McAleenan,
has been named as herreplacement, what is next?
Well President Trump is still threatening
to shut down the border
to stop a massive influx of immigrants.
Well joining us with moreon this and other issues
affecting your economic livelihoodis Financial Issues host
and CEO of Financial IssuesStewardship Ministries,
Dan Celia.
Dan, it's so good to see you again.
So President Trump hasn't ruled out
shutting down the border with Mexico.
If he does do it, whowould it harm more, Dan,
the US or Mexico?
- Well, certainly it's gonna harm the US
from a perspective of workers,
the migrant workers in particular.
It depends on what timeof year he does it,
what the season is andhow that's gonna impact
some of our agricultural industry.
But it certainly is gonna have an impact
on the ag industry commodity,
some of the commodities and such.
So that will be a problem.
I think overall it's abigger problem for Mexico
than it's gonna be for the United States
because, if that happens,you've got to remember
we have all these migrantscoming from Central America
and they're gonna be juststaying put in Mexico
and you're gonna have the situation
that we have in Tijuana right now
start to escalate and start to spill over
into all the areas on the border.
It's gonna be a huge, hugeproblem for Mexico even more so.
It is gonna impact oureconomy, but on a small level.
I believe if it is prolongedand that we start seeing
the legalized migrantworkers start to slow down,
then that's gonna be a problem.
- They're not slowing down at this point.
What's moving them to come allthe way from Central America,
risk even death, to getto the United States?
Is it job opportunities?
Must be.
- Well, it is.
It's all about opportunity.
You know, Mexico is very much,
and so are these CentralAmerican countries,
are very much incentivizedto keep them and help them
to get here because guesswhere all their money goes?
It goes back to their homeland.
Look, you know what Gary, no matter what,
we're still the land of opportunity
and this is where jobs are,this is where good pay is.
They understand better thana lot of our workers here.
They understand.
They have an appreciationthat all they've got to do
is work, and they can workas many hours as they want.
- But Dan, the unemploymentrate remains at 3.8%.
That's below full employment,
and I know most Americanswould probably support
allowing in enough legal immigrants
to meet the country'semployment needs right now,
so what should be done on that front?
I mean there are a lotof jobs for them, right?
- You know what, Gary, I wrote an article
about a year and a half or so ago
and talked about this very thing.
I said for the Trump pro-growthagenda to be successful,
we need to emphasize and getto work on legal immigration
because the greatest economy,
we can have all the pro-growth things
working for this economy,
it's not gonna work ifwe don't have workers
to fill the jobs, andwe don't have workers
to fill the jobs.
We have 7.3 million job openings.
- [Gary] All those jobs,Dan, where are they?
What industries are we talking about?
Where do we need most ofour workers right now?
- We are seeing the highlevel technology or IT jobs,
there are huge gaps there,and it goes from that
all the way down to theperson working at Starbucks
or Dunkin' Donuts or somewhere,
that it goes all theway through the economy
in a very, very broad way.
The construction industrywill not ever thrive.
We are seeing housing numbers
that we haven't seen in years.
And we keep talking aboutlower mortgage rates
and buyers from millennialsthat don't want to buy houses.
Half the problem is buildersdon't have capacity to build.
- The stock market has been growing.
The economy's been growingsince this president
came into office.
But I know you and otherfinancial analysts are
a little bit hesitant, maybehave some fears about it,
that it may be slowing a bit.
So what must this president do now
to keep things moving forward, Dan?
- Well I think the number one thing
the president has to do ishe's to get issues resolved
in and around US-Chinatrade and Europe trade
first and foremost.
It's got to be the highestpriority in the administration
from keeping some momentum in the economy.
- And we haven't even talked about Brexit
and how that's influencing
everything,- No.
- the uncertainty about that.
But Dan, we're running out oftime and I want to get this in
because, like many babyboomers, I'm concerned
about this enormous debtand the future our children
and grandchildren will face.
How would they ever be able to manage it
without paying the majorityof their salary in taxes
just to service the debt?
- Yeah, it's not gonna be manageable.
I mean it's manageable right now.
We are sitting at about 100% debt to GDP.
Some are saying 75.
I say 102 by my calculations.
But we're sitting somewhere in that range.
That's, believe it or not,Gary, it's manageable.
It's only manageable though there.
If that keeps going up andgrowth keeps going down
or becomes slowing down,now we're really in trouble.
And that's the problem.
It can't just be growth.
We have to do somethingabout our spending,
and we've done nothingin the last 12 years.
- Dan Celia of FinancialIssues Stewardship Ministries,
as always, we appreciateyou and your insights.
- Thank you, Gary.
I appreciate being here.
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(dramatic music)
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(dramatic music)
- Senator Ted Cruz isinvestigating Yale Law School
for discriminating against students
who hold traditional Christian values.
Yale has enacted a policy change
that denies stipends or loan repayments
for students who professa traditional view
of sexuality.
Cruz says Yale is violatingthe constitutional rights
of Christian studentsby blacklisting them,
punishing them for their beliefs.
Well joing us with more on this
and also the latest campus craziness
in our nation's capital, is Emma Meshell.
She's with LeadershipInstitute's Campus Reform.
Hello again, Emma.
Good to see you.
So explain to us exactly what Yale did
that has Senator Cruz so upset.
- Well Yale students were up in arms
because Alliance Defending Freedom,
which is a legalorganization that represented
the defendant in theMasterpiece Cakeshop lawsuit,
they actually had a speakercoming to Yale Law School
and students were extremely offended
that he was going to be there
and it triggered a conversation
in which Yale decided toactually remove funding
for students who want todo a summer fellowship
at a Christian legal organization.
And this really shows Yale's bias
because, essentially, what this is
is it's a religious test forstudents based on LGBT issues,
but also this really should alarm us
because these are ournation's top legal scholars
who are at Yale University.
Countless grads from thisschool have become politicians,
they've become judges, senators,the list goes on and on.
We should really be terrified
for our constitutional freedomsand our freedom of religion
if these are our top legal scholars
and they're being taught thatthis is an okay thing to do.
- I'm sure liberals at YaleLaw and elsewhere would argue
that the school has theright to defund groups
that they view as discriminatory.
- Well essentially whatthey're doing here though
is picking and choosing based on
what the school deems acceptable,
and that's really not okaybecause what this does
is it puts Christians at a disadvantage
and they're the only ones
who are really goingto be affected by this,
and it is specific enforcementto target Christians,
and that's what Ted Cruz's case is here.
And we've actually seen caseslike this play out before,
at the University of Iowa,
a group called Business Leaders in Christ.
We've reported about them
at the LeadershipInstitute's Campus Reform.
They had to sue their universityfor the right to choose
their leadership based on whobelieves in Christian morals
and they actually won thislawsuit because, as we know,
the Constitution really upholdsthat freedom of religion.
Ted Cruz knows this.
And we know that if this goes to court,
it's probably not goingto hold up in Yale's favor
because colleges liketo think that they act
as a shelter from the Constitution
and students' constitutional rights,
but really, they don't,and in the court of law,
that really will come to fruition
and we will see that play out.
- And as you have mentioned,
some brilliant legal minds from Yale.
They should know that as well.
That's not gonna hold musterwith the Supreme Court
if it's ever challenged.
Is there any indication
that Yale's backing off on this, Emma?
You know, they may losefederal funding and grants.
- Not so far.
We haven't seen any sort of change up
from Yale's perspective here.
They're holding true.
We will see if theyhold up against Ted Cruz
if he actually does take them to court.
That'd be very interesting to watch.
Campus Reform will befollowing this closely
because this is not only an issue
of students being enforced,
having a liberal point of view
forced upon them by their school,
but this is also a matterof our nation's top minds,
people who are going tobecome our attorneys,
they're going to become our judges,
taking on a skewed understanding
of what freedom of religion actually is.
- And not far from you, Emma,right there in Washington DC
at George Washington University,
students have voted to dump their mascot,
the mascot's nicknamedGeorge the Colonial,
because they say it's offensive.
Explain to me why this happened
because didn't George Washington,
the American Revolutionary war hero,
become our first presidentduring the colonial era?
- Absolutely.
Well, students have takenon an understanding,
thanks to their groupthink and academia,
that anything thatreferences the term colonial
is offensive and must be removed.
And this really is an attitudethat we see all the time
on college campuses, and in this case,
students have taken onthis mindset so much so
that they actually have voted,
a majority of students in thelast student election at GW,
voted to change their mascotfrom George the Colonial
to something else less offensive.
And this really is not a binding decision
because the schoolultimately has the rights
to decide what the mascot is,
but it really does show here
that students are takingon this understanding
that anything thatreferences colonial times
or anything that referencesa founding father,
those sort of things, those are offensive
and, therefore, must be removed.
- So I understand they wanta less offensive mascot,
a hippo?
I wonder if they'll change that
once they realize thathippos actually kill
2,900 people each year.
More people are killed by hippos
than any other African animal.
Do they know that?
- (scoffs) Who knows ifthey know that or not,
but really, students are takingon a skewed understanding
of what we should talk about
and what the conversation shouldbe if something offends us.
Students have reallytaken on this idea that,
when we are offended bysomething someone else does
or something going on at our school,
the answer is always tojust pull it, to hide it,
to throw it away or rip it down,
and that's really not the answer
and it's also not howthe real world works.
It's unfortunate thatstudents are taking on
this understanding that they have a right
to not be offended.
- Okay, Emma Meshell of Campus Reform,
thank you for joining ustoday and setting us straight.
- Thank you.
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(dramatic music)
- America is following Europe's lead
and is now trending away from religion.
According to the General Social Survey,
since 1991, the number of Americans saying
they have no religion hasrisen an alarming 266%.
23.1% of people polledsaid they have no religion.
Catholics are about 23% of the population.
Evangelicals statisticallythe same at 22.5%.
Protestant Christianity hasdropped 62.5% since 1982.
It's now just 10.8% of the population.
So mainline Christianity is dying.
But why?
Researchers speculate it's because
people are being moretruthful about their faith
and because cultural norms,
like attitudes toward homosexuality
and same sex marriage have changed.
But I think it's because younger people
are seeking the truth.
They're not finding it in church.
Many churches today arewatering down the gospel,
avoiding teaching of sin, hell,
the need for repentance and a savior.
In the book of Revelation,chapter three, verse 16,
Jesus says: Because you arelukewarm, neither hot nor cold,
I'm about to spit you out of my mouth.
Well maybe he's spittingmainline Protestantism
out of his mouth.
But folks, that may not be a bad thing
as long as Christians become more alive
and committed to their faith.
Fathers must lead the way.
A Swiss poll done 25 years ago
showed if a father is aregular church attendee,
his example means, as they grow older,
38% of children will becomeregular church attendees.
It's 33% if both the fatherand mother attend regularly,
only 3% if the mother attends.
But just attending church won't do it.
We've got to be the church, shine light,
make a difference in the world,put our faith into action
so people will say I want to be like that.
In John 15, Jesus reminds us
that he is the vine; hisfather is the gardener.
In verse two, he says: Godcuts off every branch in me
that bears no fruit, while every branch
that does bear fruit he prunes
so it will be even more fruitful.
So take heart.
This latest survey isnot all gloom and doom.
Perhaps God is pruning the branches
in preparation for agreat American revival.
Let's pray it begins in our own hearts
so the branches may bear much fruit.
Well that's it from the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, iTunes,
SoundCloud, YouTube, and Twitter.
And until next time, be blessed.
(dramatic music)