Read Transcript
- [Pat] Okay.- We've got some questions
for you, Pat.
Let's start with Karen.
She says, "Hello Pat, I'venever been comfortable
"with the descriptionof David and Jonathan's
"relationship in I Samuel 18-20.
"Gay colleagues usethis Biblical reference
"to justify their relationships.
"What was," David and Johnathan's"relationship, really?"
- All right, the Biblesays they really were
very good friends andhe said he love was like
exceeded the love of a womannot because they were gay
but just because theywere very, very close.
They were bonded together in aspiritual bond of friendship.
Now to think, you're talkin'about David bein' gay,
I mean, the whole deal with Bathsheba was
he was goin' after a woman,somebody else's wife.
And I mean, he had a number of wives,
he had a number of children.
He was not in any way ahomosexual, so this relationship
was one of extreme bondingand extreme friendship.
They were knit together like brothers,
like they were brothers in the Lord, okay?
- [Wendy] Amen.- No more.
- All right, Debra says,"I am haunted by my sins.
"When I was in my 30s I brokeone of the Ten Commandments
"four different times.
"I have given it to Godbut every time I pray,
"I hear the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit
"telling me to confess my sins to a person
"in order to truly be forgiven.
"Do I need to," do thisto a person to fully be
"forgiven from these horriblesins I've committed?"
- Look, I commend theCatholics on that confessional,
it seems to do some good priest skills in,
"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,"
and then he gives them all this stuff.
But I don't think that'sanything in the Bible
that indicates, you see "confessyour sins one to another."
But I really believe thatwhat you need to do is
who did you sin against?
I mean if you have hurtsomebody and you're holding
an offering, you oughtto go to that person
and say, "I ask your forgivenessbecause I cheated you
"on this deal," or "I've hurt your wife,"
or I did something, butin terms of a secret sin,
you confess that to the Lord.
I think the idea of goingand talking to somebody,
I mean, it may make youfeel more comfortable
but I don't think thatthere's anything in the Bible.
When you sin, you sin against God,
"against Thee and againstThee only have I sinned,"
and then what is evil in your sight.
"Cleanse me and make me clean."
"Against Thee and Theeonly have I sinned."
Keep that in mind, all right?
- Good word.
All right, Theresa says,"Hi Pat, I'm a 57-year-old
"Christian woman who lovesJesus and has been serving God
"faithfully for almost my entire life.
"Yet, I still do not have the ability
"to speak in tongueswhich really bothers me.
"What am I missing?
"And is this a mustfor complete salvation?
"Please help!"
- Well, the answer to the second part,
no, it's not a mustfor complete salvation.
Salvation comes from believing in Jesus.
The Bible says, "Presentyour body a living sacrifice
"holy acceptable untothe Lord," and then you
"ask and you shall receive."
What should you do?
You ask instead of saying,"Oh God, fill me, fill me
"fill me," and you keep talking.
Be quiet and let theLord move through you.
The thing is you
don't wanna start speaking intongues, it's not anything,
not that big a deal.
What is a big deal is beingfilled with the Holy Spirit
and where do you get that?
By praising Jesus.
"Lord, I praise you, I thank you."
Then keep your mouth shutfor a while and let the Lord
speak to you, and you begin to praise Him
out of the "innermost being will come
"rivers of living water."
- All right, Roe says, "DearPat, reading the account
"of the woman caught inadultery, why wasn't the man
"charged with it as well?
"Doesn't it say in the Torah,'If a man commits adultery
"'with his neighbor's wife,both the man and the woman
"'who have committed adulterymust be put to death.'"
- All right, first of all,I hate to disillusion you
but that part of the Bibleis not in the better text.
That whole thing about thewoman caught in adultery
is not in the best text.- Okay.
- So that's for starters.
- [Wendy] There's abetter version somewhere?
- Well, it just isn't in there.
I mean, it's an additional tothe pure text of the Bible.
- Oh.- So it just
wasn't in there.
But nevertheless, it's anice story and the woman
was brought before Jesusbecause they said we caught her
in the act of adultery andtherefore we wanna stone her.
And Jesus said, "He thatis without sin let him
"cast the first stone."
It's a wonderful story,but what you say is true.
The Bible does say bothof those things, but they
didn't catch the man andthey caught the woman.
- [Wendy] Yeah, he was faster.
He ran off.- (laughing)
But that isn't in the better text, okay?
- All right.
Jacquelyn says, "Recently,I was reading I Samuel 18:10
"where King Saul beganto be jealous of David.
"It says the next dayan evil spirit from God
"came forcibly upon Saul.
"Why would God forciblysend an evil spirit?"
- You know, you are askingsome really good questions.
- (chuckling) It is a good one, isn't it?
- I think that's the way the Old Testament
describes stuff.
I mean, Saul probably was
filled with evil.
- [Wendy] He opened the door.
- Well, if he opened thedoor, but I'm not sure
it was an evil spirit, Ithink that he was just nuts
and that's, they would,
when Jesus was here on earth,
He knew the differencebetween mental sickness
and demon possession andall these other things.
In the Old Testament, whenyou had a mental disease
or some bad temper, it was described
as being an evil spirit.- [Wendy] Right.
- And I just don't think Godput an evil spirit on anybody.
That isn't in accordance withwhat I know of scripture.