Mia explains to John that sometimes God doesn't use big signs to speak to us, but instead He uses a still small voice.
Read Transcript
- Hello?
I'm waiting, but take your time.
No rush or anything.
- Oh my goodness, John, I didn't realize
we were starting already.
How long have you been waiting?
- I wasn't talking to you.
I was talking to God.
- What?
- I was asking God for a sign
on if I should eat myvegetables at dinner tonight.
- What kind of sign?
- You know, a sign likethunder and lightning,
snow in July, or aliensmaterializing in front of you
with vegetables in theirhands for me to eat.
You know, a sign.
(ominous music)
(logo swooshing)
- You need a sign from Godto eat your vegetables?
Sometimes I worry about you.
- Hey.
- But since you're waiting so expectantly,
I should tell you that Goddoesn't always use huge signs
to speak to His children.
- He doesn't?
- Nope, a lot of the timesHe uses a still, small voice.
Let me tell you a story.
- What kind of story?
- A Bible story, what else?
If you want to follow alongon the Superbook Bible app,
our story comes from 1 Kings19, verses nine through 18.
(victorious music)
(audience applauding)
- I thought you were theone telling the story.
- One day, the prophetElijah was hiding in a cave.
- [John] I can't see anything.
- Ssh, you're hiding in a cave.
- [John] What?
- Then the Lord said to him,"Elijah, what are you doing?"
- [John] I guess I'm hiding in a cave.
- But why?
- I don't know Mia, you'rethe one telling this story.
(Mia whispering)
It's because everyone hates me.
They killed all the prophetsand I'm the last one.
- Then God said to him,"Go, stand on this mountain
"and wait for me to pass by."
- Okay, cool.
- And as Elijah wasstanding on the mountain,
a ferocious wind came.
(wind blowing)
It was so fierce thatthe rocks came loose.
- Oh a sign from...
- No, the Lord was not in the wind
and after the wind camea terrible earthquake.
(things rattling)
(Mia gasping)
- Was the Lord in the earthquake?
- No He wasn't.
And then there was a fire.
- [Kara] No fire.
- But Kara, there was a fire.
- [Kara] No fire.
- Well anyway, there was a fire.
- I'm assuming the Lordwasn't in the fire either.
- No He wasn't.
(victorious music)
(audience applauding)
- Then where was he?
- After the wind, therewas a gentle whisper
and the Lord was inthat still, small voice.
- So you're saying I don't need God
to cause an earthquakeevery time he answers
one of my questions?
- Precisely.
- Good, 'cause I ask a lot of questions.
- I know.
A lot of times we hear God best
when we're waiting expectantly,like you were doing.
- Really?
- Yeah, it's important tohave quiet time with God.
- Like, literally quiet time?
- Yeah, like time meditating on His word
and listening for anything Hemight be trying to tell you.
- Would you mind leaving soI could have some quiet time
with God in figuring out ifI should eat my vegetables
at dinner tonight?
- Sure, but you don't need God to tell you
to eat your vegetables.
You should just eat your vegetables.
- Says who?
- Everyone, but mostimportantly, your parents.
- Yeah, I guess you're right.
Hey, I got my sign.
It was you.
- His Word is forever alive.
(upbeat music)
- Are you waiting to hearabout something from God?
We're praying you'll hear His voice.
- Visit us on our website,theSuperbookshow.com,
and also download the Superbook Bible app.
- [Both] Bye.
(upbeat music)
(Mia screaming)
(John laughing)
- What?
Am I just like a funny person?
(all laughing)
- I don't know Mia.
This is...
(bell dinging)
(bell dinging)
(bell dinging)
(bell dinging)
(bell dinging)
(bell dinging)
Sign from...
- No.
(electronic beeping)
(bell dinging)
- You know, you know what?
I've had it with you.