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King on a Donkey - The Superbook Show

Kaitlin celebrates Palm Sunday with a story about how Jesus was a greater king than the Jewish people ever expected. Read Transcript

- Welcome to The Superbook Show,

and today's Bizarre Bible Byte.

In honor of Palm Sunday,

I wanted to touch a little bitmore closely on that story,

and talk about how maybethe people opposing

Jesus were right about some things.

(donkey braying)

That's right, I am defendingthe opposers of Jesus.

No, I'm not defending going against Jesus

but there is this onething that's a little weird

and when you see it, you'llfind it's totally bizarre.

So let's take a look at

Jesus's triumphantentrance into Jerusalem.

- Judas, this is amazing!

- They should be making more noise.

This is their soon-to-be king.

And Jesus shouldn't be riding a donkey.

A king rides a stallion.

This isn't what we need.

If he's going to be king,

he needs to start behaving as a king.

- And that's where somepeople sort of had a point.

In this episode, wehear Judas say something

that a lot of people werethinking at the time.

The Jewish people were understrict rule of a foreign power,

the Romans.

The people were waitingfor the coming messiah.

A king who would conquer their enemies,

leading a victorious rebellion.

And Jesus was that king

but instead of coming in on akingly beast or a war horse,

he came in on a donkey.

I mean, sounds strange, right?

Why not act like a king in this moment?

Jesus did a lot of things

that people didn't reallythink were very kingly.

He made enemies of the rich and powerful.

- Outrageous!

He will not get away with this.

- He hung out with the poorand the sick and sinners.

A royal person would haveonly the wealthy, the strong

and the pure as allies,

and he acted like a servant.

Taking care of others rather

than being waited on like a powerful man.

We expect a king to act with dominance,

to lord over others,

but Jesus acted humbly,

caring for more thanjust riches and power.

I mean, what's up with that?

Well, here's the secret,

Jesus acted like a kingjust not the kind of king

that was expected.

When Jesus entered Jerusalemhe was enacting a prophecy.

Rejoice, oh, people of Zion!

Shout in triumph, oh, people of Jerusalem!

Look, your king is coming to you!

He is righteous and victorious,

yet he is humble, riding on a donkey.

Riding on a donkey's colt.

Jesus is king.

He is righteous andvictorious, and he is humble.

He is king and he is servant.

He didn't come to kill our enemies,

he came to save our enemies.

Just as he came to save all of us.

- If you want to be great,

you must be the servant of all the others.

Just as the son of mandid not come to be served

but to serve, and to give hislife as a ransom for many.

- People were expectinga great warrior to come

and conquer the Romans.

Jesus was a great warriorwho conquered death and sin,

a much larger target.

People were expecting a king to come

and deal with the country'stemporary problems,

Jesus came to deal withour eternal problems,

and in the process, he wasshowing us a new kind of king,

one that is brave enough to be humble

and strong enough to serve.

People did not expect aking who would give himself

as a sacrifice.

They also did not expect aking who would conquer death

and rise from the grave.

They weren't expecting to get a king

that would care abouteveryone no matter how low

or young or seemingly insignificant.

They weren't expecting to geta king that would love you

and me, they expected toget a king of a country,

and what we got insteadwas a king over our hearts.

Aren't you glad thatwe didn't get the king

that we expected?

I know I am.

His word is forever alive.

I dunno, I always likestart here and I'm like,

whatta you gonna do, like?

I dunno.

His word is forever alive.

That was a little weird but okay.




♪ No matter how low ♪

Did I just start singing?


I know, I really want likethat Celine Dion moment, like.

♪ No matter ♪


Just like, on the ship, okay.

That's Titanic, but that's fine.

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