Mariah reminds Alex that we can admire celebrities, but we cannot follow them blindly.
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- Whoa! Whoa! Watch out for the ch-
- Oops.
- Welcome to the SuperBook show.
- What are you doing?
- Huh?
- What are you doing?
- Your lips are moving,but no sound's coming out.
- Oh, right.
- Why are you walkingaround with a blindfold?
- Well, I'll tell you in a second
but first let's introduce today's episode.
- I already did that.
- You did? I didn't hear you.
Oh. Well, I'm trying toimprove my sense of smell.
- What?
Yeah. Wayde B. Cole walksaround for an hour every day
with a blindfold andnoise canceling headphones
to improve his sense of smell.
- Wayde B. Cole, the singer?
- Yeah, the super handsomesinger who kind of looks like me.
- Okay. But don't youthink it's a bit dangerous?
I mean, you ran straight into the chair.
And now Preston's sad.
- Well yeah, but if Wayde B. Cole does it,
it can't be that dangerous.
He wouldn't recommend something dangerous.
- Just because you reallyadmire someone does not mean
you should imitate everything they do.
- But Wayde is so cool. Iwant to be just like him.
He's so talented and everyone loves him.
- And it's okay to admire someone,
especially if they're really talented,
but you must rememberthat they're only human.
- Yeah but what if they're like super cool
all around awesome human.
- Well, here's the problem.Very few people are
all around awesome. We all makemistakes and we have flaws.
Nobody's perfect. Even celebrities.
Hey, that reminds me of king Saul.
- How's that?
- He was a celebrity, being the first king
of Israel and all.
And he started off being a very good king,
but then he disobeyed God's commands.
- Hey, how about we watch aclip from the SuperBook episode
David and Saul?
- Your highness king Saul. Theprophet Samuel. He is here.
- May the Lord bless you.
I have carried out the Lord's command.
- What then is this bleatingof the sheep in my ears and
the lowing of the oxen, which I hear?
- It's true that the armyspared the best of the sheep and
cattle, but they're going tosacrifice them to the Lord
your God. We havedestroyed everything else.
- The Lord has anointed youking of Israel and the Lord sent
you on a mission and told you"go and completely destroy the
sinners, the Amalekitesuntil they are all dead."
Why haven't you obeyed the Lord?
- After that, Saul became very wicked.
His jealousy of David,
whom Samuel anointed to bethe next king of Israel,
led Saul to pursue David,trying to kill him.
- Yeah. And speaking of David,
he was a man after God's own heart and he
still made some pretty bad mistakes.
- Yep. And just like thecelebrities of today,
we can admire him for the good he did,
and learn from the mistakes.
- So maybe Wayde isn'tright about this whole
blindfold thing.
After all he's a singer, not a doctor.
But, I still do think hissinging is quite amazing.
- And that's okay.
I also think his singing issomething to really admire.
- So you're saying I cantry to imitate his singing?
- Yeah! Uh, sure.
But can you just do me a favor first?
Yeah can you just goahead and pass me those
noise-canceling headphones?And then we're good.
- But seriously though,
thanks so much for helping merealize that I need to be more
careful in blindly following celebrities.
Quite literally, in this case.
- You are welcome.
- His word is forever alive.
- You're right. Wayde B. Cole'smusic is good. I like it.
- You know what else you should like?
- Huh?
- You know what else you should like?
- What?
- This video! You shouldlike this video too.
- And, you should go to watch
the entire episode of David and Saul.
- Bye.
- Bye-bye.
- You know what else youshould like? This video.
- Why was that so complicated?
- It's such a struggle that thing.
- You're like what is this!
- Oh what?
- Oh watch out for that-
- Oh, that was so unconvincing.
- [Producer] A little bit, yeah.
All right, stay right here,
- I know, I know.
I'm just shaking it out!
- [Alex] Okay.
- [Producer] Good energy you guys.
- [Mariah] Aaaaaah!