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With God - The Superbook Show

Lawrence and Emma are at the Gumtree farm talking about 3 ways God has used the donkey for his purposes. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the Superbook Show!

- Today we're at the Gum Tree Farm.

- We've already seen a lot of the farm,

including many interesting animals.

- What animal do youthink is the most special?

- Hmmm, out of all the animals,

I'd say the horse.(horse neighing)

No wait, the baby goats.(goat bleating)

They are so cute and guess what?

They're the goat!

Get it?(drumming and cymbal ringing)

- No, it's definitely the donkey!


- Oh yeah the, say what now?

(donkey braying)



- Most special animal, the donkey?

- Yep, I think so!

- But, baby goats!

- The donkey!

It's the with God animal.

- The with God animal?

You're definitely gonna haveto walk me through this one.

- Donkeys don't seem very exciting.

Beasts of burden,

that's what people call them.

- Yep, so, special how?

- Let's look at donkeys in the Bible.

Let's go all the way back to Samson.

- I dunno much about him.

- He was one of the judges of Israel.

(gavel pounding)

God anointed him to helpthe nation get justice.

- Justice from what?

- The Philistines wereraiding the country.

They were stealing from themand attacking their farms,

things like that.

- Philistines, Goliathwas one of those, right?

David fought him.

(whooshing and dramatic music)

(yelling)(air whirring)



(whooshing)- That's the one!

But this story takesplace long before David.

Samson was taken prisonerby the Philistines.

- Bummer.

- And the Philistines were gonna kill him,

but God's spirit gave Samson strength

and he broke the ropes!

- Like Superman!

- The first superhero in history!


There were thousands of Philistines there,

and Samson had nothing to fight with.

- Keep going.

- So he looks at a skeleton of a donkey,

he picked up the jawboneand used it as a club,

and fought off the Philistines!

- But there was an army of them.

- And Samson killed over 1,000 of them,

and the rest ran away.

- And he did all that withthe jawbone of a dead donkey.

- It was just a jawbone,

but with God it was a mighty weapon!

- With God.

I'm getting it now.

- Okay so earlier than Samson,

in the time of Moses,

a donkey is used foranother important role.

It's with this guy named Balaam.

- I know this one.

We did a Superbook Show about Balaam.

- God gives the donkey a voice.

And the donkey says, "Heywhat's going on here man?

"What's with the (mumbling)?

"I'm tryin' to save your life."

That's right.

God uses a difficult donkeyto deliver his message.

Donkey! (laughing)

- Balaam was a prophet,

and he was going to givea prophecy against Moses.

- That's right, King Balak of Moab

was paying Balaam to do it.

- But God sent one of Hisangels to kill Balaam,

but Balaam's donkey saw the angel.

- Who Balaam could not see.

- And the donkey wouldn'ttake Balaam any further.

Then God let the donkey speak,

and he yelled at Balaamfor being so stupid.

- And the donkey was God's spokesperson.

- But without God, thedonkey was just a donkey.

- But with God, he wasthe speaker of wisdom!

- Any more?- You got it!

- [Person In Crowd] Look, it's him--

- [Emma] Near the end of Jesus's life,

a donkey carried Him into Jerusalem.

Normally a king would ride a stallion,

but Jesus chose a donkey.


- Without God, a lowly beast of burden.

- With God, deserving tocarry the king of kings.

I think that's why I like donkeys so much.

They're just like me!

- I get it.

- With God, I'm worthy tobe with the king of kings

to have power and speak wisdom.

- Jesus told his disciples,"But you will receive power

"when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

"And you shall be my witnesses,

"telling people about me, everywhere."

- You got it!

- Come on, let's go.

- Where are we going?- To find a donkey!

- His word is forever alive.

Hey, wait for me!



- It doesn't take the wisdom of a donkey

to know you should downloadSuperbook bible app today.

- Or the strength of a donkey's jawbone

to hit like and subscribe!

- Okay, that doesn't make any sense.

Why would someone need strengthto hit the like button?

- Well what if you have like peanut butter

stuck on your keyboard

and you have to like getit out with your fingers?

It'd be kinda difficult.

- You speak from experience?

- I speak from experience (giggling)

- See you next time!

- Bye!

(upbeat happy music)

- (kissing) Can you kiss it?


(beeping)- [Person Behind Camera] Cut.

- (gasping) I think he's eating me!


Come on, come up here.


- [Person Behind Camera] Cut (mumbling).

Uh, but as--

- (scoffing) Sir (laughing)

- (tongue rolling) My hands are sweating.

You little hairy dude huh?

You little hairy guy huh.

Did you kiss it?


(sheep bleating)

(imitating sheep bleating)


(high-pitched bleating)

(high-pitched bleating)


(high-pitched bleating)

(chickens squawking)

(ducks quacking)

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