Read Transcript
- Time for some questions.
You ready?- Let's go for 'em, all right.
- Okay, Pat, the first one comes from Don
who says, "Doesn't theBible promise believers
"protection from fatal plagues, traps,
"and danger in Psalm 91?
"By praying this together as a nation,
"in groups online or individually,
"could this bring God's handof healing and protection
"to people here in Americaand around the world?"
- Well, we could.
If you remember the prayerthat they were to pray was
if my people, which are called by my name,
will, quote, humblethemselves, number one,
and pray, number two, andforsake their wicked ways,
then I will hear from Heaven,
and will hear their prayersand heal their land,
but if there's going to be a national time
when we're free from this kind of stuff,
there needs to be a callto humility, confession,
forsaking sin, and then prayer.
And if we do that, yes, God'll hear, okay?
- This is Kavaan who says, "It is too late
"for those," and I thinkhe means is it too late,
"for those who are unableto let go of bitterness
"to be with Jesus?
"I'm scared to go to hell.
"I have felt bitter for a long time now.
"I keep asking God for His forgiveness
"and strength to forgiveothers, but I feel angry."
- All right, two things: number one,
the God will forgive you all this stuff
if you confess it, but look.
How do you get, you're madat somebody, you're bitter,
and they did you in, Imean, they really took you,
and they have humiliatedyou, they've put you down.
You were in school andthey embarrassed you.
Your siblings have turned against you.
I mean, the whole list of things.
But here's the deal.
If you want to get free from bitterness,
you don't sit around saying,
"I want to get rid of bitterness,"
because all that does ismagnify the bitterness.
What you start doing is saying,
"God, I want you to blessthose people that hurt me.
"I want to bless my enemies.
"I want to bless those thatdid this terrible thing to you.
"God, bless them!"
So all of a sudden, you're asking God
to look after those people.
Instead of focusing in on that bitterness,
you're focusing on blessing to the others,
and as you give forth thatblessing, you are set free.
That's what you want to do, all right?
- This is Gerty, Pat, who says,
"When we accept Jesus as our Savior,
"we are forgiven all oursins: past, present, future.
"So if, or when, I sin now,
"do I ask Him to cleanseme of it through His blood,
"or do I just admit I didwrong and repent of it?
"I'm hearing different thingsand I'm a little confused."
- Well, look, if you read,
I think it's the little letter of 3 John.
If we walk in the lightas He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another,
and the blood of Jesus Christ
continually cleanses us from all sin.
Continuously cleanses us from all sin.
Then if we say we have not sinned,
we make God a liar, andHis truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins,He's faithful and just
to forgive us our sins,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
So I think it was John Wesley that said,
"There's not a day that doesn't go by
"that I don't plead the blood of Jesus,"
because, as we walk with the Lord,
well, there are thingscoming up in our lives,
but if we walk as He is in the light,
and we continuously do it,
the blood will continuously cleanse us.
That's what the Bible says, all right?
- This is Wendy who says,"Hello, Pat, I'm from Alaska
"and I recently startedwatching The 700 Club.
"I'd like to start tithing,
"but only my husband is work right now.
"If I get a job, my toppriority is to tithe.
"How much are we supposed to give back?
"If it's 10%, do we bothgive the required percentage,
"or can it be combinedbecause we're married?"
(Pat laughing)
- You know, I tell you what.
God is not a Philadelphialawyer, nor is He an accountant.
He's not got ledgers tocount up all your giving.
But the normal thing is a tithe
of that which He has blessed you with,
and you give unto the work of the Lord.
And I think if there's twoof you, and it's a family,
you'd give as a family, so you combine.
If you make 50,000 a yearand your husband makes 60
or the other way around, it's110, so you'd tithe that.
That's what I would think you would do.
You wouldn't take one singlesalary and not tithe the other,
but the main thing isyou want to be blessed,
and God says prove me withyour tithes and offerings,
and I want to open the windows of Heaven
and pour yours as a blessing;you can't contain it.
So the idea is how manyopportunities do I have to give
so that God will pour out ablessing on me, all right?
- Okay, this is Delores who says,
"When you have so many health problems
"and you pray for healing andothers are praying for you
"and you never get an answer,
"are you doing something wrong?"
- It's entirely possible.
Look at your heart.
If I regard iniquity in myheart, the Lord won't hear me.
If I have bitterness, the Biblesays when you stand praying,
if you have ought against any, forgive
that your Heavenly Father may forgive you.
If you want to be in aposition of being born-again,
of being access to the throne of God,
you have to let go of bitterness,
so you may have a resentmentagainst your parents.
You may have a resentmentagainst your spouse.
Who knows what's in your heart,
but get rid of that ifwhen you stand praying,
if you have ought against any,forgive, that's the answer.
All right, last thing.
- Dave wants to know where in scripture
it says men shouldn't wear jewelry.
He says, "I wear a wedding band
"and one other ring and a bracelet.
"I'm not allowed to wear them if preaching
"or teaching at the church I attend.
"Is this scriptural, and ifso, where can I find it?"
- If you can find it,you're better than I am.
I don't know where it is.
But I tell you, some of these churches
set up artificial barriers, and you know,
I think what God'slooking for is our heart.
You know, those that worship God
must worship Him in spirit and truth.
God is a spirit.
He isn't interested in yourjewels and that kind of stuff;
it's what's in your heart.
You wear that stuff to show off.
I've got a super goldRolex that cost 20 grand,
I mean, is that whatyou're wearing it for?
You're wearing a wedding right
'cause you show you'remarried, that's okay.