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- Well you've sent in some email questions
and it's time to ask Pat forsome honest answers on these.
Pat this is Frances who says,
"Hi Pat, I love the 700 Club.
"Can you tell us what's happening
"in the world today with Bible prophecy?"
- Well, if I had about 24hours to discuss it, Frances,
I think I can do abetter job but you know,
there's certain signs.
The apostle Paul said thisday won't take you unaware.
It'll come like a--
The birth pangs,
and they'll be no escape.
And you read all the way back into Daniel
they'll be a time of tribulation.
And we're gonna have a time of suffering.
I don't know when that'sgonna be or how it's gonna be,
but Jesus said therewere gonna be earthquakes
in various places, therewere gonna be famines,
there were gonna beplagues, there were gonna be
wars and rumors of wars, and then He said
when this gospel of the kingdomis preached in all the world
for a witness, then the end's gonna come.
I think we're very closeto fulfilling that.
And, you know, He also saidJerusalem will be trodden
under the foot of theGentiles until such time
as the time of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
Well, Jerusalem has been under the heel
of the Babylonians and foreignpowers, the Romans, et cetera
and even the Six Day War,the Israelis took control
of Jerusalem for the firsttime, so all these prophecies
have been lining up, one by one.
Is it gonna be tomorrow?
It'll be next year?
It'll be five years from now?
Nobody knows the day or the hour.
Anybody that tells you theydo, they're not, again,
in accordance with the Bible.
And I don't know.
Jesus, Himself, said,"I don't know the day,
"neither the angels don't know it."
It's in the Father's planwhen He's gonna come back.
But we look and see it'sgetting closer, period.
- This is Paul who says,"What are the signs of knowing
"if something is God's planor if it's God's will?"
- Well folks, the Bible says, "He that has
"by reason of use, hashis senses exercised
"to discern what is good from evil,"
and you wanna know what God's will is.
There's no substitute for just
practicing the presenceof God, living with God,
seeing if what He tells you comes to pass,
seeing if your innerthoughts are in accordance
with the scripture.
God won't do anything that'scontrary to His written Word,
so that won't happen,but you'll get leading
and He's just amazing.
If you'll open yourheart to the Holy Spirit,
He will speak to you.
And Jesus said, "I'mgonna send you a Guide
"Who's gonna lead you into all truth."
So the Holy Spirit will do that.
And you just need tobe open to His leading.
But, you know, thereare voices of the Devil,
there are voices in yourown mind of what you want.
George Müller said, "Ihave no mind of my own
"in the matter."
He took his own will outof it and he said I wanna
do what God wants.
That's how you know.
You've gotta be totally open,though, to doing God's will.
All right?
- This is Jerry who says,"Pat, is there prophecy
"yet to be fulfilled?
"With everything going on in our world,
"how does it all fit inthe Book of Revelation?"
- Well Jerry, I just wentthrough a group of things
that have been fulfilled.
Is there anything else?
I was at the Museum of theBible several month ago
and I learned that theBible translating group
got together and they said they'll
have a fragment of the Bible available
by about 2036, or something like that.
And so we're very close to having that.
CBN now, is taking theGospel all over the world.
We're broadcasting all over the world.
The Gospel is going outthroughout the world,
and that's, in my opinion,is the major sign.
So it's getting close, all right?
- This is Michele whosays, "Pat, does the Lord
"feel sorrow with everything happening
"in the world right now?"
- Of course, He's sorrow.
You know, but--
Think of Joseph Stalin.
He caused the starvationof 20 to 30 million people.
Mao Zedong, the same thing.
The people in Cambodia,you know, killing people
right and left.
World War I and World WarII, there were at least
50 million killed during World War II.
There was the Holocaustwhere six million Jews.
You know God's grieved at this,but this is what sin does.
It isn't God that's causingthis stuff, it's sin.
And human beings,unfortunately, have free will,
fortunately or otherwise,and their free will
when they're given overto selfishness, to greed,
and to Satan, they do horrible things
because we have the abilityto be like the angels,
and that power that has been given us,
when it's turned againstGod, can do horrible things.
So we have now, bombs thatcan destroy civilization.
We've come across that withthe brilliance God's given us.
So, does it grieve God?
He's not surprised,'cause He knows the end
from the beginning, butsure it grieves Him.
- This is Britt who says,"There is a popular teaching
"that you must go to the courts of heaven
"and put a restrainingorder on your enemy.
"My understanding is thatMatthew 16 and Matthew 18
"tell us the keys of the Kingdom
"are to bind and loose on earth.
"Is it really necessary Igo to the courts of heaven
"to prohibit something?"
- There's nothing in the Bibleabout the courts of heaven.
Somebody just come upwith a teaching like that
in some church.
That's not in the Bible.
But look, the Rabbis--
Here's the deal.
They would give rules and say okay,
you're supposed to fast andtithe your mint and cumin
and that kind of stuff.
Now that would be binding.
They bind those rules.
And Jesus told Hisdisciples, He said okay,
I'm gonna give you the keys to the Kingdom
and you can bind.
You can setup in yourchurch, you can determine
what is the rules thatthe people should follow
and they're also what rulesthey don't have to follow.
That's loosing.
So that's what binding and loosing means.
You know, I'll give you thekey and I'll let you do it,
but He's given to thechurch, over all the church,
and the church has exercised that.
They have church councils that decided
what is the account of the scriptures
they decide what, you know.
You remember Paul said I'vebeen talkin' to the Gentiles
and the council got together.
He said you tell them tostay free from immorality
and from eating food with blood in it.
And you know, that's all they gotta do.
All right, but it's up to the--
That's what God gave us.
He gave the church theability to bind and loose,
and what we do will be ratified in heaven.
So it's an awesome responsibilitywe have, as Christians.
- Thank you.- Thank you.
- And thank you all for your questions.
We love hearing from you.