Sales dried up in Keith and Terry’s business, and they practically lost everything—even their home. In this tough time, they were reminded of a money principle that gave them hope and security again. Keith challenges you to apply it to your ...
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
(dramatic music)
- Welcome to the 700 club.
A smoldering volcano in the Philippines
could erupt again, killing those
in the danger zone.
- Already tens of thousands of people
have evacuated, most with only
the clothes on their backs.
Now what will they do.
Here's George Thomas with the story.
- [George] In Batangas Province,
some 40 miles south of Manila,
roads beginning to crackas local authorities
warn Taal volcano could see
a bigger eruption at any moment.
Five days after the volcano,spewing lava and ash,
anxious residents are lining up,
desperate to get back to their homes
despite the risk.
- We want to feed our animals,
even for just one hour if theauthorities will allow us.
This is our only source of income for us,
and yet they are notallowing us to go back.
- [George] More than 120,000 people
fled the province, many escaping with just
the clothes on their back.
- We only eat if there are donations.
If there are no donatedrelief goods, we don't eat.
We can't buy anythingbecause we have no money.
We were caught by surprise.
- [George] This is done footage of Laurel,
a small blanketed in gray following
the Sunday eruption.
Homes, farms and trees covered in ash.
Late Thursday CBN News reporter,
Lucille Talusan gainedaccess near the volcano.
- This is the town of Talisay,
and it is within the danger zone
and so as you can see thisis like a ghost town now
because most of the residents here
have been forcibly evacuated.
- [George] Many of Talisay's residents
and others now seeking shelter
in the more than 350 evacuation centers.
CBN Operation Blessing teams working here
around the clock sincethe volcano erupted,
providing much needed relief supplies
like water, mats, hygiene items,
food packets and masks.
To date, Operation Blessing has helped
more than 1,000 families.
Seismologists say that while the volcano
shows signs of calming down,
the danger remains realand are urging authorities
to keep resident a safe distance away.
More than 100 tremors have been registered
around the volcano since Wednesday.
George Thomas, CBN News.
- If you're a member ofthe 700 club, thank you.
You're part of that relief effort.
We're going to be doing even more
in the coming days to make sure
those refugees, those evacuees
are properly taken care of and have
the food and water that they need.
In other news, for justthe third time in history,
the Senate has been sworn in
for a presidential impeachment trial.
And starting next week, House Democrats
make their case for removingPresident Trump from office.
As Mark Martin reports, a few key senators
could determine how it all goes.
- It's a scene that is only played out
in America twice before.
Senators sitting solemnly in their seats
to begin the impeachmenttrial of a president.
- Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.
All persons are commanded to keep silent
on pain of imprisonment.
- [Mark] Chief Justice John Roberts
will oversee the trial.
- So help you God.
- I do.
- God bless you.
- [Mark] Each senator also taking an oath
to do impartial justice.
- [Judge] So help you God.
- [Mark] Opening argumentsbegin Tuesday at 1:00
and the big question, what's the strategy
of democratic impeachment managers
led by Congressman Adam Schiff.
- Impeaching Donald John Trump,
President of the United States
for high crimes and misdemeanors.
- [Mark] Democrats say there'snew evidence to examine,
including newly released information
from former Rudy Giulianiassociate, Lev Parnus,
who says there's no question the President
wanted to convince Ukraine to investigate
his potential Democraticpresidential political opponent.
- President Trump knewexactly what was going on.
He was aware of all of my movements.
I wouldn't do anything without the consent
of Rudy Guiliani or the President.
- [Mark] From the OvalOffice, President Trump
again called the process partisan
and denied Parnus' claims.
- Don't know where he comes from,
know nothing about him.
I can only tell you thisthing is a big hoax.
- [Mark] A top priority ofthe House impeachment managers
will be to convincemoderate Republican senators
to allow witnesses.
Two Democratic Senatorswill also be key players.
Senators Joe Mansion of West Virginia
and Doug Jones of Alabama represent states
where Trump is popular and may vote
in his favor at the end.
Despite all the Washington intrigue
about the trial, thePresident is widely expected
to be acquitted.
That's because it takes a super majority,
67 senators to convict,
which would require Democrats to convince
20 Republicans to voteagainst the President.
Mark Martin, CBN News.
- Well, it all starts on Tuesday 1 p.m.
and I'll be high drama on Capitol Hill.
We'll be right back with moreof the 700 Club after this.
(dramatic music)
When Jessie DeMalo got her first paycheck
as a police officer, she celebrated.
She bought a brand new car.
Before long, Jessie was way overextended
and depending on payday loans to get by.
Then one day she came home to face
the ultimate humiliation,
an eviction notice on her front door.
- [Narrator] JessieDeMalo was so stressed out
she couldn't sleep.
But it wasn't her job as a police officer
that kept her up, it washer worries about money.
- At that time I had loansat three different companies,
my car payment was behind
and now on the rent, so it was a lot.
It was just, it was bad.
- [Narrator] It wasn'tthat she didn't make
enough to live on, because she did.
She just had never beentaught good money management.
- I came from working in retail.
I used to work at Saks Fifth Avenue,
where I was making $9.50and little waitressing jobs
and stuff like that.
So when I got that first check,
I was like oh, my God, Igotta go buy a new car.
So I went and bought a brand new car
and so now I have a high new car payment.
Letting people borrow money,
eating out all the time,shopping frivolously
and you know, if I would run out of money,
I would just go and get a loan, you know,
get a payday loan or something like that.
- [Narrator] Jessie isalso a single mother
trying to raise her son by herself,
but no matter how many hours she worked,
her financial situation never improved.
- It's like no matter how much came in,
nothing was sticking.
It was like I had holes in my pockets.
And then I came home one day and there
was an eviction notice on my door.
Seeing that on an officer's door.
The first thing that came to mind
was like embarrassment,disappointment in myself.
It was kind of like thatslap in the face moment,
like wake up, do something different.
- [Narrator] To keep from being evicted,
Jessie asked if she could move in
with your aunt, who was a small Christian.
- And there she would go,
Jessie, you don't pay your tithes.
You need to pay your tithes in church.
That's why you're not seeing nothing.
And just going on into a lecture.
I'm like man, I don't want to hear that.
How can I give away moneywhen I'm telling you
I can't save money.
Like what are they gonna do with it?
I'm not giving it to that church.
You know, they're justgonna spend my money.
Here I am barely above water
and now you want me to give away 10%.
I don't think so.
- [Narrator] Reluctantly Jessie went
to church with her and tithed.
Soon after, she saw results.
- An email pops up and I read the email
and it's this apartment complex looking
for a courtesy officer and basically
what a courtesy officer is is
they have you stay on the property
for either discounted rent or free rent
and you do X, Y and Z,
whatever they ask you do do.
So I called and I was like,
"Okay, how much is the rent?"
And she was like, "It's free."
She was like, "You can move in this week."
So I was literally at my aunt's house
for like two weeks, paying tithes,
doing everything normal, whatever,
and this great opportunity of a
free apartment comes available.
And that's when I started to say,
you know what, maybe she's onto something.
- [Narrator] Because of that blessing,
Jessie began attending church and giving
on a regular basis.
- I went and bought a Bible
and it was like the wordswere just jumping out at me.
You know, I was readingabout tithing in Malachi
and stuff like that andgiving your offerings
and I was like, this stuff really works.
- [Narrator] Eventually,Jessie got a raise at work.
One day she decided to fullycommit her life to God.
I called my aunt and I was like
"I want to get saved, I wantto do it all over again.
Do I have to wait untilSunday to go to church?"
She was like, "No, wecan do it right now."
And I literally felt like a new person.
I felt like this big weighthad been lifted off me.
I felt like a new person.
I felt like I could fly or whatever.
- [Narrator] Jessie's lifechanged so dramatically
that she even began togive more than a tithe.
She also became a CBN partner.
I just loved what the network stands for.
I love the stories thatthey provide every day
and I love Pat.
Pat's Q&A questions and stuff.
They're not just talking,
they're actually walking the walk.
You know, they're going out,
providing people with clean water
and they're going out when people
get hit by natural disasters
and I love that they're actually feet
on the ground doing that thing.
You know, they're notjust behind the screen,
taking your money, they'reputting that money to use
and you can see that.
- [Narrator] Jessie'sfinances are back on track
and she now lives in peace,
knowing that God is her source.
- I paid off all my debt,
only debt I have now are my student loans
and my car payment and that's it.
I'm telling you, tithing islike the secret ingredient.
It's the secret key thatI just wish more people
knew and took seriously.
- Tithing is the secret key.
Here it is from Proverbs 11.
"One scatters, yet increases more
"and one withholds more than is right,
"but it leads to poverty.
"The generous soul will be made rich
"and he who waters willalso be watered himself."
When you understand it'sgenerosity that's the key,
when you're generous,then wonderful things
will happen to you.
Well, Keith and Kerry Kemp were living
in a rundown trailer.
It was a drastic fallfrom their former life
as the owners of a boomingconstruction business.
But then things went from bad to worse,
and even the Kemp'strailer was repossessed.
- [Narrator] Keith and Terry Kemp loved
spending time together on their farm.
In 1996, the Kemps ran the largest
construction company in Okaloosa County.
- When you've donesomething and the people
really love it, and youknow that satisfaction
you get from thrillingthem and giving them what
they were asking for, that'salways the best thing.
- [Narrator] In 2000, theybegan building spec homes
for a real estate company,
that pushed them to build more homes
than they budgeted.
Keith believed he could deliver.
- We were booming somuch that he just planned
that we would sell that many homes,
so he just borrowed the money, you know,
and built all those homes,
but they just didn't sell.
- The market just dropped.
We didn't have enough money in the bank
to pull us on throughuntil they were sold.
- [Narrator] The unsold homeswere eventually repossessed
and caused the Kemps toshut down their business.
Keith began subcontractingwith other companies,
but the money he earned wasn't enough
to cover all their expenses.
They soon lost their home, vehicles
and were forced to move into a trailer
on an empty lot owned by a friend,
but that, too, was repossessed.
- When they were gonnarepossess the trailer,
Keith started throwing this house together
with a few of our friends and it wasn't
even finished when we had to move into it
when they took the trailer.
We didn't even havestairs at the front door.
We had plywood floors down.
Our drywall wasn't done on the walls.
I mean, it was very, very unfinished
and we had to live in that and
finish it as we went.
- Oh, I felt terrible because,
you know, I've always been able
to supply for my family.
When I'm struggling to try to figure out
where we're gonna make the money and how
I'm gonna take care of my wife and kids,
that hurts you.
- [Narrator] Terry was a 700 Club viewer
and soon Keith began to watch it as well.
There, he learned about tithing.
- Watching the 700 Club and Keith
seeing the money miracles that happened
once the people started tithing.
Some of them didn't even have money
to buy food with, butthey gave their last $5
and then stuff juststarted happening to them.
So I said, "Keith, Godsaid, God cannot lie,
"God said give me 10% and he would give
"you that 10-fold over."
I'm like, "He can't lie."
I said, "Just test him,test him, Keith, test him."
- I thought she was crazy.
She had always been wanting to tithe.
And me, they ain't getting my money.
So I wouldn't do this.
But as things got bad and the more
I started watching the 700 Club,
then, you know, I finally agreed.
- [Narrator] Keith and Terry began tithing
to their church.
They also started giving to CBN.
Before long, they saw God begin to move
in their finances when Terry noticed
a deposit in her bank account
that she didn't make.
- I went to the bank and I told them
this money's in there and it's not mine.
And they're like, "Yes, ma'am, it is."
And I was like, "No, it's not.
"Only one check gets deposited in here."
They're like, "Yes,ma'am, it is your money."
I said, "Well, then, I'lltake every bit of it."
- [Narrator] The Kempscontinued to tithe faithfully.
Then, Keith started receivingmultiple construction jobs.
As their income increased,
so did their giving to CBN.
- I was convinced, you know,
if it's gonna be there when you need it,
you might as well help outas many people as you can.
- [Narrator] Today theKemps are back in business.
Keith's income has doubled
and they're now debt free.
They've also finished building their house
and they know without a doubt
that God blesses those thatare faithful in their giving.
- Just try it.
- I think anybody that tries it,
could do it for a yearand if the ain't noticed
that things are going better for them,
I'll be totally shocked.
- I encourage everyone to tithe.
I'm telling you, if you would tithe,
you will see a miracle.
- Take Keith's challengethis year in 2020.
See if tithing for the yearwill make a difference for you.
He is saying, I guaranteeit, he's a convert to it
and that story he was very honest about,
I didn't want to tithe, I didn't want
to give my money away.
And then he starts to do it and he starts
to do it at a time whenthings are really bad.
I mean when you get to the point where
your trailer's repossessed,things are bad.
And he said I've tried it my way,
let's try it God's wayand see what will happen.
People get confused about tithing
and here's where it all comes from.
It's from Deuteronomy chapter 14
and these are the words of God Almighty.
"You shall truly tithe all the increase
"of your grain that thefield produces year by year."
So it's a tithe 10% on the increase.
So whatever your increase is,
that's what you're supposed to tithe.
But in the original Hebrew, the English is
"You shall truly tithe."
The original Hebrew is tithe,it's a repeat of the word,
"Tithe, you shall tithe."
God's underlining this that this is a
fundamental principal thatif you're following him,
this is what you need to do.
Abraham tithed, Jacobtithed, Moses tithed.
We need to realizes tithe is fundamental
and Keith finally gotthat and when he did,
the blessings of the Lord come.
God doesn't want to be stingy with you.
He wants to bless you,
but he's looking for conditions
and one of the conditions are you going
to obey his word?
When you do it, wonderfulthings will happen.
Now I've got some great news.
Some existing CBN partnerslove giving so much,
they're generous, they wantto challenge others to give,
so they will match your giving
dollar for dollar $120,000.
Let's pray, Lord we ask for blessing
and we ask for the blessingthat comes from you
and Lord, teach us your way.
Show us the way to go.
And for people in financialtrouble this year,
for people who are wondering,
what do I do, where do I go?
Just open your word to them,
give the the revelation
of how much you want to bless them
and how you will open
the windows of heavenand pour out a blessing
they cannot contain.
You watch over your word to perform it,
reveal that to them.
For we ask it in Jesus'name, amen and amen.
The challenge is $120,000.
What are we asking you to do?
Well, we're asking you to give to CBN.
How much is it to join the 700 Club?
Well, it's $20 a month, 65 cents a day.
Some of you can join at700 Club Gold, $40 a month,
1000 Club, $1,000 a year,
that breaks up to $84 a month.
At whatever level, we'rein $120,000 challenge
so your giving is matched
dollar for dollar, $120,000.
Call us now, 1800-700-7000, Terry?
Well, I'm excited to tell you
that when you become a CBN partner,
we have a gift for you.
It's Pat Robertson's latest book called
"Ten Laws for Success."
And inside this, you'll find the keys
to security and success in your work,
in your family, and in your finances.
Here's what actor KevinSorbo has to say about it.
- Hi, I'm Kevin Sorbo.
And I want to tell youabout a phenomenal book
that I just read.
"Ten Laws for Success," by Pat Robertson.
See, I firmly believe itcan transform our life
and the lives of thosethat you care about.
In this book, Pat sharesthe supernatural secrets
he's discovered and shows you the way
to a rich and fulfilling life.
- [Announcer] In the book,"Ten Laws for Success,"
Pat shares biblical life principals
that can put you on a path to purpose.
Fulfillment and achievement.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to
to receive your own copy today.
"Ten Laws for Success."
- This dynamic book isa must read for anyone
who wants to achieve their goals,
build a solid financial foundation
and grow in their relationship with God.
I highly recommend thatyou get your own copy
of Pat Robertson's latestbook, "Ten Laws for Success."
God bless you.
- These supernatural secrets
that Kevin is talking about
are actually biblical principals.
Pat has culled them out for us
and then given us wise counsel on how
to apply then to our lives.
We want you to have this.
And it's our gift to you.
It's our way of sayingthank you when you call
the 700 Club and become a part of making
a different in the lives of others.
So there's our toll freenumber, it's 1-800-700-7000.
Just call and say I'd like to join
the 700 Club, Gordon?
- Lynn Keys took onelook at her bank account
and couldn't believe what she saw.
Her husband had gambledaway their life savings.
Lynn was devastated andthen a few months later,
the news got worse.
- [Narrator] Lynn Keyswas making great money
at her dream job.
She and her husbandwere even able to build
a sizeable retirement account.
But when the recession hit,
Lynn's husband was laid off.
That's when Lynn startedlooking at their finances.
And noticed they had been bleeding money.
- I ran a spreadsheet of ourlast 18 months of transaction.
It was 14 pages of FacebookJackpot gambling transactions.
- [Narrator] On top of that,her husband gambled away
even more from their 401K.
- Probably what I can figure out
is about $380.000, gone.
Yeah, my life, my retirement.
I couldn't believe what I was looking at.
I just sat there and stared at it
for like five minutes, like,
this can't be happening.
- [Narrator] The couple divorced.
Lynn lost the home and had to move
into her own apartment.
A few months later, even more bad news.
- So, July 14th, I get aphone call from my boss
telling me that I'm laidoff and lost my job.
I'm totally like bawling at that point,
like rock bottom bawling, like what else
is gonna happen?
I had nothing to come home to, nothing.
Just no hope.
- [Narrator] Desperate for hope,
Lynn began attendingchurch on a regular basis.
- I figured out thatonly the good Lord above
will give you hope and I started
reading that book and I started really,
really trying to have apersonal relationship with God
for the first time and it was just like
all that anger and sadnessjust, it went away.
- [Narrator] After getting saved,
Lynn's whole attitude aboutmoney changed as well.
She learned about tithing and she decided
to give it a try and gave
off her unemployment checks.
One ministry she supported was CBN.
- I started giving andit's like Lord, okay,
so I'm a little tight here, but I said
I'm gonna give to this CBN ministry.
Okay, and I'll give $20,
'cause they just help so many people
around the world.
I had no idea and youjust see these stories of
people that, you know,and I'm sitting around
feeling sorry for myself'cause I don't have
a good paying job and these people
don't have water to drink.
My support helps peopleat least have, you know,
the basic necessities of life.
- [Narrator] After giving faithfully,
even while doing low-paying shift work,
Lynn finally got her dream job, again.
Now she gets full benefits
and is able to save.
- Happy tears.
Lots of happy tears.
Me and my girlfriend, we would sit around
and hold hands and praythat we'd get this job
at GE Bank and it wasjust a glorious thing.
It was just such a happymoment to, you know,
you get that call.
So we went out and celebrated.
We posted on Facebook, I mean,
it was a very happy moment.
It finally afforded me to be able to,
you know, take weekend trips to the ocean
or mountains and, you know,
it's just been a blessing.
- [Narrator] Back onstable financial ground,
Lynn says the Lord isrestoring what she had lost.
- And I totally credit that to trusting
the Lord and tithing.
You give and he will give you back
more than you will ever imagine.
Just trusting in him thathe's gonna take care of you.
- You can trust him, becausehe will take care of you.
Here's Lynn, she's devastated.
Where do you go?
Your husband gambles away your future
and then you lose your job?
What do you do?
Well, Lynn learned to lean into God,
that's exactly thepoint in time that we do
and I encourage peoplewhether you're facing
what Lynn faced or you're facing success
on a daily basis, lean into God,
realize he is the source.
Here's what Paul said, 1 Timothy 6,
"Teach those who are rich in this world
"not to be proud and notto trust in their money,
"which is so unreliable.
"Their trust should be in God
"who richly gives us allwe need for our enjoyment.
"Tell them to use their money to do good
"and they should be rich in good works
"and generous to those in need,
"always being ready to share with others."
Lynn decided she wasalways going to be ready
to share with others.
You see the result that happened to her.
It will happen to you because
God stands over his word to perform it.
Now we got $120,000 challenge.
Let me get the red number up.
We're down to 103 and we'retaking the red number down.
We're hearing from Midland, Texas, $2,500,
a 2500 Club member.
That takes us down to$96,000 with 32 minutes,
35 seconds on the clock.
Call us now and say yes,
I want to be a part, 1-800-700-7000.
Let's go to Andrew at the phones.
- Thank you so much Gordon,
well, do you feel like you're striving
rather than thriving?
In your work, in your familylife, even your finances?
Maybe all three.
Well, in his latest book,"Ten Laws for Success,"
Pat Robertson shares thesame principles with you
that he's learned aboutsuccess, just watch.
- [Pat] These laws can bringblessing beyond comprehension.
- [Announcer] Now available.
- Pat Robertson's latestbook, "10 Laws for Success."
- [Pat] And I believethese laws can transform
the nation, transform organizations,
transform you and your family.
- Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to
to receive your own copy today.
"10 Laws for Success."
Fundamental principles of growth
for all situations and for all people,
no matter what your station in life.
End confusion.
Find answers.
Reach your goals.
- [Pat] "Ten Laws for Success.
"Keys to Win and Work,Family and Finance."
- [Announcer] Get PatRobertson's latest book,
"10 Laws for Success,"and start winning today.
Call 1-800-700-7000 or go to
Available now.
- This new book is a great resource.
You heard Gordon sayearlier it's a new year.
It's a new year and with a new year comes
a lot of us saying God, I'mgonna get some things set
in this new year, somepriorities are gonna
be lifted up and what greater priority
for us than growing in moreintimacy with Jesus Christ.
The great thing about this book,
no matter where you are onyour faith journey with Jesus.
If you're a new believer,
this book is very conversational.
If you've been a Christfollower for a long time,
this book has great treasures and truth
that will continue to teach you
what it means to live for Jesus Christ.
I encourage you to get a copy.
We've made it very easy.
You can call us, you can text us,
you can visit the website.
You can call 800-700-7000
or, of course, go or if you'd rather
just use your mobile phone,
you can text CBN to 71777.
No matter how you join,
you will be a part ofthis great challenge.
It's a $120,000 challenge.
There's a lot of excitementover here at the phones
as people are calling in and we thank you
for each and every call made
and help us join this challenge.
$120,000, you can call us at 800-700-7000.
Simply say I want to join the 700 club.
Let's go over to Terry.
- Well, when you do join the 700 Club,
you help people right here in America,
like Herman and Marie Peterson.
After Hurricane Michaeldestroyed their home,
all they had to keep warm
was a propane fish fryer.
The couple lived in a gutted house
with hardly any walls for almost a year
until they receivedhelp from CBN partners.
- It's terrible.
The hurricane was blowing rain and water
almost 200 miles an hour.
The soffits on the sidewas blown out, too.
The water was going down through the walls
into the floor.
- [Narrator] WhenHurricane Michael flooded
their home in Mexico Beach, Florida,
Herman and Marie Petersonhad to completely gut it.
Even with all that work to do,
Herman's main priorityis caring for Marie,
who has Parkinson's.
- I try to be strong for her.
It just makes Parkinson's worse
when she's got stress.
- With no insulation inNovember and December
and it was 40 degrees out,
we couldn't stay in here,
so he put a bed up in the pole barn.
He lit the propane fish fryer
to keep me warm.
- [Narrator] For almost a year, the couple
lived in their house with hardly any walls
as they tried to restoretheir home on their home.
- How do you just about rebuild a house
from scratch except for the slabs
and the 2 by 4s.
Last month he was tryingto do some things.
It was so hot in here thathe had heat exhaustion.
He sat over there right in a chair just
getting sick to his stomach.
We've done everythingthat we possibly can.
- [Narrator] When Operation Blessing
heard about the Peterson'swe knew we needed to help.
A team of volunteers rebuilt their walls,
floors and ceilings.
- It was like a burden lifted.
Your Christ taught in the New Testament,
you know, come to me andI will lift your burden.
I know through him all is possible
and I know that y'all are sent by him.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Can't say thank you enough.
I know for myself, youcan't out give the Lord
and when you give intoOperation Blessings,
it's just like giving to the Lord.
- I just kept thinking to be able
to have a home with floors and walls.
These blessings are morethan I could ever imagine,
more than I could ever dream of.
But thanks to OperationBlessings and people like you,
we have a home.
(gentle music)
- We have suffered some extreme
natural disasters here the United States
over the last few yearsand 700 Club members,
you have made it possiblefor us to be there
every single time.
We say thank you.
Listen, join the 700 Club if you haven't
already done that.
Their number's toll free,it's 1-800-700-7000.
Just call today will you?
A general membership is 65cents a day, $20 a month.
If you're already at that level,
why don't you go up to 700 Club Gold.
That's a gift of $40 amonth and then some folks
join us at the 1000 Clublevel, that's $84 a month.
We have had lots of people this week
jumping up to the 2500 Club.
That's $209 a month or become a founder.
$417 a month, $5,000 a year.
Do something to make a difference
because when we link arms together,
we really can touch the worldwith the love of Christ,
so you call now, Gordon?
- I have no idea how topronounce this name, Kalkaska?
- Yeah.
- Kalkaska, Michigan 1000member going to 2500.
Takes that red number down to $63,000
with 26 minutes and 20 seconds.
Call us right now.
Be a part of it, 1-800-700-7000.
Well, as a CBN partner, you help people
all over the world,
like a premature baby bornin China named Shu Ling.
She developed sepsis and her parents
had no money for the emergency surgery
she needed to survive.
- [Terry] By the time ShuLing was three months old,
she was fighting for her life.
- She was very weak.
The doctor said herorgans didn't work well
and her immunity was low.
- Her stomach was four timesbigger than it should be.
- [Terry] It turned out that she had
intestinal obstruction and peritonitis.
- Her bowel was full of pus that infected
her lungs and liver andif they didn't remove it,
Shu Ling would die.
- I was so scared.
I took her little handand said, "Shu Ling,
"you must be strong.
"Please don't leave me."
- [Pat] The coupleborrowed money for surgery,
but three days later,Shu Ling developed sepsis
and was worse than ever.
- It felt like someonewas stabbing my heart.
I look at her face and I wish
she would open her eyes and smile at me
just one more time.
- If we brought her home,she wouldn't survive.
I felt like a failure as a father.
My mother said, "You mustpray and give her up to God.
"Only he can help her."
- [Pat] The Shungs neverthought they really
needed Jesus until now.
They prayed all night,asking God for a miracle.
The next day, a doctor told them
that CBN would pay for emergency surgery.
- God sent CBN in response to our prayers.
- Shu Ling's platelets are back to normal.
Her intestines are free of contamination
and she's lively and strong.
I'm so grateful to CBN.
If you hadn't come to help us in time,
my baby would have died.
- You are strangers, but you have been
so helpful to us.
Now I am sure God is real.
- You are helping people around the world.
You're doing that if you'rea member of the 700 Club.
You're part of everything that we do,
whether it's Operation Blessing,
whether it's special surgeries,
providing clean water, helping orphans,
producing Superbook cartoons
so children can hear the gospel.
You're part of all of itwhen you join the 700 Club.
Be a part, call us, 1-800-700-7000.
If you are a member of the 700 Club,
consider increasing this year.
Consider going to 700Club Gold $40 a month
or 1000 Club, that's $1,000 a year,
that's $84 a month.
At whatever level, when you call,
ask for Pledge Express,electronic monthly giving.
The bank is doing all the work
and we can send as our gift to you
"Power for Life," monthly teaching CDs,
so if you like those,
ask for Pledge Express when you call.
Let's go to Andrew at the phones, Andrew?
- But what if someonecould hand you a blueprint
for success in life?
For satisfying work, for a loving family,
and successful finances?
In Pat Robertson's latest book,
you can discover all of that and more.
Take a look.
- [Announcer] Your life needs a direction,
a blueprint for success.
In his book, "Ten Laws for Success,"
Pat Robertson draws froma well spring of wisdom,
acquired from a life rooted in God's word.
Discover how to bring yourfamily economic success,
build unity to achieve your goals
and grow in perseveranceto reap its rewards.
Get Pat Robertson's latestbook, "Ten Laws for Success,"
and start winning today.
- Well, one of the reasonsI want you to get this book
is because Pat teaches aboutthe law of perseverance.
If you're feelingdiscouraged, even hopeless,
there's a key chapter inhere about perseverance
in which Pat talksabout significant people
in the Bible that we've read about and how
they persevered and even the parables
of Jesus Christ thatteach us not to give up,
to have faith in our Savior and persevere.
It's a key chapter that Ithink could transform you life.
This book is yours whenyou join the 700 Club.
We encourage you to do so.
It's just $20 a month.
Call us at 800-700-7000or, of course there's
a great option to text your gift.
You can simply text CBN to 71777.
Or, of course, visit the website,
you can give that way as well.
However you do so, you'll be a part
of this challenge.
It's a $120,000 challenge.
And we encourage you to join the 700 Club.
And thank you so much forthose that have done so
and for those of you who have increased
your level of giving,we're much appreciative.
Gordon, back over to you.
- Well, sunrises and sandy beaches.
For years, Greg and Sharon Clark enjoyed
running an oceanfront motel
until the upkeep beganto drown the in debt.
So how did they get backto their happy place?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Greg and Sharon Clark
live in Ormond Beach, Florida,
where for years, they owned and operated
the nostalgic Argosy Motel.
- We had plenty of natural sand dunes
and you see the sunrise every morning.
We had so many people say to us,
I would just love to owna motel and run a place
like this on the beach, it's great.
But they didn't see howmuch effort went into it.
- [Narrator] Running the motel came
with a heavy price.
The older units were in constant need
of repairs and upgrades.
- It would cost anywherebetween 17 and $25,000
for a new roof and I couldn't pay that.
- [Narrator] The couple drove an old car
and cut back on everything they could.
Even still, they refused to stop giving.
- We felt that if we were faithful
in what God told us to do
that he would always befaithful to take care of us.
- [Narrator] But then, more bad news.
The motel ran into drainage problems
and fixing it would setthe Clarks back $250,000.
- It was very stressful.
I was concerned for Greg's health.
- [Narrator] The coupleprayed about selling the motel
and had it on and off the market
for several years with no offers
while the bills kept coming.
- We had a combination of higher taxes,
failed drain fields and leaky roofs.
You name it, we had it.
- At that juncture, we realized that
we were at the end of the road.
- [Narrator] Even with no sign of a buyer,
they kept giving.
- Money has a tight hold on people
and when we are willing to give
a small amount back to God,
it proves that we trust him.
- [Narrator] The Clarkscontinued believing
that God would provide.
- And then the day cameand I received a phone call
at 3:00 in the afternoon, my realtor,
him saying to me, "Greg, congratulations,
"you just sold the Argosyto the Volusia County."
Next words out of my mouth were to him,
"Thank you Jesus."
- [Narrator] The county bought the Argosy
so they could turn the propertyinto beachfront parking.
- It's a miracle that God brought us
through every situation.
We were finally able to notworry about money every day.
- [Narrator] The Clarks saytrusting God in their giving
helped saved them from what could
have been financial ruin.
They support a number ofministries and causes.
One of which is CBN.
- I do tell people if they're gonna give
to any disaster relief organization,
you can trust CBN without question.
- [Narrator] Greg andSharon used the money
from the sale of the Argosy Motel
to buy a new home and invest
in other rental properties.
They've been able to retire
and enjoy the peace of mind
that goes along with it.
- I feel like when we're obedient to God,
he is faithful to us.
And he has asked us to give 10%.
Give God a chance.
He's so faithful, ifyou would just try it.
- Give God a chance.
When you try it, he proves it.
It's the only time we get to test God
is in our tithes and offerings.
I've got some wonderful news.
Some partners from Pennsylvania are adding
$53,000 to the challenge.
That'll take us to $173,000.
And Lord we ask for blessing for this,
we ask for blessing for the partners
who made it possible to increase.
We ask a blessing for those who
are watching right now.
And we ask for blessing for those
who are giving.
The generous soul will be made rich
and so we just trust your word
that you will make us rich spiritually,
you will prosper us, you will be with us
in our time of need.
We thank you for it, inJesus' name, amen and amen
$173,000's the challenge amount.
17 minutes, give seconds.
The red number's at $74,000.
That's the amount left tomake in just 17 minutes.
We need to hear from you.
Call us now, 1-800-700-7000, Terry?
- Well just taking asimple step was painful
for a young girl fromTanzania named Glory.
It broke her father's heart
that she couldn't run,
she couldn't play with other children,
but what's worse, doctorssaid Glory's condition
would only get worse as she grew older.
- [Narrator] Glory wasborn a healthy child,
but by the time sheturned two, her parents
noticed she had trouble walking.
- She complained of pain.
The doctors told us to giveher fish and vegetables
to strengthen her legs,but it didn't help.
She is my first born child
and I love her very much.
It hurts to see her struggle.
- As she grows, Glory'scondition is only getting worse.
It's getting more painfuland more difficult
for her to walk every day.
- Children laughed at herand called her handicapped.
She was really sad and didn't want
to play with anyone.
There was no way I could afford surgery.
It made me feel like I failed as a father,
but I prayed for her every day.
- [Narrator] When a friendtold them about Plaster House,
a ministry supportedby Operation Blessing,
Glory and her fathertraveled 16 hours by bus
to get here and soon we arranged and paid
for Glory's surgery.
- She is a completely different child.
Now when she comes home from school,
the first thing she wants to do is play.
When family and friends visit,
she shows everyone thather legs are straight.
I am so happy to seeher playing and walking.
It is a pang of wonder that people that
don't even know us helped my daughter.
May God bless everyone who helped her.
- That could not have happened without
people like you steppingin to make a difference.
We want to say thankyou because Glory's life
is forever changed.
This is happening all around the world
because of the kindness and generosity
of 700 Club partners.
Will you become one today?
Our number's toll free, just call and
say you'd like to join the 700 Club
or call and increasethe level of your giving
if you're able to and when you do it,
will you do it using Pledge Express?
That's electronic monthly giving.
It means your bank does all the work.
You don't have to havestamps or envelopes.
You don't have to remember anything.
It's all done for you and it saves us
some administrative costs so we can put
even more of your giftright into the lives
of people like Glory.
Our way of saying thank youfor using Pledge Express
is to send you "Power for Life" teachings.
You'll get one of theseevery single month.
We think they'll be a blessing to you
even as you're touchingthe lives of others,
so call now, Gordon?
- All right, from NebraskaCity, Nebraska, $3,000,
a 2500 Club member increasing.
And then from Black Lake Ohio, $6,000.
That takes us down to $55,000, 14 minutes.
Be a part of it, callus now, 1-800-700-7000.
Well, James Pogey was injured serving
his country in Afghanistan.
He lost his left leg andthe use of his right arm.
Every day was a struggle around the house.
Until this former Marine got a homecoming
he never expected.
- [Narrator] U.S. Marine James Pogey
had an important job in Afghanistan.
Getting helicopters and their crew
in the air and back safelyin the middle of war.
When he was deployed, James left behind
his wife Stephanie and son Logan.
Stephanie remembers her constant concern.
- I thought about him24/7, all day, every day.
It was very stressful.
- [Narrator] One night while James helped
bring in a damaged chopper,
he was hit in the head by flying debris.
- And I ducked and it clipped me,
I went down, but in that moment
it wasn't something bad just happened.
It was this helicopter can't land.
So you're not worried about yourself.
You have to get the helicopteron the ground safely.
- [Narrator] Months later,muscle tremors started
that progressed to blackouts and seizures.
He was diagnosed with severe nerve damage
and spinal cord compression.
James lost partial use of his arm
and after multiple surgeriesover several years,
the nerve damage cost him his leg.
Stephanie faithfully stood by him
while they navigated their new norm.
- In sickness and in health, right?
This is what we're all about.
- That's right.
- [Narrator] Even withStephanie's devoted help
maneuvering through their split-level home
was nearly impossible for James.
- [Stephanie] He wouldhave to crawl everywhere.
He was constantly falling downstairs.
The doorways were too narrow.
His chair wouldn't fitthrough any of them.
It didn't work at all.
- [Narrator] James andStephanie's situation changed
changed when CBN's Helping the Home Front
teamed up with Operation Finally Home,
who builds custom housesfor disabled warriors.
The first step was a surpriseground breaking ceremony.
- The kids were like arewe part of this parade?
- I don't know what's happening.
- I guess we're part of it.
No way, nuh-unh, not us.
- [Narrator] Then Homes byDesign started building.
Before the house was complete,
the community wasinvited to write messages
and post them inside the framework.
The Pogeys came to see the progress.
- They're so heartwarming and everybody
thanking him for his service
and wishing our family good luck.
We can't wait to be home.
We're home, but wecan't wait to stay home.
- [Narrator] Soon the house was complete.
Volunteers helped interiordesigner Tiffany Nimmens
with the finishing touches.
Then it was time towelcome the Pogeys home.
- Surprise.
- I love that.
- It's perfect.
- What do you think
- Oh, my God.
It's beautiful.
- [Woman] What do you think?
- Oh, my God.
It's so pretty.
- [Narrator] The Pogey family is now
settled into their brand new home.
- People keep telling me that I'm a hero.
I'm not.
They are.
The real heroes are the people
who give us something towake up for every day.
CBN, Homes by Design,Operation Finding Home,
even down to the people who gave a dollar.
They're the real heroes.
- You're the hero of that story.
If you're a member of the 700 Club,
you're part of that.
You're part of blessingthat wonderful family.
Here they are, activeduty military gets injured
and who's there to help care?
Well, you're there, you're there.
You're there as part ofHelping the Home Front
and it's wonderful what happens when
we all get together to say yes,
let's make a difference.
This is what the 700 club does.
We go out and we help people.
We do it through Operation Blessing,
we do it through Orphans' Promise,
we do it through Helping the Home Front,
we do it through Superbook,
we do it through ourinternational broadcast.
You're part of everythingwhen you join with us,
so call us 1-800-700-7000.
Say I want to be a member of the 700 Club.
Now I've got some great news.
CBN partners are adding$30,000 to the challenge.
That takes over to 203 and let's pray.
Lord we ask your blessings.
We ask for the increasethat comes from you,
30, 60, 100 fold.
Bless the partners who have made
it possible to increase and increase those
who are calling in right now.
Be with them, encourage them.
We ask it all in Jesus'name, amen and amen.
203,000 is the challenge amount.
Eight minutes, 55 seconds.
We get the red number backup $58,000 left to go.
So call us, 1-800-700-7000.
Let's go to Andrew.
- Thank you so much Gordon.
Well, have you ever wondered what it takes
to be successful?
Pat Robertson tellsyou in his latest book.
It's called "Ten Laws for Success."
just watch.
- [Pat] I began to cryout my heart to God.
Lord, please show me how the world works.
And out of that time of prayer,
something began to cometo me that is profound.
- [Announcer] In this dynamic new book
from Pat Robertson,
Pat shares biblical life principles
that can you on a path to purpose,
fulfillment and achievement.
Get Pat Robertson's"Ten Laws for Success."
Call now or go to
- This great new book isyours when you call us
and join the 700 Club.
- I urge you to get a copy.
You know, one of myfavorite chapters in here
is about the law of miracles
and so many of us needa miracle in our life
or in the life to someone dear to us.
It could be a financial miracle,
a physical miracle.
In this book, Pat talksabout the law of miracles
and what does Jesus sayabout miraculous power
in the kingdom of God?
We want you to find out
and you'll get this greatbook when you join us
at the 700 Club level, $20 a month.
Or you can join at 700 Club Gold.
That's just $40 a month.
No matter the club level you join,
you'll be part of this great challenge.
Call us at 800-700-7000 or goto the website
or maybe you'd rather givevia your mobile phone.
You can always text us at 71777.
Just text CBN.
However you decide to give,
we thank you so much and you'll be part
of this great challenge.
It's a $203,000 challenge.
We're nearly there, be apart of it, 800-700-7000.
Terry, over to you.
- Thank Andrew, well,I've got some good news.
Here are some good folks helping us
to meet that challenge.
From Joliet, Illinois, a 2500 Club member
increasing to $4,200, thank you.
And from Plano, Texasa 700 Club Gold member
going up to $6,960, thank you so much.
Well, we want you to meet Lac,
who's a single mom whomade a special promise
to her son and daughter and she vowed she
would never break it.
Lac was determined to keep that promise,
even when she and herchildren were starving.
The day Lac's husband abandoned
their family, Lac madea promise to herself
and her children.
- I promised that Iwould take care of them.
That I would love themand never leave them.
- [Terry] But Lac's promisewould soon be tested.
With her limited incomefrom part-time jobs,
she could barely providefood for them to eat.
- Sometimes, Mom mixedrice with sugar for me
and my brother.
I wished there was more for us,
but my mom had no money.
- [Terry] Lac's son Noom told us they also
borrowed food from neighbors
when the money ran out.
- Mom wouldn't eat with us,
so I said, "Mom, I won't eat everything,
"so you can have some, too."
- [Terry] Then, one day, asLac borrowed money for food,
a neighbor urged her to send her children
to live at an orphanage.
- I was speechless.
That really hurt me.
I remembered my promise to my children
that I would never leave them.
Some nights I couldn't sleep.
I cried all night.
I didn't know what to do.
- [Terry] When CBN's Orphans' Promise
learned that Lac knew how to sew,
we gave her a sewing machine and
everything needed to starta home-based business.
- I've always wanted a sewing machine,
but could never afford one.
I'm so excited.
- [Terry] A nearby factorysoon contracted with Lac
to make medical face masks.
She also does tailoringand clothing repairs
for her neighbors.
Thanks to that new business,
her income has tripled.
- Now, my mom can buy chicken and fish
for me and my brother.
- I love my mom's cooking.
I always say, "Thank you mom."
- Thank you for giving me and my children
a new life.
I have strength and hope for the future.
- Thank you for helping us keep this
family together and others.
It's what keeps childrenfrom becoming orphans.
It means such a great deal.
Listen, we've got some friends who
are getting on board with this challenge,
2500 Club member from Brownboro, Texas
going up to 2,640 and here's another one,
a 2500 Club member fromKalamazoo, Michigan, $3,000.
Thank you so much.
Channa was devastatedwhen you father died.
Then her other abandoned her.
Feeling all alone, shespent every break at school
sobbing in the bathroom.
Then this Buddhist girlbegan watching Superbook
and soon she would never feel alone again.
- [Terry] Nine-year-oldChanna moved to an orphanage
after her father died andher mother abandoned her.
- When he died and Momgave me away, I was afraid
to love anyone.
I thought if I loved them, they will die
or leave me.
- [Terry] The longer Channa lived
at the orphanage, themore isolated she felt.
For a long time, shecried in between classes
in the school bathroom.
- I did not have any friends.
I cried because I missed my dad.
- [Terry] One day a teacherat the children's home
heard about Superbook throughour CBN website in Cambodia.
She showed her class the Bible stories,
including the episode aboutDaniel in the lion's den.
- I saw how God protected Daniel.
It helped me to learn that God
will never give up on me,
that God will never leave me.
- [Terry] One day, Channa'steacher invited her
to pray to become a Christian.
- I asked her to pray with me
so Jesus will forgive my sin
and come into my heart.
- [Terry] Since that day, Channa has
continued to watchSuperbook and read her Bible
and that's helped herto learn a vital truth.
That God really loves her.
- I know now that God is my Father.
He helps me with everything.
- [Terry] Channa has also learned
to trust others at the children's home.
She said that change began with Superbook.
- Superbook has made me into a new person.
Thank you to everyone whobrought Suprebook to me.
- That thank you goes to you.
If you're a member of the 700 Club,
you're part of Superbook,part of everything.
Call us, be a part of it, 1-800-700-7000.
We're going over the top on the challenge.
Apollo Beach, Florida 2500 Club member
saying you can count on me, $3,000
and then from Bedford, Texas, 2,500.
- All right, I got a Kline, Ohio $3,000.
A White House, Tennessee$2,508, thank you.
Meet Lilian who lived every day in fear
that her baby would die.
He had a cleft lip and palate
and it made it difficultfor him to breathe or eat.
So Lilian placed her tinyboy in the hands of God
and before long, hereceived the help he needed,
take a look.
- [Narrator] When Sungwen was born,
his mother Lilian cried.
Not for joy, but for fear.
- The day I gave birth, my baby
and one other were bornwith cleft lips and palates.
The other baby died.
I was so scared.
I thought my boy would die, too.
- [Narrator] Sungwen Wensurvived, but every day
was a challenge.
- Although he is a happy baby,
he often struggles to take milk
or even breathe and he sleeps very little.
I placed Sungwen in the hands of God.
His name means victorious
and I believe he will be victorious.
- [Narrator] Lilian took Sungwento Kabuyet Hope Hospital,
which is supported by Operation Blessing.
Soon Sungwen got thesurgery he needed for free.
He was victorious.
- This is a miracle.
To me, this was a big problem,
but for God, it was small.
He is so handsome and strong now.
Through you, God answered my prayers.
As he grows up, I will remind him
of what God did for him.
Thank you for helping us.
May God bless you.
- All right, we're over the top,
Neosho, Missouri, $3,000.
Lafayette, Tennessee 2,800.
Marion, New York 8,100.
Wilmington, Ohio 2,500.
We had a tremendous challenge, 203,000.
Against that you gave 239.
We leave you with ascripture from Galatians.
"Let us not become weary in doing good,
"for at the proper time,we will reap a harvest
"if we do not give up."
God bless you, we'llsee you again on Monday.
(gentle music)