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News on The 700 Club: January 17, 2020

As seen on “The 700 Club,” January 17, 2020.: Read Transcript

- Well welcome to the 700 Club.

A smoldering volcano in the Philippines

could erupt again, killingthose in the danger zone.

- Already, tens of thousandsof people have evacuated,

most with only the clothes on their backs.

What will they do now?

Here's George Thomas with the story.

- [George] In Bartangas Province,

some 40 miles south of Manila,

roads beginning to crackas local authorities

warn that a volcano couldsee a bigger eruption

at any moment.

Five days after the volcanospewing lava and ash,

and the residents are lining up,

desperate to get back totheir homes, despite the risk.

- We want to feed our animals,

even for just one hours if theauthorities won't allow us.

This is our only source of income for us,

and yet they are notallowing us to go back.

- [George] More than 120,000people fled the province,

many escaping with justthe clothes on their back.

- We only eat if there are donations.

If there are not donatedrelief goods, we don't eat.

We can't buy anythingbecause we have no money.

We were caught by surprise.

- [George] This is drone footage of Loral,

a small town blanketed in gray

following the Sunday eruption.

Homes, farms, and trees covered in ash.

Late Thursday, CBN Newsreporter Lucille Talusan

gained access near the volcano.

- This is the town ofTalisay, and it is within

the danger zone.

And so as you can see, thisis like the ghost town now

because most of the residents here

have been forcibly evacuated.

- [George] Many of Talisay'sresidents and others

now seeking shelter in the morethan 350 evacuation centers.

CBN's Operation Blessingteams working here

around the clock sincethe volcano erupted,

providing much needed relief supplies

like water, mats, hygieneitems, food packets, and masks.

To date, Operation Blessing has helped

more than one thousand families.

Seismologists say whilethe volcano shows signs

of calming down, the danger remains real,

and are urging authoritiesto keep residents

a safe distance away.

More than one hundredtremors have been registered

around the volcano since Wednesday.

George Thomas, CBN News.

- If you're a member ofthe 700 Club, thank you,

you're part of that relief effort,

we're going to be mobilizing even more

for the families who havebeen affected by this.

And pray for the Philippines,

pray for this volcano to quiet down.

In other news, for justthe third time in history,

the Senate has been sworn in for our

Presidential Impeachment Trial.

And starting next week, Housedemocrats make their case

for removing President Trump from office.

As Mark Martin reports, a few key senators

could determine how it all goes.

- It's a scene that has only played out

in America twice before.

Senators sitting solemnly in their seats

to begin the impeachmenttrial of a President.

- Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye.

All persons are commanded to keep silent

on pain of imprisonment.

- [Mark] Chief Justice JohnRoberts will oversee the trial.

- So help you God.- I do.

- God bless you.

- [Mark] Each senator also taking an oath

to do impartial justice.

- So help you God.

- [Mark] Opening argumentsbegin Tuesday at 1:00,

and the big question: what's the strategy

of Democratic Impeachment managers

led by Congressman, Adam Schiff?

- Impeaching Donald John Trump,

President of the United States

for high crimes and misdemeanors.

- [Mark] Democrats say there'snew evidence to examine,

including newly released information

from former Rudy Giulianiassociate, Lev Parnas,

who says there's no question the President

wanted to convince Ukraine to investigate

his potential DemocraticPresidential political opponent.

- President Trump knewexactly what was going on,

and he was aware of all of my movements.

I wouldn't do anything without the consent

of Rudy Juiliani or the President.

- [Mark] From the OvalOffice, President Trump

again called the process Partisan

and denied Parnas's claim.

- Don't know where he comesfrom, know nothing about him.

I can only tell you thisthing is a big hoax.

- [Mark] A top priority ofthe House Impeachment Managers

will be to convincemoderate republican senators

to allow witnesses.

Two Democratic senatorswill also be key players.

Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia

and Doug Jones of Alabama represent states

where Trump is popular and mayvote in his favor at the end.

- Despite all the Washingtonintrigue about the trial,

the President is widelyexpected to be acquitted.

That's because it takes a super majority,

67 senators to convict,which would require democrats

to convince 14 republicans tovote against the President.

Mark Martin, CBN News.

- Well, this is going to get interesting.

Is it historic? Yes.

Is it political? Yes.

And we already know theoutcome before it even starts.

And you wonder what have we done?

What have we done tothe impeachment process?

What have we done to our politics?

Tune in at 1:00 on Tuesdayis when it all begins.


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