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Try This for a Year to Radically Improve Your Finances

Sales dried up in Keith and Terry’s business, and they practically lost everything—even their home. In this tough time, they were reminded of a money principle that gave them hope and security again. Keith challenges you to apply it to your ... Read Transcript

- [Narrator] Keith and Terry Kemp

love spending time together on their farm.

In 1996 the Kemps ran thelargest construction company

in Okaloosa County.

- When you've done somethingand the people really love it

and that satisfaction youget from thrilling them

and giving them what they were asking for,

that's always the best thing.

- [Narrator] In 2000 theybegin building spec homes

for a real estate company that pushed them

to build more homes than they budgeted.

Keith believed he could deliver.

- We were booming somuch that he just planned

that we would sell that many homes,

he just thought that it would sell

so he just borrowed the moneyand built all those homes

but they just didn't sell.

- The market just dropped.

We didn't have enough money in the bank

to pull us on throughuntil they were sold.

- [Narrator] The unsold homeswere eventually repossessed

and caused the Kemps toshut down their business.

Keith began subcontractingwith other companies,

the money he earned wasn't enough to cover

all of their expenses.

They soon lost their home, vehicles

and were forced to move into a trailer

onto an empty lot owned by a friend

but that too was repossessed.

- When they were gonnarepossess the trailer,

he started throwing this house together

with a few of our friendsand it wasn't even finished

when we had to move into itwhen they took the trailer,

we didn't even havestairs or the front door.

We had plywood floors down,our drywall wasn't done

on the walls, I mean, itwas very, very unfinished

and we had to live in thatand finish it as we went.

- Oh, I felt terriblebecause I've always been able

to supply for my family.

When I'm struggling to try to figure out

where we're gonna make the money and how

I'm gonna take care of my wife and kids,

it's definitely, that hurts you.

- [Narrator] Terry was a 700 Club viewer

and soon Keith began to watch it as well.

There he learned about tithing.

- Watching the 700 Club andhe's seeing the money miracles

that happened once thepeople started tithing.

Some of them didn't evenhave money to buy food with

but they gave their last five dollars

and then stuff juststarted happening to them.

So I said Keith God said, God cannot lie,

God said give me 10% and he would give you

that 10 fold over.

I'm like, he can't lie,

I said just test him,test him Keith, test him.

- I thought she was crazy.

She'd always been wanting to tithe

and me, they ain'tgetting my money. (laughs)

So, I wouldn't do thisbut as things got bad

and the more I startedwatching The 700 Club,

then I finally agreed.

- [Narrator] Keith and Terrybegan tithing to their church.

They also started giving to CBN.

Before long they saw God beginto move in their finances

but Terry notice a depositin her bank account

that she didn't make.

- I went to the bank and I told them

this money's in there and it's not mine.

And they're like yes, ma'am it is,

I was like, no it's not, only one check

gets deposited in here.

They're like, yes ma'am it is your money.

I said well then I'lltake every bit of it.

- [Narrator] The Kempscontinued to tithe faithfully

then Keith started receivingmultiple construction jobs.

As their income increasedso did their giving to CBN.

- I was convinced if it'sgonna be there when you need it

you might as well help outas many people as you can.

- [Narrator] Today theKemps are back in business.

Keith's income has doubledand they're now debt free.

They also finished building their house

and they know without adoubt that God blesses those

that are faithful in their giving.

- Just try it, do it fora year and then tell me

what you thoughts are.

I think anybody that triesit could do it for a year

and if they ain't noticed that things

are going better for them,I'll be totally shocked.

- I encourage everyone to tithe.

I'm telling you if you would tithe,

you'll see a miracle.

(dramatic music)


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