Impeachment on steroids. Whistleblower or Trump saboteur? Trump China policy & lessons from Reagan's playbook; Mattel's gender-neutral dolls. Corporate salvation through political correctness? No force can shake China? Quaking over Trump tariffs.
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- Today from The Global Lane,impeachment on steroids.
Intelligence Communitywhistleblower, or Trump saboteur?
Trump/China policy, learning some lessons
from Ronald Reagan's playbook.
Mattel unveils a new lineof gender-neutral dolls.
Corporate salvation throughpolitical correctness?
President Xi says, noforce can shake China,
but the big Red Dragon is already quaking
over Trump tariffs and trade.
And it's all right hereon The Global Lane.
(upbeat music)
Democrats and the mainstream media
have characterized theperson who filed a complaint
about President Trump's phone call
to the Ukrainian presidentas a whistleblower.
The impression is that he or she is
an intelligence officer, a true patriot,
protecting America and theConstitution from abuse.
But our next guestsuggests the person is not
a whistleblower at all, but a saboteur.
Former Congressman Bob Barrwas House Impeachment Manager
during President BillClinton's impeachment.
Mr. Barr is also a former CIA analyst.
He's now President and CEO
of the Law EnforcementEducation Foundation.
Congressman Barr, it'sgood to see you again, Sir,
and tell us, why do you think
this whistleblower is actually a saboteur?
- The whole notion of a whistleblower,
particularly in the intelligence business,
is someone who uncovers somethingthat is an urgent matter
that would not otherwiseget out and that relates
to foreign intelligenceclassified information.
What we see in this particular case
involving the July 25th conversation
between President Trump andthe president of Ukraine
has nothing whatsoever todo with the foundation for
an Intelligence Communitywhistleblower in the first place.
It does not concern classified material
relating to foreign intelligence
and abuses relating toforeign intelligence.
And when you look at the complaint
that was compiled by theso-called whistleblower,
it becomes clear when you look at that,
that this person has deepanimus toward the President
and has been putting, orhad been putting, together
a compendium of informationgathered from various sources,
second and third-hand information,
over a long period of time,
at least going backseveral months this year,
and then sorta struckwhen he or she thought
the moment was right to basicallygo after President Trump.
This is not a patriot,this is not somebody
that has pure motivessuch as was characterized
by the director of nationalintelligence last week.
And moreover, when the Inspector General
for the IntelligenceCommunity, which is the person
to whom the so-calledwhistleblower sends his complaint
before sending it to the Congress,
when that person reviewed it,
Mr. Atkinson is the Intelligence Community
Inspector General's name,he did not even listen
to the underlying conversation
or read the transcriptof the July 25th call.
So how in the world this Inspector General
decided legitimately that this was
an urgent matter involvingforeign intelligence
and classified materialwithout even looking at
or listening to the underlying call
is really a mystery to me.
It's either grossincompetence or he was trying
to enable and assist theso-called whistleblower.
- Now, President Trump hastaken on the deep state
of the U.S. Intelligence Community,
and Senator Chuck Schumer, you remember,
warned President Trumpbefore he became president
that intelligence officials have, quote,
"Six ways from Sundayat getting back at you."
Is this what's happeningright now, Congressman,
a serious game of gotcha?
- It definitely appears to be that.
There has been tensionbetween President Trump
and the Intelligence Community,
particularly career operatives
within the Intelligence Community,
since even before President Trump
was sworn into office in January of 2017.
So it's not surprising, in a sense,
that it would be intelligence operatives
that are behind the sabotageof the Trump administration.
- Now, you managed the impeachment
of Bill Clinton for the House,
what's the difference withthis impeachment inquiry
of President Trump?
- The difference is like night and day
between what we looked at in 1998
in the impeachment of President Clinton,
and what the Democrat majorityin the House is doing now
with regard to President Trump.
Back in 1998 we of coursestarted with the Starr Report,
the very lengthy report that was compiled
by Independent Council, Kenneth Starr.
He sent that to the Hillin September of 1998
and that was an exhaustive compendium,
an exhaustive analysis, if you will,
of potential impeachable offenses,
which Judge Starr was required by law
to send to the House of Representatives.
What we did in the House andin the Judiciary Committee
at that time, under theleadership of Henry Hyde,
is we took that report, we held hearing,
we supplemented it with updated material,
and passed out of the Judiciary Committee
four articles of impeachmentagainst President Clinton
that were very clear, veryprecise, very well-supported
showing that the President had committed
four violations of federal criminal law.
Very different now what's happening,
the House seems to have been throwing
everything they canthink of up on the wall
to see if anything would stickof an impeachable nature.
They finally now have seized on this
July 25th phone conversation
and this so-called whistleblower report.
So that apparently is the horsethey've decided to run with,
but it still is very unclearthat there is anything
at all in this incident that would rise
to the level of an impeachable offense.
I certainly don't see it, andI've looked very carefully
at all of the material that'sbeen made available publicly.
- Well, what do you think,
quickly, we're running out of time here,
what do you think's goingto happen in all this?
- I think the Democratshave gotten on their horse,
they're gonna run with itno matter how bad it is,
no matter which direction it takes it in,
because they are absolutelycommitted to anything they can
between now and the next year election
to undermine, destroy President Trump.
So, they're gonna proceed with it,
I don't think it will helpthem, but they will proceed.
- Okay, former CongressmanBob Barr, President and CEO
of the Law EnforcementEducation Foundation,
thank you for providing those insights.
- My pleasure, Gary.
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(upbeat music)
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♪ Joy ♪
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♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy to the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I dance around because I know it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ I move around because I got it ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy to the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
♪ Joy to the heart ♪
♪ Joy ♪
(upbeat music)
- President Trump says the United States
is making progress on trade with China,
so he recently lifted tariffson 400 Chinese products.
The products exempted includelaminated wood flooring,
circuit boards, tiny Christmaslights, and dog collars.
Well to provide us with some insights
on Trump and Chinatrade is Harry Kazianis,
he's Director of Defense Studies
at the Center for the National Interest.
Harry, always good to see you,
and I know I a recent opinion piece
you recently wrote for Fox News,
you talked about Trump's China policy.
You suggest that it's reallya policy of containment,
so tell us about that.
- Yeah, essentially whatDonald Trump is doing
is he's literally takingthe old containment playbook
that Ronald Reagan usedto defeat the Soviet Union
and applying it to China.
And actually I'd argue whatDonald Trump is trying to do
is even tougher than whatRonald Reagan tried to do.
I think if you compare the Soviet Union
really at its height to China today,
I would actually argue thatChina's much more powerful.
They have an economy worthsomething like $13 trillion,
they innovate a lot ofproducts that Americans buy.
All you have to do is goto Walmart, any store,
and probably the bulk ofthe things you're buying
come from China in one shape or another.
So what Trump has done is not only try
to take on China and contain their rise,
but I think something more important,
to contain the foundations of that rise,
which is their economic power,
which they're essentiallyleveraging to harm U.S. interests.
So, irrespective of whatyou think of the President,
I think it's a smart move.
- Well, Harry, I know about this because
I was in Washington coveringRonald Reagan at the time.
He had a clear strategy tobring down the Soviet Union.
He even issued many secretnational security directives
to hurt the U.S.S.R. economically.
Now, how much of Trump'sstrategy is actually
coming from Ronald Reagan'splaybook, especially on that?
- Well I think a lot of thepeople around President Trump,
I'm sure Mike Pompeo, the newNational Security Advisor,
Robert O'Brien, he is very mucha student of Ronald Reagan,
I know him personallyand know that very well.
I think a lot of thesepeople have gone back
and basically done theirhomework and reread history
and understood that alot of the weaknesses
that the Soviet Union has, China has.
For example, the way that the Soviet Union
would contain their people's hopes,
dreams, freedoms, aspirations,
is very similar in a lot of respects
to the things that the Chinese are doing,
except the Chinese are using all
of their advancedtechnology to essentially
subjugate their own population.
So I think that'ssomething that Donald Trump
will use to his advantage.
I also think one of the things
that Trump understands quite well
is in order to be a super power,
to be the strongestsuper power that you can,
you have to have avibrant, growing economy
where people are allowed to innovate,
develop the best goodsand services you can,
and quite frankly, the bestmilitary products on the planet.
Trump has done that, theeconomy is doing very well,
something Ronald Reagan obviously did,
and if you compare thatto where China is today,
the Chinese are not growing at those
10 to 11% rates that they were.
In fact a lot of people say
the Chinese economy'sactually contracting,
so I think the lessons are quite frankly
pretty spectacular comparing the two.
- And of course the Soviet Union was
a big threat to theUnited States militarily,
Russia still is, I guess,
because of all of its nuclear weapons,
but it seems that China is
a greater threat to us economically.
Your thoughts on that, military, economic,
which is the bigger threat?
- 100% economic becauseyou have to understand
the only way a nation like China
can have an advanced military,
aircraft carriers, submarines,cyber capabilities,
is you need to have that economic
and industrial foundation to do that,
and that is really where thethreat from China comes from.
The Chinese don'tinnovate and create goods,
products and services thatthey can sell to the world.
Most of the time they steal that.
They've stolen trillionsof dollars in assets
from the United States, alot of it is military goods.
They've stolen a lot of plansfor our aircraft carriers,
submarines, missile defense systems.
So this is the nature of the threat,
and it's a real shame thatthe Obama administration
did not take this on when Chinese power
was growing exponentially.
Now it's left forPresident Trump to handle,
and he has a tall task ahead of him.
- So how badly is Chinahurting economically
because of the Trump tariffs?
I know at least 100 western companies
have closed factories, have moved,
or at least reduced theiroperations out of China.
It seems like China's no longer
the go-to country for business,so what's happening there?
- Well they're debilitating.
My own sources on the groundand in different areas
in a lot of the industrialheartland of China
are telling me factories are closing up.
And interesting enough, a lot of factories
in different goods and servicesthat were built in China
are moving to Vietnam.
In fact, Vietnam's economy and ports
are blowing through theroof because they don't have
the industrial capacityto absorb all of this.
Their ports can't evenoutput all of the stuff
that they wanna send to the United States,
so it's having a debilitating effect.
The other thing that this isdoing is it's exasperating
a bigger problem Chinahas, and that's debt.
The Chinese don't like to explain this,
but their debt to GDP,when you take all the stuff
that's off the books, it'ssomething like 260% to GDP.
That is two and a half timesour national debt, roughly.
So the Chinese, literallywhat they're having to do,
is going to bail out a lot ofthe state-owned enterprises
that make a lot of thesegoods and services,
and that adds to their debt.
Eventually you could evensee China have a debt crisis.
- Okay, Harry, we've gotabout 30 seconds here,
so look into your crystal ball.
What do you think's going to happen,
will China cave in on the trade issue,
or they're going to waitout Trump's presidency.
- [Harry] I think what you'regonna see is both sides
actually agree to ashort-term deal, just for now.
I think Trump wants to makesure the economy is strong,
I think he's gonna take a strategic pause,
which I think for right now,that's the right thing to do.
But when Trump getselected, all bets are off,
he's gonna go hard on China.
- Okay, Harry Kazianis,Director of Defense Studies
at the Center for the National Interest,
thank you for those insights.
- Thanks for having me.
- Give me that.
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(upbeat music)
- The Mattel company hasjust released a new doll
called the "Creatable World Doll."
The toy-maker says it's designed
to keep labels out and invite everyone in.
The new line of dolls aregender-neutral so kids can quote,
"create their own customizablecharacters again and again."
The doll could be a boy one day,
dressed as a girl the nextday, however you feel.
Critics of the move sayit's another attempt
by a U.S. corporationto influence our culture
by being politically correct.
Well here to discuss more about
corporate political correctnessis Dan Celia, President
and CEO of Financial IssuesStewardship Ministries.
Dan, I notice Mattel's stockhas dropped drastically,
about 32% in the past year,
It seems like it might be anattempt to turn things around.
Do you think being pc will workfor them or any corporation?
- Well, it's not gonna work for them.
They've got deep, deep problems,
I don't think this is their answer,
to appeal to a small segment,a minority, of the population.
So I don't really think that's gonna work,
it's a good try on their part I guess,
but this whole notion that corporations
are going to be focused much more
on what they would call socially conscious
is not really a good move.
And I think already some arestarting to figure that out.
- Why should corporations stayout of the culture war, Dan?
- Corporations that are publicly traded
should only have one goal,and that is to bring value.
So if you're a CEO of a corporation,
your job is you have amandate from your board
to add value to the company,
is you're putting allyour resources and money
into expanding, growingand making that corporation
the best it can be for its stockholders,
and their end-users, or consumers,or whatever it might be,
but that's where alltheir attention should be.
So if they flip hamburgers for a living,
their goal ought to be toflip as many as they can
to grow their business,
to add value to theirbottom line and their stock,
not trying to fight the culture war,
let the culture warriors onthe left and those on the right
do whatever it is they'redoing to fight the culture war.
For most corporations, they would say
that it is socially responsiblefor them to make sure
that Planned Parenthoodstays in existence,
and to be able to supportPlanned Parenthood.
They see that as a social issue.
They would say that it issocially irresponsible for us,
as a corporation, to beinvesting in fossil fuel,
or being in the business offossil fuel, because after all,
they have a social responsibilityfor the environment,
and that is therebydestroying the environment.
Socially responsibility is not
for corporate America to decide,
it's very, very subjectiveto say the least,
and allow the American people to decide
what their values are and what
they deem as socially responsible.
- I know the boycott of Target,
when they went to sex-neutral bathrooms,
led to a big drop in theirprofits, at least for a while.
Do boycotts work?
What's the best wayfor Christian investors
to fight the culture war, Dan?
- Well, I think boycotts are part of it.
They definitely workbecause they raise awareness
to the general public, andI always think that's good,
so boycotts are important.
We, at our ministry, we try to attack
the bottom line ofcompanies by telling people
not to invest in thosecompanies, buy their stock.
I think that has a dramatic impact,
we have seen the results of that.
But it is the lunacy of whatcorporate America is doing,
and Target's a perfect example,
is you are appealing bythe New York Times' measure
to 0.0043% of the population.
Now, the corporate America would say,
that Target would say, wellyeah, but there's people
that are sympathetic to thatthat we're appealing to.
There are people that think we ought
to be tolerant of thatthat we are appealing to.
But the problem is, and Isaid when this happened, Gary,
that Brian Cornell, the CEO of Target
should've been fired immediately for that,
because the board has a responsibility--
They're in the retail business,
retailers are dying on the vine,
they need people walkingthrough their stores
and you have a CEO thatmade a conscious decision
to allow themselves toeliminate over a million people,
and that would be a million families,
saying they're not gonnashop at that store,
when they should be makingevery effort they can
to keep every shopper they have
in an environment thatis decaying dramatically.
- Okay, Dan, we're outtatime but we appreciate you.
Dan Celia, Financial Stewardship Ministry,
thanks again for your insights.
- Great to be with you, Gary, thank you.
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(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- China rising, putting ona show of military muscle
and greatness for thecommunist government's
70th anniversary celebration in Beijing.
On the same day, riot police gun down
a student demonstrator in Hong Kong.
Chinese president-for-life,Xi Jinping, says quote,
"There's no force that canshake this great nation."
But what he isn't telling you is that all
is not grand for the Red Dragon.
His nation is being shakenby Donald Trump's tariffs
and tough stance on trade.
Western-backed factoriesare closing in China,
at least 100 of them duringthe past several years.
The rapid expansion of theChinese economy is slowing.
But now is not the time for
the United States to drop its guard.
Billions of taxpayer dollars must be spent
to safeguard America'ssecrets and technology
from China's cyber thievery,
which by the way is unrelenting.
Not only must we work hard tocontain China economically,
and in cyberspace, butalso in outer space.
President Trump's SpaceForce is part of that effort.
Also, we must resist Chineseviolations of human rights.
Remember your American history?
One reason American colonistsfought the Revolutionary War
was because of taxationwithout representation.
It's the same in Hong Kong.
When pro-democracy studentleader, Joshua Wong,
testified before membersof Congress last month
he said Hong Kong's Umbrella Movement
has moved beyond one bill or one person.
- Our most important demand is
general structural change in Hong Kong,
which means free election.
Our government's lack of representation
lies at the heart of the matter.
- Congress must act quickly to pass
the Hong Kong Human Rights Act
in support of the Pro-democracy Movement.
We must continue to press Beijing to allow
universal suffrage, votingrights, for citizens there.
We must also stand upagainst China's detention
of one million Weigers,
and its unrelenting persecutionof the country's Christians.
You've heard the saying,"Freedom is not free,
"it comes with a cost."
Yes, China's punitive tariffsare hurting our farmers,
and consumers may be payinga bit more for Chinese goods,
but our president has alongterm vision to stop China
from cheating and stealingits way to world dominance.
Trump has said repeatedly that the goal
of the United States is fair trade,
creating an even playing field.
Yes, America first in jobs,technology and security.
Only by maintaining a strong America
can we continue to influenceand help the world.
And it is only through prayer,hard work, and sacrifice
that America will overcome thispowerful atheistic opponent.
We are at a crossroads, how we react now
will make a difference forfuture generations of Americans.
We can remain vigilant andchoose strength and freedom,
or do nothing and end upon the ash heap of history.
Well that's it today from the Global Lane.
Be sure to follow us onSoundCloud, Facebook,
iTunes, YouTube, and Twitter,
and until next time, be blessed.
(upbeat music)