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The Global Lane - January 31, 2019

The Global Lane - January 31, 2019 Read Transcript

- Today from the Global Lane,

Pakistan Supreme Courtupholds Asia Bibi's acquittal.

But just how safe is the Christian mother

who was jailed for blasphemy?

Globalists and the media against Trump.

How it may affect youand the American economy.

University of Georgiabias against Chick-fil-A,

and this teacher says someWhite people must die.

And I drive it home on the latest push

to remove God from Congress.

And it's all right here, rightnow, from the Global Lane.

After more than nine years inprison and many legal appeals

Asia Bibi is finally a free woman.

The Pakistan Supreme Courtacquitted the Christian mother

of blasphemy charges late last October

But her freedom remainedin jeopardy after Islamists

filed the legal challengeagainst that decision.

Now the court has upheldits earlier ruling.

Chief Justice Asif Khosa evensaid some of Bibi's accusers

should receive life in prison

for committing perjury against her.

Pakistani Christians arepraising the high court ruling

saying it advances equalityand justice in their country.

Well joining us with more from London

is Wilson Chowdhry, he's Chairman

of the British PakistaniChristians Association.

So, Wilson, momentous daythis decision reaffirming

the high court's acquittal of Asia Bibi.

It's really unprecedentedin Pakistan, isn't it?

Tell us what happened.

- Well it was a verylong kind of court case.

They really were expecting it to be

a simple dismissal of a petition.

But the judges took extreme care to ensure

that anybody who heard thecourt judgment afterwards,

the ruling, and read the papers

would understand inexplicably

that Asia Bibi is an innocent woman.

They went through everydetail of the case,

a rarity for a petitionand hearing in a court.

More to the point as well,and after the judgment,

the judges said a verybold statement saying that

the accusers of Asia Bibi should be

taken through the courtprocess and they suggested

that they should now begiven life sentences.

And so a judgment like that,

if ever it did come tofruition, would ensure

that innocent victims like Asia Bibi

would become few and far between.

- It sends a strong messagedoesn't it to others?

- Of course, and this issomething I think Christians

have been championing for a long time.

It strikes us as bizarrethat those accusers who,

in essence, destroy thelives of innocent victims

such as Asia Bibi, suchas --, and many others

get away scot-free without any prosecution

of their own perjury in court,and I think a step like that

would definitely be a stepin the right direction

and hopefully would remove

this whimsical applicationof the Blasphemy Law.

- So how are Muslimsreacting, those Islamists

who really support the Blasphemy Law?

I know police thwarted mass protests.

What are the Islamistssaying and doing now?

- Already there are shouts andhollering outside the courts.

There's been rioting, it'sminor rioting at the moment

because most of the --leaders have been put away.

More than 3,000 leadersof the previous rights

have been imprisoned.

However the expectationis that you'll have

mass riots across Pakistanwhich will include

vandalism of governmentproperties, sit-ins,

and we expect the country to be brought

to a similar standstill.

We're praying and hoping this doesn't turn

into violence againstChristian communities.

You can imagine the intolerancein Pakistan is so steep

that it's easy to trigger people towards

opportunity to violenceagainst Christians.

Now, a case Asia Bibi wheremajority of the country,

I'd say 90% of Muslims still believe

that she's a guilty blasphemer,it strikes as very possible

that we could see another attack similar

to the attack in -- in 2009,the attack that triggered

the creation of the BritishPakistani Christian Association.

- And how are Asia andher family doing, Wilson?

I'm sure they're relieved,

but she's still in danger, isn't she?

- For every minute that AsiaBibi remains in Pakistan

her life will be under threat.

We are talking about millions,not hundreds of thousands,

millions of irate, extremelyvolatile, intolerant,

and excessively angryMuslims ready to kill her.

And when Asia Bibi is out of Pakistan,

without a doubt, she'll havean opportunity of freedom,

the type that she's neverexperienced in Pakistan.

- [Gary] But, Wilson,she'll also, if she ends up

in a Western country like Canada,the U.S., Australia, U.K.,

she'd still be under threat there.

They have quite a network of Islamists

that would like to kill her.

- Yes, there will bea threat but countries

like Australia and Canadahave a much slighter

risk of danger for Asia Bibi than a place

like Britain, France, or Germany.

- And finally, Wilson,what can our viewers do?

How should we pray for Asiaand her family, for Pakistan?

- Well Asia has obviouslybeen incarcerated now,

in isolation, for over9 years, close to 10.

This woman has been bereft of her family,

has been away from any friends,

her conversations would havebeen minimal with the cleaner

that may have passed by for five minutes,

so you can imagine her mentalstate is not going to be

the same as it was previousto her incarceration.

We need to pray that sheis given time to heal

and that the Lord restores her completely

so that she can now start toenjoy her life and her family.

And we need to pray forher to be able to, again,

overcome the difficultiesof suddenly being

in an environment whereshe isn't on her own

and where she does haveto interact with people,

her husband, her daughters.

So again, there will be some adjusting

that needs to take place.

We need to pray for the family's safety

in the country they goto and in that country

for the government that takes care of them

to ensure that adequateprotection is provided,

and I would say throughoutthe remainder of their life.

The risk, I don't think,will ever dissipate entirely,

but will be much reduced.

And again, just pray for other Christians.

We cannot forget that thereare over 40 blasphemy victims

still incarcerated in Pakistan,

18 of those who we've listedon our website are Christians.

That's almost 50%.

We need to pray for these victims and pray

that they receive an exonerationas speedily as possible.

- Okay, Wilson Chowdhry,British Pakistani Christians,

thanks so much for being with us.

- Thank you, Gary.

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The I Wills of God,

your path to overcoming fear and anxiety.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there aremore than 148 million

orphans in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

emersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw first hand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

(upbeat music)

- The red ink in Washingtonjust keeps on coming.

A new government reportestimates that $12 trillion

is likely to be added to the national debt

within the next 10 years.

What might it mean foryou and your household?

Well joining us is financial expert,

host of the radio program,Financial Issues, Dan Celia.

Dan, good to see you again.

So we're already at $21 trillion,

what will an added $12 trillion mean

for the average Americanand the U.S. economy?

- Well one would have to believe, Gary,

that another $12 trillion,

keep in mind with every trillion we add

that is a trilliondollars worth of service,

in other words interest, thatwe've gotta pay on the debt

and that's gonna addup very, very quickly,

particularly if the -- getsback to raising rates again

and normalize rates.

So what this is gonna meanfor the average person,

it has to mean higher taxesat some point down the road.

And I'm not just talkingabout federal tax,

it's gonna impact all of our taxes,

our local taxes, our statetax, and our federal tax.

So immediately what it would mean

that we need to generatemore income, obviously,

to be able to satisfy our debt.

And one of the ways we're gonna do that

is we're either gonnasee higher gasoline tax,

we're gonna see higher income tax

coming out of ourpaychecks in federal taxes

when we do our taxreturns if it continues.

The only way we would not see that

is if we have some incrediblegrowth in the economy

along with some cuts to government.

We need to shrink the size of government

along with that growth.

So GDP is critical, no doubt about it,

but it's going to get in 10 years,

it's gonna start to get a little scary

particularly as we seeright now monthly deficits.

We're seeing a monthly deficit in receipts

from the government World War II levels,

we haven't seen since then andthat is certainly a concern,

and that's gonna exacerbateany of these issues

in the next 10 years of thedebt that we're piling on

because of our out-of-control spending.

- And, Dan, if we increase taxes though,

won't that harm the economy?

We won't see that growth that we've seen.

- Exactly, Gary, and that is the problem.

That's why we've got to dosomething about this now.

We can't wait for anotherfive, eight, 10 years.

We've gotta start thinking about cutting

the size of government,which is a -- on Washington.

But here's the deal,President Trump has said,

and Larry Kudlow as ChiefEconomic Consultant,

he said that the budget that is gonna be

put forth by this presidentin the upcoming weeks

is going to include a cross-the-board,

5% cut out of every department's budget

with the exception of Defense.

- But, Dan, we're seeing representatives

like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

calling for free college tuition,

Kamala Harris saying Medicare for all.

So how much might thosemoves cost the country

and are they sustainable changes?

- Not only aren't they sustainable, Gary,

they're impossible.

- [Gary] Yeah.

- It can't be done.

I know what they're saying,

they're appealing to thatyoung voter, I get that,

but it's not even a possibility.

We could double our taxes, double them,

and it still would beshort of what we need.

- Dan, before we leaveyou I've gotta ask you,

it seems the economy is cooling off now.

Is it just the USA, but around the world,

and why is it happening?

- I think here it's mostly media-driven

and there's business sentiment.

It started from Davos last week,

everybody had a negative tone.

You've got a globalist mentality in Davos,

a global mentality that is getting

a little bit more desperate to see

this globalism grow a little bit faster.

Anything can happen as longas there's an economic crisis.

They realize that withouta crisis their agenda

is gonna slow down to maybe even a stop.

I'm not trying to soundlike a conspiracy theory

type of person, but I do believe

that somewhere subconsciouslya lot of these leaders

understand that if we'regonna complete this agenda

and get it really upand running and rolling

we gotta have an economiccrisis in order to accomplish

some of the things thatwe want to accomplish.

Here in America, that negativitythat the mainstream media

is pushing so hard on,only because of hatred,

because of hatred of one man,

and they understand that we absolutely

must have recession byJune of next year, 2020.

They are scared knowingthat if we continue

in any kind of growth cycle that the odds

of President Trump beingre-elected are a whole lot greater

than they will be if wehave economic turmoil.

I just gotta believe theyknow it's the only way

they're gonna get him outta there.

- Yeah, they can't have success.

Okay, Dan Celia, thanks somuch for joining us today.

(upbeat music)

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The I Wills of God,

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(upbeat music)

- Chick-fil-A is under attack again.

This time at the University of Georgia

where a socialist environmental group

wants it banned for being quote,

"A White supremacist capitalist cult."

Also at UGA, Facebook removeda teaching assistant there

for making racist remarksand advocating violence.

Well joining us to fill us in

is Campus Reform's Emma Meshell.

So, Emma, what's going on atUGA first with Chick-fil-A?

- Well there is a studentgroup going after Chick-fil-A

calling it White supremacistand a capitalist cult,

but we know that that's really not true

and we can tell exactlywhat this group is doing.

They're not actuallyfighting for the environment,

because if they were they would be

going after Panda Express on campus,

they would be going after Starbucks

'cause both of those groupsdon't use sustainable packaging.

And yet they're choosingto go after Chick-fil-A

and what this really isis it is a poorly planned

smear campaign against a company

that's owned by Christians.

- And, Emma, this isn't the first time

this has happened on campus, has it?

Remind me of what happenedrecently at Rider University.

- Right, well I was onyour show to talk about

Rider University saidthat they cannot stand

with Chick-fil-A and allowit to come to campus,

even though studentsvoted that they wanted

this restaurant to come to campus,

and they said that Chick-fil-A'svalues had not progressed

along with those of Rider University.

And really what this showsis a pattern on campus

against companies thatare owned by Christians.

This is a vendetta that these schools have

against companies withChristian, conservative values.

- Well I was going to sayreally at the root of this

it's a spiritual issue, is it not?

A anti-Christian issue?

- It seems that there is a large

anti-Christian sentiment on campus,

and it can be shown by groups

like this Earth Strike group at UGA,

and plenty of other campusesthat we've reported on

at the LeadershipInstitute's Campus Reform

are against things like displaysthat show religious symbols

during Christmas time and evenagainst once during Hanukkah.

No dreidels are allowed, noChristmas trees are allowed.

And really what this isis it's the college system

coming against religion and against people

who practice Judeo-Christian values.

- And I don't see themdoing that against Muslims,

or Hindus, or Buddhists.

But back to UGA, what aboutthis teaching assistant now?

Who is he, what did he say?

- So this is a teaching assistant

in the Philosophy Departmentand he has made repeated calls

for violence and violentaction against White people.

He has made some truly racist statements

and his one that got him in trouble

with Facebook over the weekend,

he said that some Whitepeople may need to die

in order to advance Black communities.

And we know on both sides that that

is absolutely racist rhetoricand that is not the way

to find unity betweendifferent communities.

Yet he's made theseother statements as well.

He said that Whitesoutherners are autistic.

He has said that fightingWhite people is a skill,

and as I mentioned before,this is coming from

a philosophy teaching assistant

and it really raises the question,

how could this man possiblybe fair in grading papers

of students he knows are White

when he has time and timeagain come out with statements

saying that he needs to fight White people

with every chance that he gets.

It really raises into question his ability

to be a good educator.

- And Facebook has kicked him off,

this doesn't happen too often, or does it,

unless someone complains?

- Well Conservatives know that Facebook

and social media companies in general

seem to really pick on the right

and nitpick the things that they say.

A lot of Conservatives have said that

the way that they censor peopleon their sites are unfair.

But Facebook, for once, is standing up

to violent speech from the left.

So Facebook is sayingthat this is too violent

for our community, this doesnot belong on our website,

and UGA is also examiningwhether this type of speech

has a place on their campus,

which that's why we do what we do

at the LeadershipInstitute's Campus Reform,

we are just fighting for accountability

so that people in theseinstitutions can examine things

and see how they wantto go about fixing it,

the taxpayers and theadministrators at these colleges.

- I always say, what's good for the goose

is good for the ganders, sowhether it's left or right,

if they're advocating violence,

Facebook needs to take action.

I think they need to be praised for this.

Now back to UGA, it hasn't taken

any disciplinary action against him.

What should they do?

- UGA, I can't say what theyshould be doing as a school

because it really is up to them.

It's up to the taxpayersthat fund the school

since it is a public school,

but really what Campus Reform works to do

is shine a light on thesethings that are happening.

We're here to share thefacts, share the information,

and let the schools, letthe taxpayers of Georgia,

who read our work, let them decide

what they think should be done.

But ultimately, I think we can all agree

that speech like thisdoes not have a place

with someone who is educatingpeople in the classroom.

- Okay, Emma Meshell from Campus Reform's

Leadership Institute,always good talking to you.

Thanks for joining with us.

- Thank, Gary.

(upbeat music)

- [Announcer] When you give,

smiles grow bigger.

When you care,

homes are happier.

When you comfort,

the hurt goes away.

When we all come together to love,

miracles happen.

- Hello, I'm Terry Meeuwsen.

Did you know there aremore than 148 million

orphans in the world today?

148 million.

But it was three littlegirls that taught me

about the plight of orphans.

My husband and I spent nearly a month

emersed in the daily activitiesof a Ukrainian orphanage

as we waited to adopt three sisters.

I saw first hand the utter loneliness,

the pain of rejection,

and the overwhelming desire to be loved.

That experience changed me forever

and out of it grew aministry from my heart

called Orphan's Promise.

Today we're helping orphansand vulnerable children

in more than 50 countries worldwide.

Thousands of childrenare now in safe homes.

They're being educated andthey're learning life skills.

I'm asking you to join with me

and become family to these children.

Will you call the numberon your screen right now

because every child deservesa chance to be happy.

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(upbeat music)

- I don't know how manyswearing ins you've witnessed,

but I've seen quite a few in my years

of working in radio and television,

and as a child I remember watching

my first Presidential Inaugural.

It was President John F. Kennedy.

- Preserve, protect, and defend

the Constitution of the United States.

- So help you, God.

- So help me, God.

(applauding and cheering)

- A great moment, wasn'tit, I'll never forget it.

56 years later, it wasDonald J. Trump's turn.

- Preserve, protect, and defend.

- [John] The Constitutionof the United States.

- The Constitution of the United States.

- [John] So help me, God.

- So help me, God.

- Congratulations, Mr. President.

(applauding and cheering)

- There you have it,their hand on the Bible

our presidents have alwayssaid, "So help me, God."

That's because the burdenof the presidency is heavy.

Our presidents have known they've needed

God's help to make good decisions.

Some members of Congresswanted to end that tradition.

According to Fox News, the House Committee

on Natural Resources consideredremoving the requirement,

not for presidents, but for witnesses

appearing to testify before their panel.

Instead of swearing in to tellthe truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but thetruth, so help me, God,

witnesses would've been required

to tell the truth withoutsaying "So help me, God."

I guess they didn't think witnesses

needed God's help to tell the truth.

Well the Committee finallyvoted on the proposal

and they decided to keep the oath as is.

A majority must have wondered,where does our belief

in telling the truth comefrom if not from God?

Didn't Moses receive theNinth Commandment from God?

Do not bear false witness,don't lie, tell the truth?

If we're not ultimately accountable to God

to tell the truth, whoare we accountable to?

Who or what demandsthat we tell the truth?


Perhaps those who supported the change

felt witnesses should startsaying, "So help me, Congress."

Yes, Congress can send us to prison

for lying to that institution.

We've seen indictments inthe Russia investigation

against some people for doing that.

I don't know about you, but if I lie

I fear God's judgment more than I fear

the consequences of lying to politicians

in the U.S. Congress.

I guess lying's okay forthem, but not for anyone else.

So folks, we're on anotherslippery slope here

and it's time to wake up.

But it was just anotherexample of the ongoing attempt

of leftist Democratsand others to remove God

from every aspect of our pubic life.

When we do that, we end up with laws

like the one recently enacted in New York

which allows babies to be murdered

just moments before birth.

Whatever happened to the U.S.Declaration of Independence

and our commitment as a nation to life,

liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

I guess life and happinessapplies to everyone

except for unborn babies justseconds before their birth.

Like it or not, our nation was founded

on Judeo-Christian principles.

It is one reason why we've been blessed

to become the greatest nation on earth.

Can I say that?

A great country?

Alexis de Tocqueville said,

America's great because America is good.

America's good because we believe in God.

We look to Him for guidance, direction,

His provision for our people.

De Tocqueville said, ifAmerica ever stops being good

it will cease being great.

Now if we continue down this road

of removing God from our public life,

if stop acknowledging Him,

yes, America will cease to be good.

Life and truth will have no meaning.

Those who advocate life andtruth will be persecuted.

We need to be watchfuland resist this insanity.

So help me, God.

Well that's it from theGlobal Lane this week.

Be sure to follows us on Facebook,

iTunes, Sound Cloud, YouTube, and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.

(upbeat music)


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