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The Global Lane - August 1, 2019

The Global Lane - August 1, 2019 Read Transcript

- Today, from the Global Lane,

trade talks with Chinaresume, advantage red dragon?

Gordon Chang tells us whatPresident Xi really wants.

This woman's husband left Texasand joined the Islamic State

now, she's warning Americansabout the radicalization

of their family members and friends.

And the evil spirit overtakingthe USA emasculating dads.

Michael Brown on Jezebel'swar with America.

And it's all right hereon the Global Lane.

US trade talks with Chinahave resumed in Shanghai.

Can a deal between President Trump

and Chinese President Xi be made?

Negotiations come at atime when the US economy

is doing well, andChina's has slowed a bit.

President Trump has received criticism

because he's made tariff concessions

for the Chinese company, Huawei.

So what is China really after not only

in trade but in the long run?

Well, joining us with some insights

is China analyst, Gordon Chang.

He's author of the book 'TheComing Collapse of China.'

Mr. Chang recently wrote an article

that appeared in the Wall Street Journal

titled 'Xi Changed My Mind About Trump.'

so, Gordon it's good to talk to you again.

So how did Xi Jinping changeyour mind about Trump?

- Well, President Trump,especially in his 2017

and 2018 general assemblyspeeches at the UN

dwelled on sovereignty and when I heard

that I thought that wasreally out of place.

The issue of sovereignty was settled

in 1648 at the Treaty of of Westphalia.

I was thinking, what thedevil is Trump talking about?

Well, sovereignty isimportant because Xi Jinping,

the Chinese ruler, hasfor more than decade

but especially in recentyears been dropping hints

that China is the world'sonly sovereign state.

He's been going back to that notion

of (in foreign language)or all under heaven

that Chinese emperorsruled all under heaven.

And so therefore there'sreally a challenge not just

to the United States but really

to the entire international system.

So that's how Xi Jinping got me to believe

that actually President Trump's words

on sovereignty are avery important message

for today's international system.

- Well, how would thatview then of sovereignty

affect the United Statesand the future of the world?

- Well, the important thinggoing forward right now

is that we defend thisinternational system.

People say, "Well, theUnited States has friction,

trade friction, andother friction with China

because we're trying to preventChina's legitimate rise.

We're trying to stay on topof the international system."

Well, that's really wrong,that's Beijing's narrative.

What we're doing is preserving

the international systemitself and that, I believe

when you think about Trump'sdefense of sovereignty,

it really goes to the coreof the challenge with China.

China right now has gone backto being a revolutionary state

it's not willing to livewithin the current world,

want other countries to be sovereign,

it wants to dominate everything.

So this is really importantfor us as we go forward

because all of us, everybodyin the world has a stake

in the outcome of this.

- And the president saysthey've been cheating

on trade for years, we'llget to that in a moment.

Newt Gingrich and othershave shared security concerns

about tariff concessions being awarded

to the Chinese company, Huawei.

Gingrich says, "If theChinese company's allowed

to dominate 5G communicationthen we're all in trouble."

What are your thoughts on that?

- Well, certainly, Huaweiis China's paw really

and what ... they'veused the company already

because it makes telecomequipment, networking gear,

the world's largestmanufacturer in that sector.

They've been using Huawei gear

to surreptitiously take data from others.

So, for instance, between 2012 and 2017,

Beijing was nightly downloading data

from the headquarters of the African Union

and Speaker Gingrich is right of 5G,

which is the fifth generationof wireless communications

is absolutely essential because this

is the Internet of Things,everything is gonna

be connected to the Internet through 5G

and China, if it hasHuawei in the backbones

of these countries is going to be able

to surreptitiously take this data,

feed it into China'sartificial intelligence systems

and therefore dominatetechnology in the 21st century.

So this is absolutely critical.

- Well, what's your message then

to President Trump about that?

Because, obviously, he's decided

to play it a little lightlyagainst that company.

- Yeah, there should beno exemptions for Huawei.

These are exemptions fromthe Commerce Department's

entity list, and Huaweiis currently on the list

and that means that no American company

can contract with Huaweieither licenses of technology

or the sale of things like computer chips

without getting a prior license.

And what President Trump wants to do

is to give a reprieve to Huawei

to allow American companies to sell.

This is, I think, one 100% wrong.

Huawei is a national security threat,

it's not a bargaining chip in trade talks

as the president hassometimes characterized it.

So we need to make sure that Huawei

is not able to do these things

to undermine US national security

and the national security of our partners.

- Well, there are probablyother trade chips,

bargaining chips, what'sthe main sticking point,

Gordon now, in trade talks with China?

- It's the enforcement mechanisms.

There are so many different obstacles

and one of them, whenyou go to the core of it,

is China's industrial policy

and this prevents US andother foreign companies

from competing in China,China has been engaging

in increasingly predatory practices

and they violate China'sWorld Trade Organization

obligation to us and to others.

But China is not willing tohave enforcement mechanisms.

We want to keep the tariffson and some other things

to make sure china livesup to its promises,

after all, we've got decadesof failed trade agreements

with Beijing because the Chinese

have been violating everytrade deal that we've had.

So the remedy for another trade ...

For all of this bad history

is not another trade deal,especially if it doesn't

have the strictestenforcement measures on Earth.

- And so what needs to be done then

to reach a deal and calm?

I know those international investors

and markets are a bit nervous.

- Well, I think, what we need to do

is not have a trade deal with China

and to impose costs on Beijing,

for instance, the theft ofUS intellectual property

and the violations ofChina's trade commitments.

And we need to impose those costs

so they're greater thanwhat China benefits.

China steals somewhere between150 to 600 billion dollars

worth of US IP a year and, of course,

it has other benefits forviolating trade agreements.

Our costs have to be sosevere that Beijing realizes

it has no other choicebut to act responsibly.

Again, this is going to hurt us, Gary,

but we've got to rememberthat we are not going

to escape decades of bad trade agreements

and bad trade policy with China

and not have some cost to ourselves

because if we can't protect our IP,

for instance, we don't havean economy of the future.

- Okay, some food for thought there.

Gordon Chang, Chinaanalyst, author of the book

'The Coming Collapse of China.'

Thank you for joining us.

- Thank you so much, Gary.

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(children laughing)

(upbeat music)

♪ We're the shortest action ♪

♪ It's like a great attraction ♪

♪ That's like a chain reaction ♪

♪ But when I'm on satisfaction ♪

♪ I love the way this joy makes me move ♪

♪ Yeah, I got the joy ♪

♪ I dance because I know ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I dance because I know ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ I move around because I got it ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart. ♪

♪ Joy ♪

♪ Joy's in the heart. ♪

♪ Joy. ♪

(dramatic music)

- Persecution against people of faith

is rising around the world and,

according to a new Pew research study,

Christians and Muslimsare suffering the most.

Pew says, in general,Christians were persecuted

in 143 countries in 2017,

that's compared to 107 in 2007.

Muslims face persecutionin 140 countries in 2017

compared to 96 in 2007,Jews were persecuted

in countries compared to 51.

Now, some of the worst persecution

against Christians hasoccurred in the Middle East

where ISIS and other militant groups

have waged Jihad againstancient Christian communities

in Syria and Iraq.

And you may think ISIS is just a group

of fanatic radicalized MiddleEast Muslims, not true.

Some radicalized Westernershave joined the terror group.

So, how could that happen?

Young people growing up in Canada, the US,

France or England livinghappy, normal lives

leaving the comfort of their homes

and joining the Jihad?

Well, joining us from Washington,

Tania Joya and Shireen Qudosi.

They recently appeared on Capitol Hill

warning Congress and the public

about violent extremism andthe radicalization of children.

So, Tania tell us, youended up marrying a man

who joined ISIS, I'm assuming your husband

became radicalized after you married him.

Tell us what happened?

- He came from a middle-class,upper middle class family

who has a military history,his dad was a colonel

in the Air Force for 30 years.

And his grandfather hadserved in World War II

but with John's experience

he suffered from depressionand turned to drugs.

He needed drugs for manyyears before he found Islam

and with Islam and the Muslimcommunity he felt acceptance

whereas with American standards, I guess,

he felt very rejected becausehe wasn't the most athletic,

and he didn't meet up tohis dad's expectations.

So once he started goingto the mosque in ...

Sorry, in Texas the Muslimcommunity embraced him

and they were ex patsstudying at Texas A&M.

And from there, he traveled to Syria

and then he met Muslims from the UK

who convinced him that Jihadis the only way we're gonna

be able to stop the oppression on Muslims

and establish our own stateand have a head of state.

So, that's when he became interested

in Caliphate and Jihadand it stemmed from there.

And then 10 years on later we separated

'cause I couldn't take it, that life,

that way of life any more,and he started a revolution

and, eventually, it led to ISIS.

- How have you been treated as a result

of your actions husband's actions?

I know you're a British citizen,

have you been allowed back into England?

What about some other ISIS,so-called ISIS brides?

Yeah so, I'm allowed to go back to the UK

but I believe America's ...

it was America and Americanvalues that changed me,

that opened my mind, and opened my heart.

I started reading Thomas Paine material

and other ... Benjamin Franklin

and I learned about the US Constitution

and the Bill of Rights, andI loved these documents.

It made me question my own religion

and I started questioning is, growing up,

I was told the Quran is the word of God

and Islam is perfectand you're not allowed

to think differently.

And after leaving myhusband I had the freedom

to think for myself, and I had the freedom

to read whatever material I wanted,

and I had the freedom tohave a voice in America.

So, you know, America recreated me

and gave me a secondchance to actually be free

and I'm ever grateful to the US government

for giving me, and mychildren the opportunity

to live here and not haveto stay and die in Syria.

- I'm sure the first step inpreventing violent extremism

is recognizing in the first place

that radicalization is taking place.

So, what should people look for?

- So, I grew up as a Muslimand I'm still a Muslim today

and one of my concerns is the level

of ISIS recruitment andradicalization in the US.

We currently have 1000 open cases

of recruitment and radicalization.

What we're seeing is those patterns

being repeated by neo-Nazi groups, antifa

and other social militarization.

Our PVE training program takes the data

and the field research that's,

usually behind closeddoors, in academic circles,

and puts it in the hands of real people

in communities, bringingcommunities together

to amplify resources and materials,

so that people can really help youth

and vulnerable communities that are open

to radicalization stay awayfrom radicalization processes.

- Well Shireen, I knowit's not just the Internet

where people are becoming radicalized.

What other avenues ofinfluence are you seeing

that parents and others should be aware of

when their children are influenced?

- Right now, there's a lotof peer pressure as well.

What we see with the neo-Nazi groups

is there's an epidemic injunior high and high schools

where the behavior isbeing repeated on campus

behind closed doors, atprivate parties, and online.

And so college campusesand, of course, also

high school and junior highcampuses are really struggling

with how do we really challenge that?

One of the solutions is tooffer a counter message.

It's not enough just tosay, "This is a hate group,

don't join it," because, aswe saw with the war on drugs,

say no to drugs doesn't work and the next,

sort of, playground for youthis extremist ideologies.

- I know that antifa isvery active at our colleges.

- Colleges are dealing with censorship,

and they're dealing with alot of group think behavior,

which is antithetical to the entire spirit

of a college education so it'sdefinitely another campus,

another opportunity forrecruiters to target people

who are feeling like theydon't belong and then pull them

into these pocket behaviors,these pocket communities

where they do feel like they do belong.

And what's really interestingabout the US right now

is the behavior that we'reseeing on college campuses

with the sort of far leftist rhetoric

is the same sort ofrecruitment and radicalization

that happens in the Middle East

with the far ... I wouldsay the Islam's extremists

who go ahead and they cultivate recruits

for the Muslim brotherhood, for Al-Qaeda

it's the same sort ofbehavior pattern repeating

in the US right now.

- And Tania, tell us about themovie 'Kids Chasing Paradise'

I know screenings have takenplace around the world,

what's it about and what are you hoping

will happen as a result?

- 'Kids Chasing Paradise'is about extremist groups,

terrorists using, exploiting children

as canon fodder and puttingthem on the front lines.

- I'd like members of Congress

to bring our PEV trainingprogram, that's a free resource,

to their communities,we have a pilot program

in Richmond Hill, right now, that brings

together key stakeholdersin law enforcement,

education, and differentclergy members and, of course,

the media and elected officials

so that all key stakeholders are informed

on what a PEV training program looks like

and how they can implement the solutions,

mostly the solutions forPEV in their communities.

And it's a free resource,we will come to you.

We are happy to help communitieshelp prevent radicalization

- Okay, Shireen Qudosiand Tania Joya thanks

so much for joining ustoday from Washington.

- Give me that.

(laughter)- See ya.

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(upbeat music)

(children laughing)

(upbeat music)

- You've likely noticed atrend on American television

in recent years; emasculatingmen, ridiculing fathers,

and presenting them as dumb.

Journalist, John Tierney,wrote a New York Times op ed

years ago about Hollywood'sobsession with The Doofus Dad.

Well, here with more is Dr. Michael Brown.

He's founder and presidentof Ask Dr. Brown Ministries.

He's a talk show host and authorof about three dozen books.

His latest is called'Jezebel's War with America,'

set for release August 6th.

Dr. Brown, thanks for joining us.

I want to discuss your newbook, but first dumb dads.

It seems like when we were children

it was Father Knows Best, Stephen Douglas,

the dad from My Three Sons, Ward Cleaver

of Leave It to Beaver, remember him?

Well, these were wise, strong dads

with, usually, good advice.

Why the change from that on television

and in our culture, now?

- It's such a bizarre thing, but it

is absolutely a concertedattack on manhood,

on masculinity, on fatherhood.

It really is an emasculating of men.

I mean we've gone from FatherKnows Best to Homer Simpson

and Everybody Loves Raymond,it's really remarkable.

The father is an idiot,the father is the last one

to get it, the fatheris the laughing stock.

You think there's gottabe something behind this

because the people writing the sitcoms,

the people writing the dramatic shows

they're not all working and concerting it.

They share certain mindsets so different

from when we grew up and I just look at it

as part of the largerattack on the family.

If a man just tries tocover his wife and kids,

and be the spiritual head of the home

that's called toxic masculinity.

And it's part of thisradical feminist push

against anything good in manhood.

If you're a male today in America

you're guilty by default and, to me,

it's part of this larger Jezebelic attack

on our culture to emasculate men.

That the father's wondering,"I'm not an absentee dad.

I'm the one taking mykids to soccer practice,

you know, I'm the onedriving them to school,

I'm the one involved in this,

I'm the one involved with that."

And yet there is thecaricature that no matter

what you do it's the doofus dad

who always gets thingswrong, kind of the idiot

late coming to the party.

So, I have to look at it asmore than just a reflection

of the society but rather a projection,

a projected attack againstmen in America today.

- And this leads well into your book

'Jezebel's War with America'because, as you say,

there is a Jezebel spirit.

First, for thoseunfamiliar with the Bible,

who was Jezebel, what is this spirit

that is having an impact on America?

- So, when we talk aboutthe spirit of Jezebel

we're talking about the samedemonic forces that worked

through this evil woman 3000years ago working again today.

In the Bible she is a pagan princess

who marries a king in Israel

and leads the nation deeper into idolatry.

She was a murderer, shekilled the prophets.

She intimidated by fear,she emasculated men.

She's associated with sexualimmorality and with witchcraft.

And you put these thingstogether and you look

at our society today fromthe radical feminist spirit

to the shout your abortionbaby killing spirit

to the rise of witchcraft,today reportedly

more witches in Americathan Presbyterians.

The flood of porn and sexual seduction,

and immorality, the war on gender trying

to make men into women and women into men.

And this concerted effortto stop God's people

from speaking up itreally is, in that sense,

for both men and women a takingaway of spiritual authority.

And then in the Bible,the one who, ultimately,

comes into final conflict with Jezebel

is King Jehu this kind of reckless king.

He does a lot of good, buta lot of collateral damage.

And when you have apresident like Donald Trump,

whether you voted for him or didn't,

you see it's the same kind of thing.

The radical feminist spiritcomes out of the woodwork,

now wants to blow up the White House.

You have witches hexingthe male patriarchy.

It is a battle with the spirit of Jezebel

in America today like nothing

we've ever seen in our history.

There are demonic powers at work

and we can't fight themif we don't recognize them

and then once we recognize them we realize

that we have mighty spiritual weapons

to pull down these strongholds.

- And I know you're always speaking out.

You love debating, August 8thyou're having another debate

this time answering the question,

is the New Testament antisemitic?

Now, for me, I wonder howanyone could actually,

seriously ask that question knowing

that the New Testament isall about Jesus, a Jew.

So what's this debate all about?

- Yeah so you are part of my evidence

that it's not antisemitic, in other words,

evangelical Christians like you,

who read the New Testament,who take it literally,

and who are great lovers ofIsrael and the Jewish people

is a great proof that it is not.

So just a few months backthe tragic synagogue shooting

in Poway, California the shooter,

in his manifesto, quotedNew Testament verses

to justify his hostility to the Jews.

So, it's gonna be August8th in New York City,

in Manhattan with my friend Rabbi Shmuley.

We've done over 20debates but this is gonna

be our first one focused on this subject.

- I've got to ask you before we leave,

I want you to weigh in onanother controversial subject.

Muslim activist Linda Sarsourrecently said emphatically

that Jesus was a Palestinian, so what

is really behind this Michael?

- It's really no differentthan when German theologians,

Nazi theologians saidthat Jesus was an Arian

and that he wasn't even a Jew.

It's trying to take away his Jewishness,

trying to take away Jewish roots.

And the name Palestine doesn't come in

until over 100 years after the death

and resurrection of Jesus Yeshua

so it's another attempt topull him away from Israel,

to pull him away from him Jewish roots.

And in Islamic thought,hey Jesus is a Muslim,

Moses is a Muslim let's make him

into a Palestinian as well.

Oh, so I don't forget sir, folks need

to go to

to pre-order the book, if they pre-order

before August 6th they get the ebook free,

another ebook free, over$50 of free material

when they go to

and pre-order it, I wannamake sure I mention that.

- That's okay, we'relooking forward to the book

and also the upcoming debate.

Dr. Michael Brown author ofthe soon-to-be released book

'Jezebel's War With America,' thank you

for setting us straight today.

- [Michael] Well, my joy. Any time.

- Well, that's it from the Global Lane.

be sure to follow us on Facebook, YouTube,

iTunes, SoundCloud, and Twitter.

And until next time, be blessed.

(upbeat music)



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