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'The NFL Could Do a Much Better Job': Tony Dungy on Players Kneeling and the National Anthem

'The NFL Could Do a Much Better Job': Tony Dungy on Players Kneeling and the National Anthem Read Transcript

- Give me your thoughtson the national anthem

and players who are choosing to kneel.

How do you think the NFL has handled this?

- I don't think theNFL's handled it great.

When I coached, I alwaysencouraged my players

to be part of the community.

I wanted them to be outthere, community service,

doing things, being involved.

So now you get players who are saying,

hey, I'm out there, I see some things

that aren't quite right, and the players

wanna be a voice for peoplethat don't have a voice.

So I don't think you canjust say, well don't do this.

This isn't the right time.

You've got to come upwith other solutions,

and I would hope the NFLwould work with these players

to say okay, maybe duringthe national anthem

isn't the right time, butlet me give you a platform.

You've got concerns.

Let's set up some meetings.

Let's give you some time in the media,

at our press conferences, to say,

here's what's going on in my community,

here's what I'm concerned about,

here are some of thethings that we're doing,

here's some of the solutions,

so people can hear theissue and not just see

well, they're kneelingfor the national anthem,

what does that mean?

I think the NFL could doa much better job of that.

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