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Tony Dungy on Nick Foles and Giving a Voice to Christians in the NFL: 'That's One of the Reasons God Has Me at NBC' 

Tony Dungy on Nick Foles and Giving a Voice to Christians in the NFL: 'That's One of the Reasons God Has Me at NBC'  Read Transcript

- I wanna talk to youabout faith in sports.

You took some heat this past Super Bowl

when you were talkingabout Nick Foles' faith.

What do you say to your critics and...

What do you have to day to your critics?

- Well, again, this was on social media.

I was working for NBCbroadcasting the game.

And one of my responsibilitieswas to interview Nick Foles.

And he told me about his Christian faith.

He told me he felt that God had him

on that PhiladelphiaEagles team for a reason.

He had been the backup quarterback.

Now he was starting in the Super Bowl,

and he felt very confident hewas gonna have a good game,

because he believed God hadhim there for that purpose.

And so I said that on TV,and a lot of people said,

"Well you shouldn'tbring religion into it."

And I was just reporting the facts.

But believe it or not,I got much more support

than I did heat.

So many people wrote in and said,

"Hey, I'm glad that you said and reported

"on exactly what he said.

"And I'm glad you talkedabout his faith in Christ."

And I feel like that's oneof the reasons God has me

at NBC, to be the voice forsome of these Christian athletes

who wanna say those things.

So it's all been great.

And I think people have to understand

that Christian athleteshave the same ability

to espouse their views as anyone else has.

And if we ask them a question

about what is allowing them to play well,

and they say, "It's my faith in Christ,"

or, "It's the Holy Spirit,"we can't hold that in,

and we can't begrudge them of that.

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