- Is a man who's worn many hats.
A Superbowl winning coach,sports analyst and commentator,
and author.
- Well, it was actually Lauren's idea.
- [Jenna] His latest projectis a series of children's books
written with his wife, Lauren.
- This is actually our second series
where we've kinda centeredit on sports themes
so we could have kidsfrom all neighborhoods
and all walks of life
with things that most kids come across.
But they have to find theirway through with the help
of their coaches and their parents.
- And Austin, his teamis not doing so well.
Six straight losses.
- Yep, they're not winning.
So one of the playerscomes up with an idea
of how they can win but it'snot exactly within the rules.
Austin has to figure out ifit's the right thing to do
to try to win at all costsor do you really need to
play by the rules?
We're hoping that kids, numberone, get the lesson from this
but also that parentsand adults and teachers
can be able to talk to kids about that
and learn that life lesson.
- The other is about Maria,
who wants to play soccerand has to muster up
the courage to get out on the field.
Talking about just our culture today,
there seems to be such a lackof civility and just kindness.
What do you make of it?
- I think that's what ourkids are getting used to.
That's what they're saying on TV.
We've kinda gravitated towards that.
Take care of yourself.
Stay in your lane.
Anybody who has a differentview than you are,
something's wrong with them.
That's part of thelessons in these books too
that we have to getalong with other people,
we have to try to include otherpeople in our conversations,
on our team, and that's whatGod would want us to do.
- Give me your thoughtson the national anthem
and players who are choosing to kneel.
How do you think the NFL has handled this?
- I don't think theNFL's handled it great.
- [Jenna] Tony says he wouldn't kneel
if he was a player today,
but supports those who do
and would like to seethe NFL work with them.
- I don't think you can just say,
"Well, don't do this.
"This isn't the right time."
You've gotta come up with other solutions.
I would hope the NFL wouldwork with these players
to say, "OK, maybe duringthe national anthem
"isn't the right time, butlet me give you a platform."
You've got concerns?
Let's set up some meetings,
let's give you some time in the media
at our press conferences to say,
"Here's what's going on in my community.
"Here's what' I'm concerned about.
"Here are some of thethings that we're doing.
"Here are some of the solutions."
- I wanna talk to youabout faith in sports.
You took some heat this past Superbowl
when you were talkingabout Nick Foles' faith.
What do you have to say to your critics?
- Well again, this was on social media.
I was working for NBC,broadcasting the game,
and one of my responsibilities was
to interview Nick Folesand he told me about
his Christian faith, hetold me he felt that God
had him on the PhiladelphiaEagles team for a reason.
He had been the backup quarterback.
Now he was starting in the Superbowl
and he felt very confidenthe was gonna have a good game
because he believed God hadhim there for that purpose.
So, I said that on TV.
A lot of people said,"Well, you shouldn't bring
"religion into it," and Iwas just reporting the facts.
- [Jenna] Tony saysthe support he received
outweighed the criticisms.
- So many people wrote in and said,
"Hey, I'm glad that yousaid and reported on
"exactly what he said andI'm glad you talked about
"his faith in Christ."
- [Jenna] And it gave himyet another hat to wear.
- I feel like that's one ofthe reasons God has me at NBC,
to be the voice for someof these Christian athletes
who wanna say those things.
- A voice for theseathletes and in many ways,
all Christians who choose totalk about their faith openly.
- So, it's all been greatand I think people have to
understand that Christianathletes have the same ability
to espouse their views as anyone else has.
If we ask em a questionabout what is allowing them
to play well and they sayit's not faith in Christ
or it's the Holy Spirit,
we can't hold that in and wecan't begrudge them of that.
- [Jenna] Jenna Browder, CBN News.