The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Dave Bruno


Author, The Smart Stepdad (Bethany House, 2011)

Founder & President, As For Me and My House Ministries

Fouder, Successful Stepfamilies

Licencsed marriage & family therapis

Licensed professional counselor

Masters degree in marriage and family therapy from Abilene Christian University

Married to Nan


Ron Deal: Are You a Leader?

By The 700 Club

One of the things God calls men to do is lead and guide, says Ron. Men set the precedent and the ton for the relationship from the beginning. Ultimate leadership is about empowering the woman in your life not overpowering the woman in your life. Your relationship is not a dictatorship. It is not selfish or self-serving. It’s sacrificial.

Biblical leadership is empowering. It gives away power to make the other person be more in the ways of God. This leadership creates a direction for the relationship that says, “We’re both going to be moving towards God and I’m going to do my part to try to move us in his ways.”

Are there guarantees in relationships? How will you know if you dive into this relationship with both feet you’re not going to drown or be left alone? Ron says the answer is, “We don’t.” Every life choice has some uncertainty but at the heart of it, it’s all about trusting God.

The Apostle Paul was the first one in the Greco-Roman culture to state, “Singleness is okay.” There was a lot of pressure in that culture to be married. You were “less than” in that world if you were not married – just like in our day. If you didn’t have a child, you were considered “less than.” Paul said there is nothing wrong with your singleness. It is actually a good thing. In your walk with the Lord, that’s a perfectly acceptable status.

Ron L. Deal is Founder and President of As For Me And My House Ministries ( and Director of Blended Family Ministries for FamilyLife®. He is a family ministry consultant and conducts marriage and family seminars around the country; he specializes in marriage education and stepfamily enrichment.

Ron is author of the bestselling book and DVD curriculum The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family, author of The Smart Stepdad, and coauthor with Laura Petherbridge of The Smart Stepmom and with Dr. David Olson The Remarriage Checkup: Tools to Help Your Marriage Last a Lifetime (which is based on the largest survey of remarriage strengths ever conducted). His latest book, Dating and the Single Parent, is scheduled for release in Oct, 2012. He is a member of the Stepfamily Expert Council for the National Stepfamily Resource Center and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor.

Ron has extensive experience with the media. He has appeared on dozens of national radio and TV broadcasts in the US, Canada, and the UK including The 700 Club, Fox News, ABC Nightline, WGN-TV News, FamilyLife Today, and Focus on the Family, and his work with stepfamilies has been covered by ABC, New York Daily News, Ladies Home Journal, and newspapers/blogs throughout the world. He has written numerous book chapters and articles for magazines including Focus on the Family, FamilyLife, ParentLife, Gospel Today, and Christianity Today. Ron writes a monthly article for stepfamilies in HomeLife magazine and publishes a free E-Magazine through He and his wife, Nan, have been married since 1986 and have three boys. Find resources and conference information at

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