Speaker, Clash of Destiny (CD)
President, American Alliance of Jews and Christians
Best selling author
Rabbinic Scholar
Host, Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show on KFSO in San Francisco
Serves on the Board of Jewish Policy (Washington, D.C)
Founder, Pacific Jewish Center
Married, Susan
Orthodox Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Clash of Destiny
The 700 Club
Orthodox Rabbi Lapin believes and persuasively demonstrates that America's success derives from our commitment to Judeo-Christian foundations and that abandoning them imperils all we hold dear. “Jews and Christians need each other if Biblical civilization is to survive,” says Rabbi Lapin. As a result, he started the American Alliance of Jews and Christians, a non-profit educational organization working to advance our nation toward the traditional Judeo-Christian values that defined America’s creation and became the blueprint for her greatness.
Millions of Jews and Christians share a common vision of civilization despite their theological differences. “We prefer tranquility to violence; we prefer men to treat women with respect and deference; we prefer freedom to centrally planned tyranny; we prefer people enjoying economic independence through their own efforts to socialism; we believe in charity by choice rather than in government redistribution by force; we believe that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman devoted to one another and to their children, and we believe that both the beginning and end of life are sacred. Like the American Founders, we prefer a Biblically inspired culture to the sordid stain of secularism,” shares Rabbi Lapin. In making the case for Christianity in America, Rabbi Lapin believes that Jews at the very least should stop speaking and acting as if Christian America is their enemy. “I feel that all Americans who love freedom, whether or not they are religious, should welcome the reawakening of earnest Christianity throughout the land. I shall try to establish that Jews as well as other minorities have the most to fear from a post-Christian America,” reveals Rabbi Lapin.
For over twenty years, Rabbi Lapin has stood by Christian leaders who are working together to resist what he calls, America’s secular slide. He believes that his allies and friends have battled to keep the Bible as a guide, and to remind the citizens of America that its founding and continued success is bound up with God’s biblical blueprint. Rabbi Lapin created Genesis Journeys, a series of audio programs that transform a well known Bible tale from being merely a story about long-ago-times into a powerful and profound divine message for improving one’s life. It presents the Bible as the manufacturer’s handbook. His latest volume, Clash of Destiny: Decoding the Secrets of Israel and Islam is the fourth volume in the Genesis Journeys series which exposes the Biblical roots of today’s deadly Middle East conflict. Rabbi Lapin’s teachings help individuals to understand more about the greatest threat facing America, facing Israel, facing Jews and Christians all over the world today. He traces the trouble all the way back to its origins exploring lessons from the life of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael the father of the Arab nations. He uncovers traits that reappear through the ages and exposes the one way for the Middle East to become peaceful. “The Bible is as much a blueprint for the future as it is a revelation of the past, says Rabbi Lapin. If that impact is great enough to echo through thousands of years then it would be absurd to try and understand the modern conflict between Israel and Islam without looking at the roots of both nations each of whom traces its beginnings back to Abraham.”
Judeo-Christian civilization cannot counter Islam by showing respect for their religious traditions while we disrespect our own or believe that this war can be won with logic, or economic or military persuasion alone. All these tools can and must be used but the underlying framework must be a spiritual one. Rabbi Lapin says if enough individuals use their free choice to return to God’s basic principles then the children of Ishmael and the children of Isaac can live in peace.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin is known worldwide as “America’s Rabbi.” He is an Orthodox rabbi who is the son of a renowned rabbinical family. Before immigrating to the United States in 1973, Rabbi Lapin studied Torah, physics, economics and mathematics in Johannesburg, London and Jerusalem.
More than twenty years ago, Rabbi Lapin was passing through California, trying to escape from following in the footsteps of his father who is a rabbi. He began teaching classes in living rooms in a beachside neighborhood in Santa Monica, California. Eager students crowded the sessions and many applicants had to be turned away. These sessions led to the rise of the Pacific Jewish Center, the congregation that Rabbi Lapin led for 15 years. The essence of the studies featured the Hebrew language as a unique, precious window into the mind of God and a pathway to Jewish wisdom and tradition. In 1991, Rabbi Lapin relocated to the Northwest and formed Toward Tradition, a national educational movement of Jews and Christians seeking to advance the nation toward traditional, faith-based, American principles.
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