The 700 Club with Pat Robertson

Bishop Neville Smith

Salvation Army

Appointed and Ordained as Pastor in 1981

Founded Radnor Road Christian Fellowship

Served the Bermuda Government for 32 years

Received from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2nd the honor of M.B.E. for service to the Bermuda Government in 1997

Consecrated as Bishop in 1997


Bishop Neville Smith: How to Love, Respect and Handle Sex as a Christian Single

by A Voice of Hope

Bishop Neville says there are a lot of people in the church who are struggling. They’re sexually active and know it’s wrong but they either condone, think they can repent it away or believe it’s just not that big of a deal.

The church can help in this area. For example, by letting singles know, it’s doesn’t matter how ugly the sin was, the blood of Jesus is still sufficient. Condemnation is a terrible thing. “I don’t believe God condemns us, but rather He embraces us even in our sin to come and get the thing right,” says Bishop Neville.

Prayer has got to be number one. Jesus needed it. You need prayer, Bible study, meditation on the Word of God and worship. I look at the single who feels condemned because he or she has been engaging in sexual intimacy outside of marriage and they are afraid to take about it.

There are things that happened to people when they engage in sexual intimacy. There is a bond that takes place. “There’s a certain kind of intimacy that God intended to have happen when two people engage in sexual intimacy,” says Bishop Neville.  The number of sexual partners you have had means you have bonded with all those people and it breeds confusion.

God says it’s reserved for the husband and wife because the greatest bonding physically takes place in that kind of relationship, marriage. God’s blessing is on intimacy within marriage. Bishop Neville explains, "Sex outside of marriage brings dishonor and displeases the heart of God."

God is a God of love but He is also holy and righteous. If you want to please Him, then you must be committed to working on your sin so that it can be removed from your life and be reserved only for marriage. “It takes the practicing of God’s word and the application of that word through prayer and worship,” says Bishop Neville. Then you must apply the Word of God in a practical way to your life.

Many Christians, especially new Christians, try to take on too many issues at one time trying to resolve them all. Bishop Neville states, “I believe the practical approach is Lord, I have a problem in this area and I need your help. Show me the Word that can help me deal with this practically.” It may take you days. It may take you weeks but you will get there. You have to make it. In spite of our mistakes, in spite of our failings, God lifts us up.

The Bible says, “But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.” (Psalm 3:3)

After spending many exciting years in the Salvation Army serving in many areas of senior responsibility, Bishop Smith was appointed and ordained as a Pastor in 1981. He with his wife, Loretta served in that capacity until 1986.

In 1987, because he desired to follow the will of God, Bishop Smith with his wife, founded the Radnor Road Christian Fellowship while still employed as a Civil Servant in the Bermuda Government. He served Government in various capacities for 32 years, and after serving as Bermuda’s Chief Immigration Officer, Bishop Smith retired in May 1996 for full-time ministry as Pastor of the Radnor Road Christian Fellowship.

Several years ago he was honored as one of Bermuda’s most outstanding young people. In March 1997, Bishop Smith visited Buckingham Palace and received from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2nd the honor of M.B.E. for service to the Bermuda Government. It was during that same year in Cleveland, Ohio that Bishop Smith was consecrated and recognized as Bishop.

He is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute of London, England, formerly the British Institute of Management, a licensed Marriage Officer and a Justice of the Peace. Throughout the year he teaches the Word of God and conducts various workshops which include ‘Leadership’ and ‘How to Know and Walk in Your God-Given Assignment & Dreams’.

He is a Pastor to Bishops and other Pastors in Bermuda, the Philippines, Nigeria, Canterbury, England and the U.S.A., and is the founding Presiding Bishop of the International Fellowship of Christian Churches. He serves as the spiritual covering in Bermuda for the Global Day of Prayer, the Bermuda National Day of Prayer, Women of Vision Empowering Nations (WOVEN), and the National Pastors Wives’ Fellowship of Bermuda.

Bishop Smith’s wife, Pastor Loretta Smith, was the Director of Women’s Ministries at Radnor Road Christian Fellowship and the Executive Leader of the National Pastors’ Wives’ Fellowship immediately before she left to be with the Lord in December 2008. Bishop has two sons and a daughter: Lauren, LaMohn and Tiffanie.

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