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Biggs, Gregory's son, says it has been tough without his dad, but instead
of offering only bitterness, Brandon offered his father's killer something
completely unexpected: forgiveness. 700 Club co-host Lisa Ryan talks more
with this amazing young man.
LISA RYAN: Brandon, thanks so much for being with us today, and thanks for your courage to come and talk about all of this. How did you feel about the whole incident when you learned that if your dad had received the right medical attention he might possibly be alive today?
BRANDON BIGGS: I wish it would have been handled differently. I wish someone would have gotten help. But I think that there is a bigger purpose here. I think something good has to come out of this, and that is really what I am trying to do today.
LISA RYAN: You read a statement at the trial that really surprised everyone. What did you say?
BRANDON BIGGS: I believe the one you are speaking of is during the trial. I wanted her [Chante] to know that I had forgiven her and that I hoped she would accept the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. That was really my heart. That was what I wanted her and her family to know, that no matter how great the crime was or how great the sin was, that God is still able to forgive and that we offer our forgiveness to their family.
LISA RYAN: What was your dad like? Tell us about him.
BRANDON BIGGS: A hard working guy. He was very friendly and caring. He always liked for me to know how much he loved me. He always liked to take me out and do things for me.
LISA RYAN: How were you able to come to that place of forgiveness? What advice might you give to someone who is dealing with grief, with a death, and grappling with these feelings?
BIGGS: The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter and that He
is here to help us in times when we are hurting and confused. Lean on Him
more. Rely on His strength and comfort whenever you are hurting. To the person
who is struggling with unforgiveness, it is physically unhealthy for your
body. It creates so many problems, and you are constantly in anxiety and worry
and stress. It is causing so much harm to you mentally and physically, and
I would say do whatever you can to be at peace with everyone.
LISA RYAN: You said earlier that in trying to deal with this you were trying to look at the bigger picture, trying to look at something bigger than the actual incident itself. Do you feel like you know what that bigger picture is?
BRANDON BIGGS: I don't understand why all of this has happened, but I think God has meant it for good so that many people's lives could be changed through the words that I have to say and the testimony coming out of this. That is where my heart is.
LISA RYAN: Brandon, you are a very courageous young man. Thank you so much for being with us today. May God bless you.
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