After a fall, a man’s skull is fractured causing bleeding in his brain. His wife is left with more questions than answers. Watch how a voice helps him make a full recovery on today’s 700 Club.
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by "CBN".
- [Gordon] Coming up.
A sudden faint and a hard fall.
- The first thing Iexpected to see was blood.
- [Gordon] This man hadtwo skull fractures,
and bleeding in his brain.
- [Donna] They were worriedabout him having seizures.
They were worried about brain swelling.
- [Gordon] And his wife was left
with more questions than answers.
- Was he gonna be able to walk
and function normally again?
- [Gordon] How did a voicehelp him make a full recovery?
- And he said, "Benny, I havehuge and great plans for you."
- On today's "700 Club".
(dramatic music)
Welcome to "The 700 Club".
Kidnapped at gunpoint.
17 US and Canadianmissionaries were ambushed
by a criminal gang outsidethe capital of Haiti.
The motive?
Well, apparently all they want is money.
- Well, kidnapped for ransom
has become a lucrative business
in the poverty stricken nation,
which has been hit hard
by natural disasters and political unrest.
So what's being doneto rescue the captives,
which include five children?
Dale Hurd explains.
- Witnesses said the missionaries
were forced out of a bus at gunpoint,
after visiting an orphanage Saturday
outside Port-au-Prince.
The group includes five men, seven women,
and five children, theyoungest, just two years old.
Authorities suspect they were snatched
by the notorious 400 Mawozo gang,
whose name roughly translatesto 400 inexperienced men,
and has a reputation fortaking hostages for ransom.
The gang was responsiblefor the kidnappings
of five Catholic priests andtwo nuns earlier this year.
One expert told the "New York Times",
the kidnappers could demandas much as $1 million
per hostage, for each of the 17.
But he also said thekidnappers are not terrorists,
and he's confident the hostageswould be freed unharmed,
if the ransom is paid.
The US State Department is in contact
with Haitian officials, andthe ministry told "CNN",
the kidnappers havemade contact with them.
The ministry said in a statement,
"We are seeking God'sdirection for a resolution,
and authorities are seeking ways to help."
- US officials now are working, I'm sure,
around the clock, tofree these missionaries.
- [Dale] Since the assassination
of its president earlier this year,
criminal gangs now rulethe streets in Haiti,
and kidnapping is one ofthe only growth industries.
This year, more than 360 people
have been reported kidnapped
with ransoms funding the gangs activities.
- Their intent is to make money.
They are doing these kidnappingsfor ransom, for money.
No politics are involved,it's not terrorism.
Their goal is to make asmuch money as they can
from the hostage taking.
- [Dale] Unfortunately, missionaries
are often the target of these crimes.
It happened earlier this year
with the shooting ofan American missionary,
and in 2019, when an armedmob attacked a missions group.
- Came around the cornerand all of a sudden,
here the roads blocked off,
there's burning tires, there's debris.
There's this mass crowdof 100, 120 people there.
- The window blew out behind my head,
and a couple of seconds after that,
I heard Doug yell, "I'mdying, I've been hit."
- [Dale] A doctor seriously wounded
in that attack, nearly died.
Doctors called it a miracle he survived.
Christian Aid offers bible classes,
runs a medical clinic, helps orphans
and distributes seeds to farmers in Haiti.
It's considered one of the best funded
mission organizations on the island.
Christian Aid is askingbelievers to, "Join us in praying
for those who are being held hostage,
the kidnappers and the families, friends,
and churches of those affected."
Dale Hurd, "CBN News".
- Well, we certain join inprayer for Christian Aid,
for those wonderful missionaries
who have their lives on theline and their children,
one of the captives is just two years old.
You look at the situation,
and you just shake your head and go,
"How could it get so lawless
that this kind of activity isnot just seemingly allowed,
but it seems to berampant throughout Haiti?"
It just is absolutelyincredible to imagine.
Well, in other news, willthe IRS soon be snooping
into your financial transactions?
Well, don't think it's not a possibility.
Efrem Graham has more onthat from the "CBN Newsroom".
- Gordon, the Biden administration
wants to give the IRSfinancial income data
on millions of Americans and businesses.
Under the plan, bankswill provide information
on accounts that withdrawor deposit more than $600.
It's supposed to help payfor new spending programs
and crack down on tax cheats,
but critics argue it's invasive
and an invasion of privacy.
"CBN News" Capitol Hill correspondent,
Abigail Robertson reports.
- Republicans arecalling this new proposal
from the Biden administration bizarre,
and claim it will flag allkinds of ordinary transactions
Americans make all the time.
- In effect, Democrats
want to let the IRS systematically snoop
through a normal family'schecking accounts,
as though they were allpotential financial criminals,
until proven otherwise.
- [Abigail] The governmentalready has special authority
to demand information ontransactions over $10,000,
but this would drasticallydecrease that number.
- If American families aresending or receiving $600
from their checking account,
Democrats want the IRSto snoop through it.
- [Abigail] Treasurysecretary, Janet Yellen,
argues the proposal hasbeen this mischaracterized.
- The proposal involves no reporting
of individual transactionsof any individual.
- [Abigail] Yellen told "CBS",
the goal is to holdbillionaires accountable.
- The big picture isthat we have a tax gap
that over the next decadeis estimated at $7 trillion,
namely a shortfall in theamount that IRS is collecting,
due to a failure of individuals
to report the incomethat they have earned.
- [Abigail] But Norbert Michelfrom the Cato Institute,
tells "CBN's" Faith Nation,this isn't necessary,
and that the IRS has known
about the massive tax gap for decades.
- I guarantee you that ifthey audit a billionaire,
or anybody else, and theyhave reasonable suspicion
that you are submittingfraudulent tax returns,
they can get your bankaccount information.
They can get everything.
They can seize your assets.
There's no need to do this.
- [Abigail] Iowacongresswoman, Ashley Hinson,
is leading the charge to block the effort.
- The government doesn't need to know
every time you're going to Costco
and stocking up on diapers and groceries,
and I think it's justan incredible invasion
of big government, and so our bill
is designed to fight back against that.
- If approved, banks will berequired to provide the IRS
with the total amount of money
flowing in and out offlagged accounts each year.
Financial institutionsmaintain that all of this
could cause a big increase in their costs,
which could eventually bepassed along to consumers.
Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, "CBN News".
- Now to the battle overCOVID vaccine mandates.
As COVID cases drop,
and as more treatments become available,
resistance remains strong
to government and private mandates.
A court battle is underwaybetween the city of Chicago
and the police force.
About half of them have gotten vaccinated.
The city says those whodo not get the shot,
will not be paid.
- The only way that we cancreate a safe workplace,
and maximize that, is bygetting people vaccinated.
- [Efrem] But the police union
is moving to dismiss the mayor's action,
and the Seattle PoliceDepartment faces a deadline today
for all officers to showthey've been vaccinated.
Hundreds of officers may leave
because they've decidednot to get the shot.
Also in Washington, about200 employees of Boeing
protested the company's vaccine mandate,
which goes into effect December 8th.
The president's mandatehas already been challenged
by Republican governors.
Here in Virginia, thetightening governor's race
is getting closer attention
with a little more than two weeks to go.
The most recent Trafalgar poll
shows Republicancandidate, Glenn Youngkin,
with a slight advantage,while a "Fox News" poll
gives the nod to Democrat Terry McAuliffe.
That uncertainty has McAuliffetrying to rally his base
by bringing in national party figures
including former president Barack Obama.
Sunday, Georgia Democrats, Stacey Abrams,
and Atlanta mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms,
joined him in Norfolk fora Souls to the Polls event,
and between now and electionday on November 2nd,
some 300 churches will show a video
from vice president KamalaHarris, endorsing McAuliffe.
Education is seen as a growingfactor in the close race.
That Trafalgar poll shows 54% disagree
with McAuliffe's statements,
he doesn't think parents shouldtell schools what to teach.
"Fox News" anchor, Chris Wallace,
paid respect to "CBN" founderand CEO, Pat Robertson,
and his retirement fromhosting "The 700 Club".
Wallace named Pat thepower player of the week
on his "Fox News" Sunday program,
citing his transformationof religious broadcasting
over more than six decades.
In noting Pat's runningfor president in 1988,
Wallace did ask aboutmobilizing Christians
to engage in the political arena.
- Were there any negatives
to tying Christian evangelicalismto the Republican party?
- Well, I became torealize without a question
that God is not a Republicanand God loves everybody,
and the trouble with gettinginvolved in partisan politics
is that half the electorateyou make mad at you,
and I should be dealingwith eternal matters
and not secular politics.
- Wallace also pointed out
that Pat took a stand against racism
by bringing on blackminister, Ben Kinchlow,
to co-host the program in the 1970s.
And Gordon, Pat also told Chris
he might be stepping back,but he is not retiring,
and he looks forward todecades more ministry.
And to that, we all say, amen.
- Sorry, we had a technicalglitch on that clip,
but that recalled the racial segregation
that "CBN" literally hasbirthed in the 1960s.
And his response to that
was to bring on anAfrican American co-host,
and in history it's the first time
you had a white man andan African American man
hosting a television show,a daily television show.
This was back in the early 1970s.
It's part of the history of "CBN".
If you want to see the full history,
I encourage you to watch "The CBN Story".
It's available at
or on the CBN family appand get the full story.
It's absolutely free.
But it's a wonderfulstory of how God worked,
how God inspired my father
to start Christiantelevision here in America
and how it's literallygone around the world.
It's a fascinating story,encourage you to watch it.
It's available at
Terry.- Worth the watch.
Well, up next, Texas new law
bans abortions as early as six weeks.
That's led to a greater demand
on the state's pro-life pregnancy centers.
So how are they handlingthe influx of new patients
and potentially new births?
And then later on,
when Paula White-Cain became a Christian,
what was one of the first things she did,
and what can that tell usabout spiritual living today?
The pastor and best-sellingauthor shares her story
later on "The 700 Club".
(bright music)
- Texas has taken a boldstep in the fight for life
with a strict new law.
It prohibits abortion once ababy's heartbeat is detected.
The law has already convincedsome women to choose life,
while it's driven othersto fear, desperation.
Heather Sells reportsfrom Dallas-Fort Worth
on the law's impact onthe frontline workers
in crisis pregnancy centers.
(heart beating)
- [Heather] Whitney Freemanhas been showing women
their babies for years andsharing all the details.
- [Whitney] 'Cause you can already see
the little foot up there.
- [Heather] At 14 weeks,this young moms little one
is crossing its anklesand sucking its thumb.
- [Whitney] That's legitimately funny.
- [Woman] That is so funny.
(heart beating)
- And most importantly perhaps,
its heart is beating.
The new law went intoeffect September 1st,
and it is already changing
the way women in Texas approach abortion,
as well as the way pro-life
pregnancy centers are responding.
- I need to be able to geta heartbeat at five weeks,
or they're not gonna come back.
- [Whitney] For Freeman,the law means clients
considering an abortionfeel up against a deadline.
If there's no heartbeat,
it can encourage them to move forward.
- If I don't get a heartbeat,
that is so much harderto get her to come back.
We really have to beso intentional with her
of why is she even here?
Like why is abortion on the table?
- [Heather] If Freeman can find it,
the conversation immediately shifts.
- [Whitney] If we do you hear a heartbeat,
then okay, so it's there,now where are our options at?
And then we can start havingmore of those conversations
of what does parenting look like?
What does placing for adoption look like?
- [Heather] Pregnancy centers
say the law is convincing some women
who were on the fence to choose life.
For those inclined toward abortion,
the law has led to fear and desperation,
especially when it first went into effect.
- Our phones were ringing off the hook
with women who hadn't evereven taken a pregnancy test.
They just were panickedthat they might be pregnant.
- [Heather] Reports for many of the states
almost 200 pro-life pregnancy centers,
site a jump in demand for these tests,
along with more calls,
more women wanting to get in fast
and more cancellations.
The big question that willtake several months to answer
is whether the law will actually increase
the number of women who choose life.
- We have a very short window of time now.
Where before we would have upto the 10 week, 12 week mark,
now we have really less thansix weeks to reach them,
and that's a very quick turnaround.
- [Heather] Centerdirector, Michelle Gregory,
who works in the Dallas-Fort Worth area,
wonders why her clinicis seeing fewer clients
considering an abortion.
Are these women nowmoving quickly to get it
without trying to weigh their options?
- We were seeing about a 40% number
in abortion-minded womenas far as our patients go,
and now, that has dramatically decreased
to probably around 10%.
- [Heather] Those intenton getting an abortion
are either heading out of state
or buying medical abortion pills online.
That particular choiceworries Kyleen Wright,
who's championed life herefor more than 30 years.
- People don't realizethat medical abortions
have four times higher complication rates
and actually the abortionindustry exploits that.
- [Heather] Part of the problem,black market pharmacies.
- When you're buying these pills online,
you don't know your source,
you don't know what you're getting
or where you're getting,
the quality of the pharmacy behind it.
- [Heather] And many abortion advocates
instruct women withcomplications from abortion pills
to report them assymptoms of a miscarriage.
- So there is no reason thata person should disclose
that they have taken pills.
- [Heather] This strategy hides the danger
of taking the pills whileexaggerating pregnancy risks.
For now, Texas pro-lifepregnancy centers are ramping up.
- You know, we have tobe agile and versatile
and figure out, and prayerful,
because ultimately, I really don't know
what even next month holds.
- The Prestonwood Centeris fine tuning messaging
so that women know theycan get immediate help.
They're also expanding theirfree services and resources,
anticipating that asmore women choose life,
they're going to need help.
There's also an effort to stay nimble,
given challenges to the Texas law
plus the possibility thatthe Supreme Court overhauls
or overturns the watershedRoe v. Wade case next year.
But, regardless of that uncertainty,
these centers are workingto change minds and hearts.
- I look forward to the day
that abortion isn't just unattainable,
but we have to get to a place
where abortion isunthinkable in our nation.
- [Heather] While Jamiesonsees a political challenge
in making it unattainable,
she believes it's a spiritual fight
to make abortion unthinkable.
Reporting in North Texas,Heather Sells, "CBN News".
- Wouldn't that be a wonderful culture
that women would wantto have their children.
That's a culture that Ireally want to live in.
I think that would beabsolutely great and fantastic.
Let's celebrate life.
Let's celebrate the nextgeneration and above all,
let's help mothers on their pathway,
whether it's a crisis pregnancy center
or just the neighbor next door
realize how hard it is to raise children,
what's involved and beof assistance to them.
And everyone can be like Terry Meeuwsen
and just help children around the world.
- I'm looking for assistance myself.
Just kidding.
- I'm glad to help out there.
- You have.
Well, coming up, apathway to God's presence.
How does the Old Testamenttabernacle point us to Jesus?
Paula White-Cain willexplain right after this.
(bright music)
The Bible spends 60 chapters
on details about the tabernacle.
To put that in perspective,
there are only two chapters
dedicated to the creation of the universe.
Why have so much attention paid to minutia
about lampstands and curtain clasps?
Well, according to Paula White-Cain,
these chapters provide thepathway to God's presence.
- [Narrator] When bestselling author,
Paula White-Cain became a Christian,
she wanted to learn about Godand experience His presence,
a journey that she continuesto pursue to this day
as senior pastor of City ofDestiny church in Florida.
She says God laid out in HisOld Testament tabernacle,
the way to experience His presence.
In her latest book, "APathway to His Presence",
Paula shares the significance
and details of the tabernacle
and how God's desire to dwell among us
is still relevant today.
- Well, Paula White-Cainjoins us now via Skype.
Paula, it's great to haveyou back on the show.
- It's great to be with you, Terry.
I love it always.
- Well, will you sharewith us what led you
to want to study the OldTestament tabernacle?
- I would love to.
It's so drastically changed my life.
I was a young girl,didn't grow up in church.
When I was 18 years old,
I got radically saved andsomeone gave me a Bible.
I really didn't know what a Bible was,
had never been to church, andI just begin to get in it.
And as you said, "60 chapters."
I said, "This is important to God."
And boy, did I begin to see that.
And people would say, "Well, why now?"
I believe the times call for it, Terry.
We need the presenceof God more than ever.
We need to find that intimacy, intimacy.
We must get strength from Him, power,
and the inspirationthat we will only find,
that impartation, I should say,
we will only find in the Holy of Holies.
Because in uncertain times,in the Holy of Holies,
it brings us to revelation,and so that's important
because our spirit has three functions.
And during this time,
revelation of course means an unveiling,
a supernatural ability to see things.
So during this time of a woke culture,
the tabernacle and God's presence,
that pathway to His presence,
calls for a deep desire for holiness
and for communion with God.
And we need it.
- Yeah.
You know, I think all of us would agree
that with where things are at today,
we want that intimacy,we know that we need it.
It seems so detailed in these chapters.
Why does the Bible spend so much time
talking about the tabernacle?
- Well, I believe the tabernacle
really shows the detailsof God's plan for mankind,
redemption, salvation.
As a baby Christian,
I would always say it washard to even understand
the salvation plan and God's whole plan,
without understanding thedetails of the tabernacle.
Details do matter to God.
So I took this book andI made it very practical
and simplified, 'cause this is something
you could spend your entire life studying.
And I took the Outer Court,
the Inner Court and the Holy of Holies,
and really showed us how that relates
to our body, our soul and our spirit.
And so we see how everything,
the veils, the curtains,the pieces of furniture,
and I go through itthrough the whole book,
what they have meaningof when you walk in,
I mean, just the lighting, okay?
The Outer Court has natural lighting.
The Inner Court is lit by the lampstand
and that's with olive oil,
which is the illuminationof the Holy Spirit.
The Holy of Holies is Shekinah Glory
and that's the presence of God.
And so every...
I mean, we could stayhere for six hours, Terry,
talking about, well, howdoes that relate to me?
'Cause the deeper yougo in to the tabernacle,
the deeper you're going in toyour relationship with God,
you don't want to have a carnal mind,
you want to have a spiritual mind,
which is controlled by the Holy Spirit.
So I lead you, I'm not just telling you,
I'm leading you, how do you do this?
The veils represent something.
Every detail matters andit's applicable to our life.
- Let's go to the entranceof the tabernacle,
because, you start with more than that,
but let's go there today andtalk about the bronze altar.
What does that represent to us now, today?
- It's so much.
Okay, so as we go into the bronze altar,
of course, it reallyrepresents presenting our body.
It represents the sacrificialdeath of Jesus Christ,
His shed blood of redemption for us.
So there are four sides to it.
And again, each one of those represent,
it represents sin, theforgiveness of sin, et cetera.
It's the whole plan of redemption.
And so that is where wereally present our flesh.
It's the first thing,
because until we totallycome and surrender ourself,
own that, of course, Jesusbecame our sacrificial lamb.
He became the Lamb of God that was slain.
Now in the Old Testament,
that's where the high priest
would come sacrifice the animal
and they had to gothrough all these rituals
for the sins of Himself,for the sins of His people.
Take that blood once a year.
Thank goodness we don't have to wait
for the grace and themercy of God once a year.
But for us it represents.
You can't even progressinto the holy place,
much less the Holy of Holies,
until you first present yourbody, which means repentance.
I come to you, God, I need you, God,
present my flesh, bring my flesh
under subjection of the will of God.
Then we can get to the bronze labor.
And we still aren'teven in the holy place.
- You mentioned a moment ago,
the veils having significance.
What's the significance behind the veil
and the Holy of Holies?
- Well, the first veil thatyou've got to go through,
it takes you into the holy place,
and that represents Christ's resurrection.
He died, conquered death,hell, and the grave,
so you could conquerdeath, hell, and the grave.
He took the keys to the enemy,
but the second veilrepresents His Ascension.
So when we go into the Holy of Holies,
we recognize that we no longerare seated in earthly places,
we're seated in heavenly places.
Now, I'm right here in Apopka, Florida,
I'm in this earth, butaccording to the word of God,
I'm seated in heavenly places.
Through my relationship with Christ Jesus.
The Holy of Holies is only you,
John 4, "Those that worship God
must worship Him in spirit and in truth."
So your spirit has three main functions,
worship, not just whatwe do on Sunday mornings,
lifting our hands, it's true worship.
God is spirit.
You must worship in spirit.
Fellowship, communionwith Him, and revelation.
And these are the things inthe functions of the spirit,
which God really relatesto us spirit to spirit,
but there has to be a workdone through His word.
You're going through that bronze labor,
the washing of the word, the holy place,
which represents our soul,
which means our will, our human will,
our intellect, our mind, and our emotions,
before we even get into that presence.
It's a fascinating study.
- Well, I think so many of us
are familiar with the Ark of the Covenant
and the mercy seat, butwhy are they so important?
- Oh, my goodness.
Again, we could be here forever.
The Ark of the Covenant andthe mercy seat, of course.
Most people will say...
I separate them as two 'causethey're two distinctive,
they're on top of each other.
That is all about the complete work
that was finished by Jesus Christ.
(indistinct) detail ofwhat that art contained.
Of course, the OldTestament, God lived in a box
and he said this is thewhole premise of the book,
Exodus 25:8, "Make me a sanctuary
that I may dwell with you."
The word dwell meansto homestead, to lodge.
God doesn't just want visitation with us.
He wants habitation, but He's a holy God,
and He demands certain things of us.
Some people would say,"Well, what is that demand,
and how do I do it andnot 'cause He's this,
He's wonderful God, but He's God."
And so, as we get into that,
we see that the pieces that you had,
the 10 Commandments, andI go into the detail,
how Moses broke this the first time.
The second time God said
don't even take them down to the people.
He put them into the Ark.
They represent the law of God.
Then you've got Aaron's rod that budded,
that represents authority.
You've got manna.
I go into each and every detail
of what it means in your life,
in a very practical way.
And of course mercy.
How can we ever talk about the mercy seat?
Jesus, of course, took hisblood after He was crucified,
buried in that borrowed tomb.
Rose again on the third day.
He ascended to heaven and put His blood
on the altar, on the mercy seat.
And it is because that,we can boldly enter in
and obtain mercy and help in time of need.
We don't have to wait once a year
because of the finished work
of our risen savior, Jesus Christ.
- Well, you've touched the surface
of everything that's shared in your book.
Just want to say ourviewers can read it all.
Paula White-Cain's new bookis "A Pathway to His Presence:
How to Enter the Holy of Holies".
And it is available now,wherever books are sold.
Paula, thank you so much.
Great to see you again.
- Thank you, Terry.
Be blessed.
- You too.
- Still ahead, two skull fractures
and bleeding in the brain.
The lead singer of the band Empowered,
suffered a nasty fall.
He was rushed to the ER,where doctors wondered,
would he ever be the same?
(dramatic music)
- And welcome back to "The 700 Club"
for this "CBN Newsbreak".
Former secretary of state,Colin Powell has died.
A four-star general, Powell broke ground
as the first black chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staffand secretary of state.
He won acclaim as thechairman of the Joint Chiefs
during the hugelysuccessful first Gulf War
in the George H. W. Bush administration.
He later served as secretary of state
in the administration of George W. Bush.
On Facebook, Powell's family announced
he died of complications from COVID-19,
noting that he was fully vaccinated,
quote, "We've lost aremarkable and loving husband,
father, grandfather,and a great American."
That's what the familysaid on his Facebook page.
"CBN" is celebrating 16 years
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Gordon and Terry are back
with much more of today's "700 Club".
It's all coming up right after this.
(dramatic music)
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- Well, when YuTong was born,
she was rushed right into the NICU.
She had a hole in her heart
and a host of other complications.
Doctors said she'd be luckyto see her first birthday,
but thanks to people like you
she's now on the road toa long and healthy life.
- [Narrator] As soon as Mrs Bi found out
she was going to have a baby girl,
she made her a littlered dress for good luck.
- [Translator] I sawmy mother embroidering
the words long life on the dress.
- [Translator] I hoped shewould be a healthy little girl.
- [Narrator] But YuTong wasborn with a hole in her heart,
abnormal blood vessels andcomplications with her lungs.
- [Translator] The doctor saidshe might not live to be one.
- [Translator] We were told,
even if we got YuTong treatment,
we would still lose her.
But I insisted, even if I hadto sell my house and land.
- [Narrator] YuTong went straight to ICU,
where her family could only visit
once a week for three minutes.
- [Translator] She laidthere with a ventilator
and tubes and got thinner and thinner.
I said, "You must hold out."
- [Translator] I wished that I could
take her suffering for her.
I just wanted to hold her in my arms.
- [Narrator] Her brothergave all of his savings
to his parents to helpwith YuTong's treatments.
He wanted to be her superhero.
- [Translator] I wanted to be like Ironman
and protect my sister.
- [Narrator] But as you YuTonggot older, she got worse.
- [Translator] Shedidn't have any strength.
Her vital signs were weakand her eyes were hollow.
- [Translator] She openedher mouth and gasped.
She had no strength to make a sound.
I thought about the dress I made her.
My dreams were shattered.
I thought if my daughterwas gone, I'd die with her.
- [Narrator] YuTong got pneumonia
and ended up in a hospital in Beijing,
where the Bi's were told
that she needed surgery right away.
But Mr Bi is a constructionworker and couldn't afford it.
A doctor introduced them to "CBN"
and we covered the cost.
- [Translator] Friendsfrom "CBN" visited us
and prayed for us.
It was like a dawning light
came into our lives and gave us hope.
- [Narrator] The doctorrepaired YuTong's heart
and blood vessels, so nowshe can live a long life.
- [Translator] Now mydaughter is completely healthy
and she will always be with us.
Thank you, you helped save her life.
- [Translator] Now shecan absorb nutrients,
her height and weight have increased a lot
and she can play like a normal child.
- [Translator] Her eyes are bright
and she's like a little angel.
Thank you to everyone at"CBN" for healing my sister.
I love you all.
- That love goes to you.
If you're a member of "The 700 Club",
you're a part of the surgical team
that provided all thewonderful medical treatment
that that little girl needed.
If you're not a member, join with us,
join in everything we'redoing around the world.
If you want to see peoplehelped around the world,
join "The 700 Club".
Portion of every gift
goes into the work of Operation Blessing
to help people and do that very tangibly.
So right here at home,we're feeding the hungry.
We're providing disaster relief.
When hurricanes strike,we want to strike back
with love and compassion.
You're helping people around the world
get fresh drinking water.
You're helping them withlivelihood programs.
You're helping them with thesewonderful, special surgeries.
You're a part of all of it when you join.
So call us if you'dlike to be a part of it,
1-800-700-7000, just say, "Yes,
I want to join 'The 700 Club'."
How much is it?
It's just $20 a month,that's 65 cents a day.
Now, when you call and join,I've got something for you.
It's a wonderful new teachingon "The Nearness of Heaven".
In this DVD, is stories ofpeople that you get to see,
you get to hear theiraccount of how they died,
how they went to heaven andthen how they came back.
And then there's a teaching
that Jesus taught us topray this wonderful prayer
that Thy will would be doneon earth as it is in heaven.
The more you get to see of heaven,
the more you understand God's will
and it'll help you prayerlife right here on earth,
not in some far away time,
but right now it'll help you pray
and have the faith tobelieve for miracles today.
If you'd like it, joinwith us, 1-800-700-7000.
- Well, up next, a freak accident
and a traumatic brain injury.
That's what made this musician
completely dependent on his wife.
How did an audible message from God
lead to his full recovery?
He's gonna tell ushimself right after this.
(gentle music)
- Fainting and then falling on his head.
That's what left Bennywith two skull fractures
and bleeding in his brain.
Would he ever be able to walk again,
function normally or returnto singing with his band?
All of that was in question
until the day Benny heardthe audible voice of God.
- It sounded almost like a gunshot.
He landed on, it was ourwood floor, and it was loud.
And the first thing Iexpected to see was blood.
- [Narrator] Donna DiChiaraand her husband, Benny,
were up early one morning in 2015.
As they prepared for the day,
Benny unexpectedly faintedand fell backwards,
hitting his head on their hardwood floor.
Donna quickly realized it was serious.
- It wasn't long after that,
that he started telling methat his ears were ringing
and he saw things in front of his face
and he was having a severe head throb.
- Donna rushed Benny to the ER,
where doctors determinedhe had two skull fractures
and bleeding in the brain.
- [Donna] They were worriedabout him having seizures.
They were worried about brain swelling.
They already knew he was bleeding.
- [Narrator] Donna calledfriends from church and family
asking for prayers for healing.
Benny is the lead singer
of the Christian rock band, Empowered.
And as word of his injury spread,
there were hundreds of peoplepraying for his recovery.
- The prayers were important to me
because I didn't know what was going on
or what was gonna happen.
I mean, that's where I turn.
I'm gonna turn to Godfirst and start praying.
- [Narrator] Three days passed
and Benny was still in the hospital.
Donna continue to pray.
- The waiting is the hard part,
is a really hard thing,to be in a situation
where you don't knowwhat's gonna happen next.
And the only thing I guess I know to do
in that situation is just pray
and ask God for guidance andask Him to be in control.
- [Narrator] Benny wasdischarged from the hospital
and sent home to rest.
Donna had to care for him around the clock
as his recovery was still uncertain.
- I worried about the after-effects.
Was he gonna be able to walk
and function normally againand think normally again?
He was awake and he didn't always
make total sense when he spoke.
- [Narrator] Benny slept 20 hours a day
for an entire month.
Donna continue to look to God for peace.
- Okay, God, I'm giving this to You.
You say lay it at Your feet
and You're not gonna leave us
and You're gonna take care of it,
that You're in the battle with us.
When I truly trusted God,
then what I consider that peace
is just to be able to do what I need to do
and just the strength to do it.
- [Narrator] Towards the end of that time,
Benny heard a voice thatawakened him, like never before.
- One afternoon, I becamea little bit cognizant.
Donna had left the house
because she could leave me at that point.
I still had a walker toget around in the house,
but I was well enough to be left.
And I got an audible voicefrom God in my living room.
And he said, "Benny, I havehuge and great plans for you
coming out of this thing,
and this is what I needto come out of that.
I need people to knowthat what I did for you,
I stepped in and saved your life.
What I did for you, I can do for them
if they just press in and call out to me."
And man, that was aseriously poignant time.
- I could tell that it hadhad a profound effect on him.
He got teary-eyed and Benny'snot one to cry real often,
but it like brought him to tears.
I mean, when he was telling me about it
and talking about God as his Father
and how he came to him
and said, "I have great plans for you."
- [Narrator] After that, Bennymade a remarkable recovery.
His experience has strengthened
his desire to share God's love.
- I'll talk to peopleabout Jesus at any point,
it's almost dangerous now
because I have this compelling thing
where people have to know what He's done
and what He can do for them.
So the level of sharinghas definitely increased.
And it's the level of intensity
in that sharing, has increased as well.
♪ Don't know what to do ♪
- [Narrator] That intensityis felt by audiences
during their shows.
Benny and Donna arethankful for the prayers
and the healing he receivedduring his time of need.
♪ In just three days ♪
♪ Our Lord and Savior rose again ♪
♪ In just three days ♪
♪ Satan was defeated ♪
- It's taught me to be grateful,
to be thankful for today,
to find the things thatwe can be grateful for,
even in the not so good situations.
I think that's importantfor us to remember
through all of the craziness,
that we can still be thankful for today
and to put our thoughts on that,
instead of on the negative.
- We can sing "Our God is an Awesome God",
but when you go through something
in your own personal life
and you experience how awesome our God is,
you cannot, even therocks will cry out, right?
So you've got to cry out
and just let people knowwhat He's done for you.
And we're doing the Lord'swork when we do that.
- Benny's story seems so incredible.
Here he heard an audible voice.
He had survived what should have
just absolutely destroyed his life.
He survived it, but then he'sliving with the after-effects.
And in that, he hearsthe audible voice of God.
And that voice tells him,
"You need to share with people
how important it is to cryout to me, to press into me."
Now, you don't need tonecessarily hear an audible voice.
And I'm speaking from experiencewhere I've been healed
and I didn't hear an audible voice,
and I've been healed whereI did hear an audible voice.
For me, I was dying of cerebral malaria.
I was living in Manila.
I'd got it in a refugee camp,
on the border of Myanmar and Thailand
all the way back in 1996.
And I heard an audible voice,
"Get up, get to workfor I have healed you."
And that voice literally transformed me.
It remade the cells in my body
and got rid of that horrible parasite.
It all happened in an instant.
I had a doctor amazed,
"I can't even find deadparasites in your blood.
I can't explain this.
You should have died,
but here you are alive, and no parasite."
Press into God, press into His answers,
in His healing, realize thatthe stories in the Bible
are for you and I to be inspired,
but then be inspired to do the same thing.
There's a wonderful storyof blind Bartimaeus.
Here he is begging by the road
and he hears that Jesus is passing by.
What does he do?
He cries out, "Son of David."
He gives the messianic title.
"Son of David, have mercy on me."
And the crowd gets around him
and says, "The master
doesn't want to haveanything to do with you.
Could you please shut up?"
What does he do?
Blind Bartimaeus cries out all the more,
"Son of David, have mercy on me."
And then an amazing encounter
where Jesus calls tohim, he hears his voice,
He calls to him and askhim a wonderful question.
"What do you want me to do for you?"
Here he is, he's blind.
He's begging by the side of the road.
Jesus asked him, "What doyou want me to do for you?"
That question is universal.
When Jesus speaks, He'sspeaking for all time,
He says His words arelife, they're spirit.
So He's asking you, "What doyou want me to do for you?"
Blind Bartimaeus said, "Lord,that I would have my sight."
And he was healed in an instant.
Let's come into agreementto cry out to God.
What is your need today?
Have you kept this as quietprayers, silent prayers.
When you need God, you lay hold of it,
you don't mess around.
It's okay to cry out.
Don't let the crowd dissuade you.
Don't let people in yourfamily dissuade you.
Cry out to Him and He will answer you.
Just what He did for Blind Bartimaeus,
He will do for you.
Cry out with your need.
Terry and I are going to agree with you.
We're going to pray right now.
Let God do what He promises He will do
that by His stripes you arehealed, you were healed.
Son of David, have mercy on us now.
Cry that out and let God do all the rest.
Lord, we come to You.
We come to You with our need
and we cry out to You justas blind Bartimaeus did
we cry out, Son of David,
Son of God have mercy on us,
Lord, we know we look to You.
We look to the cross.
We look to Your blood.
And we look to Your stripes
and we declare over ourselves out loud.
by the stripes of Jesus Christ,
I am healed, I am made whole.
Lord, stretch forth Yourhand to do miracles today,
for we ask it in Jesus' name.
There's someone, you've had an aneurysm
and you still have complications from it,
you're hearing me right now.
God is healing your brain.
He's restoring your function.
All that paralysis isleaving you right now.
He's able to do what is impossible,
what the doctors say can never happen,
He is able to do, and He is doing for you.
That clot, all of the leftover blood,
all of that is beingtaken from you right now,
and everything is going tobe normal in Jesus' name.
- Yeah, there's someone,
you have an issue withyour throat and your voice.
I don't know if you'vehad surgery or something,
but you speak with a raspiness.
God's healing that for you right now.
You're just gonna be ableto speak normally again,
in Jesus' name.
- There's someone else.
You've got an extraordinarypain in your brain.
It's above your righttemple and it's deep inside.
God is healing that, He'srestoring it for you right now.
In the name of Jesus, receive it.
If you've been healed, let us know,
give us a call, 1-800-700-7000.
(bright music)