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News on The 700 Club: October 18, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” October 18, 2021. Read Transcript

- Welcome to "The 700 Club."

Kidnapped at gunpoint.

17 US and Canadianmissionaries were ambushed

by a criminal gang outsidethe capital of Haiti.

The motive?

Well, apparently all they want is money.

- Well, kidnapped for ransomhas become a lucrative business

in the poverty-stricken nation,

which has been hit hardby natural disasters

and political unrest.

So what's being doneto rescue the captives,

which include five children?

Dale Hurd explains.

(screen whooshing)

- Witnesses said the missionaries

were forced out of a bus at gunpoint

after visiting an orphanageSaturday outside Port-au-Prince.

The group includes five men, seven women

and five children, theyoungest just two years old.

Authorities suspect they were snatched

by the notorious 400 Mawozo gang

whose name roughly translatesto 400 Inexperienced Men,

and has a reputation fortaking hostages for ransom.

The gang was responsible

for the kidnappings offive Catholic priests

and two nuns earlier this year.

One expert told The New York Times,

the kidnappers could demand

as much as $1 million per hostage

for each of the 17.

But he also said thekidnappers are not terrorists

and he's confident the hostageswould be freed unharmed

if the ransom is paid.

The US State Department is in contact

with Haitian officials,

and the Ministry told CNN the kidnappers

have made contact with them.

The Ministry said in a statement,

"We are seeking God'sdirection for a resolution,

and authorities are seeking ways to help.

- US officials now are working, I'm sure,

around the clock tofree these missionaries.

- [Dale] Since the assassination

of its president earlier this year,

criminal gangs now rulethe streets in Haiti

and kidnapping is one ofthe only growth industries.

This year, more than 360 peoplehave been reported kidnapped

with ransoms fundingthe gang's activities.

- Their intent is to make money.

They are doing these kidnappingsfor ransom, for money.

No politics are involved.

It's not terrorism.

Their goal is to make asmuch money as they can

from the hostage taking.

- [Dale] Unfortunately,missionaries are often the target

of these crimes.

It happened earlier this year

with the shooting ofan American missionary,

and in 2019 when an armed mobattacked a missions group.

- Came around the corner,

and all of a sudden, herethe road's blocked off,

there's burning tires, there's debris,

there's a mass crowd of100, 120 people there.

- The window blew out behind my head,

and a couple seconds after that,

I heard Doug yell, "I'mdying, I've been hit."

- [Dale] A doctor seriously wounded

in that attack nearly died.

Doctors called it a miracle he survived.

Christian Aid offers Bible classes,

runs a medical clinic, helps orphans

and distributes seeds to farmers in Haiti.

It's considered one of the bestfunded mission organizations

on the island.

Christian Aid is asking believers

to join us in praying for those

who are being held hostage,

the kidnappers and the families, friends

and churches of those affected.

Dale Hurd, CBN News.

- Well, we certainly joinin prayer for Christian Aid

for those wonderful missionaries

who have their lives on the line.

And their children.

One of the captives is just two years old.

You look at the situation

and you just shake your head and go

how could it get so lawless

that this kind of activity

is not just seemingly allowed,

but it seems to berampant throughout Haiti?

It just is absolutelyincredible to imagine.

Well, in other news,

will the IRS soon be snooping

into your financial transactions?

Well, don't think it's not a possibility.

Efrem Graham has more onthat from the CBN news room.


- Gordon, the Biden administration wants

to give the IRS financial income data

on millions of Americans and businesses.

Under the plan, bankswill provide information

on accounts that withdrawa deposit more than $600.

It's supposed to help payfor new spending programs

and crack down on tax cheats.

But critics argue it's invasive,

and an invasion of privacy.

CBN News Capitol Hill correspondent

Abigail Robertson reports.

(screen whooshing)

- Republicans arecalling this new proposal

from the Biden administration bizarre,

and claim it will flag all kinds

of ordinary transactionsAmericans make all the time.

- In effect, Democrats wanna let

the IRS systematically snoop

through normal family checking accounts

as though they were allpotential financial criminals

until proven otherwise.

- [Abigail] The governmentalready has special authority

to demand information ontransactions over $10,000

but this would drasticallydecrease that number.

- If American families aresending or receiving $600

from their checking account,

Democrats want the IRSto snoop through it.

- [Abigail] Treasurysecretary Janet Yellen argues

the proposal has been mischaracterized.

- The proposal involves no reporting

of individual transactionsof any individual.

- [Abigail] Yellen told CBS,

the goal is to holdbillionaires accountable.

- The big picture isthat we have a tax gap

that over the next decadeis estimated at $7 trillion.

Namely, a shortfall in the amount

that IRS is collecting due to a failure

of individuals to report the income

that they've earned.

But Norbert Michel

from the Cato Institutetells CBN's Faith Nation,

this isn't necessary,

and that the IRS has known

about the massive tax gap for decades.

- Sure, I guarantee you

that if they audit abillionaire or anybody else,

and they have reasonable suspicion

that you are committingfraudulent tax returns,

submitting fraudulent tax returns,

they can get your bank information.

They can get everything.

They can seize your assets.

There's no need to do this.

- Iowa Congresswoman Ashley Hinson

is leading the charge to block the effort.

- The government doesn't need to know

every time you're going to Costco

and stocking up on diapers and groceries.

And I just think it'san incredible invasion

of big government.

So our bill is designed tofight back against that.

- If approved, banks will be required

to provide the IRS with the total amount

of money flowing in and outof flagged accounts each year.

Financial institutions maintain

that all of this couldcause a big increase

in their costs,

which could eventually bepassed along to consumers.

Reporting from Virginia,Abigail Robertson, CBN News.

- Coming now to the battleover COVID vaccine mandates.

As COVID cases drop

and as more treatments become available,

resistance remains strong to government

and private mandates.

A court battle is under way

between the City of Chicagoand the police force.

About half of them have gotten vaccinated.

The city says thosewho do not get the shot

will not be paid.

- The only way that we cancreate a safe workplace,

and maximize that is bygetting people vaccinated.

- [Efrem] But the police union

is moving to dismiss the mayor's action,

and the Seattle PoliceDepartment faces a deadline today

for all officers to showthey've been vaccinated.

Hundreds of officers may leave

because they've decidednot to get the shot.

Also in Washington, about 200 employees

of Boeing protested thecompany's vaccine mandate,

which goes into effect December 8th.

The president's mandatehas already been challenged

by Republican governors.

Here in Virginia, thetightening governor's race

is getting closer attention

with a little more than two weeks to go.

The most recent Trafalgar poll

shows Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin

with a slight advantage

while a Fox News poll gives the nod

to Democrat Terry McAuliffe.

That uncertainly has McAuliffe trying

to rally his base by bringingin national party figures,

including former President Barack Obama.

Sunday, Georgia Democrats, Stacey Abrams

and Atlanta mayor KeishaLance Bottoms join him

in Norfolk for a Souls to the Polls event,

and between now and electionday on November 2nd,

some 300 churches will show a video

from Vice President KamalaHarris endorsing McAuliffe.

Education is seen as a growing factor

in the close race.

That Trafalgar poll shows 54% disagree

with McAuliffe's statements

he doesn't think parents shouldtell schools what to teach.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace paid respect

to CBN founder and CEO Pat Robertson

and his retirement fromhosting "The 700 Club."

Wallace named Pat thePower Player of the Week

on his Fox News Sunday program,

citing his transformationof religious broadcasting

over more than six decades.

In noting Pat's runningfor president in 1988,

Wallace did ask aboutmobilizing Christians

to engage in the political arena.

- Were there any negatives totying Christian evangelicalism

to the Republican Party?

- Well, I came to realizewithout a question

that God is not a Republican.

That God loves everybody,

and the trouble with getting involved

in partisan politics

is that half of the electorateyou make mad at you,

and I should be dealingwith eternal matters

and not secular politics.

- Wallace also pointed out

that Pat took a stand against racism

by bringing on Black minister Ben Kinchlow

to co-host the program in the 1970s.

(screen whooshing)

And Gordon, Pat also told Chris

he might be stepping back

but he is not retiring,

and he looks forward todecades more ministry,

and to that we all say amen.


- Sorry, we had a technicalglitch on that clip

but dad recalled the racial segregation

that CBN literally wasbirthed in the 1960s.

And his response to that

was to bring on an AfricanAmerican co-host to be,

and in history, it's the firsttime you had a White man,

and an African American manhosting a television show,

a daily television show.

It was back in the early 1970s.

It's part of the history of CBN.

If you wanna see the full history,

I encourage you to watch The CBN Story.

It's available at

or on the CBN Family app.

And get the full story.

It's absolutely free.

But it's a wonderful story

of how God worked, howGod inspired my father

to start Christiantelevision here in America,

and how it's literallygone around the world.

It's a fascinating story.

I encourage you to watch it.

It's available at


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