Top US Military Leaders Contradict Biden on Afghanistan, Saying They Advised Against His Sudden, Total Pullout
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- The nation's leading generalsfaced tough questioning
by lawmakers on Capitol Hill Tuesday,
saying they believed US forces
should remain in Afghanistan,
and implying they communicated that advice
to the president.
The Chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff testifying
that he believed it necessaryto maintain US troop presence
ahead of the withdrawal,
offering a differing account
from President Biden's statements.
- My assessment was,back in the fall of '20,
and it remained consistent throughout
that we should keep asteady state of 2,500,
and it could bounce up to 3,500,maybe something like that.
In order move toward anegotiated gated solution.
- Did you ever presentthat assessment personally
to President Biden?
- I don't discuss exactlywhat my conversations are
with the sitting presidentin the Oval Office
but I can tell you whatmy personal opinion was,
and I'm always candid.
- [Charlene] General Frank McKenzie saying
he had warned what would happen
if we didn't leave 2,500 troops behind.
- And my view is that 2,500
was an appropriate number to remain,
and that if we went below that number,
in fact, we would probablywitness a collapse
of the Afghan government,and the Afghan military.
- General McKenzie, may I just,
I guess my question is would it be fair
for the Committee to assumethat both President Trump
and President Biden receivedthat specific information?
- I believe it would bereasonable for the Committee
to assume that.
- [Charlene] That contradictsPresident Biden's statements
in an interview with ABC News last month.
- Your military advisorsdid not tell you no,
we should just keep 2,500 troops.
It's been a stable situation
for the last several years?
We can do that, we cancontinue to do that.
- No, no one said thatto me that I can recall.
- [Charlene] White HousePress Secretary Jen Psaki
pushed back against suggestions
that the president misled the public
on recommendations fromhis military advisors.
- The president made clearthat the advice was split.
He didn't outline what everyindividual conveyed to him
and private advice.
- [Charlene] Michael O'Hanlonof The Brookings Institution
weighed in on the issueon CBN's Faith Nation.
- The central reality
is we didn't have to loseAfghanistan in the first place.
We didn't have to decideto leave in April,
and Mr. Biden's team did not recommend
that we depart when hemade that decision back
in the spring.
- [Charlene] GeneralMilley was also questioned
about his calls withhis counterpart in China
during the final monthsof the Trump presidency
in an effort to reassure China
that President Trump and the US
were not planning any kind of attack.
- I know, I am certainthat President Trump
did not intend to attack the Chinese.
And it is my directed responsibility,
and it was my directed responsibility
by the secretary to conveythat intent to the Chinese.
- [Charlene] He also said hereassured Speaker Nancy Pelosi
that the president couldnot launch an attack
on his own, and went overprotocols with his staff.
- At no time was I attempting to change
or influence the process,
usurp authority, or insert myself
in the chain of command.
- [Charlene] Charlene Aaron, CBN News.