Israeli Experts Say US Pullout from Afghanistan Sending Wrong Message to Middle East and Beyond
Israeli Experts Say US Pullout from Afghanistan Sending Wrong Message to Middle East and Beyond
Israeli Experts Say US Pullout from Afghanistan Sending Wrong Message to Middle East and Beyond
Some US Officials Propose Complete Afghanistan Pullout
On CBN News Channel Morning News, Jan. 2: What the last-minute fiscal deal didn't solve, Taliban equates US Afghanistan...
Religious Freedom Report Shows 'Few Bright Spots', Afghanistan Returns to Blacklist in Wake of US Pullout
These Trump Executive Orders and Stefanik Hearings Show Dramatic Shift in US Policy Toward Israel
Russia Lowers Its Threshold for Using Nukes Against Ukraine After Biden Okays Long-Range US Missiles
Kelly worked two jobs but was still $52,000 in debt. In desperation, she asked God for help, and He...