Israeli Experts Say US Pullout from Afghanistan Sending Wrong Message to Middle East and Beyond
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- [Reporter] The US pulloutfrom Afghanistan is sending
the wrong message to theMiddle East and others,
like China, Russia, Iran, and Turkey.
- The fact that theUnited States is leaving
will empower groups like theTaliban or other extremists.
It will also empower a lotof America's, let's say,
adversaries or enemies or countries
that want to take advantageof the decline of America
in the region.
- The message being thatAmerica is withdrawing
and America is abandoning its allies,
that America is leaving hundredsof thousands of civilians,
particularly women civiliansin Afghanistan to their fate
at the hands of the Taliban.
If indeed America thinksthat you can do that
without serious geopoliticaland strategic ramifications
around the world, they'rekidding themselves.
- [Reporter] Earlier this year,
President Biden announcedthat the US would withdraw
its troops from Afghanistanby the 20th anniversary
of the 9/11 attacks on the US.
Since then,
the Taliban has taken overmany regional capitals
and assassinated a number ofAfghani government officials.
An added element, accordingto author Seth Frantzman,
is how the Taliban waswelcomed in other countries
long before the pullout.
- The Taliban is ostensibly a terror army,
and yet the Taliban was beinghosted by China, Russia,
Qatar, Turkey.
I mean, all these differentplaces were kind of open
to talking to them.
And I think what happens whenthe international community,
let's say, you know, gives a red carpet
or whitewashes these types of groups,
I think that's concerning to Israel.
- [Reporter] Middle Eastexpert Michael Oren says
it will embolden othersoutside the region, too.
- I think that China will make conclusions
about its position in the South China Sea
vis-a-vis Taiwan.
The Russians about theirposition in the Middle East
and Eastern Europe and Ukraine.
I think that it is human nature.
When people see a formerlyvery strong person withdrawing,
they see a vacuum.
And vacuums, you know,
are abhorred by nature, butalso by international relations.
And they will fill up these vacuums.
- [Reporter] Meanwhile, asthe Taliban gobbles up ground,
many are asking what happenedto the military mission
and billions spent training
and beefing up Afghan security forces.
Julie Stahl, CBN News, Jerusalem.