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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - September 28, 2021

Dear Pat, do we know who changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday? Read Transcript

- [Host] This is April who says,

"I love to praise andworship, almost all the time.

However, this makes myhusband feel out of place

or even angry at times.

Sometimes, I can juststart to sing a hymn,

and he says I make him feel condemned.

It is my desire that we would glorify

the Lord together as a couple,

but I really don't wantto push my partner away

or make him uncomfortable.Please help."

- Well, I think whatyou need to do is pray

for your husband.

You know, we don't want ourgoodness to be ill-spoken of.

If your worship is driving yourhusband away from the Lord,

what you need to do is just say,

Lord, you know how to dealwith him and I give him to you.

And I ask you to bring him to your Glory.

In the meantime,

live your life before himwas such a way that he says,

I want what my wife has.

It is so wonderful.

She's got such peace, such joy,

and I'm having all this torment.

And I tell you what,

if you turn the screws a little bit on,

what the Lord can do to that husband,

He could make him so miserable

that He'll be crying out to God.

So, pray and watch whathappens, all right?

- Yes.This is James who says,

"I love the show and never miss it.

So much wisdom.

In Joel 2, God says Hewill restore the years

the locust has eaten.

Is that for everyone or just for Israel?"

- I think it's for everyone.

I mean, of course, Joelwas speaking about Israel,

but I think it's for everyone.

And I think there's goingto be a restoration.

I do really believe that.

And so we should count on the Lord,

giving us restoration andthe Lord will restore it.

You know, in the 90th Psalm said,

you know, give us your blessingaccording to the number

of years we've been persecuted.

So, God will do that, all right.

- This is Ginger, Pat, who says,

"My granddaughter was a loving, kind girl

who is now nasty,rebellious, and depressed.

She's in all kinds of counseling

and has thoughts of suicide.

Her parents have tried everything.

Could this be demon possession?

They live in a home datingback to the 17th century.

Could there be something there? Help!"

- You asked me how do I know?

But I would think the answer is yes,

you could have somethingin that ancient home

that is a resonant, demonic presence,

and that child needs to get delivered.

But here, I'm sitting on television.

I can't tell you precisely,

but I would get somebodywho loves the Lord

to do an analysis.

But I do think there is demonic presence

in these old, old, old structures, really.

- Yes.- Okay.

- This is Debra, Pat, who says,

"Why did Jesus get baptized in water?"

- Well, you know, when you read it,

it says, you know,

he came out and he said,

John said, you're theguy, I should be baptized.

You'll be baptizing me.

And Jesus said, I want allrighteousness to be fulfilled.

So he, as a human being,

had to go through all of the things,

and John was preaching repentance

and people were coming tohim to confess their sins.

And Jesus said,

let all righteousness be fulfilled, okay?

- This is Julie who said,

"Dear Pat, do we know whochanged the day of worship

from Saturday to Sunday?

- Well, who did it?

It was the Lord whenHe rose from the grave.

He rose from the grave onthe first day of the week.

And instead of Saturday, I mean,

He was crucified overthe Sabbath, you know,

and then the resurrectiontook place on day one.

So, Christians began to celebrate day one

instead of the Jewish' seventh day.

Who did it? God did it.(both laughs)


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