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News on The 700 Club: September 28, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” September 28, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

Fighting the only democracy

in the Middle East doesn't make you woke.

That's how Israel's primeminister called out countries

that recently condemned the Jewish nation

in his address to the UN General Assembly.

Naftali Bennett also reviled Iran

for its nuclear weapon programand he denounced the funding

of terrorists groups that target Israel.

Chris Mitchell has that.

- [Chris] Like BenjaminNetanyahu before him,

Naftali Bennett called onthe world to pay attention

to Iran and its threatto the Jewish state.

- Israel is quite literallysurrounded by Hezbollah,

Shia militias, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas.

What do they all have in common?

They all want to destroy my country

and they're all backed by Iran.

Iran seeks to dominate the region

and seeks to do so undera nuclear umbrella.

- [Chris] Bennett's main priority,

stopping Iran's nuclear program

and he wants international help to do it.

He laid out his case pointing to how

Iran is defying the UN's ownnuclear monitoring agency

and crossing red lines such as

how it's enriched uranium atnearly weapons grade level.

- We cannot tire.

We will not tire.

Israel will not allow Iranto acquire a nuclear weapon.

- [Chris] Bennett, who met with leaders

of the UAE and Bahrain for the first time,

thanks to the Abraham Accords,

described the new regionalrelationship as a bright light.

Yet, he called out countries

that joined a recent UNconference condemning Israel.

- Fighting the only democracy

in the Middle East doesn't make you woke.

Adopting cliches aboutIsrael without even bothering

to learn the basic facts,well, that's just plain lazy.

- [Chris] Bennett began his speech by

referencing the propheticrestoration of the Jewish people.

- We are an ancient nation.

Returned to our ancient homeland,

revived our ancient language,

restored our ancient sovereignty.

Israel is a miracle of Jewish revival.

(speaking in foreign language)

The nation of Israel is alive

and the state of Israelis its beating heart.

- Well, Chris is joiningus from Jerusalem now.

And Chris, we see Naftali Bennett,

interesting speech, very articulate.

How far does he differfrom Benjamin Netanyahu?

- Well, not only does hediffer in some respects, Pat,

but the government that he leads right now

differs quite substantiallyfrom Netanyahu's.

Perhaps the biggestdifference in policy is their

negotiations with the Palestinians.

For example, foreign minister Yair Lapid,

he wants a two-state solution.

And what this does,Pat, is expose a number

of the internal contradictions

within the Naftali Bennett government.

You have the center, the left,

they're pushing for the peace process.

Bennett and the others on the right,

they're on record ofopposing a Palestinian state.

And in Bennett's address to the UN,

it was odd that he neveraddressed the Palestinian issue.

So it's a very diverse government.

It just passed 100 days.

So you have the far left, the far right,

and by the way, Pat, ananti-Israeli Islamic party.

And so the question alot of people are asking,

can it last?

How can two walk togetherunless they be agreed,

or eight as it is 'cause it'seight parties represented.

And perhaps the larger question, Pat,

would be how will Iran respondto the perceived weakness

of the government here in Jerusalem,

but also in Washington DC?

- Chris, the key thing inthe Abraham Accords is they

totally bypassed the Palestinian Authority

and didn't even deal withthat two-state stuff.

There is no way that there's going

to be a two-state solution in Israel.

I'm surprised the governmentdoes not understand that.

- I've mentioned it before, Pat,

but you heard it addressedmany years ago made that point.

Yasser Arafat was then leaderof the Palestinian Authority.

And it's bit of a cruelshemira as you said,

that there would be a two-state solution.

They either ignore or don'tseem to recognize the fact

for many Palestinians, includingthe Palestinian Authority,

it's a religious issue.

And it's an idea that land once controlled

by Islam has to be retaken by Islam.

For example, Yair Lapid,he wants to economically

incentivize a mosque in Gazato be able to have peace.

Well, Hamas is dedicatedto destroying Israel.

That's part of their DNA andpart of their Islamic DNA.

So whether or not they canget this and bridge this,

thinks like at the bridge too far,

because of all these major spiritual

and religious differences.

- Chris, thanks for your insight.

In other news, no holds barredand virtually wide open.

Complete lawlessness rulesat our southern border.

Capitol Hill correspondedto Abigail Robertson spoke

with one Texas lawmaker

who says it's time for serious action.

She also brings us an update

on the relentless spendingbattles going on in Congress.

- Texas Congressman MichaelCloud tells CBN News

his state is completely overrun

by what's happening atthe border and says it's

time the Biden administrationtakes it seriously.

- Five of the 13 counties

I represent have alreadydeclared a disaster.

- [Abigail] CBN News joined Cloud

on a tour of the border last June.

Cloud says since then, thingshave only gotten worse.

- The federal governmentis not cooperating

with local agencies.

So it's our hospitals thatare left to deal with it.

It's our schools that areleft to try to figure out

how to deal with the situation.

There's new diseasesthat have been virtually

eradicated from the US for quite some time

that we're now havingto deal with once again.

And so this is a very serious situation.

- [Abigail] Cloud claimsit's complete lawlessness

at the border.

- You look at what'shappening at the border

and it's just a no holdsbarred, virtually open borders.

The effort to intentionally overwhelm

our system so that itcollapses is really tragic

coming from this Biden administration.

- [Abigail] The Bidenadministration claims

they are doing the best they can

under current immigration laws.

- First and foremost,

and most fundamentally and foundationally,

we are dealing with abroken immigration system

and we need legislativereform and everyone agrees.

- [Abigail] Key parts ofPresident Biden's agenda are

in jeopardy even afterprogressive and moderate Democrats

announced a framework agreement over

what could be a $3.5 trillionbudget reconciliation bill.

- Well, it may not beby the end of the week.

I hope it's by the end of the week,

but as long as we're stillalive, we got three things to do.

The debt ceiling, continued resolution,

and the two pieces of legislation.

We do that, the country'sgonna be in great shape.

Thank you.

- And last night, SenateRepublicans blocked a bill

that would fund thegovernment through December

and prevent a shutdown on Thursday

because that bill includeda raise to the debt ceiling,

which Republicans do not support.

Now with the threat ofa looming government

shut down this week,Democratic leaders have hinted

that they might propose a standalone bill

to fund the government

and save the debt ceilingissue for another day.


- Abigail, Nancy Pelosi'strying to bring her

members together to passthat infrastructure bill.

But it's monstrous what they're asking for

and what the so-calledSquad wants is just crazy.

And the stuff they put init, it's a socialist's dream.

What happens is she can'tget it going in the House?

- Well, right now the House is debating

that infrastructure bill.

But as you said, theproblem that they have here,

while almost all Democrats say they

support the infrastructure bill,

and there's even about twodozen House Republicans

who plan to vote forit, the problem is that

progressive Democrats,there's about 40 of them,

are withholding their voteson the infrastructure bill

until an agreement is reachedon that $3.5 trillion budget

reconciliation plan thatDemocrats are going at alone.

And the Squad and the progressiveDemocrats want assurances

that that bill will passboth the House and Senate,

which both are only narrowly controlled

by the Democratic Party.

And there's a lot of issues

that the centrist andprogressive Democrats

right now have not come to an on

that might hold up that bill.

And until they know thatthat bill is going to pass,

they're not going to votefor this infrastructure bill.

But Democrats really need to prove

that they can governwhen they have control

of the House, Senate and White House.

President Biden desperately needs a win.

And this infrastructure bill is done.

There's not really any changes that

anyone wants to see inthe Democratic Party.

All it needs to do is pass the House

and be signed by President Biden.

But that might not happen this week.

Speaker Pelosi says it willlikely be voted on on Thursday,

but she has also made it very clear

that if she doesn't havethe votes to pass it,

she's not going to callfor that final vote.

And if it doesn't pass this week,

sure, it could pass down the line,

but Democrats would certainlylose a lot of momentum

of getting it across the finish line

and as they're trying tonegotiate that larger bill.

So we'll just see what happens.

- Thanks, Abigail.

Ladies and gentlemen, whatwe've got to recognize

is the Democrats wantthe mortar to be poorest.

They want all these undocumented people

to flood in to our countrybecause their feeling is that

if they get them in, they'llvote for the Democrats

and therefore it will be an advantage.

They don't want to close the border.

They want this monstrous thingand they kept it all quiet

until the news was so blatantwith all those Haitians

that the American people began

to say it's a monstrous thing.

They didn't even call it a crisis until

after the pictures showedclearly what the problem was.

Now with this infrastructure thing,

it will kill the American economy

because they've got to raisetaxes in order to pay for it.

And it can't get paid for.

They claim that it's paid for itself,

but that's just nonsense.

It is a monstrous socialagenda that would move

this country toward the path of socialism.

You've got an avowed socialist

who's head of the Senate committee,

the Democrats have put in that place,

and he spent his honeymoon in Moscow.

And you've got this man,who's leading the charge

to socialize America andAmerica doesn't want it.

So what are we going to do?

We'll either sit there and ring our hands,

or we can get praying and we can get hold

of our Congressmen and let them know

we cannot have this socialist agenda.

Well, there's somethingelse you've been hearing

all this business about

defund the police, defund the police.

Well, also in the news,America's deadliest year

in more than half a century.

That's what the FBI is calling 2020.

And while the world was dealingwith COVID and civil unrest,

homicides in the UnitedStates hit an all time high.

What's the major reasonfor this alarming spike?

CBN correspondent BrodyCarter has the answers.

- More than 21,500 people were murdered

in America last year.

The pandemic and higher gun sales

among the reasons consideredfor the surge in violence.

One other factor, the highnumber of police officers

leaving the force incities across the country.

The FBI's annual reporton crime shows murders

in 2020 jumped by almost 30% over 2019.

That's roughly 5,000 more homicides

and the numbers are only going up.

- People in communitiesneed to start speaking up

and getting angry.

- [Brody] Contrary to popular belief,

murder isn't just a big city issue.

In 2020, we saw a national phenomenon

with a 20% increase ineach region of the country.

Louisiana led the nationfor the 32nd year in a row.

- When you decide to defund the police,

when you decide to make proactive policing

nearly impossible, whenyou run out officers,

guess what happens?

You see a rise in crime.

- [Brody] Jason Rantz, one of Seattle's

leading conservative voicessays the shocking rise

in violent crime is a direct response

to the murder of George Floyd,

social activists working to defund police,

gang activity, and the deathof America's police force.

- Why would anyone want tobe a cop in 2020 and 2021?

Why would anyone want to sign up for a job

that is being made difficultand more dangerous on purpose?

- [Brody] For the most part,police morale appears bankrupt.

During a year of crime and protests,

police retirements rose 45%

and resignations were up by 18% in 2020.

- When you tell locallaw enforcement agencies

that you are in eligible for money,

that's defunding the police.

When you reduce funding for police,

you actually lose livesin the communities.

- [Brody] Senator Tim Scottsays he's still waiting

at the table after Democrats walked away

from the chance to passbipartisan federal police reform.

Meantime, more than 20major cities have reduced

police budgets amounting

to some $840 million cut nationwide.

- It's the big blue citieswhere they have failed

to pass policies that protect

their most vulnerable communities.

- [Brody] Unfortunately,both Senator Scott

and Rantz believe moreviolence is inevitable

if we can't get the bestpeople behind the badge.

- If you were to take aposition that's pro-police,

you immediately are called out.

You are shamed, you are bullied.

There are activists,a small number of them

who have a lot of power right now

and their goal is to abolish the police

while we're living in a world in which

we're starting to see thefruits of their labor.

And unfortunately, we'reseeing a lot of dead bodies.

- It's important to notethe murder rate could be

even higher since thenumbers are incomplete

with about 3000 departments failing

to submit data to the FBI last year.

As for where things are headed,

2021 already seeing a16% increase in murder.

Brody Carter, CBN News.

- Folks, when you get behind the scenes,

what is Black Lives Matter?

Well, of course it matters,but who started it?

Well, there were three women

who said we are trained as Marxists.

It was a Marxist organization

that started something by that name.

And then of course, theypushed it way, way beyond that.

And then there's something called Antifa,

which has this origins way back in Europe.

And it had to do with an anarchist concept

of destroying the civilauthority of the nation.

And that has slippedinto our consciousness.

And so city after city, wewere enthralled with Antifa

and they were going toquote, "defund the police."

Seattle was going to doaway with its police.

The Twin Cities were goingto do away with its police.

And it's small wonder,why would a policeman

put his or her life on theline to defend a population

that did not have his or her back?

Why would you do it ifyou were being reviled

and you wanted to get out?

And so they have resigned in droves.

So we don't have adequate policing.

And when those riots tookplace a little while ago,

nobody wanted to arrest any of them.

They tore down buildings,they attacked people,

they set up separatezones and nobody acted

and the city governments were bankrupt.

So now what is it the Bible says,

they've sown the wind and wehave reaped the whirlwind.


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