Prentice and Dionne both had good jobs when they married, but their student debt and overspending spiraled out of control. At $83K in debt, the young couple knew something had to change. See how they used a strategy that got the debt paid off ...
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- The following programis sponsored by CBN.
- Coming up.
- I never had chills likethis before in my life.
- A rush to the ER.
- If I had waited muchlonger, I could have died.
- With an infection ravaging her body.
- The doctor told me he hadnever seen any infection
like what I had.
- The treatment was nearlyas bad as the disease.
- Please Lord, stop this pain.
- Her final plea.
- If it's my time, I'm yours.
- On today's 700 club.
- welcome to the 700 club.
A battle is brewing in Congress
with potentiallycatastrophic consequences.
Senate Republicans insistthey will not support
raising the debt ceiling.
They say the Democrats mustpay the political price
for their out of control spending.
- In response, Democratsare taking a risky gambit.
What is it?
And could this triggereconomic disaster for America?
CBN news, Capitol hill correspondent,
Abigail Robertson has more.
- Democrats must convince10 Republican senators
to vote in favor of a billthat funds the government
through December.
But Republicans have made it clear
they won't support itwith the current provision
that raises the debt ceiling included.
- The Democrats want togo it alone on spending.
They're going to have to goit alone on raising the debt
- Republicans claim theDemocrats reckless spending
is to blame for the debt ceiling crisis.
So they should vote toraise it on their own.
- My advice to this democraticgovernment, the president,
the house and the Senate,
don't play Russianroulette with our economy.
Step up and raise the debt ceiling
to cover all that you've beenengaged in all year long.
- But majority leader, ChuckSchumer argues the debts
we owe now were accruedunder GOP leadership.
- Republicans are trying a dine and dash
of historic proportion.
This debt that we are askingto spend is all Trump debt.
- A point Senator Rick Scott disputes.
- The suspension expiredJuly 31st to everything
that was done last year.
That was already takencare of in the debt ceiling
So this is for what they're doing now.
- If the debt ceiling isn't raised,
the US will soon run outof cash to pay its bills,
which experts warn couldtrigger an economic catastrophe.
- We're going to have tomake structural changes
because this is going to catch up with us.
- Members of both partiescriticized the house
for passing its continuing resolution.
After progressive Democratssuccessfully removed
$1 billion in fundingfor Israel's iron dome.
- And it's really bad messaging overall
for the democratic party who likes to say
that they're pro-Israel.
- CBN news, chief politicalanalyst, David Brody
warns this is dangerousterritory for Democrats.
- If there is indeed amajor attack on Israel
and there was no funding for the iron dome
and it's not fully functional.
I mean, this is a majorrisk for the Democrat party
to have Ilhan Omar andAOC and others trying to
in essence put Israel at risk.
That is bad politically for the Democrats.
- The bi-partisan backlashled house majority leader,
Steny Hoyer to promise avote on a standalone bill
by the end of the weekthat restores the funding.
- It is absolutely essential.
There were 4,400 rockets in 10 days
that rained down on Israel.
One of our closest allies and friends.
- Hoyer said he spokewith Israel's minister
of foreign affairs andassured him there is strong
bipartisan support for the iron dome
and the funding will be restored.
Reporting from VirginiaAbigail Robertson, CBN news.
- Well, let me underline thecatastrophic consequences
if the US defaults on its obligation.
It's sort of a macro economic view.
And a lot of people glaze overwhen you start talking this,
but if the US government doesnot pay the regular payments
on the bonds, and there area lot of them out there,
it's $30 trillion we're talking about.
It's a huge chunk.
And if it doesn't raise the debt ceiling
in order to accommodate that payment,
well, then the resultstruly are catastrophic.
Every single moneymarket fund in the world,
every single hedge fund, investment bank,
all of these depend on the stability of
the US government bond structure
and they time thingsbased on those payments.
If that payment defaults,
then there's catastrophe in the markets.
It will make 2008 seem small.
We all went through that.
We all understand whathappens when credit markets
freeze, economic activity shuts down
and it takes a very longtime to recover from it.
So we should not do this.
We should not playbrinksmanship with this.
At the same time, you justcan't continue printing money.
It's not good for the economy.
It's certainly not good for inflation.
It's certainly not good foranyone on a fixed income.
So you look at the inflationary forces
that have been unleashed withall the stimulus payments,
the unintended consequences of
you're actually incentivizingpeople not to work.
And that continuing onthat makes no sense.
At some point, we've gotto come to terms with
we're running a huge credit card balance
and we're running outof income to pay for it.
In other news,
the FDA has authorized a thirdshot of the Pfizer vaccine
for those at greaterrisk of the Corona virus.
The CDC has to give its approval as well.
John Jessup has more from ourCBN news bureau in Washington.
- That is right Gordon,the FDA's decision paves
the way for millions ofsenior citizens and others
at high risk for COVID-19to receive a third shot
once the CDC gives the go-ahead.
As Mark Martin reports,
that announcement could come this week.
- The FDA authorization meanstens of millions of Americans
will now be eligible for the third jab,
among them senior citizens ifthey've had their last shot
at least six months ago.
And those in high risk jobswho are likely to get exposed
to the virus, for example,healthcare workers,
teachers, staff working atchild daycares, grocery workers,
and people living in homelessshelters and prisons.
The CDC telling local andstate health officials
to hold off on giving the booster shot
until they've signed off,which could come by week's end.
- Hopefully director Willinskywill come out on Friday
and give those finalrecommendations about who
is at high risk and whoexactly should be getting
these booster shots, includingthose about the age of 65.
For everyone else, we just need more data.
People need to wait.
- Some health advisors arequestioning the rationale
for boosters and urgingthe CDC to wait at least
another month before signing off.
And those who got Moderna orJohnson and Johnson shots,
will have to wait a few moreweeks before the FDA can
approve vaccine boostershots for those vaccines,
something Dr. Anthony Fauci believes
will eventually get FDA backing.
- I believe the correct regimenis going to be two doses
at first and a few monthslater a third dose.
For J and J it will bethe first dose followed
a few months later by the second dose.
- Meanwhile, presidentBiden is promising to buy
500 million doses of thePfizer vaccine to donate
for distribution around the world.
Mark Martin, CBN news.
- Thanks Mark.
Healthcare in Africa isgetting a significant boost
to the tune of $18 million.
That's how much thecouple in our next story
is giving to Christian missionary doctors
serving on the continent,
Mark Gerson and hiswife, rabbi Erica Gerson
believed deeply that they'refulfilling the Jewish command
to love the stranger by helping those who
serve Africa's most needy.
CBN's George Thomas hasmore on their efforts.
- Spend time with Mark and Erica Gerson,
and you'll quickly discovertheir passion for helping
those less fortunate is rooted in love.
- Love is always an action word.
When we commit to lovingsomebody or something it means
that we have to do somethingto manifest that love.
- Mark is a New York basedentrepreneur and philanthropist.
His wife, Erica is a Jewish rabbi.
The Gersons say theirdeep love for their faith
compels them to giveaway millions of dollars
of their personal wealth each year
to fulfill their Jewishobligation to love the stranger.
- The Bible never tellsus to love our children
because it's something we willdo without the Bible's help.
We'll love our childreneven if nobody instructs us
to do so.
Yet the Bible tells usto love the stranger
over and over again.
Three dozen times,
because loving the strangeris not something that comes
It's not something that comes easily.
- The Gersons are putting the practice
of loving the strangerby supporting the work
of African Christiansand missionary doctors
across the African content.
- When we learned some 20 years ago
about the work of Christianmissionary doctors in Africa
and how they're sacrificing everything
in order to serve the poorby bringing healthcare
to those who otherwise wouldn't have it.
We said, this is what itmeans to love the stranger.
- This week, the couplepledged a record $18 million
along with matching fundsfrom the United bank
of Switzerland and othersto support the work
of African mission healthcare,
which he co founded 11 years ago.
- And this gift of at least $20 million.
And hopefully the matchinggrant will make it much more
than that is going totransform African health care.
It's going to enable usto build the systems,
the infrastructure, thehospitals that will treat
literally millions of patientsnow and into the future.
- CBN and the Gersons havepartnered on several projects
on the continent to provide quality,
compassionate care to patients.
African mission healthcaresays this latest gift
from rabbi Erica and Mark Gerson is
the largest private gift everto Christian medical missions.
They firmly believed that Bibleverse in Malachi three 10,
that when you help the stranger,
God will pour out his blessings.
- God says, test me.
I believe it's the only testthat God uses in the Bible
is this test me give to charity he says,
and you will enjoy blessings yourself.
And it is so true.
No one has ever made a donationto serve the African poor
by supporting Christianmissionary physicians
and regretted it.
It has been the blessing of our life.
This is the blessing of Erica and my life
to be able to partnerwith these sacred people.
These doctors who are working in Africa
in the name of their Christianfaith to serve the poor.
And it's something that wealways want to do more of.
- George Thomas, CBN news.
- Responding to thecommand to love others,
producing beautifulresults like this, Gordon.
- Well, congratulations to Mark and Erica.
What a wonderful gift,what a wonderful sentiment.
CBN and operation blessinghave been supporting
African mission healthcare for years now.
And it's our pleasure topartner with Mark and Erica.
We've partnered on otherprojects in the past.
This is a wonderfulthing that they're doing.
If you want to find more information
about African mission healthcareand this wonderful gift,
all you have to do islook to CBN
- Well, up next chaos on the border.
Thousands of migrants huddledunder an overpass in Texas.
How did this chaos gets so bad so fast?
Also ahead, millennialswith money problems.
This young couple was a quartermillion dollars in debt.
How are they able to pay it all off?
You'll find out that's coming up.
- Well, the wall on our Southern border,
it's been a political football,
a lot of that having to do with
who's going to pay for it.
Well, former presidentTrump vowed to complete it.
And then he fought a lot ofbattles to try to fulfill
that promise.
But Joe Biden pulled the plug on the wall
when he stepped into office,
abruptly stopping workalready in progress.
So what did president Biden'sdecision cost taxpayers
and then contractors, andthen thousands of workers?
Well CBN's Tara Mergenertraveled to the Rio Grande valley
to find out who's been left in the lurch.
- As promised, president Biden has stopped
construction of the USborder wall with Mexico,
Donald Trump's signature project.
All along the Texas Mexico border.
- We're going to build a wall.
- A scene frozen in time.
- The Biden administrationchose to do nothing.
- Once busy work sites.
- Government contractedcrews are set to break ground
in the spring.
- Build that wall, buildthat wall, build that wall.
- It was good for the economy.
It was good for the valley,it was good for the people.
- Sit silent, gaping holes,the hallmark of a border wall.
- People are going tocome into our country,
but they're going to comeinto our country legally.
- Gone bust.
- There will not be anotherfoot of wall constructed
in my administration.
- With the stroke of apen, president Biden,
bringing an abrupt end toDonald Trump's four year fight
to finish this wall.
While the wall is mostly outof the national spotlight,
the issue remains hot inthe Rio Grande valley.
The busiest spot for illegalimmigration in the country.
- It's 7:29, you're still at 710KURV.
- Wall or no wall?
- In my audience, the KURV audience,
which is generally business-minded,
they're businessmanagers, business owners,
and just hard working peopleoverwhelmingly this audience?
Absolutely they'd say yes to a wall.
- During the Trump administration,
the US government pavedthe way for hundreds
of additional sections of wall to be built
along the 2000 mile border.
Biden ditch the project,his first day in office.
- They're not worried abouthow it's hurting us here.
- A delight to Democrats.
- A wall is an immorality.
- And environmentalists.
- For every mile of borderwall that they are building,
they are clearing 20 acres of habitat.
- But a blow to outnumberedagents and officers
tasked with slowing the flow of drugs.
- Without that infrastructure,without that barrier there,
the cartels are freeto cross their products
anywhere that they want.
- And criminals increasinglyable to bypass them
and get deeper into the country.
Human smuggling arrestsare now skyrocketing
here in the Rio Grande valley.
In Hidalgo county alone, they'renow making several a day.
- The numbers is just going up.
They'll go down for a week.
They'll come right back up the next week.
I don't see an end in sight.
- Behind the scenes, astruggle of a different kind.
- We have one of thehighest poverty rates.
It's really just a very disappointing.
- Sections of the wall likethis one can be spotted
all over the Rio Grande valley now.
When the Biden administrationstopped construction
of the wall an estimated5,000 people lost their jobs.
And what was your reaction?
- Well I took it a bit hardbecause I was counting on that.
I was counting on that job.
- So was Granchelli construction hired.
- The people came downfrom all over the country,
hired local people.
- Then fired when the wall was mixed.
How many people did you haveto lay off after this happened?
- 40.
- This is where a sectionof the wall was going to be.
- Yes, right along theriver here was about
a 4.7 mile segment.
- But the company is stillon the hook for the millions
it poured into a cement plantbuilt just for the wall.
Leasing land.
- It's about 35 or 40,000a month we're carrying.
- And buying equipment hesays the federal government
won't let him use or sell.
- We're waiting.
They say they're goingto reimburse everyone,
but it hasn't happened yet.
- At this site, there areexactly 1087 steel panels
that would have been enoughfor two miles of border wall.
This dried up paint can and some cobwebs
reminders of what might've been.
- It's just a bad deal.
I laid off 32 employees.
- AJ Steel LLC who made thesepanels also remains in limbo.
How much money did youlose when this stopped?
- Oh. I'm at it right now.A little over $300,000.
- As bills pile up.
- I sent a certified letterlast week, demanding payment.
- From the contractor?
- From the contractorand he basically told me,
he said, I ain't got money to pay you.
- And you're stuck.
- Yes. Now the owners off of this property
are asking me for $20,000 amonth until all this material
is moved out of here.
The end of the day, if Idon't get my money soon,
I'll just take all this and scrap it.
- Like Garza and Granchelli,
many south Texas contractorsare hoping governor Greg Abbott
will make good on his promiseto resume building the wall
where Donald Trump left off.
- At the border so close the best ever.
And now it's coming through at levels
that they've never seen before.
- Using 250 million in state money
and taking donations to fillholes along the 1200 miles
stretch of border here.
- Texas is stepping up anddoing a job that is truly
the federal government's job.
- A plan that doesn'tsit well with everyone.
- Definitely not allow states to enact
or govern themselves when itcomes to this federal issue
because it's not their issue.
- Polls show Texans aresplit over whether or not
to build the border wall.
Meanwhile, the countryis on track for 2 million
illegal crossings like this one in 2021.
In south Texas, I'mTara Mergener, CBN news.
- Well, we're playing thegame of politics here.
And because it was such apromise from president Trump,
president Biden now wants tosay, I'm not going to do this.
This is improper peoplecampaigned against the wall
and they feel that somehowtheir political future
is involved in it.
But here's the absolute impact of this
and the impact of these decisions.
Two million illegalimmigrants crossing the border
this year.
We've been raising thisissue for months now.
You go back to April, May and June,
and you were looking at 160to 170,000 people crossing
that border every single month.
We're now over 200,000 andwe've all seen the video
of the horrible humanitariancrisis with, you know,
tens of thousands of Haitians,
trying to get into our country,
crossing that very bordercamping out under the bridge.
And now the Bidenadministration is saying,
we're going to airlift them back to Haiti.
Well, if you just had notsaid our border is open.
If you hadn't just given the green light,
you gave hope to these peoplethat they would be allowed
to come in and thenthat hope was realized,
and they're coming in unvaccinated.
They're coming in with no employment.
They're coming in with no papers.
And the idea is we process them,
give them a court dateand then release them
to the nearest bus station.
It's ridiculous.
And it's all based on somekind of campaign promise
or you're trying to run for office again,
in what you're doing.
We need to protect the border.
You can't have a nationstate and have these kinds
of open borders.
You have to enforce the immigration laws.
That's the job of any administration.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
It's not popular, certainlynot politically correct,
but what part of illegaldon't you understand?
And if it is illegal, whyaren't we enforcing the law?
- Voter bloc.
Two words.
Well, up next, a ten-yearplan to wipe out debt
takes just 18 months.
How did this couple clearoff a quarter million dollars
from their books way ahead of schedule
and what's their top financial tip?
They're going to tell usthemselves right after this.
And then later alife-threatening infection
covering 90% of her kidney.
For months this woman isin and out of the hospital.
So how was she finally cured in a snap?
stay tuned and you'll find out.
- The Motley's we're livingpaycheck to paycheck.
They thought payday loanswould keep them afloat.
Instead their $30,000 debt ballooned
to nearly a quarter million.
So how is this coupleable to pay it all off
in just 18 months?
Well, you're about to find out.
- When Prentice and DionMotley married in 2004,
they both had good jobs.
They also had $30,000 in studentloans and credit card debt,
but that didn't stop them from spending
more on wants than needs.
- A lot of the discretionaryincome that we would have,
we would spend it on, youknow, material things.
And we weren't looking at the big picture.
- Before long, the Motley's we're living
paycheck to paycheck.
- It was definitely frustrating.
You find yourself in a bind
and you're looking for asolution to get out of it
as quickly as possible.
- Their solution was touse payday loans to get by.
But as the high interests piled up,
their financial situationstarted to snowball.
By 2006, between amortgage, two car payments,
student loans and credit cards,
their debt had grown to aquarter of a million dollars.
- I'd say off and on foron a period of a year,
we were using payday loansand the interest rates
are just astronomical.
We were in over our heads.
- We realized that, okay,this isn't working for us.
This cannot be what Godintended for us to do.
So how, how do we fix this.
- Overwhelmed by their debt,they finally went to God.
- We were in prayer.
We fasted for God to give us direction.
As far as becoming debt-free.
- It was then they realizedthat tithing had fallen down
the list of priorities.
And that became thefirst item of business.
- When we were able totake it back to the basics
of, okay, let's give God our first fruits.
Then where do we go from there?
- With tithing now a priority,
the Motley's wrote out afive-year plan to get out of debt.
They got control of their finances
and Prentice picked up asmuch overtime as he could.
And that's when theynoticed some blessings.
Dion got a pay raise andPrentice received two bonuses,
all told they made nearly $30,000.
- It was clear that God'sfavor was upon our lives.
It was evident that we weremoving in the right direction
and that God, you know, God blessed us.
- And they say those blessingscontinued to pour in.
And instead of taking five years,
the Motley's were debt-freein only 18 months.
During that time, the coupledecided to take what God
had taught them by creatingMotley financial solutions,
teaching millennials the biblicalprinciples of stewardship
and tithing.
- My heart's desire reallybecame to show people
how to avoid the mistakes that we made,
but then also give themlife practical ways
of managing their finances,
being responsible andbecoming better stewards.
- Today the Motleys are still debt free
and they give God all the glory.
- I know that we're favored.
I know it and I don'tdoubt for one second.
And so I am just ecstatic ofall the blessings that God
has done.
- It's all about obedience
and you doing what God asked of you to do,
which is to give 10%.
And so what that really meansis out of your obedience,
give me 10% and I'm going to show you how
I'm going to match and add to it.
But not only that, I'mgoing to give you overflow.
How can you say no?
- The Motleys have the secret.
And it's one of the greatsecrets of the universe.
Give and it will be given unto you.
It sounds counterintuitive.
We all want to say, well,I'll give when I have enough
or I'll give from my overflow.
I'll give when it's convenientfor me and I feel like it.
But no, that's not the principle.
The principle is in themiddle of your trouble,
in the middle of everything you're doing.
When you put God first,
that's when these wonderfulthings can happen to you.
Here's a promise for you.
It's from Psalm 15.
It's for anyone who is in trouble,
call upon me in the day of trouble,
I will deliver you andyou shall glorify me.
Now, the Motleys saidwe're going to call on God,
but we're going to do it God's way.
We're going to show himhow we've read his word.
We understand his word.
We're going to put his word into practice.
We're going to do that regularly.
This isn't a one-time thing for us.
We want to be all in with God.
And when they did that, when trouble came,
they were able to call uponhim in the day of trouble.
And he delivered them.
This can happen to you.
All you have to do is put thesame principle into practice.
It seems again, counterintuitive,
but in the middle of your trouble,
that's precisely the time to look to God
and be all in with him.
If you want to start doing that,
if you want to live a life of tithing,
call us and say, yes, Iwant to join the 700 club.
1 800 700 7000.
Now, how much is it?
Well, it's just $20 amonth, 65 cents a day.
You're joining tens of thousands of people
that want to make a difference.
We have other club levels,700 club gold, $40 a month.
Thousand club, thousand dollars a year.
That's $84 a month.
At whatever level, callus now 1 800 700 7000.
Now, when you call the joint,I want you to have this.
It's a brand new DVD calledthe nearness of heaven.
It's yours when youbecome a 700 club member,
and in here are storiesof people who have died,
gone to heaven, and then they've come back
and have told us what it was like
to encourage us to realizethat the kingdom of heaven
is at hand.
That's why Jesus instructed us to pray.
Thy will be done onearth as it is in heaven.
When you see the promise,
when you see what it's like,
it'll encourage your faith to believe
that you can have it in the here and now.
I want you to have it.
It's yours when you join the700 club, 1 800 700 7000.
- Well, when you do that,when you join the 700 club,
we want you to know you're helping people
all over the world.
Like Utong, as soon as she was born,
she was rushed right into the NICU.
The baby had a hole in her heart
and a host of other complications.
Doctors said, she'd be luckyto see her first birthday,
but thanks to people like you.
She's now on the road toa long and healthy life.
- As soon as Mrs B found out
she was going to have a baby girl,
she made her a littlered dress for good luck.
- I saw my mother inembroidering the words,
long life on the dress.
- I hoped that she wouldbe a healthy little girl.
- But Utong was bornwith a hole in her heart,
abnormal blood vessels andcomplications with her lungs.
- The doctor said shemight not live to be one.
- We were told even ifwe got Utong treatment,
we will still lose her.
But I insisted even if I hadto sell my house and land.
- Utong went straight to ICU
where her family couldonly visit once a week
for three minutes.
- She laid there witha ventilator and tubes
and got thinner and thinner.
I said, you must hold out.
- I wished that I couldtake her suffering for her.
I just wanted to hold her in my arms.
- Her brother gave all ofhis savings to his parents
to help with Utong's treatments.
He wanted to be her superhero.
- I wanted to be like Ironmanand protect my sister.
- But as Utong got older, she got worse.
- She didn't have any strength.
Her vital signs were weakand her eyes were hollow.
- She opened her mouth and gasped.
She has no strength to make a sound.
I thought about the dress I made her.
My dreams were shattered.
I thought if my daughterwas gone, I'd die with her.
- Utong got pneumonia and endedup in a hospital in Beijing
where the B's were told thatshe needed surgery right away.
But Mr B is a constructionworker and couldn't afford it.
A doctor introduced them toCBN and we covered the cost.
- Friends from CBN visitedus and prayed for us.
It was like a dawninglight came into our lives
and gave us hope.
- The doctor repaired Utong'sheart and blood vessels
so now she can live a long life.
- Now my daughter is completely healthy
and she will always be with us. Thank you.
You helped to save her life.
- Now she can absorb nutrients.
Her height and weight have increased a lot
and she completely like a normal child.
- Her eyes are bright andshe's like a little angel.
Thank you to everyone atCBN for healing my sister.
I love you all.
- If you're a 700 club member,I hope that warms your heart
like it does mine to knowthat this little girl
and many, many, likeher have life and hope
and a future because of your kindness,
your compassion and your generosity.
We just want to say thank you.
If you're not a 700 club member,
why would you not want to bea part of something like this
that's happening aroundthe world all the time.
$20 a month, 65 cents a daymakes you a 700 club member.
Will you call him now andjoin with the rest of us?
And if you're already a 700 club member,
take a look at your club options.
There are many different levels there.
Maybe you could go up to700 club gold, $40 a month,
or joined the thousandclub at $84 a month.
We have a 2500 club level at 209 a month.
Or our founders join us at 417 a month,
which works out to $5,000 a year.
Do something to make a difference.
It'll make you feel better.
And most of all, you'll betouching and changing lives
even giving life to manychildren like Utong.
So let us hear from you now.
1 800 700 7000.
Just call say you want to join.
- Eugenia was just a little girl
when the Nazis rolled through her town.
To this day she has noidea how she survived.
All she remembers is thehunger, cold and fear
brought on by the Holocaust.
Years later, those same feelings returned
when she was locked down by COVID-19.
- Eugenia remembers the fear she felt
when the Holocaust began in Ukraine.
She experienced a similar fearas Israel went into lockdown
because of COVID-19.
It brought back vivid memoriesof life during the war.
- I was very young,
but I recall the loud soundsof the Nazi motorcycles
and large trucks.
It was all so new and scary.
My mother and I ran to a nearby village,
but the Nazi found us andwe were taken to the ghetto.
- After Eugenia's fatherdied fighting the Nazis,
she and her mother had to fendfor themselves in the ghetto.
- We ate what we could find.
Even old potato skinsthat had been tossed out.
All we knew was hunger, cold and fear.
To this day I don't know how I survived.
- Eugenia lives alone in Israel.
She isolated herself to avoidcatching the coronavirus.
So CBN Israel brings her groceries
and takes the time tomake sure she's all right.
- In the beginning, I wasvery scared of this virus
and I didn't know how Icould go out to get food,
but having you come to check on me
and bring me this grocerieshelp ease my mind.
- Because of the support of CBN donors,
Eugenia has the food she needs
and someone to look after her
that helps keep her fears at bay.
- It means so much that youremember me and care about me.
It's a great feeling.
And that has helped methrough this difficult time.
Thank you.
- That thank you goes to you
if you're a member of the 700 club.
You're a part of everythingwe're doing around the world,
whether that's helpingHolocaust survivors in Israel.
And yes, there are Holocaustsurvivors still in Israel.
The ones that were from Eastern Europe,
part of the former Soviet union,
they didn't get any reparationsand they need our help.
They literally live atthe poverty line in Israel
and they need people to come alongside.
The most important gift we can give them
is the gift of friendship.
To be with them, to letthem know they're not alone
in the world.
That someone is looking after them.
You're a part of that whenyou join the 700 club.
If you're not a member,call us now. 1 800 700 7000.
And if you are a member,consider increasing.
Consider going to 700club gold at $40 a month
or a thousand club. That'sa thousand dollars a year.
That's $84 a month.
When you call, make sure youask for a pledge express.
That's electronic monthly giving,
the bank doing all the work
and we can send as our gift to you,
power for life, monthly teaching CDs.
So if you'd like those,ask for pledge express
when you call or you can go to,
when you give monthly on the internet,
you'll automatically sign up for it.
We have something new called text to give
where you can text theletters CBN to 71777,
and a monthly giving pagewill come up on your phone.
Either way, do it now.
1 800 700 7000.
Well our gift to 700 club partners is
the brand new teaching calledthe nearness of heaven.
The Bible says we are citizens of heaven.
So what's it like?
Here's the story of onegirl who's been there.
- Pastors Dave and Kathy Powell
realized the drowned girl was their
nine-year-old daughter, Annie.
Annie needed to be life-flighted
to JW Ruby Memorial hospital.
While in the helicopter, Annie died.
- I saw butterflies.
They were colors youcouldn't even imagine.
I felt very happy andjoyful and very loved.
- The nearness of heaven available now.
- You can experience thekingdom of heaven right now.
- CBN presents the nearness of heaven.
- We're going to be talkingabout people who went to heaven,
who had encounters withthe kingdom of God.
- He let me experience what it felt like.
And there's more lovethan you can imagine.
- In this brand new teaching from CBN,
you'll discover what theBible has to say about heaven
and our lives in eternity.
How to know for certain thatheaven is your future home.
How seeking God's presence now
will satisfy your heart's desire
and prepare you for what's ahead.
Plus how to experience thereality of God's kingdom
right here right now.
- You're going to experiencepeace and joy and life
to the fullest.
- Get this exciting newteaching from CBN today.
Call 1 800 700 7000 or go to
to become a CBN partnerand receive your copy
of the nearness of heaven.
- Still ahead.
Helpless and hopeless.
- It was terrible.
- A diabetic can't kicka kidney infection.
- I really need to go to the hospital.
- For three months, she'sconfined to the bedroom.
- The house is a total disaster.
- Her life saving prayer.
- I knew I was healed.
- Up next.
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN news break.
President Joe Biden and Frenchpresident Emmanuel Macron
spoke on Wednesday for the first time
since France recalled its ambassador
to the United States last week.
The two leaders sought to fix the breach
in their relationship after aUS arms deal with Australia,
scuttled Francis $66 billion deal to sell
the Aussies diesel submarines.
Biden and Macron agreed tomeet in Europe in late October.
And the French ambassadorwill return to Washington
next week.
Well, a volcanic eruptionon the Spanish island
of La Palma near NorthernAfrica has unleashed streams
of lava to the coast.
A wall of lava, six feet high
is swallowing housesand crops in its path.
And experts say the eruptioncould last for weeks
or even months.
Soldiers, trucks, and aerial water tankers
were summoned to assist the region.
Fortunately, most of the evacuees
found family or friends to take them in
and everyone found shelter.
Well, you can always getthe latest from CBN news
by going to our website at
Gordon and Terry, will beback with more than 700 club,
right after this.
- Extreme chills, terribletrembling and excruciating pain.
Bonnie Grunky battled araging kidney infection
for weeks on end.
So how was she healed onemorning in an instant?
See for yourself.
- As a diabetic, BonnieGrunky has had her share
of infections over the years.
The one that hit her inSeptember 2020, however,
would require more thanmedical science to heal.
- I woke my husband up and I says,
I think I really needto go to the hospital.
I mean, I could not stop trembling.
I never had chills likethis before in my life.
It was terrible.
- In the emergency room,
doctors discovered anabscess on her kidney
causing severe kidney infection.
- It covered 90% of my kidney.
When I met the doctor and he says
it was a good thing I came in when I did,
because if I had waited muchlonger, I could have died.
- Bonnie was admitted anddoctors gave her antibiotics
to treat the infectionand inserted a pic line
to drain the fluid from the abscess.
When the one pic line couldn't keep up,
doctors added another.
- The second one was so painful.
I cried and I said please Lord,
stop this pain, just stop the pain.
I mean, I was in terrible, terrible pain.
- Over the next several weeks,
Bonnie would be in andout of the hospital.
Every time doctors thoughtthey had taken care
of one infection, anotherwould take its place.
- And I didn't just haveone bacteria in there.
I had several.
the doctor told me he had neverseen any type of infection
Like what I had.
- The pic lines having failed,
doctors took Bonnie intosurgery to insert a stent
to help drain the fluids.
Still the infection raged onand Bonnie began losing hope.
- The house is a total disaster.
I lived in the bedroom for three months.
That was probably my low point.
I felt hopeless and helpless.
I was frightened.
I really didn't want to die yet.
Through it all, Bonnie turnedto God for help and healing.
- I would pray to theLord and I would say,
please, Lord, guideme, get me out of this.
But I also, I would endwith thy will be done.
If it's my time, I'm yours.
It's not what I want, but what he wants.
I wanted to be healed.
- Then on December 2nd, 2020,
Bonnie was watching the 700 club
when Pat and Wendy startedpraying for the audience.
- Somebody has a severe kidney infection.
It's really, to use a term offright, it's really serious.
And God, right now you'll feel power
in the small of your backand you'll feel heat.
And you are healed in the name of Jesus.
- Oh my goodness. That's me.
I am claiming this.
I hollered to my husband Martin.
I says, hun, I told himwhat Pat Robertson said.
And that morning it wasstill all that nasty drainage
coming out.
It didn't drain for a while.
And then all of a sudden,when it started draining,
it was totally clear.
I knew I was healed.
- Also gone was the pain.
A month later at a follow-up appointment,
Bonnie's doctor confirmedthe infection and abscess
was gone and removed thedrainage tubes and stents
from her kidney.
- The healing of my kidneyhas strengthened my faith.
I knew there was no infection.
I knew I was healed and thatbrought my spirits up 110%.
The Lord gives me my strength.
Sometimes you may not even feel him,
but know he is thereand he is carrying you.
- Well, that's true, isn't it?
Many times we don't feel him.
We don't see him, but he's always there.
He's always working on our behalf
and he always desires what is best for us.
God is so trustworthy.
I know as you're sitting there today,
you're thinking I would likesomeone to mention my name,
mention my situation when they pray.
But you know what?
You don't need to hear that
because he's already atwork in your situation.
That's his promise to his kids.
And yet today we want to pray for you.
We want to take time to pray for you.
Ask God to reveal what he wants to reveal.
As we pray together for each other.
I want to tell you about Ann.
She lives in McPherson, Kansas.
She started experiencing severesymptoms in her left eye.
Her symptoms were pain,soreness to the touch,
redness, puffiness.
Ann's husband Dennis waswatching the 700 club
and he heard you say, Gordon,
someone has a severeinfection in your left eye.
God has taken that infection away.
So Dennis claimed the wordof knowledge for his wife
even though she was at church.
When Ann returned, he askedhow her eye was feeling.
She told him she was healed.
When Dennis told herabout Gordon's prayer,
they both knew that it was God.
- Well here's Gary from New York
had several types of allergies.
The symptoms made them miserable,
including sinus and digestive problems.
Watching the 700 club, Terry said,
you have a chronic issue with your sinuses
Constant draining.
It affects your voice, your swallowing,
even your stomach is upset from it.
God is healing that condition for you.
It's just going to dry up.
Well, Gary believed God for his healing,
felt relief right away.
He can breathe better now.
- Hallelujah.
- These are miracles.
You can't explain it.
I like to tell peopleif I could explain it,
well then it wouldn't be a miracle.
How does someone in churchget healed of an eye condition
because her husband is watching TV
and there's a word of knowledgedescribing that condition?
He claims it for her.
In the Bible, how does thecenturion's servant get healed?
Doesn't even know as being prayed for.
Doesn't even know thatJesus said it's done.
And then the amazingfaith of the centurion.
I'm not worthy of you coming to my house
to speak the word.
It's amazing.
It's beyond any kind of description.
Can you understand it?
Can you understand how Lazarusheard Lazarus come forth?
I can't, but a miracle happened.
Lazarus came out of that tomb.
So let's just believe God,
let's not try and stoptrying to figure it out
and just figure that in his presence,
there is fullness of joy.
In his presence, there are miracles.
In his presence, all things are possible.
You don't have to wonderhow it's going to happen.
You just have to receive it.
Now here's a promise for you.
When two or more agree touchinganything it shall be done.
So let's just agree.
Let's just say, okay.
Terry and I will be your two or more.
You be the one that in anact of faith reaches out
and touches.
You know, God will see that.
He'll understand.
He'll see they're standing on a promise
and he'll come through for you.
Let's pray.
Lord, as people are reachingout with hands of faith
and laying it on that area ofthe body that needs healing,
as people are reaching out for friends,
even if the friend is not there with them,
but they're touching them in faith.
We come into agreement with them
and we say together with them,
be healed and be made whole
by the stripes of Jesus Christ.
By his resurrection power.
We speak healing.
We speak pain to go awayin Jesus name. Amen.
And amen.
Terry, God's given you some.
- Yeah, there are many people being healed
of things that are affectingyour internal organs right now.
Lungs, people that have beenstruggling with lung issues,
just bladder issues, kidneyissues, liver, pancreas,
all of these things.
God is touching right now.
Just lift up your hands,
begin to praise him.
Accept his healing right now.
Believe it in your heart.
Receive for yourself.
What he's doing is hemakes all things new.
- Oh, there's someone you'vegot a perforated ulcer
in your small intestine andGod is just reaching down.
And he is healing that for you right now.
And you just felt something move
in your innermost being.
That's God at work.He's taking care of it.
He's removing all thebleeding, all that infection,
everything with your digestionis normal now in Jesus name.
Amen and amen.
If you've been healed, letus know, give us a call.
1 800 700 7000.
Here's a word from Matthew.
For wherever two or three cometogether in honor of my name,
I am right there with them.
For Terry, for me, for all of us.
God bless you.
We'll see you tomorrow.