Prentice and Dionne both had good jobs when they married, but their student debt and overspending started a lifestyle that ended with $83K of debt. They knew something had to change. They used a strategy that got the debt paid off in 19 months ...
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- [Narrator] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
Coming up.
A boating accident leaves one dad
fighting for every breath.
- I knew that I was in trouble.
- [Narrator] The crashcut off his airways.
- [David] Absolutely alife-threatening injury.
- [Narrator] And help was miles away.
- With certainty I wouldhave died on the boat
in front of my kids.
- [Narrator] See what saved his life.
- There's only one reason you're alive.
- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club".
(upbeat music)
- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club".
Thousands of gas stations are out of fuel.
The good news is the nation'slargest fuel pipeline
is restarted after Russianhackers shut it down.
- So long will it take forthe gas to reach consumers
and how can future hackers be stopped?
Here is senior nationalaffairs correspondent,
Heather Sells.
- Colonial Pipeline says it plans
to substantially restoreservice by the end of this week,
just in the nick of time
for many who are unable tofind gas in their community
- I'm running really low,
so trying to fill up as much as I can.
- Well, I'm afraid thatI'm gonna run out of gas.
You know, I gotta get to work.
- [Heather] Panic buyingacross the Southeast this week
left thousands of gasstations with no fuel to sell.
In North Carolina at one point
almost three and four gasstations were out of fuel
with similar but less severe shortages
in states up and down the East Coast.
Prices shot up above $3 a gallon
for the first time since 2014.
Colonial says deliverieswill return to normal
in several days, but gasprices likely will not.
- Gasoline prices will go up quick
they don't come down so quick.
- [Heather] Economist, DanCelia says rising prices
will spur inflation andcould also lead consumers
to tamp down on spendingsimilar to 2008 and '09.
- Nobody out there believes for a moment
that the cyber attacks aren'tgoing to continue to happen.
So the fear is, I don'tknow, do I hunker down?
Should I save my money?
- [Heather] Colonialreportedly is not planning
to pay a ransom to the hackers
and is working with acyber security company
to rebuild it systems.
But cyber security expert Eric Coles says
Colonial will pay andembolden more hackers.
- [Eric] They said thatthey're gonna be up and running
by end of the week
and the only possibleway that could happen
is if they pay the ransom.
And the problem with this is
once one entity pays amulti-million dollar ransom
every other hacking group
knows that other companies are gonna pay.
So this is now the new norm.
- [Heather] The associated press reports
in audit of the company three years ago
found glaring in deficiencies.
The company says it hasspent tens of millions
evaluating and improving its systems.
This attack demonstratingjust how vulnerable
both public and privatesectors in the US are.
It's why the president signedan executive order Wednesday
meant to strengthen us cyber security.
It will require basic cyber defenses
for all federal agencies
with the hopes ofencouraging software security
in the private sector as well.
Heather Sells CBN News.
- Well, it's like thelate 1970s all over again,
gas lines, inflation rising.
All of these things are bringing back
a lot of bad memories
and I just hope thatthey get this pipeline
up and running again.
And the entire East Coasthas been affected by this
and in our area, it'svery tough to get gas.
And even on the militarybases I saw last night
they were out of gas.
So this is a definite crisis
and it's definitely tiedto hackers from Russia.
In other news, Hamas iscontinuing to attack Israel
from Gaza and now another threat
is rising from within Israel itself.
John Jessup has more on that
from our CBN News Bureauin Washington, John.
- Thanks, Gordon.
Despite Israel's massivebombardment in the Gaza Strip,
Hamas and other terrorist groupscontinue to launch rockets
into central and southern Israel.
It is now a two frontwar with growing unrest
between Arab and Jewishpopulations inside Israel.
CBS Chris Mitchell reportson the latest developments
as well as some earlier events
that helped spark the fighting.
- [Chris] Hamas and other terror groups
have fired more than 1500 rockets
at Israeli civilians in just three days.
Well, Israel's irondome anti-missile system
has shot down more than90% of those rockets.
A number of hit Israeli communities
like Ashkelon, Ashdod and PetahTikva killing seven Israelis
including a six-year-old boy.
Israel responding with hundredsof surgical strikes in Gaza
to stop the deadly barrages.
Many of Hamas rockets are supplied by Iran
leading 44 Republican senators
to call on president Bidento suspend its nuclear talks
with the Islamic regime.
President Biden spoke at length
with Israeli PrimeMinister, Benjamin Netanyahu
and affirmed Israel'sright to defend itself.
Israel is also seeing theworst Jewish era violence
in at least 20 years.
Arabs have rioted in several Israeli towns
and Jews have attacked Arabsin one instance on live TV.
Israeli Prime Minister,Benjamin Netanyahu,
condemn the violence on both sides.
- [Interpreter] Nothing justifies
the lynching of Arabs by Jews
and nothing justifies thelynching of Jews by Arabs.
We will not tolerate this.
This violence is not us.
- And as the world watches this escalation
involving Israelis Arabs, and Palestinians
more questions aboutwhat led to the outbreak.
Some are tracing it to theEastern Jerusalem neighborhood
of Sheikh Jarrah withclashes of led to protests
and calls for cutting diplomatic ties
between Israel and Jordan.
The seeds of the feud go back decades.
In 1948, Jordan tookcontrol of Eastern Jerusalem
including Sheikh Jarrah.
Jews living here at wereexpelled or even killed.
Then Jordan and the UnitedNations gave the area
to Arab families.
Almost 20 years laterduring the six day war
Israel took the area backwhen it reunited Jerusalem.
- My father take the housefrom the Jordanian in 1956.
That is a agreement betweenJordanian and Anarua.
Jordanian and give him the land
and Anarua built the 28 house
for 28 the refugee family.
- [Chris] Now after 65 years
four families with more than70 people face eviction.
Jewish Israelis plannedto move in their place.
But Israel argues theJewish claim on the land
goes back long before 1948.
- We have to know thehistory of this place
we call it the Silwan,
the land around the the tomb of Silwan
was purchased by the Jewish community
dated back to 1840.
- [Chris] According toJerusalem's deputy mayor
the two sides had agreedto a legal compromise
whereby the Palestinian residentswould be protected tenants
paying a minimal rentwithout fear of eviction.
- Ultimately, we're talkingabout a property dispute.
One of the parties who can prove ownership
and another party who areseen legally as squatters
because they moved intothis house after 1948.
And now we have a propertyclaim that of course
has been conflict ratedby everybody in the West.
- [Chris] Hassan-Nahoum tells CBS News
that the residents were thentold to abandon the compromise.
- [Hassan] The Palestinianauthority send their lawyers.
The minute they were involved
the minute this became political
they had no interest in helpingpeople stay in their homes.
They wanted people toget kicked out publicly
in order for Israel to getreprimanded by the entire world.
- [Chris] David Cohenmember of a Jewish family
in the neighborhood has seen a difference
among his Arab neighbors.
- [Interpreter] I can tell youthat in the last two weeks,
suddenly everything changed.
They see me and every personthat looks Jewish as an enemy,
as someone who's really dangerous.
- [Chris] Cohen told CBSNews of a conversation
with one of his Arab prince.
- [Interpreter] And he said,
"At this time we're photographed,
they're paying attentionto us and checking us.
It's forbidden for me to havea good contact with you."
- Israel maintains it'sworking to calm the situation
such as delaying a SupremeCourt hearing on the issue.
It's also calling forinternational pressure
on the Palestinian authority
to stop the incitement and publicly call
for an end to Palestinianviolence and terrorism.
Chris Mitchell, CBS News,Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem.
- Great reporting, thank you, Chris.
Well, back here in the US
a record number ofmigrants tried illegally
to cross the southern border in April.
Officials say they encountered about
170,600 immigrants at the border,
the highest monthly total in 15 years.
And while the number ofunaccompanied children
trying to cross has dropped
from the all-time high in March,
April was still the second busiest month.
Among them five young girls
ranging from seven years to 11 months old
discovered by a Texasfarmer on his property
just inside the border.
- [Kate] This is where myhusband found them this morning
when he was checking on the farm.
He thought one of them was dead.
This is one of ourworker's wives right here,
taking care of this tiny one.
No one with these children,
dunked out on the side ofthe river here on our farm.
- 20,000 migrant, minorsare in HHS care right now
in long-term facilities.
Well, international religiousfreedom took center stage
at the state department of Wednesday.
As Secretary Antony Blinken
released the department's 2020 report
on the world's worst offenders.
- And whenever human rights are denied,
it ignites tension, it breeds division.
As this year's international religious
freedom report indicates
for many people around the world
this right is still out of reach.
- The report highlightingIran, Burma, Russia,
Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia
for violating religious rights
and putting special emphasis
on China's abuse of UyghurMuslims in Xinjiang province.
In addition to imprisoningmillions of Uyghurs
in labor camps, the reportsays the communist government
is using overwhelmingsurveillance technology
to turn the region intoquote, open air prison.
Christian churches also areunder heavy surveillance
with cameras installed in some sanctuaries
and unregistered churches,
forcibly closed and torn down.
Gordon, back to you.
- Well, it's good to seethe new administration
is keeping to the principles
that religious freedom is a human right.
It's a basic human right.
And the rights of conscience
are recognized by the United Nations.
These rights need to be enforced.
And China's going to say,
well, you're meddlingwith our internal affairs
and you have no business doing that.
But the counter is all people everywhere
and should enjoy the freedom of conscience
and should enjoy the freedom of assembly
and the freedom of speech
and the freedom to practice
whatever religion they want to,
the religious belief oftheir individual choice.
These are long recognized rights.
These are part of the veryfabric of American culture
but it's also part of the UN.
And as a result, anyonethat signs into the UN
needs to adhere to these standards.
- Well, up next, the left iscalling to abolish the police.
It turns out the police aredoing that to themselves.
Officers are leaving the force in droves.
So what's going to happen to the cities
they used to protect.
Plus, a boat hits a sandbar
and the captain's neck slamsinto the steering wheel
with his airway swellingup he took his last breath.
So how is he alivetoday to tell his story.
Also ahead, millennialswith money problems.
This young couple was a quartermillion dollars in debt.
How were they able to pay it all off?
You'll find out, coming up.
(upbeat music)
- Oh, this is a storythat should just really
cause us all to wake up
and what are we doing to ourselves?
Demoralize, demonized.
Police officers are nowquitting the force in droves,
not just in big cities,all across America.
Anti-police sentiment is so strong
that it's not only a retention issue
it's also a recruiting issue.
So what can be done to ensurecommunities are protected.
Well, George Thomas has the story.
- [George] It's happeningfrom coast to coast.
- Police departments across the country
now experiencing an exodusof officers from the force.
- [George] From Washington DC
where I record 313 policeofficers have retired
or quit since last June.
- I think we're really hurdling
towards a catastrophic situation here.
- [George] To Seattlewith a police chief there
faces a staffing crisis after 180 officers
walked off the job last year
and another 66 in their badges this year.
And it's not just happening in big cities.
- Tonight more then half the force
of a small town police department
has walked off the job in protest.
- [George] A year after the push
to defund police departments
and calls for policing reform
officers are demoralized and demonized.
Recently, this policebody cam video going viral
showing a woman berating aLA County Sheriff's deputy
for pulling her over forusing her phone while driving.
- [Police] Do you have a picture?
- [Woman] And you scaredme and made me think
you were gonna murder me.
- [Police] Okay, well, I'msorry you feel that way.
- [Woman] Well, it's not just a feeling
you're a murderer.
- [George] The woman callingthe officer a murderer
numerous times beforeinsulting him for his race.
- [Police] Sign the citation, ma'am.
- [Woman] Here you go Mexican racist.
You're always gonna be aMexican, you'll never be white,
you know that, right?
You'll never be white
which is what you reallywanna be, you wanna be white.
- [Police] There you go, dear.
Have a good day.
- Policing right now isjust not a profession
that is viewed upon favorably
by a large segment of the public.
- Jones, thank you for a hour of-
- Paul Neudigate,
head of the VirginiaBeach Police Department
among those facing a depleted force.
The city approved fundingfor 813 sworn police officers
but filling them has been difficult.
How many vacant positions doyou currently have right now?
- 112 operational vacancies.
- Is that a problem?
- It's a huge problem
because what it forces us to do
is become very reactive
'cause now we're runningfrom call to call,
you know, from servicedemand to service demand.
- Neudigate spent 30 years
with the Cincinnati Police Department
before moving to VirginiaBeach last October.
In the seven months since
50 officers have eitherretired or quit the force.
- The national narrative,the anti-police sentiment
is, you know, there are a lot of folks
that were going to extend their careers
and it's not worth it to them.
- And these are folks I'm surewith decades of experience.
- Yes, so you are losingsome of our most seasoned,
you know, experience, decision-making,
they're out the door.
- [George] New data showsthe city's most targeted
by demonstrators nowwitnessing a historic exodus
in the past year.
233 cops gone in Louisville, Kentucky
where the shooting of Breonna Taylor
sparked months of protests.
In Portland, Oregon, 115 officers.
And in New York, 15% of the force
a staggering 5,300 officers have quit.
- [Police] Virginia Beach police, open up.
- [George] CBS news was recently invited
to the Virginia Beach Police Department's
70th annual academy.
Recruits on this day, learningvarious tactical exercises
A year after anti police protests,
Neudigate admits it's harder than ever
to recruit and retain officers
particularly those of color.
- We are not where we need to be
in representing thediversity of our community.
- [George] 82% of hispolice force is white.
The national average is about 72%.
- And what we're finding is, you know,
there is a lot of pressure,
especially for people of brown and black,
that for them not to be part
of the policing profession at this time.
- He says even after recruits
make it through thevigorous selection process
and are hired some endup quitting weeks later.
This year's academy startedin January with 38 recruits.
Six of them have so far dropped out.
Chief Neudigate is hoping the rest of them
can make it through July.
As Neudigate met with hiscommand staff on this morning
he stressed that buildingrelationship continues to be key
in bridging the gap between the badge
and the community it serves.
- We have to get backout into our communities.
We have to have a face to face dialogue.
They have to see the men and women in blue
as more than just a uniformor a authority figure.
They have to see you as aperson that's really out there
just trying to be thatprotector of the community
that we all want.
- It's been challenging todo that with the pandemic
but as more get vaccinatedand restrictions loosen
Neudigate is eager toget his officers back,
building a path forward
to better trust withthe citizens they serve.
George Thomas CBN News.
- Now that ought to be deeplydisturbing to everyone.
When you look at the sheer numbers,
5,300 officers in New York City retiring,
the cities with the longest protests,
Seattle, Portland,those, the Washington DC
losing a huge number of their officers.
This is of great concern.
How can we stem this?
How can we change this?
But clearly the answeris not defund the police.
- Well, still ahead, a neartragedy along the Colorado River
a boating accidents fracturesthe larynx of this father.
Why the doctor say a divinemiracle saved his life.
And then a 10 year plantakes just 18 months.
This couple wiped out aquarter million dollars
worth of debt way ahead of schedule.
So what's their top financial tip.
They're gonna share withall of us right after this.
(upbeat music)
- The Motleys is we'reliving paycheck to paycheck.
They thought payday loanswould keep them afloat.
Instead they're $30,000 debt
ballooned to nearly a quarter million.
So how has this couple able topay it off in just 18 months?
Well, you're about to find out.
- [Narrator] When Prentice andDionne Motley married in 2004
they both had good jobs.
They also had $30,000 in studentloans and credit card debt.
But that didn't stop them
from spending more on wants than needs.
- A lot of the discretionaryincome that we would have
we would spend it on, youknow, material things.
And we weren't looking at the big picture.
- [Narrator] Before long
the Motleys we're livingpaycheck to paycheck.
- It was definitely frustrating.
You find yourself in a bind
and you're looking for a solution
to get out of it as quickly as possible.
- [Narrator] Their solutionwas to use payday loans
to get by.
But as the high interest piled up
their financial situationstarted to snowball.
By 2006, between amortgage, two car payments,
student loans and credit cards
their debt had grown to aquarter of a million dollars.
- I'd say off and onfor a period of a year
we were using payday loans
and the interest ratesare just astronomical.
We were in over our heads.
- We realized that, okay,this isn't working for us.
This cannot be what Godintended for us to do.
So how do we fix this?
- [Narrator] Overwhelmed by their debt
they finally went to God.
- We were in prayer, we fasted
for God to give us direction
as far as becoming debt-free.
- [Narrator] It was thenthey realized that tithing
had fallen down the list of priorities
and that became thefirst item of business.
- So when we were able totake it back to the basics of,
okay, let's give God our first fruits
then where do we go from there.
- [Narrator] With tithing now a priority
the Motleys wrote out a five-yearplan to get out of debt.
They got control of their finances
and Prentice picked up asmuch overtime as he could.
And that's when theynoticed some blessings.
Dionne got a pay raise andPrentice received two bonuses,
all told they made nearly $30,000.
- It was clear that God'sfavor was upon our lives.
It was evident that we weremoving in the right direction
and that God, you know, God blessed us.
- [Narrator] And they say those blessings
continued to pour in.
And instead of taking five years
the Motleys we're debtfree in only 18 months.
During that time
the couple decided to takewhat God had taught them
by creating Motley Financial Solutions,
teaching millennialsthe biblical principles
of stewardship and tithing.
- Our heart's desire reallybecame to show people
how to avoid the mistakes that we made,
but then also give themlife practical ways
of managing their finances,
being responsible andbecoming better stewards.
- [Narrator] Today, theMotleys are still debt free
and they give God all the glory.
- I know that we're favored.
I know it.
And I don't doubt for one second.
So I am just ecstatic
of all the blessings that God has done.
- It's all about obedience
and you doing what God asked of you to do,
which is to give 10%.
And so what that really means is
out of your obedience give me 10%
and I'm gonna show youhow I'm going to match
and add to it.
But not only that I'mgoing to give you overflow.
How can you say no?
- That's one of the keys to living.
When you give God everything,just say, I'm all in.
I dedicate my life to you.
I want to live inaccordance with your word.
I want to do things your way.
I'm going to study thefinancial principles
that are in the Bible.
I'm going to live in accordancewith those principles.
Wonderful things can start to happen.
Now this story illustratessome of the biblical principles
that the borrower is theservant of the lender.
If you're out borrowing on payday loans
or you've got credit card bills,
you've got a lot of consumer debt.
You're buying on impulse.
All of these things add up over time
and puts you in serious trouble.
But here's the good news.
God always wants to help you.
He always wants to be there for you.
If you just turn to him and say,
Lord, I wanna do it your way.
I tried my way, it didn't work.
I wanna do it your way.
Here, here's my tithe.
Here's my offering.
Here's my life.
You gave it all to me in the first place.
I'm just going to honoryou with my first fruits.
Then this wonderfulpromise happens for you.
It's from Psalm 50.
Call upon me in the day of trouble,
I will deliver you andyou shall glorify me.
In these uncertain times, the pandemic
what's going on rightnow with the economy,
are we reopening or not?
What's happening with allthe government's spending.
What's happening with gas lines.
What's happening with inflation.
Wouldn't it be wonderfulto know God has your back.
He's able to provide,even in times of famine,
he provided for Isaac.
He will provide for you.
You can call upon himin the day of trouble
and he will answer.
That is a wonderful way to live.
That's a wonderful way to sleep at night,
knowing that God has you.
He's got your future.
He's going to make a way.
You can call to him in the day of trouble.
What are the conditions for it saying,
God, I wanna live your way.
If you do that, if you putthese principles into practice
you will have hisprotection no matter what.
- Well, LingWei wasnothing but skin and bones.
Her father said she was asfragile as a glass doll.
That's because LingWei away was born
with the hole in her heart.
It would take her parents 10 years
to make enough money forsurgery to save her life.
It turns out they didn'thave to wait 10 years.
Here's why.
- [Narrator] As soon as MrsCui knew she was pregnant
she started singing tothe baby in her womb.
- I heard that pretty words and songs
can make a baby happy and healthy.
- [Narrator] The Cuis namedtheir daughter, LingWei
or beautiful flower.
But as she got older,they worried about her
because even when she ate,she couldn't absorb nutrients.
- Her mouth was always purple
and her face was pale
and she groaned in pain when she slept.
- [Narrator] She ended up atthe hospital with pneumonia
and a fever of over 102.
- The doctor said
there was a hole in her heartand pressuring her arteries.
- [Narrator] She needed heart surgery,
but the Cuis are poor.
They had a small amount
of a new government medicalinsurance for farmers.
But even with that, it would take 10 years
to save enough to pay theirportion of LingWei's operation.
By then they feared theirbaby wouldn't be alive.
- She whispered daddyto me and kissed my face
but she barely had any meat on her bones.
She was like a skeleton,like a glass doll.
I was afraid when I holdher that I'd break her.
- All we could do to try to save her life
was by silver bracelets.
Our friend said they wouldward off evil spirits
but her wrists were too thinto keep the bracelets on.
And I had to put them on her ankles.
- [Narrator] Meanwhile, LingWei got worse.
- She was really weak.
She didn't move or smilelike a dying flower.
- I hummed songs to ease her pain
but there was no joy orexpectation in my song.
It was just a full of tears.
And I could feel her heartbeating fast like a drum.
I kept patting her on theback, but she fell into a coma.
- [Narrator] Then aworker at a health clinic
got CBN involved
and we made it possible forLingWei to get heart surgery.
- Even my relatives wouldn't lend us money
but complete strangers paidfor my daughter's operation.
- Thanks to CBN she's healthy, energetic
and has put down a lot of weight.
Now, when I sing to her, she smiles.
- When I hold her, her bodyis as strong as a bear.
She's truly a beautiful flower.
- CBN prayed for herand shared God with us.
He blessed my daughter
and he brought us peace, hope and laugh.
- Thank you, CBN.
You changed our lives.
- You changed the lives of a little girl.
You gave her the gift of life
but you also changed thelives of those parents
who didn't know the love of God,
who didn't even know God existed.
They were putting silver bracelets on
hoping that evil spiritswould be warded off.
You brought them a whole new life.
If you're a 700 Club member,
you're doing that all around the world,
as well as right here at home.
If you're not a 700 club member
won't you join with the rest of us.
It's an opportunity not just to save lives
like you did for LingWei,
but also to bring themessage of God's love
to people who are livingin darkness at the moment.
It's so simple to make this difference.
It's 65 cents a day, $20 a month.
That makes you a 700 Club member
if you haven't joined before.
If you're already a 700 Club member,
consider going up to 700 Club Gold,
that's a gift of $40 a month.
You see, we have differentlevels you can join at.
Someone might wanna joinat the 1000 Club level
with the gift of $84 a month
or become a 2500 Clubmember at $209 a month.
Our founders join us at $5,000 a year
which works out to $417 a month.
You know, the important thing is
for you to ask God what he'd have you do.
And then pick up the phoneand call our toll free number.
It's 1-800-700-7000.
Just say, I wanna join the 700 Club.
You'll be changing livesimmediately upon calling.
And you'll be joining with thousands of us
who are out to touch the world
with the love of Jesus Christ.
So will you call now 1-800-700-000.
We say, thank you in advance.
- Well, Roxana lost herjob in the pandemic.
Soon bills began to pile up
and she didn't have enough money for food.
Roxana said she had nowhere to run.
Well, that's when she foundhelp through Operation Blessing.
- [Narrator] Roxana is a single mom.
She worked in the hotel industryuntil the coronavirus hit.
When she lost her job
she suddenly struggled to make ends meet.
- The pandemic started and I had no job.
I didn't have any money to pay my bills
and I couldn't afford any food.
And it feels like you justhave no where else to run.
- [Narrator] Then she found out about
Operation Blessingpartners Services of Hope.
The ministry receives foodfrom Operation Blessing
every month helping providefor families like Roxana's.
- Well, my kids were happy
'cause we finally hadsomething on the table.
They're always excited to open those bags
and see what's in there.
They'd like the snacks.
They like the cereal.
They like the canned goods.
It's good quality of food.
Financially, it's been great
because I get to pay my utilities,
my water bill and my electric.
And that helps me with my budget.
It's just a big blessing.
- [Narrator] Now, Roxana has a job
in the real estate industry.
She says, she's grateful
to those who gave to Operation Blessing.
- I would like to say
thank you for supportingOperation Blessing.
You know, when you put food on the table
it matters and it counts.
I am very thankful.
It's the best blessing that we can have.
- And that thank you goes to you
if you're a member of "The 700Club", you're part of that.
A portion of every gift you give
to "The 700 Club" goes intothe work of Operation Blessing
to help people, to provide food for people
right here in America,
to provide disaster relief in America,
to provide surgeries internationally,
livelihood programs, fresh water.
You're a part of all of it when you join.
If you're not a member
I encourage you to call us
Just say, I wanna join "The 700 Club".
How much is that?
It's just $20 a month, 65 cents a day.
If you're a member considergoing to 700 Club Gold,
$40 a month.
1000 Club is $1,000 a year
that breaks out the $84 a month.
At whatever level when youcall, ask for Pledge Express
that's electronic monthly giving
the bank doing all the work
and we can send as our gift to you,
Power For Life, monthly teaching CDs.
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Now when you join "The 700Club" we have a gift for you.
It's my father's latest recording.
It's called God Is For Us!
You can get instant streaming access.
We'll also send you a CD
and it's versus a scripturefrom the book of Romans.
So take a look.
- [Narrator] God Is For Us!
Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory.
Let the word of God transformyou as you listen to.
- [Pat] There is now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.
- [Narrator] This all new audiorecording by Pat Robertson
features powerful selectionsfrom the book of Romans.
- [Pat] Through Christ Jesus
the law of the spirit whogives life has set you free
from the law of sin and death.
- [Narrator] God Is For Us!
Available now.
CBN presents God Is For Us!
Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory.
From the book of Romans.
- [Pat] It is filled with verses
that defined our need for salvation.
God's free gift of redemption in Christ.
- [Narrator] Call now to get your audio CD
of God Is For Us!
Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory.
Yours when you become a CBN partner.
- [Pat] Therefore, sincewe have been justified
through faith, we have peace with God
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
- [Narrator] These select scriptures
from the book of Romans will lift you up
and carry you throughdifficult circumstances.
- [Pat] My hope is thatyou will let these versus
fill your mind and heart.
They will change your outlookand increase your faith.
- [Narrator] Call 1-800-700-7000
or go to today.
Up next, a boater sends out an SOS.
- My first concern wasmy family and my kids.
- [Narrator] In a placewith no cell service.
- Could never get a cellphone to work from that area.
- [Narrator] Who came to their rescue?
- I knew that I had norole in staying alive.
- [Narrator] Next on "The 700 Club".
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBS Newsbreak.
Well, if you're looking waysto cut your risk of dementia
try getting enough sleep.
A new study finds people who got six hours
or less sleep a night in their 50s and 60s
are more likely to developdementia in their late 70s
than those who got sevenor more hours of sleep.
The study followed nearly8,000 people in Britain
for about 25 years startingwhen they were 50 years old.
The study does have its limitations,
but one expert said itprovides strong evidence
that lack of sleep really isa risk factor for dementia.
Well, while the pandemic caused hardships
for students across the country,
one North Carolina boydecided to hit the books hard
finishing four years ofschool in just 12 months
Mike Wimmer will graduate from high school
and community college later this month
and get this he's only 12 years old.
Wimmer is valedictorianof his high school class.
He also started his own tech company,
its mission, building technology
to help people live better lives.
Talk about kid wander.
You can always get thelatest from CBS News
by going to our website at
Gordon and Terry we'll beback with more of 700 Club
right after this.
(upbeat music)
- David Beezer and hisfamily had been boating
along the Colorado River countless times.
So when he went from full speed ahead
to a slamming dead stop,
David knew his family was in grave danger.
- While I'm laying in the ambulance
and I'm trying to breathe
and it's just, it's gettingshallow and it's getting harder.
And I just couldn't push air anymore.
Like it just wouldn't go through.
And I just looked up atthem and I just whispered,
"This is my last breath."
And that's the last thing I remember
- [Narrator] July of 2016,
David Beazer lay dying inthe back of an ambulance.
The high school football coach
was in need of several miracles
after a boating accident with his family
on the Colorado River,left him fighting for life.
- I had been up and down through that area
you know, thousands of times.
Each trip we would go
that was the only way to get in and out
back to where we were campingor where our house was.
The sun was setting and itwas coming down at an angle.
And you know there was aglistening shimmer on the water
but you couldn't tell how deep it was.
- [Narrator] A sandbar had developed
just inches under the water's surface
since the last time David had cruised
this stretch of the river.
He drove his boat onto the sandbar
at nearly 40 miles per hour.
- So we went from just going full speed,
you know, with a boat full of people
just having a great time to zero
within just a few feet.
The full force of thecollision was right on my neck.
I hit the steering wheel rightat my voice box and airway.
And immediately I could feelit was becoming difficult
to breathe.
My first concern was my family and my kids
but the inability to really,
I physically couldn't really do anything
because I was in really bad shape.
And I knew that I was in trouble.
- [Narrator] Without medical attention
he knew he would soonbe unable to breathe.
- It became very difficultto breathe very quickly
and I could feel it tightening up
and I could feel myairway starting to close.
That was the time that, you know,
that you really cry outto God and say, you know,
"I can't do this
and I'm gonna need youto see us through this."
And the only way that I could have peace
was knowing that I knewwho held my future.
- [Narrator] David andhis family are Christians.
As they prayed they saw God'shand in their time of need.
- My wife tried to call 911
and we've been in that area a lot
and could never get a cellphone to work from that area.
And we tried many timesin the past, you know,
to try to call and checkon something back home
and never gotten through.
That day the phone call immediately
went through to 911.
- [Narrator] Firstresponders quickly arrived
at a nearby boat ramp
but had to wait for a Sheriff's boat
that was still 20 minutes away.
Thankfully, an off-duty sheriffheard about the situation
and rushed to the sandbarin his personal boat.
- If the off-duty sheriffthat came for me had not come
with certainty I wouldhave died on the boat
in front of my kids.
- [Narrator] While intransit to a hospital
in Yuma, Arizona he sent atext to a friend from church.
- I just said that we'dbeen in an accident
and that I thought everybodyelse was gonna be okay.
And I said that I was in bad shape.
Pray for me.
- [Narrator] Hundreds ofpeople began praying for David
as news got out about the accident.
Before he reached the hospital
his lung collapsed and he passed out.
Dr. Brian Weeks explains theseverity of David's condition.
- What David experienced
was what's called a laryngeal fracture
and it's absolutely alife-threatening injury
because of its effects on the airway
and the person who suffersits ability to breathe.
His vocal cord area swelled
and when you swell inyour airway, you die.
- [Narrator] Doctors were ableto insert a breathing tube
through the damage area in his wind pipe.
He was then life-flightedto St. Joseph's Hospital
in Phoenix.
David was placed in aninduced coma for five days,
giving us airway time to heal.
- The first trauma doctor when I woke up,
he looked at me and said,
"There's only one reason you're alive.
And I knew it.
I had been in that ambulance
and I knew that I neededa miracle to make it.
- [Narrator] After hisrelease from the hospital
David experienced intense pain
and difficulty breathing once again.
He was readmitted foran emergency tracheotomy
due to a growth in hisairway called a granuloma.
- We described that inlayman's as proud flesh,
it's, you know, tissue that grows
in the setting of healing.
And you know, those again, ina small area like the airway
that can be very problematic.
- [Narrator] As doctorsprepared to surgically
remove the growth they tookanother look in his airway
and were surprised atwhat they didn't see.
- He went in with a cameraand the mass was gone
and he'd never seen anything like it.
He just looked at it and said,"You know, it's not there."
- It probably was divine intervention.
I know a lot of peoplewere praying for David
and a lot of people were,you know, had, held a,
holding him up in theirthoughts and prayers.
David was very fortunatethat his granuloma
did go away on its own
and that saved a lot of timeand an additional procedure.
- That's an easy one to explain,
you know, God still does miracles.
- [Narrator] Just a week later,
David had his trach removed
and was calling plays forChristian High School football
in San Diego.
Thankful for the answered prayers
and the healing that kept him alive.
- You know, I've a wife and kids
and he's given me the abilityto continue to be a dad.
I'm thankful for my friends
who rallied for me incredibly
just the prayers of school family,
church family
just the outpouring of love.
You never really realizedhow much you're loved
until you go througha situation like this.
There's times where you know
that the game is beyond your level.
And this situation was certainly,
I knew that I had norole in staying alive.
And then there was, it wasGod's hand and God's mercy alone
that would keep me alive.
- And he's keeping you alive too.
Every breath, where didyou get your breath?
You got it from him.
The Bible says that God breathed into Adam
and Adam became a living soul.
It is the breath of life that we have
that God has given to us.
And he sustains us and hewants to be our all in all.
In times of great need
well, then when we cry out
and he is our verypresent help in trouble.
These kinds of things sortof peel that veil away
that we live in wherewe're not recognizing
God is part of everything we're doing.
But the Apostle Paul says in him we live
and move and have our being.
He gives that expression to us
every single moment.
He's right there.
He's right there with you.
Now, how does faith work?
Faith works through love.
And for David, he saidit in this experience,
I found how much people love me.
I found out how much God loves me.
Not only did it a miraclefor rescue to come,
a cell service that seemedto sort of magically appear.
Then he provided everythinghe needed along the way
and then even removeda mass that was growing
as he was healing.
He did it all for him.
Because God loved him.
And God loves you.
There is nothing too hard for him,
nothing beyond his ability to fix.
He is able.
And here's the greatness he wants to.
Why does he want to?
Because he loves you.
Let that love just wash over you
to realize he's not faraway, he's right there.
He's right there in the midstof whatever problem you have,
whatever sickness you have, he is able..
All he's looking for is for you to turn,
for you to ask
For David he was crying out.
He was asking his friends to pray.
He was asking his family to pray.
We're going to pray for you.
And in that prayer, just turn to him,
get your eyes on God.
Start thinking about God,start thinking about heaven.
Start thinking about there'sno illness at all there.
And we're going to pray that God's will
would be done for you and your body
as it is in heaven.
Now, before we pray, we'vegot some other reports.
These are to encourage your faith.
It's the word of testimony.
Here's Sherree from Bethel Park.
And he's suffered with,she suffered with dry eyes.
It's been 15 years
since she first discoveredshe had the condition.
Well, she was watching "The 700 Club"
and Terry said, "You have dry eyes.
It's not just unpleasant isactually affecting your vision.
Nothing you have taken has helped you.
Today, Jesus is healing your eyes."
Oh, Sherree believe God for her healing
and the dry eyes left that day.
- Wow.- Yeah.
- [Terry] That's wonderful.
Well, this is Barbara.
She lives in Plant City, Florida.
She was suffering from agonizing pain
in her neck and her back.
She sat down to watch "The 700 Club"
hoping they'd pray for her.
Then she heard you Gordon say,
"There is someone laying your left hand
on the back of your neck.
Your entire spine just got healed.
God is releasing you from all that pain."
Barbara claimed it by faith.
The pain was completelygone by the next morning.
- Hallelujah.
Don't be hoping we're going to pray.
We're gonna pray.
And we're gonna pray for you.
Join with us.
Lay your hand on that area ofthe body that needs healing,
we'll come into agreement.
Here's a wonderful scripture.
When two or more agree,
touching anything it shall be done.
So you be the part, touching
we'll be the part, agreeing
and God will do the rest.
Lord, we lift everyonein the audience to you.
We lift all of those whoare suffering from sickness,
from disease, from infirmity.
We come into agreement asthey reach and they touch.
We say, along with them, be healed now
by the stripes of Jesus Christ,
the risen savior,
the risen Messiah,
by his stripes
my body is healed.
I receive it now.
I touch it now.
In faith, I receive that healing
throughout my bodyright now in Jesus name.
There's someone you've got a neck injury.
It's a severe neck injury.
You heard the report of someone
laying their left hand on their neck
and your laying yourleft hand on your neck.
God is healing your neck right now.
He's healing it andrestoring it in Jesus name,
be touched.
There's someone els you've got a problem
with the back of your right shoulder.
God's healing is done.
He's touched it right now in Jesus name.
- Yeah, you're someoneyou have a condition
in the lobe of one of your lungs.
It's some kind of aninfection or something
God's healing that infection for you
and all the problems you've been having
are going to be gone with that healing
in Jesus name receive it.
- Amen, if you've beenhealed, let us know,
give us a call.
Here's a word from Joshua.
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid
for the Lord your God is with you.
(ethereal music)