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News on The 700 Club: September 8, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” September 8, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to "the 700 Club."

Get this, benefits of $70,000-100,000.

What are they?

That's what a family offour could have received

in federal aid withoutworking one single minute.

No wonder half of small businesses

in America can't get their workers back.

They simply can't competewith free, tax-exempt money,

but what did those trillions of dollars

in federal aid cost our country?

And now that expandedunemployment benefits are gone,

will Americans start going back to work?

Mark Martin has the story.

- About 7 million people were affected

by the loss of thoseunemployment benefits.

Some economists say endingthem is good for the economy

because it will encourage more people

to return to the workforce.

The pandemic related benefitsfor unemployed workers

over the past 18 months include

aid to self-employed and gig workers,

benefits for those whohave been unemployed

for more than six months

and a federal $300 weeklysupplemental unemployment check.

Congress passed the much needed aid

after the country's unprecedentedCOVID shutdown last year,

a move that killed jobsand through the brakes

on a strong economy.

Single mother April Stokes,

who hasn't worked fulltime since last year,

says the extra moneykept her family afloat,

citing affordable childcareas a major hurdle.

- Four job interviews this week.

Getting a job has never been an issue.

It's what do I do with the kids

when they get off at school at four

until seven o'clock whenI get home from work.

- [Martin] Economist andformer Trump economic advisor

Steve Moore says the policieskept some from taking jobs.

- Half of small businesses in America

cannot get their workers back on the job

Enhanced food stampbenefits, increased payments

to people who are notworking are making it

very difficult for small businesses

and medium-sized businesses,construction firms,

restaurants, manufacturing firms,

all throughout the country

are just having very difficult time

getting people back on the job.

- [Martin] Moore pointed out

just how generous the policies have been.

- Families of four with no one working

could get benefits of $70,000-100,000

and not work a single hour.

So yes, these programsare deterring people

from going back to work.

And by the way, that's badfor our small businesses.

- [Martin] Businesseslike Davis Professional

in Chesapeake, Virginia.

- Hard to compete withfree money right now.

- [Martin] Owner Jerry Flug even

rolled up his sleeves to help.

- It's all hands on deck.

Over the past couple of weeks,

we've jumped on the truck,cleaned the carpets,

strip and wax the floors,whatever it is needed to be done.

- [Martin] According tothe labor department,

there are still 5.7 million fewer jobs

than before the pandemic.

Still for those willing and able to work,

some 10 million jobs are open.

- Factory jobs are open,trucking jobs are open.

Business services jobsare open and by the way,

those are not poor paying jobs.

These are not, for the mostpart, minimum wage jobs.

Many of them pay, you know,

50, 60, 70, $80,000 a year to start.

So it is good newswe're finally suspending

these extra unemployment benefits.

- [Martin] Meanwhile,the Biden administration

has encouraged states touse COVID relief money

to keep the unemployment programs going,

but none plan to do so.

Mark Martin, CBN news.

- Thanks Mark.

Ladies and gentlemen, thisis what the government can do

then it starts messingwith the private economy.

Our chief financial editor, Drew Parkhill,

is here for more on the impact.

Drew, what has this thingdone to the employment?

Are people ever going to go back to work?

- Pat, you know, when youdrive around this area

and there's a lot of traffic out there,

so the economy is strong, but you just see

help wanted signs everywhere.

I've never seen so many helpwanted signs as I'm seeing now.

I mean all kinds of businesses too.

Now I want to look at, bring you this poll

that was done by MorningConsult a few weeks ago.

They were asked, why aren'tyou going back to work?

Why are you on unemployment?

13%, the number is basicallytied for number two answer,

said I get enough moneyright from unemployment.

Then you drop down to numberfive and another 12% said,

I'm not being given enoughmoney to return to work.

Now, part of that may well be because

they're getting thesegenerous unemployment benefits

and you could go deeper into the poll,

but there are peoplewho are openly saying,

I'm just not, I'm getting enough money.

I'm not going to get enough money

if I go back to workcompared to what I'm getting.

So they're openly saying it.

- Well now we're talkingabout this incredible budget

that they want to put through

and the numbers are just staggering.

What's coming and explainthe political implications

of this upcoming battle.

- Okay there are twoaspects Pat to this budget.

And we have talked here a lot

about the three and a halftrillion dollar price tag.

Well, Axios reported lastnight that Joe Manchin,

the Democratic Senator from West Virginia

has been telling the White House

he is not going to vote for that.

He wrote a piece inthe Wall Street Journal

about it last week and he said, you know,

I might only support up to oneand a half trillion dollars.

That's way below what Bernie Sanders

and the White House wantand the progressives.

So this is all going to beabout Democrats versus Democrats

on two fronts Pat, this is very important.

Number one is the price tag,and number two is this policy.

They're trying to turn us into Europe.

Here's the New York Timesheadline from yesterday,

where they were talkingabout "From cradle to grave."

In other words, aEuropean style government

with womb to tomb coverage.

And that's that headlinewent on to say that

it would touch virtually every American

at every point in lifefrom birth to old age.

So that's a big thing andthat would institutionalize

these programs and what it would mean

was they'd be a big, heavyweight on the economy

because we'd definitely talkingabout a lot of higher taxes.

And let me conclude with this.

You asked about the political implications

and Democrats will say, well,

the polls show this is popular.

Yeah, because the pollsdon't go very deep.

But look at this poll Pat,and I know you know politics.

This was from a few weeks ago,

more than two-thirds ofvoters in 33 swing districts

and closely watched house districts

polled by this group,No Labels, are concerned

the high spending from Washington

could hurt their pocketbooks through inflation,

higher taxes or other possibilities.

So next year, when the house races are up

and the Senate races,the Republicans would use

big spending against the Democrats.

They'd say you're a socialist,

you're a socialist, you're socialist.

And you better believe alot of Democrats in Congress

are very aware of that.

- Joe, thanks so much,ladies and gentlemen,

I told you this is going to be a tsunami.

It's a question whether we can recover

with an inept presidentand the awful things

that he and Kamala Harrisare doing together,

and whether it's possible to recover.

But if we can hold on tillthat next house election,

there is going to be a tsunami.

People are so disgustedwith so many things

that are being done.

The open border they don't like.

The disaster in Afghanistanthey don't like.

But beyond that, they don't like the fact

that there's inflation and that

there haven't been an adequatejobs and all the rest of it.

And I tell you, if thehouse is going to flip,

the Senate is going to flip.

And then there's a question of time

before the White House goes.

But the question is whether we can

hold on long enoughbefore all that happens.

Well in other news, a daringescape from Afghanistan.

A Texas mother and her three children

made a 300 mile journeythrough 20 Taliban checkpoints.

So who helped them get out?

And what about other stranded Americans?

Why hasn't anyone been allowedto board six waiting planes?

Oh, our wonderful state department.

Tara Mergener has more.

- [Mergener] A Texasmother and her three kids

making the dangerous 300 milejourney out of Afghanistan,

stopped at 20 Talibancheckpoints along the way,

reportedly paying as much as $500-4,000

per person at every stop.

A team of military veteransfunded by private donations

led the effort and saidthe state department

was of little help.

As the Taliban claims totalcontrol of Afghanistan,

100-200 remaining Americans like Nasria

are desperate to leave.

She says the Talibanis going door to door,

trying to find them.

- Am I going to end up living here?

Am I going to end up dyinghere? What's going to happen?

- [Mergener] In Mazar-eSharif, empty commercial planes

that could carry some 600 passengers

are still waiting forclearance from the Taliban.

The State Department confirms Americans

are among those stuck.

The six private planes,chartered to rescue Christians

by conservative media hostGlenn Beck's charities.

- They're not going to allowAmerican citizens to leave

until they get full recognition

from the United States of America.

- [Mergener] But the white house says

there is no rush to recognize the Taliban

as the official government of Afghanistan.

Speaking in Doha, Secretaryof State Anthony Blinken said

he is unaware of any, quote,"hostage type situation"

and that Americans are among

the groups stopped by the Taliban.

- They have said that thosewithout valid documents

at this point can't leave, butbecause all of these people

are grouped together,that's meant that flights

have not been allowed to go.

- Meanwhile, an emailobtained by Fox News shows

the state departmentis putting restrictions

on private evacuation flightsover security concerns,

stranding some Americans.

And the Taliban is now filling out

posts in its new government.

The cabinet includes several men

on the US and the UN terror list.

Four of them spent timein Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

in the detainment facilitybefore they were traded

for an American soldier back in 2014.

And Pat, by the way, the US is offering

a $10 million reward for one of them.

- Well Tara, I understand that the women

are rising in public protests.

What's happening to thosewomen in Afghanistan?

- Well, Pat, what they want is inclusion,

equality, a voice in the new government.

But what they're beingmet with is violence.

Just yesterday, there werea couple of demonstrations

and witnesses say theywere beat by sticks,

by rifle butts, by metal pipes.

They were teargassed and whatfinally broke everything up

is the Taliban fired shots into the crowd.

So it's going to be a verylong road for these women

who won't have any say in this government.

- Tara, I'm personally shocked.

What you're saying in this report is that

we have airplanes from Glenn Beck,

or some private individualshave chartered airplanes.

They're sitting there on the tarmac

and our own state departmentwon't give them clearance

to take off, am I hearing that right?

- Well, the Bidenadministrations, you know,

claims it's the Taliban, but Plan B,

that is a private groupthat is facilitating

some of these flight evacuations says

it is actually the State Department

that is holding up the whole show.

But again, the Biden administration says

that's not the case, it is the Taliban.

So who do you believe?

- I heard Tara, we dida report a few days ago

that there were actuallyflights in the air

with American citizens on board,

and the State Departmentasked other countries

not to give them clearance to land.

Is that a true story?

- You know, I don't know,nobody really knows for sure.

But in the meantime,all of these passengers,

some 600 passengers at leastare sitting on that ground,

many Americans among them,not knowing if or when

they're ever going to take off,

and whether the statedepartment is responsible

for some of this, I amsure that will come out

in the days ahead.

There are reports that,and that there is evidence

to prove that they areparticipating in some of this Pat.

- Thanks, Tara, ladies and gentlemen,

it's the most shocking abuse.

You talk about, they say, well,

why don't you impeach him?

Impeachment work, it won't be in time.

But it's the most feckless unbelievable

violation of the oath ofoffice to defend and protect

the United States of America.

We have a president whohas cognitive impairments,

and we have a Secretary ofState who is incompetent

and the generals and theothers up and down the line,

they're not getting the people out

and they've made terrible blunders.

I know we shouldn't havegotten into this mess.

I mean, a long time ago, weshould have just been content

to have a few of theDelta force and Seal Team

in there working with themand let the rest of it go.

But we've gotten inthere, but the coming out

has just been an absolute disaster.

It is probably the worstforeign policy disaster

in the recent history ofthe United States of America

and the suffering people ofthose who worked with us.

We no longer have credibilityaround the world anywhere.

Nobody, of our enemies, fear us

and our allies don't want to work with us

because they don't trust us.

And they know, they allknow that we have a man

in charge of this governmentwho has cognitive impairment.

He doesn't know what's going on.

And then we have somebodywho has a nervous laugh

when she's told abouttragedy, and where is she?

She's not worrying about them.

She's out in California doing campaigning

for Governor Gary Newsomewho's facing a recall.

So are they really concernedabout all these Americans

who are facing death? Not really.

Biden, not only is he inept,

he apparently has nocompassion and that's shocking.

Well also in the news,this was a shocker too,

the justice department is urgently

used that term, quote "urgently"

exploring ways to challenge

a strict new abortion law in Texas.

Well now why would theybe coming in to challenge

a matter that is strictlyin the State police power?

The federal governmentshouldn't be doing that,

but Merrick Garland's leading the charge

and think what would have happened

if he was on the Supreme Court.

That's just one of manylaws set the challenge

Roe vs. Wade at the Supreme Court.

And meanwhile, the pro-life community

has come up with a different approach

to winning the abortion battle.

It's kind of a good one.

Charlene Aaron has this rapport.

- After almost 50 years sincethe Supreme court decision,

people still spread wrong information

about abortion and the life issue.

This new tool, "What to Say When:

the Complete New Guideto Discussing Abortion,"

is designed to focus on converting hearts

instead of winning arguments.

- There's a lot of thingsthat we naturally tend to say

when abortion comes up thatcan either be insensitive

to the other person or just plain wrong.

- [Aaron] 40 Days for LifePresident Steve Carney,

co-author of the book,

calls it an apologeticsapproach for pro-lifers.

- We don't have an argument problem

in the pro-life movement, wehave a confidence problem.

And a lot of people honestlydon't know what to say when,

and we've gotten thousands ofrequests for a book like this.

- It includes how torespond to the popular

"my body, my choice" sloganadopted by abortion proponents.

- There's a lot that ourlaws don't allow us to do

with our own bodies, wehave to wear seatbelts,

but we're actually not talkingabout the woman's body.

The abortion takes placein the woman's body,

but it's done to anotherbody, which is then discarded.

- [Aaron] Other topics include

how to navigate the changing

and often bizarre promotion of abortion,

bringing the balance backmore toward converting hearts

instead of winning argumentsand knowing what to say

or not say if and whenthe subject comes up.

- Some of the new argumentsbeing used by by politicians

or those in the media, orcertainly the abortion industry,

just get more bizarre andweird to the average person.

And that was really themotivation for the book

to cover traditionalarguments for abortion,

but also to cover the new and strange

and bizarre arguments that we hear.

- [Aaron] In the end, Carney hopes to arm

the pro-life communitywith the right information,

in order to defend those whocan't speak for themselves.

- I just think it's going tohelp people have confidence

to go after hearts and minds.

And there are ways to respect a person

and not respect theirpoints or their arguments.

And we balance that in the book

and it's been proven to work.

- [Aaron] "What to Say When:

the Complete New Guideto Discussing Abortion,"

is out this week and it'savailable wherever books are sold.

Charlene Aaron, CBN news.

- Well I don't know whatarguments are being used,

but there's one clear one: 60 million,

60 million potential scientists,

60 million potential inventors,

60 million potential pastors,

60 million potentialpolice officers, doctors,

lawyers, leaders, mothers, fathers,

60 million have beenaborted in this Holocaust.

You figure what Adolf Hitler did

was the most horrible thingyou could conceive of.

At best, the Holocaust in Germany

amounted to about 50 million people.

And this was a horrible,horrible thing that took place.

But to think that we havekilled more in America,

than Adolf Hitlerkilled, I say 50 million,

I care less about the right number,

but 60 million here inAmerica we have aborted,

and it's too much.

Roe versus Wade was a disaster,it was a set up by the ACLU.

It was called black one's abortion.

It had no constitutional authority.

It was strictly using amaterial from Planned Parenthood

which was erroneous,and it was Roe vs. Wade

and Dover vs. Bolton, two state,

two law cases that came upand we've had a Holocaust

ever since, and it's time to overturn it

and I think the Supremecourt is going to do it.

And this is just one break in the dam,

this one Texas law that apparently

has survived some legal challenges.


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