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The 700 Club - September 2, 2021

A dance with the dark side sets one man on a journey into the occult. See his daunting story and witness his narrow escape on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

(dramatic music)

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Narrator] Coming up.

- [Rigo] He took me to a warlock

and I'm like, "This guy's, good."

- [Narrator] A dance with the dark side.

- I literally felt somethingcome inside my body.

I was connecting to something.

- [Narrator] His journey into the occult.

- It was telling me to give up something.

- [Narrator] And his narrow escape.

- This thing just came inside

and was telling me to commit suicide.

- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club."

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

Democrats in disarray.

The President under fire

for abandoning Americans to the Taliban.

Scandal forces New York'sGovernor to resign.

And in California, Governor Gavin Newsom

facing a recall election, pluswith an evenly split Senate,

questions swirl around one Democrat

whose health might force her to step down.

We're covering all of that.

But beginning with Dale Hurdon the California recall

that could give the state

its first Republican governor in 15 years.

- [Dale] California votershave been mailed ballots

asking them, "ShallGavin Newsom be recalled,

removed from the office of Governor?"

They're then shown a list of candidates

to succeed Newsom as governorand told to vote for one.

And the front runner toreplace the governor,

conservative radio talkshow host Larry Elder,

who leads a crowdedfield of 46 challengers

and has the support of manyCalifornia Evangelicals.

Newsom supporters areportraying the recall

as a far right takeover attempt.

- [Narrator] Who's behindthe partisan recall

of Governor Gavin Newsom?

Anti-vaccine, QAnon extremists,violent white supremacists,

like the Proud Boys, whoattacked our nation's Capitol

on January 6th.

- [Dale] And Newsom warns Elder is...

- He's to the right of Donald Trump.

To the right of Donald Trump.

That's what's at stake in this election.

And don't think for a second

you can't do damage in that role.

- [Dale] Elder is pro-life,against more gun restrictions,

says the minimum wage should be zero,

and has vowed to repeal thestatewide COVID mandates.

- At the state level,I'm not going to require

any kind of public worker to wear masks,

or any kind of publicworker to have a vaccine.

I think that's an assault on freedom.

- [Dale] Elder accuses Newsom of wrecking

a once great state.

- It's about the rising crime,the rising homelessness,

the rising cost of living,

the outrageous way thisman ignored science,

shut down this state,

while having his own kids enjoyin-person private education.

- Most polls show Newsom leading,

but experts warn that Californianswho want Newsom removed

might be more motivated to vote,

than those who want Newsom to stay.

Californians will also beable to vote in person.

And Democrats now face the possibility

of losing another highprofile governorship

after the resignation of NewYork Governor Andrew Cuomo.

But there could be even more at stake.

There are reports that 88 year-old

California Senator Dianne Feinstein

is struggling with cognitive decline

and could be facing early retirement.

It is the Governor of California

who would choose Feinstein's replacement.

And the winner of therecall will remain in office

at least until Newsom's current term ends

in January, 2023, Pat.

- Oh, Dale, what happensif a majority of voters

ask for a recall?

Is there going to be a runoffamong the opposing candidates,

or just the top guy gets in?

- Yeah, no runoff.

The top vote getterwins, no matter how small

the margin of victory.

And Newsom has raised some controversy

by telling his supporters,vote against the recall

and don't choose a replacement,

because my name isn't on the list.

And there are Democrats onthe list of replacements.

And by not voting for a replacement,

they're only helping Elder.

- Dale, thank you.

Well, it gets strange in California,

but California is just one challenge

Democrats are facing right now.

CBN Chief Political Analyst,David Brody is here to tell us.

David, New York GovernorAndrew Cuomo has to resign,

Gavin Newsom is fighting arecall election in California

and President Biden's approvalratings are underwater.

What do you think that meansfor the Democratic party?

- Well, there's an implosion happening

and it's a slow-mo implosion, Pat.

And it's all leading to 2022.

And look, this idea of GavinNewsom and Andrew Cuomo,

write rules for thee, but not for me.

And I think it's catchingup with the Democrats.

I don't think there'sany question about it.

And COVID is kind of thebackdrop to all of this,

well, specifically the mandatesas it relates to COVID.

And so look, if you lookat Joe Biden's numbers

and you look at Newsom and Cuomo

and you put it all together,you can see a pattern.

And the pattern is a cratering of concern

about not just ineptitude,but a far reaching agenda,

that if you looked insidethe poll numbers on crime,

on the economy, on COVID,

and of course we haven'teven gotten to Afghanistan,

you put the whole thing together

and this is a iceberg rightahead for Democrats in 2022.

And they know it as well.

- Well, David, are wetalking about the House?

You've done the analysisof the redistricting.

It looks like a tsunamithat could switch the House

and switch the Senate.

We're talking about majorchanges in the government.

- Oh, there's no doubt about it.

I mean, this is all set upfor Republicans to lose.

I mean, in other words, they would have to

really, really do a good job at blowing it

to not take back theHouse, and Nancy Pelosi.

And that's why from alegislative perspective,

we hear all that talkabout budget reconciliation

and the $3.5 trillion,which let's be honest,

is more like 6 trillion or so dollars

to overhaul a quote

"infrastructure and thehuman infrastructure."

They need to get it all passed now, Pat.

They've got to get it all passed now.

They've got a deadlinecalled November, 2022

when Republicans are set to take over,

not just in the House, butprobably the Senate as well.

It gets a little bitmore dicey in the Senate.

But look, things are lookingvery good for Republicans.

- Thanks, David.

Well, in other news,

the Supreme Court has allowed a Texas law

which makes it illegal toabort a baby with a heartbeat,

that law gets to stand.

Last night, the highcourt voted five, four

against an emergency appealthat would block that Texas law.

The justices could still considerconstitutional challenges,

but for now it's seen as a huge victory

for the pro-life community.

Brody Carter has that report.

- Statistics show there couldbe as many as 3,000 abortions

in the U.S. each day.

And while this heartbeat bill is expected

to trim that number in Texas,

it's also reminding the countryabout life inside the womb.

- This extreme Texaslaw blatantly violates

the constitutional rightestablished under Roe v. Wade

and upheld as precedentfor nearly half a century.

- So as of today, babiesin Texas are being saved.

- [Brody] Aborting a baby with a heartbeat

is now a crime in the state of Texas.

- What unimagined joy itis to see Roe crumbling

in front of our very eyes.

- [Brody] Senate Bill 8 makesit illegal to abort a baby

once a heartbeat is detected,

which can happen as early asfive weeks into the pregnancy.

(gavel slams)(siren wails)

What's key is this lawwon't be enforced by police,

it'll be in the hands of private citizens.

- The abortion lobby is freaking out

and they're saying, "Oh, youknow, you can put a bounty

on someone's head if you take them

to have an illegal abortion."

But you know, the answer to that is,

well, then don't take someoneto have an illegal abortion.

- [Brody] Alexis McGill Johnson,

President of PlannedParenthood said in a tweet,

their abortion clinicswould remain open in Texas,

promising to help Texans quote,

"navigate this dangerous law."

- All of America's a littlebit confused right now,

even pro-lifers, youknow, where is the court?

But we know one thing, Roe is crumbling,

and it's a really excitingtime to be a pro-lifer.

- The Supreme court alreadyhas a major pro-life case

on its hands to be considered this fall.

That's the Dobbs late abortion case,

and when they're going toaddress the very question

of whether bans on abortionbefore the point of viability

are always unconstitutional,

or whether there are exceptions there.

- [Brody] However, thisbecomes the law of the land

in Texas and is expected to save the lives

of 150 babies each day.

- I worked at PlannedParenthood for eight years

as a clinic director.

I saw a 13 week-old baby fightand struggle for his life

against the abortion instruments.

And I knew then that therewas life in the womb,

there was humanity in the womb.

And if those two things were true,

then I knew that I was on thewrong side of this debate.

- [Brody] Brody Carter, CBN News.

- You know, when I heard a debate

between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump,

and there was a discussionof what's called

partial birth abortion.

That means the baby hasactually left the birth canal,

is partially out of the mother's body

and the people take instruments

and suck the brains out of the baby.

It is a horrible thing.

And when I heard Hillary Clinton say,

I'm going to stand for that,regardless of what it is,

I do believe that thatshould not be illegal

to do a partial birth abortion.

I thought, if somebody is that extreme,

something is seriously wrong.

And it was so clear that these people

talking about extremists,they were vicious killers.

That is murder.

That isn't a question aboutthe health of a woman.

There isn't anything that would possibly

have to do with the health of the woman.

Partial birth abortion isdangerous to a woman's health

and is deadly to the unborn baby.

And this law, I think Roe vs. Wade

was called Blackmun's Abortion.

We should never have federalized it.

And right now the timehas come to bring it back

to where it should have been before Roe,

which was called Blackmun's Abortion.

It was a disastrous opinion,a set up of the ACLU,

and I think it's timefor it to be overturned.

So this one decision,

letting stand a veryrestrictive abortion law,

it's the beginning ofthe end for Roe vs. Wade.

Well, there's terrible damagetaking place in New York.

The remnants of hurricaneIda hit New York city hard,

bringing historic flooding andkilled at least eight people.

That was the scene at NewYork City's 28th Street

as a cascade of water gushedinto the train station.

And meanwhile, in Houma, Louisiana,

Operation Blessing ispioneering with Life Church

to help with ongoing cleanup efforts.

The ministry deliveredtruckloads of water,

tarps, and other disaster relief supplies.

A mobile kitchen,generators, and other items

are expected in days ahead.

But again, our sympathy goesout to the people in New York.

They haven't been hit byanything this hard in decades.

And this, I mean it's flooding Manhattan,

flooding the subways.

And it is unprecedentedthat this storm would hit

the major city on the East Coast, Terry.

- Well, up next, like being burned alive.

That's how one prisonerdescribed his life sentence.

His crime?

A non-violent drug offense.

A victim of the federalThree Strikes law speaks up.

And then later on, thisman visited a warlock

and began consulting a Ouija board.

Before long, demonic voicesgave him evil commands.

What did they say?

And how did he break their spell?

You'll see later on today's show.

(dramatic music)

- Like being buried alive.

That's how one federal inmatedescribed his life sentence.

This inmate wasn't a murderer.

He wasn't a child molester.

He was 28 years old andhad never been convicted

of a violent crime.

So how in the world didhe get locked up for life?

Caitlin Burke explainswhy this is another reason

the United States has becomea nation of criminals.

- Literally like hell, likehow they describe hell.

Nobody can hear youscreaming, hear your screams.

That's really how it is.

I mean, you hear peoplescreaming all night

and that's all I used to think about.

We're in hell.

- [Caitlin] At the age of 28,a judge sentenced Herman Tate

to life in prison withoutparole for a low level,

non-violent drug offense.

- Buried alive.- [Caitlin] Mm hm.

- Just imagine that you'rein a casket and you're alive,

but you can stand upand walk around in it.

That's what it is.

You can't get out.

- Tate's sentence fell under

the federal Three Strikesdrug law passed by Congress

in the 1980s.

It states that if someone is charged

with a federal drug crime

and already has two prior drug offenses,

then that's the third strike.

And a federal prosecutorcan require the judge

to impose a mandatory life sentence.

Tate's first strike came in 1992

for selling half a gram of crack.

His sentence, six months probation.

He gained his secondstrike two years later.

That time he sold 7.7 grams of cocaine.

Sentenced to five years in prison,

Tate was only requiredto serve eight months.

Then in 1998, he struck out,

charged with conspiracy to sell cocaine.

Tate, however, had never heard of

the Three Strikes drug law.

And since no drugs werefound in his possession,

he chose to go to trial.

The prosecutor filed what'sknown as an 851 Notice.

- That means that even if the judge

wanted to take pity on you,

even if the judge believed thatyou could be rehabilitated,

even if the judge believed thatthe sentence was too harsh,

that that sheet of papermeant that you had to receive

a mandatory life sentence without parole.

- Mm, life.

- [Caitlin] Wow.

- For nothing.

- [Caitlin] Tate headed to federal prison,

where it took two years forthe gravity of his sentence

to sink in.

- I keep seeing people goinghome and I'm like, "Man."

And I realized, "Hey,I'm never going home."

And I just,

and it just hit me all of a sudden.

And that's when I realizedthat I had a life sentence

in the federal system.

- [Caitlin] The ThreeStrikes federal drug law

covers all 50 states.

Many states have gone further,

expanding Three Strikes laws that impose

mandatory life sentencesfor three convictions

of certain felonies.

In California, for example,

the 1994 Three Strikes You're Out law

was designed to keep murderers,

rapists and child molesters behind bars.

Today, however, more thanhalf sentenced under that law

are serving life sentencesfor non-violent crimes,

evidence that these Three Strikes laws

can result in unintended consequences.

Miangel Cody is an attorney

and the Director of theDecarceration Collective,

a team of women fighting to free people

sentenced to life in prison for drugs

and end the policies that put them there.

Many of her clients wereteenagers or young adults

when convicted with their third strike,

the mandatory life sentence that followed,

basically erasing the possibilityof maturation and growth,

stamping them instead as irredeemable.

- The most potent examplesof the human spirit, right,

is that we tell someone,"You're buried alive

and you're never going to leave prison."

And for the person tostill have the audacity

and the wherewithal to get up every day

and to try to make somemeaning of your life,

I think is for me, it's deeply inspiring.

It's why I do the work.

It also is the most salientexample of why we ought to

go back and look at these different laws.

- [Caitlin] When Congress passed

the Fair Sentencing Act in 2010,

it provided the potentialfor a lower sentence,

but did nothing forthose already in prison.

Then in 2018, President Trumpsigned the First Step Act,

which finally allowed the opportunity

to reconsider prior sentences.

In reading the new law, Tateregained a sense of hope

for the first time in nearly 22 years.

- And I was like, "Oh,Lord," because it fit me.

I fit the criteria.

- [Caitlin] Cody and her team

officially requested hislife sentence be reduced.

In January of 2020, Tatelearned of his freedom.

- I'm just watching the TVand my case manager come out

and called my name, "Tate, Tate."

Took my earbuds out, I'mlike, "Yeah, what's up?"

She's like, "You need tocome to my office right now."

I'm like, "Oh, shoot."

So I go over there and she turned around

with a big smile on her face.

And I'm like, "What's wrong with you."

She said, "Tate, you'regoing home." (laughs)

I just started crying.

I said, "Don't play."

She said, "I'm for real."

I said, "Don't lie to me." (crying)

And that's when I found out.

- [Caitlin] Still, anestimated 800 inmates

could likely die in prison underthe Three Strikes drug law,

a disproportionatenumber of them are Black.

- There are all theseplaces along the highway

towards imprisonment wherepeople get off, right?

And then there are on-ramps.

And what we've seen isthat disproportionately,

it's more difficult for African Americans

to exit off of that highway, right?

And that more of them are on that highway

towards mass incarceration imprisonment.

Some of that relates to chargingdecisions that are made.

Some of that relatesto the rates of arrest.

Some of it relates to community resources

that are available.

- [Caitlin] No legislation reforming

the federal Three Strikes drug law

includes those sentenced tolife for marijuana convictions.

But Cody believes change is coming.

- I absolutely believe

that transformative justice will occur.

And the reason why is becauseI think that people are awake

and paying attention.

- Cody says now is the timefor the American people

to ask questions and put pressureon our elected officials.

That's because voterscan make a major impact

at the ballot box and be the catalyst

that keeps Cody's clients and many others

from being buried alive behind bars.

Caitlin Burke, CBN News.

- Thanks Caitlin.

Ladies and gentlemen, we'vedone several stories on,

we have more incarceratedpeople in the United States

than Communist China andSoviet Russia combined.

We are a nation of criminals.

We began to do a research

and there are at least300,000 laws in America

that have prison sentences.

And many of them have been put in place

by administrative agencies.

They're not actually passed by Congress.

But just administrativeagencies, they say,

well, we've got this rule in place

and we think we better enforce it.

And the way we're going to enforce it

is to put you in prison.

And so people are goingto jail for minor things,

especially for a little bit of marijuana.

Marijuana is now beingdecriminalized all across America.

And yet we still have laws on the books

that put people in jail.

There was one that I recall,

10 years for having fiveounces of marijuana.

I mean, it was justunconscionable, what we were doing.

And, you know, peoplewould run for office.

They would say, well, I amgoing for Attorney General,

I'm going for Prosecuting Attorney,

I'm going for District Attorney,

I'm going for whatever they call it.

And I'm going to be tough on crime.

And the voters would say,yippee, you're going to be

tough on crime.

Well, what we have done isadd an incredible burden

to our prison system.

It has cost hundreds and hundreds

of billions of dollars in expense.

It is ruining the livesof all kinds of people.

And we are just insane in what we do.

And it's time that wehave a major overhaul.

President Trump did the firststep, but in my opinion,

taking away the power ofthe administrative agencies

to make anything havea prison sentence to,

would be a very good stepin the right direction.

But there are a whole lot of other things.

But we still are a nation of criminals.

And this Three Strike law isnothing but an abomination.

And it's something thatsomebody can run on

and get elected.

And getting elected seems tobe more important than justice.

And that is not a good thing, Terry.

- Well, coming up, a deal with the devil.

This man pledged to soul to Satan.

So what happened when Satan's minions

tried to collect the tab?

He's going to tell ushimself, so stay tuned.

(dramatic music)

- Well, how did Rigo gethooked on the occult?

His own grandfather in Mexicotook him to meet a warlock.

Well, that led to spellsand a deal with the devil.

Soon, Rigo was beggingdemons to give him the power

to kill other people.

Then one night, those evilspirits flipped the script

and tried to kill Rigo.

(pensive music)

- When I was in it, I feltlike I was someone else.

People were afraid ofme and that felt good.

- [Narrator] Rigo Cambraybelieved the occult

gave him significance,something he'd never felt

while growing up with aviolent, alcoholic father.

- I remember just feeling anxious

that he was coming back home.

He would make sure thatmy homework was done.

He would make sure that my room was clean.

And if there was a mistake,

he would just blow offand hit me, punch me.

- [Narrator] That scene would play out

nearly every day of his childhood.

Along with his mom and olderbrother, Rigo felt helpless.

- [Rigo] Isn't he supposed to love me?

Isn't he supposed to care about me?

I'm, you know, his child.

(pensive music)

- [Narrator] At 13, Rigo found something

to take the edge off.

- My uncle came upstairs.

He had a bag of coke.

He snorted in front of us andhe's like, "Do you want some?"

I felt numbed.

It took away the fear ofliving life every day at home.

- [Narrator] As a teengrowing up in Chicago,

Rigo spent his time gettinghigh and hanging out

with members of the Latin Kings,

the largest Hispanicstreet gang in the world.

- I belonged somewhere.

I felt appreciated.

I was getting positiveaffirmations through them.

And that helped me that I felt loved.

- [Narrator] But at 17, Rigostarted getting death threats

from a rival gang.

So he and his family movednear relatives in L.A.

After high school, hemarried his girlfriend,

but because of his druguse, the marriage fell apart

within a few years.

- My ex-wife left me,then I came across meth.

After that it was game over for me.

I lost my job, lost my cars.

- [Narrator] He spent the next six months

on the streets while stealing money

from his parents for drugs.

They found out and sent himto stay with his grandfather

in his small Mexican village to get clean.

There, Rigo's grandfather sought help

from the village's spiritual healers.

- [Rigo] He took me to a warlock.

He had kind of like an altar.

He had an offering basket in front of him.

And he pointed at me and hesaid a lot of personal things

that only I knew were real.

And I'm like, "This guy's good."

And he just gave me some anxiety tea.

He's like, "Go home,you're going to be fine."

- [Narrator] Two months later,

Rigo moved back in with his parents.

On top of his drug addiction,he now had a new obsession.

- The first time I openedthe book on the Ouija board,

I literally felt somethingcome inside my body.

I was connecting to something.

- [Narrator] His mother, Dalia,

had been on her own spiritual journey

and had surrendered herlife to Jesus Christ.

She prayed for Rigo constantly.

- [Translator] A lot ofpeople that looked at him

used to tell me that there was no hope.

But I believe in somebody and I say,

"The only one who can savehim is Jesus, nobody else."

- [Narrator] Still, Rigodelved deeper into the occult

and was even communicating with spirits

through a Ouija board.

- It was telling me to give up something.

I was desperate for change.

And I was desperate to find acceptance.

So if the devil was willing totake me, I give you my soul.

- [Narrator] He became violent,then started lashing out.

- This wicked spiritualthing was my identity.

And I was asking thisthing, give me more gifts.

I want to be able to seepeople in their faces

and I want them to have a stroke.

Like, I just want to kill them.

- [Narrator] Then, one night the spirits

he thought cared for him, turned on him.

- This thing just came inside

and was telling me to commit suicide.

And I remember waking upwith a knife in my chest.

Something was stopping itfrom going all the way in.

But the tip of the knifewas touching my chest.

That was my turning point.

I was fearful, I didn't want to die.

- [Narrator] Rigo asked his mother

to have people pray for him.

And he agreed to go to church with her.

- After like beingtormented by this spirit

that wanted to kill me, Ifelt peace for the first time

when I was hearing them worship God.

There was a lady preachingand she saw me way at the back

and she invited me to the front.

And she just looked at my eyes and said,

"Be set free in Jesus' name."

I went there high on meth.

That high went away.

The voices went away.

All that torment went away.

I felt God's convictiontelling me, "I'm real."

That's when I knew that I was saved.

- [Narrator] After askingJesus into his heart,

Rigo embraced his newidentity as a child of God.

- I felt God's love in me.

And I remember looking atmy mom and telling her,

"My life's not going tobe the same after this."

And just the process ofdeliverance, it took a while.

I was going to spiritualretreats with that church

and I was being setfree of all these things

that I opened doors to.

- [Narrator] He got helpfor his drug addiction

and also made amends with his father.

- I mean, you're not the best person,

but I decide to love you,I decide to forgive you.

- [Translator] My sonwas a different person.

I can rest on the Lord becauseI know my son is good now.

What the devil wanted to steal,

the Lord came and rescued him.

- [Narrator] Today, Rigo is married

and raising two childrenwith his wife, Brenda.

He knows that God loves andvalues him unconditionally.

- God is my Father.

This is my identity now,

that regardless of howweak I am, He loves me.

He's going to protect me.

He's going to take care of me.

- You know, one of thegreat tricks of the devil

is to make people believethat he doesn't exist.

That he's nothing but a figureof people's imagination.

That it's just a myth.

That he's a funnylooking guy in a red suit

and all that kind of stuff.

And we laugh about demons,that they're not real.

That was a trick.

And Rigo encountered them.

And I want you to know rightnow, demonic spirits are real.

They're fallen angels, but they're demons.

And they hate people.

They hate people and theycome to kill and to destroy.

And their boss is Satan,

but there's a so called lowerarchy.

There all kinds ofprincipalities and powers

that are against you.

And if you begin to deal in the occult,

you're going to have trouble.

Yes, sure, for a timeyou'll think you've got

all kinds of power.

They'll give you tips on the stock market.

They'll tell you all kinds of things.

And then suddenly they'll turn on you.

And in Rigo's case, hetried to kill himself.

He didn't realize what was happening.

Now, I want to say rightnow to some of you,

if you've dabbled in the occult,

if you've been involved in Ouija boards,

if you've been studying tarot cards,

if you've tried to do levitation.

If you've done any of these things,

the spirits will kill you sooner or later.

And there's one spiritthat is more powerful

than all the other combined.

And that is the spirit of God.

And the Lord Jesus Christ is the answer.

Now, Rigo almost killed himself.

I mean, the demon wanted toturn on him and he had a knife

almost penetrating his body.

But God wanted him to come home

because he had a praying mother.

And I'll tell you rightnow, if you want peace,

if you want joy, if you want power,

if you want all the thingsthat make people happy,

then the answer is in Jesus Christ.

And if you don't know Him,don't play with demonic power.

Don't look for the power that is phony,

but look for what's real.

And that real power isthe Holy Spirit of God.

Now I'm going to lead you in prayer.

And if you right now wouldlike to know the Lord,

and if you want to be set free,

particularly from demonic influences,

whatever it is, it's been coming to you,

bad dreams, all kinds ofterror, all the things,

I want you to pray with me right now.

Pray these words, "Jesus," that's right,

"Jesus, I am a sinner.

And Lord, you know what'sbeen going on in my life.

And at this moment I turn awayfrom all that is the occult.

I confess what I have done.

And I ask Jesus that you wouldcome and take over my life.

I believe you died for me.

I believe you rose again.

And I believe you're coming again

and you live forever more.

So right now, Lord Jesus, I turn from sin,

I turn from selfishness,I turn from my own way.

And I certainly turn away from the devil.

And I turn to you, comeinto my heart, Lord Jesus.

And I'll live for you and I'll serve you

all the days of my life.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you in Jesus' name."

Now, if you prayed with me,I want you to do something.

I would like to give you something.

And here it is.

It's a packet called "A New Day."

I have in here, a compact disc

that has about 73 minutes ofvery, very intense teaching

about what just happened.

If anybody is in Christ,he's a new creation.

So I'll give you this and along with it,

a little book that will givethe scriptural background

of what's on that disc.

And it will give you this.

It's right here withall these nice things,

all laid out for you.

What proof is there that I am saved?

Witness the Love of the Brethren,

Witness of the Spirit, Transformed Life.

It's all here and allthe scriptures involved.

If you get it, it's free.

It's no money involved.

Just call and say, "I prayed with Pat.

I gave my heart to the Lord."

And the angels arerejoicing over this decision

you just made.

So you'd call us 1-800-700-7000.


Just call and say, "I found Jesus."

And I want you to knowthere's somebody on the phone

that just loves the Lord thatwould love to hear from you.

If you need prayer,call in as well, Terry.

- Still to come, my mom tearsthe ligament in her finger

and she doesn't have surgery to fix it.

So how is she able to play basketball

with her son pain free?

Stay tuned, you'll find out.

Plus, another round of yourquestions and honest answers.

Ginger writes, "Satan willbe locked up for 1,000 years.

Why would he be lockedup and not be destroyed?

Why would God do that?"

Pat tackles that and more after this.

(inspiring music)

Well, welcome back to "The 700 Club."

It's time for some email.

Well, Pat, the firstquestion comes from Ginger,

who says, "Satan will belocked up for 1,000 years.

Why would he be lockedup and not be destroyed,

and yet people will end up in hell forever

while he gets to run free again?

Why would God do that?"

- Well, I don't think exactlyhe's going to run free.

He's going to be put alake of fire that'll be,

the Bible says it's reservedfor the devil and his angels.

He knows his end is coming.

But you asked me, whydoes God do something?

I'm not God, I don't havethe answers to why God

would not do away with Satan.

But I do know one thing,God wanted to show the world

that love would prevail.

And he could've zappedSatan any time he wanted to,

but that's not what he intended.

He was the evidence of love on the cross

that was not only for you and me,

it's for all the angels andthe principalities and powers.

God was saying, "I'm goingto rule the world with love

and love will prevail."

- This is A.M. who says,"Hi, I have a 16 year old

who's been raised in churchand knows all the stories

in the Bible, yet she can't see

how some of the stories are true.

She says there've beenmany versions of the Bible

and through the years,words have been changed.

How can I show her that without a doubt,

the Bible is truth?

She became a Christian at eight years old,

but in this day and age,

and the fact that she'sasking these questions,

it worries me.

And she's been gettingin trouble a lot lately.

- Well, I want you to know that people,

when they get to be teenagers,they should ask questions.

There's nothing wrong with that.

But you've got to have enoughwisdom to know the answer.

Now, what people are saying is all right,

when the perfect came, that was the Bible.

But you know, look,

I've studied the Bible and you can go back

and see the great editions of the Bible.

And there are hardlyany changes in the text.

You go back to the big concordance,

the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticusand these various books

and all the fragments that we have,

every one of them confirmsthe biblical story.

The Bible is absolutely true.

And the Bible says, the word of God,

the Greek is theopneustos,which means God breathed.

All scripture is God breathed.

And it will transform a person's life.

So I think you ought toask you granddaughter,

are you happy?

What do you want in life?

And let's see what Godcan do for you, all right?

- This is Tina who says,"Besides eating healthy,

what can I take daily toensure good gut health?

Which pro or prebioticswould you recommend?

- Well, there's somethingcalled Garden of Life

that has really good stuff.

I think Life Extensionputs out a prebiotic,

it's a chewable thing.

And the other is theGarden of Life probiotic.

You can get probiotics that have

as many as 100 billionof these little critters.

And the thing you want to do is

to stay away from any kind of antibiotics

and any kind of artificial sweeteners,

which will kill those things.

You want to eat materialthat is good for you.

And that has to do withfresh fruits, vegetables,

and stay away from allthese sweets, all right.

- This is Myron who says, "Pat,we've started at a church,

and in our membership classes,they said that tongues,

prophecy and specialknowledge have all ceased

based on 1 Corinthians 13:8-12.

They say that when theBible was completed,

these things stopped.

My wife and I havenever spoken in tongues.

What is the evidence fortongues existing today,

or the evidence against their theory?"

- All right, first of all,

the same scripture thatsays tongues will cease,

also says prophecy will fail.

And are you going to sayprophecy is going to fail?

And the thing that they teach is okay.

The Bible says when the perfect will come,

then all these things will be done away.

And what they're saying is that

when the Canon ofScriptures was completed,

that all this other passed away.

But are you going to sayknowledge passed away?

It doesn't and tongues hasn't passed away.

Neither have the gifts ofthe spirit passed away.

And the Bible, as wehave talked about before,

is a wonderful book, but it's not perfect.

It isn't, only Jesus is perfect.

And when the perfect iscome, then what is imperfect

will be done away.

But the perfect is Jesushimself, it isn't the Bible.

But that's the teaching, atthe end of the first 100 years,

all the gifts of the spirit stopped.

That is just erroneous, all right.

- That's all the timefor today, but thank you.

- [Pat] Thank you.- I appreciate your questions.

James Lewis is the boss at workand he's only 23 years old.

He's shooting up the corporate ladder.

So what's the secret to his success?

Well, you're about to find out.

(inspiring music)

- [Narrator] James Lewis isone of the youngest managers

of a major drugstore chain.

When he got his firstjob there in high school,

he immediately knew what hewanted to do with his money,

thanks to what he'd learned growing up,

watching "The 700 Club."

- When I was a young teenager,I watched it even more.

I started to really becomecurious about the Bible

and I just started reading it.

And I heard about tithing,

so I decided to put it to the test.

I expected just for Godto work his miracles,

just to open up doors for me.

And to really, almost proveto me that it is real.

- [Narrator] As James began togive, he saw more doors open.

He received extra hours

and decided to increase his giving to CBN.

- Whenever I got a biggerpaycheck or worked more hours,

I would always give moreto help out other people,

of course.

And just knowing thatmy money's going to help

whatever "The 700 Club" may need,

it really makes me feel well.

- [Narrator] As James continued to give,

he continued to receive promotions.

Within three years of starting his job,

he earned a promotion to store manager.

- That to me was a realeye-opener, you know,

I'm like, "Wow, this is possible.

It is real."

And because of all the opportunities

He's given me in the pastto get to that position,

it was proof in my eyes that it does work

and that you do reap what you sow.

- [Narrator] Now, James isputting himself through college

as he continues to climbthe company ladder.

And when asked about thesecret to his success,

he says the key is found ingiving faithfully to the Lord.

- I would encourage others to give to CBN

because it's such a great organization.

They're global.

They help people aroundthe world every day,

Operation Blessing, the testimonies.

It gives people hope andstrength and comfort.

I think if people start givingand just give God a chance,

give something, anything,whatever you can do

and discover the law of reciprocity,

you'll start seeing doorsbeing opened for you.

- What wisdom.

You know, one of thethings that's so wonderful

about being a part of "The 700 Club"

is that you really do getto touch the whole world

with your giving.

And we live in a time today, don't we,

where things arehappening around the world

that stir you inside that you say,

"I'd like to make a difference there."

Well, you really can, andyou can do it so effectively

by joining "The 700 Club," 65 cents a day,

$20 a month makes you a member.

It may not seem like much, but you know,

when all of us come together,when we all give together,

we really can touch and change lives,

hundreds of thousands,even millions of them.

So join with us, won't you?

Our number's toll free, it's so simple.

You call 1-800-700-7000.

Just say, "I want to join The 700 Club."

By the way, when you do,we have a gift for you.

This is, "GOD Is For Us!"

It's a CD of Pat readingverses of salvation, of peace,

of victory from the book of Romans,

which we want you to have.

I want you to know Dorawho lives in Ocala, Florida

already received hers.

She says, "I love getting these audios.

I live with my daughter and granddaughter

and I take "GOD Is ForUs!" and your other CDs

out to my shed and studioto spend quiet time

that makes my soul happy.

In quietness and confidencewill be your peace.

That's what the Lord says.

So we want you to have this.

We want you to steepyourself in the word of God

and find yourself at peace,

even in the midst of our world today.

Well, up next, get readyfor a game changer.

See the miracle that restoredthis woman's quality of life

without having to go under the knife.

Plus, we're going to be prayingfor you, so stay with us.

(inspiring music)

CBN's annual "7 Days ABLAZE" celebration

is just a few days away.

It begins on Labor Day, September 6th.

You'll see incrediblestories of answered prayer.

And we'll also be praying for you.

If you're a CBN partner,you've received this mailing

containing the booklet, "Have You Asked?"

Please take a moment, sendus your prayer requests.

If you've not received the mailing,

you can still send us your prayer requests

and ask for your free booklet.

Just call our toll free number.

It's 1-800-700-7000, oryou can visit, Pat.

- Thank you.

Hey, would you like to hearabout a wonderful miracle?

Here's one, a game changer.

That's what Heather Lewis called it.

After six months of pain,Heather was healed in an instant.

So how did it happen?

You're about to find out.

(inspiring music)

- Back in August of 2016,

we'd had a couple of weeks of rain,

which is very unusualfor us in Texas here.

It was so overgrown the mower kept dying.

And then at one point when I started it,

I had a pain in my finger.

Didn't think much about it.

Later that day when I was inside

is when the excruciating pain started.

This went on for about six months.

And I finally decided,"Well, I guess I need

to get this looked at," (laughs)

because I just keptthinking it would heal,

even though I couldn't use my hand.

Menial tasks, likecarrying a plate, you know,

to the table or picking up clothes,

picking up my purse

and it would just shootthis excruciating pain

through my finger.

And so I went, had anMRI and they confirmed

the ligament was torn.

And they sent me to physicaltherapy and that didn't work.

So they told me I wouldneed to have surgery.

You know, I was a single working mom,

worked on a computer all dayand I just couldn't, you know,

determine, "Okay, when's the right time?"

So November 18th, I waswatching "The 700 Club"

and I love the show.

And The Words of Knowledge,

I particularly looked forward to.

I love to hear about the healing.

What's funny is when I wouldhear The Words of Knowledge,

I would always hope, "Oh,wow, that'd be so awesome

to hear something for me."

And all of a sudden, PatRobertson said, he said,

"There's a torn ligament."

- A torn ligament, a torn ligament.

And it's really been sore.

And the doctors really haven't been able

to do anything for you.

Put your hand on thatpart of your anatomy,

where the ligament istorn in the name of Jesus.

- I immediately did that.

I immediately put my handsaround my finger and I was like,

"Thank you, Jesus, thankyou for the healing."

And I started to kind ofstraighten it, which I mean,

I hadn't straightened my finger in,

I don't even know how long.

One of my favorite things to do,

which I could not do forthe past several years,

is play basketball with my15 1/2 year-old son, Logan.

I can shoot now.

It's been a game changer,literally in that respect as well.

When God healed me, it was just, you know,

affirmation that He isnot a respecter of persons

and that He doesn't have any partiality

and He can heal any one of us at any time.

He will work everything together for good.

Even if you don't seeit while it's happening,

we may not understandit, we just have to trust

that He is with us and He'sworking everything together

for our good.

- That's wonderful.

God's no respecter of persons.

Hey, listen, now's thetime to pray for you.

And I believe God wantsa miracle to take place

in the life of people in this audience.

Here's one, her name isFlorence and she sent an email.

And she said, "A year ago,Terry prayed for a healing

in someone's jaw."

Florence had had that pain for months.

"After Terry prayed, I claimed the prayer,

put my hand on my jaw immediately

and have never had the pain since."

Isn't that great?

- [Terry] Well Pat, this is Rhonda.

She says, "For quite some time, I had pain

and difficulty swallowing,

feeling like my food wasstuck and blocking my airway.

It would feel like myesophagus was inflamed

and narrowing from inflammation.

Several weeks ago, I waswatching "The 700 Club,"

and Pat said that someone is quote,

'having problems with your esophagus.'

His word immediately gotmy attention and I said,

'God, I receive this word for me,

and I believe I am healed.'

I was having dinner that same evening

and noticed all the symptoms were gone.

It's now been several weeksand my food goes down smoothly

when swallowing and the pain has stopped.

Glory to God."- Isn't that marvelous?

Well folks, God is norespecter of persons.

Now Terry and I are going to join together

and we're going to pray for you.

And I believe God wants to do something.

So Father, we come togetherand I join hands with my

sister in Christ and wepray for all the people

in this audience, in the name of Jesus.

And Nicholas, you have had a whiplash

and your neck has been sosore, those muscles are sore.

Just put your hand onit, in the name of Jesus,

heal him.

Terry, what do you have?

- Chronic tearing of your eyes.

It's really so frustrating.

I mean, it's all day long.

And even in the morning,

you wake up and there'scrust on your face from that.

God is healing that condition,

your tear ducts are goingto operate as normal.

You'll not have it anylonger in Jesus' name.

- I don't know whathappened to you, Arthur,

but you've had a broken jawand maybe you were boxing

or playing football, whatever.

Just touch that jaw and the Lord,

He will heal you rightnow instantly, touch him.

Terry.- There's someone else.

Every time you eat, you get the hiccups.

I don't know what your condition is,

but it's very uncomfortable for you.

God's healing that.

When you eat, it's going tobe a peaceful experience.

You'll not have anythinglike that anymore.

- And we pray Lord, as we hearabout trouble in this world,

we pray.

We hear about captives overthere in the Taliban, we pray.

We hear about these incarcerated people

who are unjustly accused.

And we ask Lord, that you wouldtake care of the prisoners.

We want to be your hand extended,

and we want your blessingto be upon this nation.

So Lord, let the powerof God descend on America

and make us worthy.

We're not worthy, Lord of your blessing.

We ask for a blessing onthose who are suffering.

In Jesus' name, we thank you.

And we bless you in your holy name.

Amen and amen.

Please give us call.

We love to hear the answers to prayer.

We'd be delighted to prayfor you if you need prayer.

We leave you with our PowerMinute from Ephesians.

"Put on the full armor of God,

so that you can take your stand

against the Devil's schemes."

Tomorrow, this Jamaican immigrant,

who may become Virginia'snext Lieutenant Governor.

Hear how this outsider is shaking up

the political establishment.

Her name is Winsome, what a nice name.

We'll see you tomorrow, bye bye.

(inspiring music)


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