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News on The 700 Club: September 2, 2021

As seen on “The 700 Club,” September 2, 2021. Read Transcript

- Well, welcome to "The 700 Club."

Democrats in disarray.

The President under fire

for abandoning Americans to the Taliban.

Scandal forces New York'sgovernor to resign.

And in California, Governor Gavin Newsom

facing a recall election, pluswith an evenly split Senate,

questions swirl around one Democrat

whose health might force her to step down.

We're covering all of that

but beginning with Dale Hurd

on the California recallthat could give the state

its first Republican governor in 15 years.

- [Dale] California votershave been mailed ballots

asking them, shall GavinNewsom be recalled,

removed from the office of Governor?

They're then shown a list ofcandidates to succeed Newsom

as governor and told to vote for one.

And the front runner toreplace the governor,

conservative radio talkshow host Larry Elder,

who leads a crowdedfield of 46 challengers

and has the support of manyCalifornia evangelicals.

Newsom's supporters areportraying the recall

as a far-right takeover attempt.

- [Announcer] Who'sbehind the partisan recall

of Governor Gavin Newsom?

Anti-vaccine QAnon extremists,

violent white supremacistslike the Proud Boys

who attacked our nation'scapital on January 6th.

- [Dale] And Newsom warns Elder is...

- He's to the right of Donald Trump.

To the right of Donald Trump.

That's what's at stake in this election.

And don't think for a second

you can't do damage in that role.

- [Dale] Elder is pro-life,against more gun restrictions,

says the minimum wage should be zero

and has vowed to repeal thestatewide COVID mandates.

- At the state levelI'm not going to require

any kind of public worker to wear a mask

or any kind of public workerto have to have a vaccine.

I think that's an assault on freedom.

- [Dale] Elder accuses Newsom

of wrecking a once great state.

- It's about the rising crime,the rising homelessness,

the rising cost of living,

the outrageous way thisman ignored science,

shut down this statewhile having his own kids

enjoy in-person private education.

- Most polls show Newsom leading,

but experts warn that Californianswho want Newsom removed

might be more motivated to vote

than those who want Newsom to stay.

Californians will also beable to vote in person.

And Democrats now face the possibility

of losing anotherhigh-profile governorship

after the resignation of NewYork Governor Andrew Cuomo,

but there could be even more at stake.

There are reports that88-year-old California Senator

Dianne Feinstein is strugglingwith cognitive decline

and could be facing early retirement.

It is the governor of California

who would choose Feinstein's replacement.

And the winner of therecall will remain in office

at least until Newsom's current term ends

in January 2023, Pat.

- Oh, Dale, what happens if a majority

of voters ask for a recall?

Is it gonna be a runoff amongthe opposing candidates?

Or is it just the top guy gets in?

- Yeah, no runoff.

The top vote-getter wins

no matter how small the margin of victory.

And Newsom has raised some controversy

by telling his supporters,vote against the recall

and don't choose a replacement

because my name isn't on the list.

And there are Democrats onthe list of replacements.

And by not voting for a replacement,

they're only helping Elder.

- Dale, thank you.

Well, it gets strange inCalifornia, but California

is just one challengeDemocrats are facing right now.

CBN Chief Political AnalystDavid Brody is here to tell us.

David, New York GovernorAndrew Cuomo has to resign.

Gavin Newsom is fighting arecall election in California,

and President Biden's approvalratings are underwater.

What do you think that meansfor the Democratic party?

- Well, there's an implosion happening,

and it's a slo-mo implosion, Pat,

and it's all leading to 2022.

And look, this idea of GavinNewsom and Andrew Cuomo,

right, rules for thee but not for me.

And I think it's catchingup with the Democrats.

I don't think there'sany question about it.

And COVID is kind of abackdrop to all of this.

Well, specifically the mandatesas it relates to COVID.

And so look, if you lookat Joe Biden's numbers

and you look at Newsom and Cuomo

and you put it all together,you can see a pattern.

And the pattern is a cratering of concern

about not just ineptitudebut a far-reaching agenda

that if you look insidethe poll numbers on crime,

on the economy, on COVID,

and of course we haven'teven gotten to Afghanistan,

you put the whole thing together

and this is a iceberg rightahead for Democrats in 2022,

and they know it as well.

- Well, David, are wetalking about the House?

You've done the analysisof the redistricting.

It looks like a tsunami

that could switch the Houseand switch the Senate.

We're talking about majorchanges in the government.

- Oh, there's no doubt about it.

I mean, this is all set upfor Republicans to lose.

I mean, in other words,they would have to really,

really do a good job at blowing it

to not take back theHouse and Nancy Pelosi,

and that's why from alegislative perspective,

we hear all that talkabout budget reconciliation

and the 3.5 trillion,which let's be honest

is more like 6 trillion or so dollars

to overhaul a, quote,infrastructure and the human,

they need to get it all passed now, Pat.

They've got to get it all passed now.

They've got a deadlinecalled November, 2022

when Republicans are set to take over,

not just in the House butprobably the Senate as well.

It gets a little bit moredicey in the Senate, but look,

things are looking verygood for Republicans.

- Thanks, David.

Well, in other news, the Supreme Court

has allowed a Texas lawwhich makes it illegal

to abort a baby with a heartbeat.

That law gets to stand.

Last night, the high court voted five-four

against that emergency appeal

that would block that Texas law.

The justices could still considerconstitutional challenges,

but for now it's seen as a huge victory

for the pro-life community.

Brody Carter has that report.

- Statistics show there could be as many

as 3,000 abortions in the US each day.

And while this heartbeat bill is expected

to trim that number in Texas,

it's also reminding the countryabout life inside the womb.

- This extreme Texaslaw blatantly violates

the constitutional rightestablished under Roe v. Wade

and upheld as precedentfor nearly half a century.

- So as of today, babiesin Texas are being saved.

- [Brody] Aborting a baby with a heartbeat

is now a crime in the state of Texas.

- What unimagined joy itis to see Roe crumbling

in front of our very eyes.

- [Brody] Senate Bill 8 makesit illegal to abort a baby

once a heartbeat is detected,which can happen as early

as five weeks into the pregnancy.

What's key is this lawwon't be enforced by police.

It'll be in the hands of private citizens.

- The abortion lobby isfreaking out and you know,

they're saying, oh, youknow, you can put a bounty

on someone's head if you take them

to have an illegal abortion.

But you know, the answer to that is, well,

then don't take someone tohave an illegal abortion.

- [Brody] Alexis McGill Johnson,

president of PlannedParenthood said in a tweet,

their abortion clinicswould remain open in Texas

promising to help Texans quote,navigate this dangerous law.

- All of America's a littlebit confused right now,

even pro-lifers, youknow, where is the court?

But we know one thing, Roe is crumbling,

and it's a really excitingtime to be a pro-lifer.

- The Supreme Court alreadyhas a major pro-life case

on its hands to be considered this fall.

That's the Dobbs late abortion case.

And when they're going toaddress the very question

of whether bans on abortionbefore the point of viability

are always unconstitutional

or whether there are exceptions there.

- [Brody] However, this becomesthe law of the land in Texas

and is expected to save thelives of 150 babies each day.

- I worked at PlannedParenthood for eight years

as a clinic director.

I saw a 13-week-old baby fightand struggle for his life

against the abortion instruments.

And I knew then that therewas life in the womb.

There was humanity in the womb.

And if those two things were true,

then I knew that I was on thewrong side of this debate.

- [Brody] Brody Carter, CBN News.

- You know, when I heard adebate between Hillary Clinton

and Donald Trump, andthere was a discussion

of what's called partial birth abortion,

that means the baby hasactually left the birth canal.

He's partially out of the mother's body.

And the people take instruments

and suck the brains out of the baby.

It is a horrible thing.

And when I heard Hillary Clinton say,

I'm going to stand for that,regardless of what it is,

I believe that should not be illegal

to do a partial birth abortion,

I thought if somebody is that extreme,

something is seriously wrong.

And it was so clear that these people

talking about extremists,they were vicious killers.

That is murder.

There isn't a questionabout the health of a woman.

There isn't anythingthat'll possibly have to do

with the health of the woman.

Partial birth abortion isdangerous to a woman's self,

and it's deadly to the unborn baby.

And this law, I think Roe vs. Wade

was called Blackman's abortion.

We should never have federalized it.

And right now the timehas come to bring it back

to where it should have been before Roe,

which was called Blackman's abortion.

It was a disastrous opiniona setup of the ACLU,

and I think it's timefor it to be overturned.

So this one decision letting stand

a very restrictive abortion law will,

it's the beginning of theend for Roe versus Wade.

Well, there's terrible damagetaking place in New York.

The remnants of HurricaneIda hit New York City hard,

bringing historic flooding andkilled at least eight people.

That was the scene at NewYork City's 28th Street

as a cascade of water gushedinto the train station.

And meanwhile, in Homer, Louisiana,

Operation Blessing ispioneering with Life Church

to help with ongoing cleanup efforts.

The ministry deliveredtruckloads of water, tarps,

and other disaster relief supplies.

Mobile kitchen generators and other items

are expected in days ahead.

But again, our sympathy goesout to the people in New York.

They haven't been hit byanything this hard in decades.

And this, I mean, it's flooding Manhattan,

flooding the subways,and it is unprecedented

that this storm would hit themajor city on the East Coast.


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