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Millions of Afghans Prepare for Life of Uncertainty, Fear as Taliban Declare US Pullout a 'Historic Moment'

Millions of Afghans Prepare for Life of Uncertainty, Fear as Taliban Declare US Pullout a 'Historic Moment' Read Transcript

- [George] 19 years,10 months, and 23 days

after the US mission in Afghanistan began,

Major General Chris Donohue,

commander of the 82nd Airborne Division,

was the last Americansoldier to leave Afghan soil

shortly before midnightin Kabul on Monday.

- Tonight's withdrawal signifies

both the end of the militarycomponent of the evacuation,

but also the end of thenearly 20-year mission

that began in Afghanistanshortly after September 11, 2001.

- [George] A mission that was not cheap.

- The cost was 2,461 US service members

and civilians killed, and morethan 20,000 who were injured.

- [George] By early Tuesday morning,

the Taliban's Islamic fighters,

along with their top leaders,

were strolling the tarmac ofKabul's airport in full control

and declaring that the mythof American invincibility

had been busted in Afghanistan.

- [Interpreter] We haveachieved our independence

and we were able to forcethe Americans to leave

after 20 years of jihad and sacrifice.

- [George] Over 18 days,

the US military airliftedabout 123,000 civilians

from the airport,including 6,000 Americans,

in the largest non-combatantevacuation in US Army history.

Still, US citizens who wanted to get out

are still trapped insidealong with thousands

of Afghan partners.

- There are still a smallnumber of Americans, under 200,

and likely closer to 100,who remain in Afghanistan

and want to leave.

- [George] But just twoweeks ago in an interview

with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos,

the president promised tostay until every American,

including Afghan allies andtheir families, were out.

- If there's American citizens left,

we're gonna stay till we get them all out.

- [George] Now with USforces out, the question is,

will Afghanistan become aterrorist safe haven again?

The Taliban says it willnot allow the country

to be a launching pad for terror attacks,

but many experts believetheir takeover is a boost

for terror groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

- And unfortunately, goingto see a massive boost

in terror recruitment and radicalization

based on the belief thatjihadists in Afghanistan

first defeated the Soviet Union

and now they've defeatedthe United States.

- [George] And the ramificationsare already reverberating,

especially for Afghanistan'sreligious minority groups.

At a safe house in Kabul,

Jaiuddin, not his realname, has been in hiding

along with 12 other Afghans

since the Taliban seizedcontrol of the city

nearly three weeks ago.

- [Interpreter] One of us isalways awake during the night,

always walking around and praying

so if the Taliban shouldcome and knock on our door,

we should alert everyone.

- In an exclusive interview with CBN News,

Jaiuddin and the others, whoare part of Afghanistan's

very small Christian community,

told us they have no passports,

no US government-issued exit papers,

and right now, see theirhopes of escape diminish.

- [Interpreter] We had manyplans for preaching the gospel

with other brothers and sisters,

but then the Talibantook control so quickly.

It happened so fast.

- [George] And now they'vebeen marked by the Taliban.

- [Interpreter] Every day,I receive a phone call

from a private numberand the person warns me

that if he sees me again,he would behead me.

- [George] While Jaiuddinsays he's not afraid of dying,

he's asking the worldto pray for his country.

- [Interpreter] We arepraying for each other

that the Lord would putHis angels around our house

for our protection and safety.

- [George] President Biden is expected

to address the nation this afternoon

following today's finalpullout from Afghanistan.

George Thomas, CBN News.


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