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The 700 Club - August 25, 2021

You asked the questions, now get ready for the answers. Where does our soul go when we die? Why do some people get healed? Was Jesus always divine? Get ready for a show dedicated to what you want to know on today’s 700 Club. Read Transcript

- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.

- [Wendy] Coming up,

you asked the questions.

Where does our soul go when we die?

Why do some people get healed?

Was Jesus always divine?

Pat tackles an all new slew ofyour voicemails live on air.

Hear our host weigh in on topics like:

Will there be an economic collapse?

Will the church gothrough the tribulation?

And much, much more.

Get ready for an entire show

dedicated to what you want to know

on today's "700 Club."

(uplifting music)

- Well, welcome to this specialedition of "The 700 Club."

You take control of the show today.

From all across America,

you called and left yourvoicemail questions,

and today, we're going tohear your voices on the air

and answer your questions,hopefully, today.

But first, in the news,

heartless, cruel, clueless,

and totally disconnected from reality.

That's how one veteranof the Afghanistan war

describes President Biden'sdecision to double down

on his August 31st deadline.

Meanwhile, classifiedbriefings reveal that Americans

and Afghans are beinghunted down by the Taliban.

The ramifications of Biden'sbotched plans are untold,

including the plunging disapproval

of the president'shandling of this crisis.

Charlene Aaron has more.

- President Biden is dismissing criticism

from G7 members and evenDemocrats over his decision

to not extend that August 31st deadline.

That as thousands of Americans and Afghans

remain trapped in Kabulunder growing threats

from the Taliban.

Growing desperation as families,including many Americans,

attempt to flee Taliban rule.

The terror group controllingaccess to the airport,

now saying it won't allow anyAfghans to leave the country.

- We're waiting to get through,

but they're not letting us at the moment.

- President Biden, Tuesday, saying

the evacuation is on schedule.

- We are currently on a paceto finish by August the 31st.

The sooner we can finish, the better.

Each day of operations bringsadded risk to our troops.

- [Charlene] More than 70,000people have been evacuated

in the past 10 days, includingmore than 5,400 Americans,

but many more are stilltrapped behind Taliban lines.

The president's decision tohold to the August 31st deadline

facing fierce opposition on all fronts.

GOP Congressman Mike Waltz,

speaking on CBN's "Faith Nation" program.

- It's both heartless, it's cruel,

and it's clueless interms of the disconnect

between the reality on the ground.

- [Charlene] Waltz, a veteranup the war in Afghanistan,

says the president's public statements

don't match closed-doorintelligence briefings.

- What we're hearing in private

from his own team in classified briefings,

where they admit thatAmericans and our Afghan allies

are being hunted down, they're in danger,

and that Al-Qaeda is goingto come roaring back.

It's not a matter of if, but just when.

- [Charlene] Even Democratsdoubt the evacuation

can be completed in time andare calling for an extension.

- We must do everything necessary

regardless of the deadlineat the end of the month.

We must extend that andget the mission done.

The deadline is when themission is accomplished

and we bring our people home, full stop.

- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Waltzwill introduce a measure

condemning the president's failure

to heed advice of militaryand intelligence advisers,

and warning the US will paya heavy price in the future.

- We're just weeks away fromthe 20th anniversary of 9/11,

and yet we're being dictated to

by the Taliban 20 years later

and Al-Qaeda is going to beback again for some future 9/11.

So the blood that's goingto be on Biden's hands

is not just the Americansand Afghans trapped in Kabul

right now as we speak,but that future attack

on the homeland andfuture American soldiers

that are gonna have to go back once again

and deal with the threat of terrorism,

but this time with nobases, no local allies,

and with a Talibanthat's armed to the teeth

with our own equipment that we allowed

to fall in their hands.

- Meanwhile, a new USAToday/Suffolk University poll

shows President Biden'soverall approval rating

has dropped to 41%, with 62% disapproving

of his handling of the crisis.

Charlene Aaron, CBN News.

- Ladies and gentlemen,America voted him into office.

We have a president whois in advanced stages

of senile dementia, he is unable to act,

he doesn't know how to make up his mind,

and America is now thelaughingstock of the world

because our nation isn't able to function

and our allies no longer trust us,

the enemies no longer fear us.

And this is the legacy.

We voted for him.

Not me, I didn't vote for him,

but America voted forhim, put him in office.

Senile dementia and heis ruining our country.

And in a short period of time,

he has done more to destroythe reputation of America

than perhaps has happened in its history.

It is unbelievably bad.

But nevertheless, God is on the throne,

and that's the thing thatI wanted to emphasize

on this program today.

But now it's not time totalk about the news though.

It's time to talk about your questions.

So here's Wendy.

- All right, coming up, you called

and Pat's about to answeryour voicemail questions.

San Antonio, Orlando,Santa Barbara, and more.

You're up first on thisspecial voicemail edition

of Your Questions, Honest Answers.

Stay tuned.

(uplifting music)

Welcome to this special editionof your voicemail questions

and Pat's honest answers.

And we are beginning with Marina.

She's from Leamington, Ohiowith this question for Pat.

- [Marina] If heaven isparadise surrounded by love,

by the love of God, whywould God want to create

a new heaven, a new earth,

and give us flesh andblood restored bodies?

Might we not have temptationsagain for carnal sin,

and like Lucifer, become a nextgeneration of fallen angels?

- I really don't think that's a danger

we've got to be worried about.

I think in the new heaven and new earth,

we're gonna be into so muchin the presence of God.

Original sin was when Satan said,

"I can do it better than you can."

"He was perfect in allhis ways," the Bible says,

and so inequity was found in him

and he fell because of his own beauty.

You're not gonna be all that beautiful.

You're not gonna be atthe most gorgeous age.

You're not gonna be the covering spirit.

But you're gonna be redeemedby the blood of the Lord

and you're going to be so happy in heaven

you won't know what to do.

There's not a question.

There's not gonna be anyrebellion against God

on the part of the Christians who go to be

in the new heaven and new earth.

All right.

- All right.

Great answer.

Rex from San Antonio,Texas has this question.

- [Rex] Hello, Pat.

Rex calling in from SanAntonio with one question.

Do you think Jesus was always divine,

or did He become divineafter he was baptized?

- I think he was conceivedby the Holy Spirit.

He was divine from the moment He was born.

But that is a question.

He was fully human

and He was tempted, sothe humanity of Jesus

was something that possibly,

when He entered into His ministry,

the Holy Spirit came uponHim when He was baptized.

You remember, like adove, it came upon Him.

But the Son of God wasalways in existence,

the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


- Amen.

All right. Great answer.

Scott from Orlando, Floridahas this question for Pat.

- [Scott] My question is:

When you die, does yoursoul immediately go

to be with God and heaven,or does it go to a purgatory,

or does it stay here on earthwaiting for Christ's return?

- There's one particular denomination

that believes in so-called purgatory,

a cleansing sort of thing.

Remember, Luther came out against that.

There was a guy namedTetzel who was singing,

paying, collecting indulgences.

And he says, "From the minutea coin in the coffer clings,

the soul from purgatory springs."

And Luther said, "No way, no how.

There's no purgatory.

There's no intermediate stage."

It is not so much yoursoul; it's your spirit.

Your spirit is going on forever.

And you know, the soul is...

You know, the Bible saidGod breathed on the dust

and it became a (speaking inforeign language), a living,

that's the word for soul.

But it was the combinationof the earth and the spirit,

but it's the spirit's gonna live on.

All right.

- To be absent from the body

is to be present-- Well, absent from the body,

well, that's what Paul said.

If I'm absent in the body,I'm at home with the Lord,

so if I leave this earth,I'm gonna be with Jesus.

I'm not gonna be in any purgatory.

That's right.- Right, it's instant.

- Instant, oh, absolutely.- Wonderful.

Okay, caller,

this caller is from SantaBarbara, California.

- [Caller] My twins are suicidal,

and I was wondering how youremove generational curses

on the family such assuicide and addiction?

- I think the suicide,

there's a spirit of suicide.

And, you know, the devil cameto Jesus and whispered to Him,

"Jump off the thing and theangels are gonna catch you."

But there's a spirit ofsuicide that comes about

and it can be rebuked.

In the case of your twins,

I don't know whetherit's a mental problem.

You have to find out what kindof medication they're taking

and all the rest of it.

I would do a complete workup

before I started going into all the other,

but at the same time, youcan rebuke the spirits,

pray over them.

And I don't know about thisgenerational curse thing.

I've heard so much about it,

but I don't know how real it is.

But I do think that the evilsof the fathers do transmit to,

we have what's called epigenetics,

and the good stuff wedo, it flows through,

the bad things that have beenby our parents flow through.

All right.

- Can't we take the blood of Jesus

and say, "It stops here.

It stops at this generation"?

- Of course we can,

but you've gotta applythat and believe it.

Absolutely.- And believe it. Amen.

Okay, Drew has a questionand he's from Denver.

Go ahead.

- [Florina] I have a question for you.

What is the difference

between word of knowledge and a prophecy?

I'm really interested.

- If you look at theenablements of the Holy Spirit,

they're gifts of utterance andthey're gifts of revelation

and they're gifts of power,or they're working of power,

and it's divided into nine segments.

I've written a book on the Holy Spirit.

I go into all this

and I haven't got time to do it right now.

But the word of knowledge

is something that is notperceivable by the senses,

but it's given by the Holy Spirit

about something that's happening,essentially, right now.

The word of wisdom

is something that has to do in the future.

- Okay.

That was Florina fromSouthfield, Michigan.

Florina, I'm sorry about that.

Now, Drew from Denver, Colorado.

- [Drew] If there is goingto be an economic collapse

and the banks close, is itbetter to have gold and silver

or cash or both?

- I doubt very seriouslyif, in our modern economy,

that there'll be a bank closure.

We had that a long time ago

and there was devastationbecause there was no backup.

And the Federal Reserve has been set up

to provide credit andit can provide credit,

so the chances of the banks going bankrupt

are highly unlikely.

The thing is, people mightnot want your cash anymore.

I mean, if the economy really breaks

and cash no longer is any good,

then some gold or silverisn't the worst thing

to have in your, well,you're safe or your,

wherever, your suitcase,wherever you keep it.

But the problem is it can be lost.

I bought a whole bunch.

I mean, not a whole bunch, but a number

of wonderful first edition, mint gold

- Coins?- $20.

They were one-ounce gold pieces.

- [Wendy] Okay.

- And somebody stole every one of them.

- What?- Every one of them.

They're all gone.

So, you know, thieves canbreak through and steal.

All right,

what's the next one?- I like cash.

I like cash.- Well-

- Cold, hard, cash.

- Well, cold, hard cash, butit's going down in value.

If you look at gold versuscash over the years,

the cash is worth aboutfive cents of what it was

when it was first issued.

All right.- All right, here's Joanne

from Atlanta, Georgia.

- [Joanne] I'm calling to ask Pat:

In today's society, whatis God's storehouse?

- The storehouse is the workof God around the world.

You know, it used to bethere was one major place

where the people worshiped there.

The whole nation was toworship in one place.

So we're supposed to bringthe tithes to the storehouse.

Now God's storehouse,

there are missionary works,there are humanitarian works,

there are evangelistic works,

and of course, there areall kinds of churches.

So I think the storehouseis the whole body

of God Almighty aroundthe world, in my opinion.

All right.- Amen.

Matt from Harrisburg City, Virginia

has this question for Pat.

- [Matt] I was just wondering,

Judas being a follower and a disciple,

was he destined to betray Jesus

or was it of his own free will?

I'd like to get understanding on that.

- I think he did it of his own free will.

You know, he got greedy.

He wanted to betray the Lordand there was something.

But the Bible says, in that Last Supper,

it said, "the devil entered into him,"

and then he went out and did his thing.

So he, it was voluntary, butit resulted in his suicide.

He went and hanged himself.

All right.- Yeah, so he definitely

had regrets.- Oh, did he ever, yeah.

- All right, Joy from Duluth,Minnesota has this question.

- [Joy] Pat mentioned a few weeks ago

about the levels of heaven.

Are there going to be ways

where somebody on a lower level of heaven

can get up to a higher level of heaven,

or does everybody have tostay on their own level?

- Well, you know, Paul said,

"I was caught up in the third heaven."

The first heaven iswhere the demonics are.

He said, "These are demonic."

And then the second one,

I don't know exactly what that is,

but it's kind of a nice place to be.

And the third one is wherethe angelic beings are.

I think once we live this life,

I don't know that there'sany graduation to us.

Another level of heaven,

I've never read anything in the Bible

that would indicate there is.

- So you do your work, doyour good works on earth.

- And that's it, I mean.

But you know, let's face it.

What is the reward?

The greatest reward

is what they used tocall the beatific vision

in the Middle Ages, the beatific vision,

where you get in to see presence of God.

And I'm in the presence ofGod and it's a glorious thing

and I'm not worriedabout which level I'm in.

I just wanna be in thepresence of God Almighty.

- Amen.

And I didn't mean to say

that good works arewhat gets us to heaven,

but-- Oh, they certainly don't.

All right.All right, so,

- No way.- The blood of Jesus.

Okay, Terry from Abilene,Texas has this question.

- [Terry] If God has a call onyour life and you missed it,

can you still make heaven?

- I think so.

Look, there's a perfectwill and a permissive will.

And you look at the prophet, Balaam,

who was cursed later on, but God said,

"Okay, don't go, don't do it."

So he said, "Okay."

So these people came backand said, "Listen, Balaam,

we'll give you more money.

We'll double the deal."

And so Balaam comes back to the Lord

and said, "Hey, Lord, itlooks like a pretty good deal.

Now what do you think?" andGod said, "No, don't do it."

So he comes back to 'em and they said,

"We'll give you more," and soGod says, "Okay, go ahead."

And at that point, anangel met him on the way

and tried to kill him tokeep him from doing it.

So there's a permissive and another.

The idea here is God has a plan for you

and you need to follow the plan.

You'll be blessed if you do,

but you won't necessarilygonna miss heaven if you don't.

You'll be miserable.

That's the bottom line.

You'll never be content

until it's in the perfect will of God.

All right.- Amen.

- Rosemary from Newark, New Jersey.

Go ahead.

- [Rosemary] I'm callingabout speaking in tongues.

Does it give you anymore strength and power

when you pray in tongues?

Can you answer that and tellme if tongues are necessary?

- I think it's...

You know, Paul said, "I speak with tongues

more than you all," and"He that speaks in a tongue

edifies himself."

And as the Bible says,it builds up your spirit.

And you're looking at somebody now

who's begun to do that more often.

I can speak in, I canbring a message in tongues

and I also can, you just pray and I,

I find myself more andmore praying in the Spirit.

Just recently, I've just begun.

And I do think that it builds your spirit

and gets you closer to the Lord.

That's my feeling.

- And yeah, and a lotof times, if I'm driving

or I'm trying to make a decision,

or you're just trying to hear from God

and you start praying intongues, and then you stop,

it's like clear, thenyou can hear something.


It just opens the way.

And I think it's a real blessing.

But he that prays intongues edifies himself.

That means you build yourself up.

That's a good thing.- It's a good thing.

All right. Good work.

Caller, this caller fromBend, Oregon has a question.

- [Caller] Hi, Pat.

I love the work you'redoing for God's kingdom.

Thank you.

My question:

With all the world puzzlepieces fitting together,

how soon do you anticipatethe Ezekiel 38 war happening?

- Ezekiel 38.- How soon do I,

Ezekiel 38?

I think the Ezekiel 38 thingis what's next in prophecy.

I believe it's setting up,

and Iran is certainly a major player.

Persia is involved in it.

I think the southern Islamicrepublics are all in it.

Turkey is going to be involved.

And I think it's setting up.

It's a question of,

when they come against Israel,

God Himself is going toenter in and destroy them.

But I think it's coming.

That's my plan, my belief.

Next, it's going to be,the next prophetic event

is going to be Ezekiel 38fulfillment, to my knowledge.

That's what I think.

- Do you have a timeframe yet?

- No.

(Wendy and Pat laugh)

No way, no.- I tried.

I tried, all right.

- I don't have a-

- Well, that was smart.

Okay, well, still ahead,

round two of our special voicemail edition

of your questions andPat's honest answers.

Dallas, Miami, andBaltimore, you're up next.

Stay tuned.

(uplifting music)

Welcome back to round twoof our special edition

of your voicemail questionsand Pat's answers.

We are starting this one with Patty.

She's from Dallas, Texas.

Go ahead.

- [Patty] What kind of supplements

or vitamins do you taketo do so well at your age?

And what do you eat that's good for you?

- Eat very carefully.

I don't eat a whole lot ofmeat, I love vegetables,

and I stay away from certain,

I don't need a whole lot ofbeef and that kind of thing.

I love vegetables.

I like beans.

Beans are real good for you.

But I tell you, I've got Life Extension

and they have a whole mixof, 12 of these things,

and then there are a wholelot of other vitamins I take.

So I load up on 'em and Ijust can't go into all of this

because they would taketoo long to tell you.

But yours truly is a vitamin,

I load 'em up and-

- Have you made yourminestrone soup lately?

- Oh, I haven't.

That was, I had close to20 vegetables in there

that I kind of ad lib that,but I love that kind of stuff.

- Yeah, that's right.- I like beans

and I like vegetables.

My son, Tim, got mesome gazpacho recently.

I just ate that. It was very good.

- Oh, gazpacho's so good in the summer.

- Yeah, it's cold.- Yeah.

- It's delicious.- It's so good.

- Okay, so much for that.

But anyhow.- Okay.

Pat's minestrone soupthough is really good.

I think you can find thatonline or at

Okay, we've got Mao fromOceanside, California

with this question for Pat.

- [Mao] My question is: Isthere any hint in scripture

of a place that God has reserved for us

to maybe visit our pets that have passed?

- The Bible says thatthe soul of man goes up.

It's in Ecclesiastes, I believe,

the soul of man goes up and thesoul of the beast goes down.

I think there are no dogs in heaven,

but I do know there are horsesbecause the armies of God

are gonna be riding on horses.

But whether or not there areany of these animals in heaven,

I don't know.

There certainly were animalsin the Garden of Eden.

There were all kinds of animals.

And so it was part of paradise.

But I don't know anywhere in the scripture

that says there's gonna bea special place for pets.

I just don't know that,

but you're looking at somebody,

I've raised every kind of dog.

I trained dogs, I've trained horses.

I've had every kind ofhorse. I love animals.

And the Lord, I think will populate it.

If the Garden of Edenwas any kind of like it,

there are plenty of animals.

All right.- Amen.

Michael, from Cromwell, Indianahas this question for Pat.

- [Michael] My question is:

Is it true that whenyou pass from this world

you're reunited with your other spouse?

- I think there are gonna betremendous reunions in heaven.


I don't know but,

you know, I'm thinkingof Dives and Lazarus,

and they were conscious of,

Lazarus said, "Can you sendsomebody to help my brothers?

I don't want them to wind up in hell."

So I think that there'll be a reunion

of wives and husbands and children.

I really believe that.

I think God's gonnahave glorious reunions.

But Jesus said, and Iwant to make it clear,

He said, "In heaven, they don'tmarry and give in marriage."

There's no sexual reproductionwith spiritual beings,

but there's a tremendous amount of love.

And the love of God isgonna permeate the place.

But I think we will seeour loved ones there,

but there'll be no tears, no sorrow,

no sighing because the formerthings have passed away.

- Amen, and people that havehad near death experiences

and gone to heaven,- Yeah.

- they've seen loved ones.

- Yeah, they have,

and that one even saw a little baby

who had been abortedthan she had grown up,

you know, okay.- Yeah, absolutely.

Okay, here's a caller from Tyler, Texas.

Go ahead.

- [Caller] Hi, Pat.

My question is: How can I overcome fear?

I'm getting to the pointwhere I'm almost scared

of just about everything.

How can I overcome fear?

- In my book, I write,

in my book, "I WalkedWith the Living God,"

I told an experience Ihad when I was in India.

And it was a Saturdayand, all of a sudden,

I felt so lethargic.

I just couldn't move.

I didn't want to do anything.

And I said, "God, what is it?"

And God said, "It's a spirit of fear,"

and I said, "Okay, in the name of Jesus,

I rebuke you," and the thing left me.

But I got up in front of those people

and so many of thoseHindus were under fear.

So many of those Indians,they were afraid of death.

They were afraid of spirits.

And I rebuked that thing, and I mean,

there were thousands of people

who got set free from the spirit of fear.

And the spirit of fear, in my opinion,

is about the weakestof the demonic powers.

And all you have to do is rebuke it.

But if you stay in fear, thenthe devil will just use that

to beat you up all the time.

So you don't have to be afraid.

The word is phobia.

I've got claustrophobia,I've got agoraphobia,

I've got all those phobias.

Rebuke it and begin tosay, "I am a child of God

and I am in charge an Iam more than a conqueror

through Him that loved me."

That's what you do.

Wendy.- Yeah, perfect love

casts out fear.

That's a good word.

Okay, Mary from Clarkston,Washington has this question.

- [Mary] This is Mary, and it's something

that I've wanted to ask for a long time.

If a Christian commitssuicide, do they go to heaven?

I'm not thinking of it myself,

but "Thou shalt not commit murder."

That's murder, isn't it,when you commit suicide?

- Look, at law, there's a presumption

that somebody whocommits suicide is crazy.

Now, if you're crazy, youcannot be under the law

because you don't understand it.

So that's sort of an out, you know.

There are people who thinkthis world is intolerable

and so they commit suicideto get into the next one

and then they wind up in hell

and it's gonna be awfulfor all of their life.

I wouldn't counselanybody to commit suicide,

but it's up to God to decide.

And what was their stateof mind before they were,

they were, committed that act.

But I say, at law, there's a presumption

that suicide is mentally unstable.

And if that's the case, thenthere's no sin attached,

but only God knows that.

And the last thing I would say to anybody

is don't end your life.

I don't care how intolerable it is.

Stay with it because Godwill take you through it.

"There's no temptation that's taken you

but such as is common toman, and God is faithful

who will make a way of escape

that you may be able to bear it."

All right.- Oh, that's good.

- Amen.

Kathleen from Kingman,Arizona has this question.

- [Kathleen] I don'tunderstand how to surrender all

and what that entails and what that means.

Please answer my question.

- You know that song they usedto sing, "I Surrender All."

"All to Jesus, I surrender."

I don't know if we really believe that.

The story is one chief, or theGermanic chief who got saved,

but when he was baptized,he held his battleax

out of the water 'cause hewasn't gonna surrender that.

I think what you gotta do is tell God,

"Look, I am yours andwhatever I've got is yours.

I'm your servant.

My money is yours, my lifeis yours, everything."

And that takes some doing, believe me.

So it's a progressive thing.

You don't just do it overnight.

But when you do, there's an emptying.

And the Bible says, "TheLord emptied Himself

of his glory and became like a human being

but took on the form of a servant."

And I think there's gotta be a question,

as you empty yourself, thenGod fills you with Himself.

And that's progressive.

I don't think it'ssomething you do overnight.

- A daily decision.

- [Pat] Amen, it really is.


- Okay, Alexis from Miami,Florida has this question.

- [Alexis] The question I have for you is:

I would like to develop a more meaningful

and effective prayertime as I pray every day.

And since you are soexperienced with the Lord

and have such a powerful relationship,

could you give me a pointer when I pray

and reach for the Lord for the Holy Spirit

and God to work in me?

- I think what we really all have to do

is find a place of quiet.

You know, if you turn on the radio,

if you turn on the television,

if you start today with all this stuff,

your mind is immediatelyinto the chaos of this world.

So there's gotta be a timewhen you set aside quiet

and you just focus on God.

And all this stuff willtry to come into your mind

and you just can't allow it.

You've got to take control of that

and capture every thoughtthat's coming into your mind.

But a quiet place.

You know, before the kids.

When I was in seminary,

I used to try to pray in the morning.

I had little children.

Little children get up mighty early.

And I had to get up ahead of them

and get in there andbegin to talk to the Lord.

Then the kids would come

and then all the daily activity comes.

You have to get ahead of that.

And if you do, you could be with the Lord.

And from then on out, you canstay with Him all day long.

You're praying.

You're thinking of the Lord.

You pray without ceasing.

But it's as, you know,

like the monk who wrote a book

called "Practice of the Presence of God."

He was washing pots in the kitchen,

but he was practicing the presence of God.

Whatever thing you do,you can be in prayer.

But you do need a quiet place for yourself

either at night or inthe morning or sometime

before the day overwhelms you.

All right.- All right, good advice.

And Janice from Denton, Texashas another question for Pat.

- [Janice] I'm asking you:

Will the church gothrough the tribulation?

Matthew 24 says that Hecomes after the tribulation.

What do you say?

- It says, "Immediatelyafter the tribulation

of those days."

The answer is yes.

This idea of a raptureprior to the tribulation

is just not in the Bible.

But the question is, how soon?

And the Bible says, "Except the Lord

had shortened those days,no flesh will be left."

I wrote a book called "The End of the Age"

that had to do with ameteor hitting the earth.

But it was a short time.

It's only a few days.

But I do think, yes,

wherever that tribulationis, we'll be there,

but the church has hadsuccessive tribulations.

They had tribulations under Rome.

And right now in our world,there are so many Christians

who are being persecuted fortheir faith all over the world.

So we have not beentaken out of the world.

We are going through it.

But the Bible says immediately after it,

then it'll appear, the signof the Son of Man in heaven.

So whatever it is, it's notgoing to be raptured out.

I think that's a false doctrine.

Whatever's going tohappen is going to happen,

and we need to be prepared and be strong

in the midst of this.

"Because you have keptthe word of my patience;

therefore, I will keepyou from the hour of trial

that's going to come totry the whole earth."

- Yeah.

When you think of what's happeningin Afghanistan right now.

- [Pat] Oh, absolutely.

- They're going through a-- They're being,

they're being executed andwho knows what's happening

to Christians over there,but that's just one of the...

The Muslims will do everything they can

to persecute Christiansand to execute them

- Yes.- or to give them

so-called dhimmi status

that puts them in a subservient position.

All right.

- All right, well, here'sGerald from Merced, California

with this question.

- [Gerald] I am wanting to know,

when are they gonna startrebuilding the third temple?

God bless.

Enjoy your show.

Keep up the good work.

- Well, so far, you know, the temple,

the Dome of the Rock is a Muslim site,

and they took over what hadbeen a Christian church,

tore it down, and thenbuilt that Dome on the Rock.

So in order to build the temple again,

they'd have to tear that one down.

And you talk about a war?

- Whoa!- It's gonna be horrendous.

So when is He gonna be, or will it be?

It may not be till afterthe Lord comes back again.

All right.- So there's the Western Wall,

- Well, you got

the Western Wall.- that's not where

it's gonna be.- No, no.

It's the Temple Mount.- The Temple Mount.

- The actual site is, it'swhere the Dome of the Rock is.

I mean, that's the church. It's there.

There used to be a church.

There was an Orthodox churchand the Muslims tore it down,

and they built that elaborate dome.

Okay.- Don't think

that's gonna happen

anytime soon.- I don't.

Not till the Lord comes back.

- Jamie from Baltimore, Marylandhas this question for Pat.

- [Jamie] My question for Pat is:

Can you be taught how to speak in tongues,

and if so, where isthis found in the Bible?

- It's not in the Bible.

There's nobody that says you talk.

You're supposed to surrender,

you're supposed to believe God,

and you're supposed toreceive God's power.

But I'll tell you one thing,

you cannot speak in the vernacular

and speak in the spirit at the same time.

And so people are praying

who want to be filled with the Spirit

and they want to have that and they say,

"Oh, God, bless me, blessme, bless me, bless me."

Well, when they do that,

they're still speaking in the vernacular

and they want the Holy Spirit

to begin to speak through them.

And until they shut upand let the God speak,

and you open your mouthand begin to worship God,

and out of that worship comesthe thing you're looking for.

All right.

- It took me a while because the mind,

it's so hard to get the mindto just get out of the way

and let the Spirit.

And I had to be with somevery experienced believers

and we were worshiping andwe had to wait on the Lord.

- Exactly.- And you just

have to give yourself-- Well, I've prayed for people

and laid hands on 'em andthey immediately began

to speak in the Holy Spirit.

- Right, some people get it- The power of God

came upon them.- like, just like that,

- All right.- like that, in the shower

even, you know,

so everybody's different,- (laughs) Wherever.

- so just do what you need to do,

but I didn't get it right away.

Okay, up next, our third and final round

of this special voicemailedition of "The 700 Club."

Your question could becoming up, so stay tuned.

(uplifting music)

Welcome back to our final roundof your voicemail questions

and Pat's honest answers.

We start with Rickyfrom Evansville, Indiana

with this question for Pat.

- [Ricky] I wanted to ask Pat:

How long you been a believer?

- [Wendy] How long youbeen a believer, Pat?

- How long have I been?

Oh my, I was...

I'm thinking, I'm trying to think.

It's been...

I'm 90 years, so 50, 50, 60, 60 years.

At least 60.- Long time.

- A long time.

But at least, it...

I was just, I think, in my late20s when I came to the Lord.

- Did you receive the Lord

when you were a little kid going to church

and then fall away?- Well, I was baptized

in the Baptist Church, but Ididn't really know the Lord.

- Yeah.- I actually preached a sermon

and I didn't know the Lord.

- [Wendy] (laughs) Wow.

Taste of things to come there.

All right.- Yeah, but God's power.

I had a praying mother andshe just believed God for me

and it was just one of those things.

- Yeah, it was, yeah.- It was-

- [Wendy] Praying mom.

- Amen.

- All right, Cheryl fromLivermore, California

has this question.

- [Cheryl] Out of all thebooks that you've written,

which one is your favorite,

and how long did it take you to write it?

- Well, you know, I usedto write them all by hand

on a yellow page.

And the one that probablywas the most popular

and got the biggest ratingwas "A New World Order,"

and I wrote that out.

But more recently, I've writtenthree books just recently,

and every one of them I've dictated

because I'm having a littletrouble writing like I used to.

But I suppose the,

"I Walked With the LivingGod" was a biography

and I think that probablyis the most important

that I've gotten out there.

But I've got one that's not,

it's gonna be released in the spring.

It'll go out to the publisher

and he'll put it on the list in September,

but we'll bring it out,I think, in early spring.

It's about the Holy Spirit

and I think it's a very important book.

- Amen.

"I Walked With the LivingGod" is really wonderful.

Really wonderful, if youhaven't read that yet.

Okay, Ellen from San Antonio, Texas

has this question for Pat.

- [Ellen] I'd like to askPat if we should tithe

on the money that we getfrom Social Security.

And that's my question.

God bless you.

Thank you.

- I think it'd be a good idea.

I believe God has ablessing for those who give.

Those who give generouslywill reap generously

and those sow sparinglywill reap sparingly.

And so if you want financial blessings,

that God promises it when we give,

and so if you have an opportunity to give,

it's a blessing.

And you know, when the Bible said

"It's more blessed to givethan to receive," it's true.

It gives you more satisfaction to give.

I'd much rather give to somebody

than to get something from him.

All right.- Amen.

Good word.

Okay, Pat, from Bend,Oregon with this question.

- [Pat] I have money in thebank that's not working for me.

How does one find areputable financial advisor?

Wish it could be someone there at CBN.

- I don't know how much money you've got.

You gotta have right much money

before you start talkingabout a financial advisor.

But I tell you,

there's something called a strait advisor.

There are some newslettersthat are very, very well done.

But there are somecompanies that pay money.

There's one that is an REIT,

it's called O, it's go the symbol O,

and it's called Realty Income,

and they've been paying dividends

every year since the 1950s.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- And it's just solid,

day after day after day.

And there's some otherones that I have found

that pay at least 10%.

So the idea of leavingyour money in a bank

with not drawing anything.

But you don't need a financial advisor.

I mean, good grief.

There's so many people.

And these fidelity fundsare very well done.

There's some others,

but they invest the moneyand do a good job with you.

You don't need a financial advisor

in my-- What was the name

of that company againthat's been doing dividends

since the 1950s?- It's called Realty Income.

There's a symbol that's O.

- Just O?- O.

- Realty Income. Okay.

Thanks, Pat. Good tip.

All right, Roger from Chicago,Illinois with this question.

- [Roger] My question for Pat is this:

God heals people.

I believe that healing is for today.

Why do some people takeso long to get healed?

And also, why is it thatsome people get healed,

and yet other people don'tthat believe in healing?

- Look, there's somepeople in their own truth

that are happy with their diseases.

I mean, that disease becomes a crutch.

So they say, "Well, I'd love to go out,

but I can't because of my arthritis."

You know, "I'd like to go,

but my heart's havingpalpitations," and so forth.

But others...

We are so smart, we think,in this modern world

that the idea of asking God

to come in and heal us is ridiculous.

Now I want you to know,I believe in medicine.

We have a school of healthcare sciences

at Regent University.

We train people in psychology.

We have a doctorate in psychology.

We have a nursing program.

I believe in medicine.

I am a fan of it.

The doctors and hospitalsare a gift from God.

So I see nothing wrongwith the wonderful medicine

that I think has been given to us.

But I do believe in the power of God.

So it's a question of can you believe.

You can say, "Well, Ican believe in a headache

'cause I can take an aspirin,"

but how about believing in a broken leg?

We had a word of knowledge the other day

about somebody that had a broken leg

and God healed her leg.

The ankle was all shatteredand God healed it.

- Praise God.- And the Lord told me,

He said, "I'm gonna heal broken legs,"

and lo and behold, next day.- Wow.

- Bang.- I love it.

- All right, all right, next.

- Okay, Tamara fromMurphy, North Carolina,

you have this question for Pat.

- [Tamara] My questionrefers to the Lord's Prayer.

What did Jesus mean when He said,

"Lead us not into temptation"?

- I mentioned that once before.

You know, the Braid Scots says,

"Suffer us not to be sifted."

I think what God,

in that prayer is not "leadus not into temptation."

God would not lead us into temptation.

But what He's praying is don'tlet us be put in a situation

where our faith is going tobe so badly put to the test

that we can't stand it.

I think that's what's He's saying.

All right.- Amen.

Virginia from Cheyenne, Wyomingwith this question for Pat.

- [Virginia] Do you believe that the gifts

of the Holy Spirit are still active today?

And is there other giftsother than speaking in tongues

that are active?

- Look, they're not gifts.

They're enablements.

And we use the term gifts, but it's wrong.

You know, like somebody's...

They're manifestations of the Holy Spirit

through utterance andthrough miraculous things.

So there are at least nine manifestations

of the Holy Spirit.

I've got it in my newbook that's coming out.

I've outlined all of them.

But the answer is absolutely.

Those things are still prevalent.

We have here the word of knowledge.

It was the gifts of revelation.

Now you've got utterance andhave revelation and power.

And so they're...

But they certainly are moving today.

The idea that everythingstopped when the perfect came,

when the canon of the Bibleof written, it's all over,

that's just not true.

God is still working in power.

I mean, the so-called charismatic churches

are growing by leaps and bounds.

It's the fastest growing expression

of anything in the world.

All right.- Amen.

Wilson from Louisville, Kentuckywith this question for Pat.

- [Wilson] I wonder whathappened to the souls of people

that when they died they hadnot heard of Jesus Christ

either before He cameon the scene, or since?"

- There's a scripture that says

He went and He preached to thesouls who were in captivity

and they had a chance.

I think God wants togive everybody a chance.

God takes no pleasurein destroying people.

He takes no pleasure inthe death of the wicked.

And so the Bible does say that Jesus,

when he descended into the earth

and the time He was in the tomb,

that He preached to the soulswho were there in captivity.

So that's what I, that's all I know.

- Yeah.

That was a good question.

- All right.- Okay.

Mary from Tazewell, Virginia,

you have this question for Pat.

- [Mary] I was wanting to ask a question.

Will we remember thatwe lived here on earth

when we go to heaven?

- Absolutely, I think we will.

The thing that is nice is that God said,

"I'm gonna take your sins from you

as far as the east is from the west,

and so there'll be notears and no sorrow."

And I'm sure every one of uswill have a whole lot of tears

and stuff we'd screwedup when we were on earth.

So maybe, maybe God,

you know, God has the ability to forget.

I don't know if we are or not,

but I do think we will certainlyhave our consciousness.

We'll know who we were andwhat we were doing on earth.

I don't think, it's notgonna be on wiped out

when we get to heaven.

- No sorrow, no tears,

no sickness.- God said no sorrow,

no tears, no suffering.

- Okay, James from Tampa, Floridahas this question for Pat.

- [James] I was wanting to ask you

about the creaturesmentioned in Job 40 and 41,

the Leviathan and the Behemoth.

In that instance, they seemto be described as creatures

that were just aliveand roaming the earth.

Could those have been what wedescribe today as dinosaurs?

Thank you for answering.

- Well, thanks.

So I think Job was talking about,

he's talking about the hippopotamus

and he's talking about the elephant,

and he's also talking about the crocodile.

But you know, there was an extinction.

A huge meteor hit the earth

and the dinosaurs got killed off.

And that took place about,

what am I saying?

250 million years ago, at least.

- [Wendy] Wow.

- And there were several extinctions,

several extinctions thattook place on this planet,

and that was one of themthe dinosaurs got killed by.

I think it hit down in the Yucatan

and just blew off everything in the world.

It shifted the,

well, the climates, their food was gone

and so forth.- Right.

But we've had it up

and they've got Tyrasauranous

or Tyrannosaurus rex and other.

They found a lot of those dinosaurs.

They were on the earth,

but it's not the ones talked about in Job.

Well, Today's Power fromthe Book of Hebrews:

"For the Word of God is alive and active,

shaper than any two-edged sword."

Thanks so much for being with us.

For Wendy and all ofus, we'll see you later.

Appreciate your questions.

God bless you.


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