- Well, welcome to this special edition
of "The 700 Club."
You take control of the show today.
From all across America,
you called and left yourvoicemail questions,
and today we're going tohear your voices on the air
and answer your questions,hopefully, today.
But first, in the news.
Heartless, cruel, clueless,
and totally disconnected from reality.
That's how one veteranof the Afghanistan war
describes President Biden's decision
to double down his August 31st deadline.
Meanwhile, classifiedbriefings reveal that Americans
and Afghans are beinghunted down by the Taliban.
The ramifications of Biden'sbotched plans are untold,
including the plunging disapproval
of the president'shandling of this crisis.
Charlene Aaron has more.
- President Biden is dismissing criticism
from G7 members and evenDemocrats over his decision
to not extend that August 31st deadline.
That as thousands of Americans and Afghans
remain trapped in Kabulunder growing threats
from the Taliban.
Growing desperation as families,including many Americans,
attempt to flee Taliban rule.
The terror group controllingaccess to the airport,
now saying it won't allow anyAfghans to leave the country.
- We're waiting to get through,
but they're not letting us at the moment.
- [Charlene] PresidentBiden, Tuesday, saying
the evacuation is on schedule.
- We are currently on a paceto finish by August the 31st.
The sooner we can finish, the better.
Each day of operations bringsadded risk to our troops.
- [Charlene] More than 70,000people have been evacuated
in the past 10 days, includingmore than 5,400 Americans,
but many more are stilltrapped behind Taliban lines.
The president's decision tohold to the August 31st deadline
facing fierce opposition on all fronts.
GOP Congressman Mike Waltz
speaking on CBN's "Faith Nation" program.
- It's both heartless, it's cruel,
and it's clueless interms of the disconnect
between the reality on the ground.
- [Charlene] Waltz, a veteranof the war in Afghanistan,
says the president's public statements
don't match closed-doorintelligence briefings.
- What we're hearing in private
from his own team in classified briefings,
where they admit thatAmericans and our Afghan allies
are being hunted down, they're in danger,
and that Al-Qaeda is goingto come roaring back.
It's not a matter of if, but just when.
- [Charlene] Even Democratsdoubt the evacuation
can be completed in time andare calling for an extension.
- We must do everything necessary
regardless of the deadlineat the of the month.
We must extend that andget the mission done.
The deadline is when themission is accomplished
and we bring our people home, full stop.
- [Charlene] Meanwhile, Waltzwill introduce a measure
condemning the president's failure
to heed advice of militaryand intelligence advisers
and warning the US will paya heavy price in the future.
- We're just weeks away fromthe 20th anniversary of 9/11,
and yet we're being dictated to
by the Taliban 20 years later
and Al-Qaeda is going to beback again for some future 9/11.
So the blood that's goingto be on Biden's hands
is not just the Americans and Afghans
trapped in Kabul right now as we speak,
but that future attack on the homeland
and future American soldiersthat are gonna have to go back
once again and deal withthe threat of terrorism,
but this time with nobases, no local allies,
and with a Talibanthat's armed to the teeth
with our own equipment that we allowed
to fall in their hands.
- Meanwhile, a new USAToday/Suffolk University poll
shows President Biden'soverall approval rating
has dropped to 41%, with 62% disapproving
of his handling of the crisis.
Charlene Aaron, CBN News.
- Ladies and gentlemen,America voted him into office.
We have a president whois in advanced stages
of senile dementia, he is unable to act,
he doesn't know how to make up his mind,
and America is now thelaughingstock of the world
because our nation isn't able to function
and our allies no longer trust us,
the enemies no longer fear us.
And this is the legacy.
We voted for him.
Not me, I didn't vote for him,
but America voted forhim, put him in office.
Senile dementia.
He is ruining our country.
And in a short period of time,
he has done more to destroythe reputation of America
than perhaps has happened in its history.
It is unbelievably bad.
But nevertheless, God is on the throne
and that's the thing thatI wanted to emphasize
on this program today.