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- [Terry] Well Pat, thefirst question comes
from Kerisha, who says, "Irecently attended a modeling
"and confidence class wherewe had to do some exercises.
"They ended up being yoga poses.
"I did them, which I deeply regret.
"I have prayed, asked God for forgiveness,
"and renounced all theassociated spirits, et cetera.
"Will God forgive me?
"I also noticed otherexercises, such as the plank,
"are also like yoga.
"So which exercises can we do
"without compromising our faith?"
- Look, the thing thatthey have about yoga that
was so bad, you had topronounce some kind of a mantra
and it was in Hindu andpeople didn't realize that
they were praying to Hindu gods.
As far as exercises, some ofthose stretching exercises
that they call yoga is very healthy.
So I wouldn't get all worked up about it.
But what I think is justdon't get into the stuff
where you're saying this mantra
and you don't know what the words are.
The next thing you know, you'repraying to some Hindu deity.
But as far as stretching andcertain types of exercises,
I mean, you know, ifthey're good, they're good.
Don't worry about it.
- This is Gayle who says, "My question is:
"How can I be sure ofvoting integrity next year
"when I cast my vote?
"How can I be sure the radical left
"won't taint the voting process again?
"I fear that everything is so corrupt
"and that we'll never havean honest election again.
"I live in Florida and trust my own state,
"but I don't trust theDemocratic run states."
- Well, I think therewas some irregularities
in the last election.
I think they're trying to clean it up.
And some of those voting machines,
I know there've been a lotof suits that, you know,
the voting machine companies,
but I think they were faulty and flawed
and they need to be corrected.
But the big thing is, is HR-1.
The idea that you'll send out ballots
across the country to almost anybody
and they cannot have verification.
You need to be sure.
And what was proposed, for example,
in Georgia was very sound.
I mean, the idea is and you need to verify
who it was that's voting.
And Biden got on theair and started talking
about Jim Crow on steroids.
He was just lying.
You know, they do a lot of lying.
But that kind of a law is very important.
You need to know who's voting.
And the idea of getting ballots sent
in the mail indiscriminately,that opens the door
for fraud and the HR-1 that was proposed
by the Democrats wouldhave done just that.
It would federalize electionsand it was horrible.
But so far, it hadn't come to a vote
and just work it tokeep that from doing it.
- This is Theresa who says,
"Who are the two witnesses seen by John
"during the second woein Revelation 11:3-14?
"Are they Elijah and Moses?"
- Well I'm, I don't knowfor sure because, you know,
there's a lot in Revelationthat's go to hidden.
They says it's Revelation, butit's anything but revealing.
But the idea is Moses stands for the law
and Elijah for the prophets.
And the law and the profits are the,
the substance of the Revelation of God.
So I think that's what we'retalking about, all right?
- Okay, Kevin says, "Pat,I'm not understanding
"the prodigal son scripture in light
"of what Hebrews 6:4-5 says,
"'For it is impossible forthose who were once enlightened
"'and have tasted the heavenly gift,
"'if they fall away to renewthem again to repentance.'
"Could you help me understand?
"I was a backslider, but nowI'm living my life for Jesus."
- Look, the thing is whether you apostate,
whether you have turned andcounted the blood of Christ
an unholy thing, that'swhat he's talking about.
It's impossible.
If you, if you turn so muchaway that you count the power
of the Holy Spirit and theblood of Jesus an unclean thing.
You haven't done that,so don't worry about it.
You know, the prodigalson is the nature of God.
He opens His heart tosomebody who's living
immorally and wasting money.
And the Lord takes him backinto the home, all right?
- Okay, this is Madisonwho says, "Hello, I'm 16
"and recently, someone whowas so, so, so important to me
"decided to leave my life.
"I love him too much to let him go.
"He was my best friend for years
"and I have never felt a pain like this.
"I need God's help torepair our relationship
"because I can't do it alone.
"How should I pray?"
- You just do that and you tell the Lord,
tell Him what's on your heart.
You know, they call it puppylove, there's a laugh about it,
but I tell you those earlylove affairs are very,
very important in people's lives
and those relationshipsare very important.
But you do grow out of them.
And what you've got to believe is that
God will listen to you.
But you've come to God and say Lord,
I've got this thing in my heart.
Please fill me with Your Spirit.
And God will take away the pain.
He understands what's going on.
And nobody should laugh at you
and because we know it's very important.
But God knows it, too.
And if you come to Him and say Lord,
I've got this problem, help me,
and the Lord will answer your prayer
and He will do a miracle in your life.