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Your Questions, Honest Answers: - August 12, 2021

When Satan rebelled in Heaven and he wanted to be above God, why didn't God destroy him right then and there instead of kicking him out of Heaven? Read Transcript

- Okay Pat, the first onecomes from Sandy who says,

A man, I know refuses to forgivesomeone who did him wrong.

I mentioned several verses tohim concerning forgiveness.

So he said in John 20:23 it says,

"Whosoever sins, ye remit,they are remitted unto them,

and whosoever sins yeretain, they are retained".

He believes this verse meanshe can choose who he wants to

forgive or not forgive.

Does that verse really mean that?

- No, it means no such thing.

It has to do with the binding and losing.

We're given the power

to bind regulations to people

and to loose regulations.

And anybody thattranslates into something,

from whoever sends it, that'snot a correct translation.

It's it's binding andloosening regulations, period.

And, I may say you hold a grudge,

and what is going to happenit will eat inside of you.

If you want miracles, you must forgive.

You have ought againstany forgiveness your

Heavenly Father might forgive you.

It is absolutely crucial ifyou want to have miracles in

your life. And so the other thing,

you just get the scripture on, old buddy.

So get it right, alright?

- Okay. This is a viewer who says,

when Satan rebelled in Heaven and

he wanted to be above God,

why didn't God destroyhim right then and there

instead of kicking them out of Heaven

so he could cause allthese heartaches down here?

Then, Adam and Eve would have been

okay in the garden.

Why didn't he just kill Satan?

- Well. You know, you say,why didn't God do something?

God is almighty and He's all wise.

So just keep in mind, Heknows a whole lot more

about life than you do.

But what He didn't want to do was

to put fear into the world.

If He had just reached down and says,

okay, say, do a "Wham! You're gone".

What would that do?

It would mean the reason peoplelove God would be because

they were afraid of Him.

So what does He do?

He says, "I am going to take the penalty.

Do you Satan, I'm goingto do it on myself.

So I'm going to let loverain in the Universe

instead of fear.

And it was the wisdom of Godalmighty over the centuries.

So we're talking abouta God who understands

nature of humans better than we do.

And that's why He wanted to do it.

He wanted to let love rain in the,

in the Universe instead of fear.

And He, He did a good job of it.

Cause we come to Jesusbecause we love Him.

And I was praying today andsaying, Lord, I love you.

Why do we love Him?Because He died for us.

Not because we were scared of Him alright?

- This is Barbara who says,

why do people hate the Jews?

I've never understood why so many people

despise them like they do.

Do you know? I don't understand it.

- The Devil hates thosewho carry the word of God.

And they're the evidence of God on Earth,

and they were given the articles of God,

and the Devil hates the oneswho brought forth The Messiah,

brought forth the prophets,brought forth the Bible.

And he wants to destroy them. That's why.


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