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Who Gives the Increase? - The Superbook Show

Malachi reminds Sophia that it is our job to tell people about Jesus, but Jesus’s job to save them. Read Transcript

- Welcome to the Superbook Show.

Today we're gonna talk about-

- Why bother?

- Why bother do the Superbook Show?

- No, that's what we'regoing to talk about today.

Why bother?

- Okay?

- So I'm on Zoom withmy friend Tasha today

and I felt this thing, like a tugging.

- You mean the Holy Spirit or something?

- Yeah, and I feel like

I'm supposed to tell Tasha about Jesus.

So I did, I told her what he meant to me.

- That's great!

- No, it isn't great.

She said, "Oh, good for you."

Then asked me about thehomework in math class.

- Oh.

- Oh is right.

I did what I was supposedto do, and it didn't work.

So why bother?

- (chuckles) You thoughtyou could feed the 5,000?

- Who said anything about food?

(upbeat music)

(air whooshing)

(air whooshing)

- I talk about my failure intelling someone about Jesus,

and you talk about food.

Can we not change the subject?

- You thought that if you didwhat you were supposed to do,

you would somehow save Tasha.

- Yeah, so?

- And because it didn't work right then

you think it was a waste of time.

- Okay, back on track.

So that's the lesson kiddos, don't bother.

- Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on.

Three things, your part is enough.

Mind your own business.

And remember, it's not your job.

- Back off track again.

- (sighs) Remember whenthe crowd followed Jesus

and it was lunchtime,

and the disciples wantedto send them home?

(transition music)

(man speaks in foreign language)

(gentle music)

- My five loaves and two small fish

are not enough to feed all these people.

- Jesus can do miracles.

- Jesus fed over 5,000 people today,

and the disciples

have almost collected12 baskets of leftovers.

I have never seen or heardof a miracle this great.

There is nothing Jesus cannot do.

(transition music)

- The crowd was fed withthe kid's bread and fish.

- So the kid fed all those people.

- No, Jesus did.

- Exactly right.

The boy's job was only to provide two fish

and five loaves of bread,that's it, that was his part.

- So?

- And it was enough, that's the point.

The boy was only asked to do his part

- But I did my part but no miracle,

Tasha wasn't even partly impressed.

- God asked you to dosomething, you did it.

You should be content.

- But why do somethingif it doesn't pay off?

- Which brings me to point number two,

it's none of your business.

- Hey!

- Your job was to provide fish and bread,

you don't get to decidewhen that might bear fruit.

- Now you're talking about fruit,

are you hungry or something?

- Here, read Galatian 6:9.

(air whooshing)

- "So let's not get tiredof doing what is good,

"at just the right time we'llreap a harvest of blessing

"if we don't give up."

- Notice, at just the righttime we'll reap a harvest.

Not right away, or justwhen we want it to you.

You don't get to decide whenyour action reaps a harvest.

- Then who does?

Oh wait, don't question, God decides.

- That's right, it's not yourbusiness, it's God's business.

Next one, it's not your job.

Read 1 Corinthians 3:6,this is Paul talking.

- "I planted the seed in your hearts

"and Apollos watered it,

"but it was God that made it grow."

- Paul did what you did, he witnessed,

told people about Christ, someone else-

- Apollos.

- Continued the work.

Whose job was it to bring the results?

- God made it grow.

My job is just to dowhat God tells me to do,

and not worry about whetherit seems to work or not.

- That's right, and let it bring you joy

even if you don't get to see the results.

I know it's hard, but-

- I just need to think on this.

- "Things that are seendo not last forever,

"but things that are not seen are eternal.

"That is why we keep our minds

"on the things that cannot be seen."

- Well played.

- Thanks, and this helped a lot.

His word is forever alive.

(upbeat music)

(air whooshing)

Want to know more?

Come over to thesuperbookshow.comfor The Superbook Show,

the free super book Bibleapp and a whole lot more.

- And don't be discouraged

if you do what God wants youto do, let that bring you joy.

- And leave the rest to God.

- Amen.

- See you next time.- Bye.

(air whooshing)

- That's right, it's notyour business, it's Paul's,

it's God's business,- (laughs) It's Paul's...

- It's God's business-- It's not your business-

- It's Paul's business (laughs).

- It's God's business, okay.

- "Things that are seendo not last forever.

"But things that are seenare not seen are eternal."

"Things that are seen do not last forever.

"But things that are seen are eternal."

Oh, that was not it, I switched it.

"Things that are seen do not last forever.

"Things that are seen are eternal.

I did it again (laughing).

Supposed to tell Tashaabout Jesus, so I did.

- That's great.

- I told her what he meant to me.

- Sorry, my bad (laughing).

(indistinct voice in the background)

I'm sorry about that (laughing).

I was just really happy, all right.

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