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Priceless Pearls - The Superbook Show

Sophia and Kaitlin talk about how the kingdom of God is priceless. Read Transcript

- I'll trade you these flower earrings

for you wing necklace?

- Okay.

- Hi there, welcome to The Superbook Show.

- Oh, I will give you this ring

for your pearls.

- Those pearls are very special.

They were my grandma'sbefore she gave them to me.

- Well, this ring hasreal faux diamonds in it.

- Aren't faux diamonds fake by definition?

- Oh, well I guess you're right.

What if I give you this ring

and this bracelet for them?

- Sorry, but I would nottrade my grandmother's pearls

for all the jewelry in the world.

They mean a lot to me.

- Hey, that's our subject for today.


- Oh, I found somethingpriceless at the store once.

- Really?- Yeah.

I couldn't find the price tag anywhere

so I took it to one ofthe price scanner things

and scanned the barcode.

Turned out to be $5.(cash register dinging)

- That's not exactly whatI meant by priceless.

- Oh, then what did you mean?

- When something's priceless, it means

it's worth more than any amount of money

anyone could ever pay.

- So like, $5 billion.

That's more money than I could ever pay.

- More than that, more than any amount

of money in the world.

- Wow, that's really valuable.

- Yeah, just like the kingdom on heaven.

- Huh?

- You know what?

I think I know a great parable that would

illustrate what I'm saying.

- Okay.

- Where are you going?

- Here you go.

- What are those?

- You said we needed a pair of bowls?

(twizzler whistle)

- A parable.

Jesus told parables orstories to teach people

about God in heaven in a way that

they could understand them.

- Oh oops, my bad.

- Here, let me pull outmy Superbook Bible out.

All right.

Okay, here it is.

Again, "The kingdom ofheaven is like a merchant

"on the lookout for choice pearls.

"When he discovered a pearl of great value

"he sold everything heowned and bought it."

- I don't get it.

What do pearls have to dowith the kingdom of heaven?

- Jesus was saying that thekingdom of heaven is priceless

just like the pearl of great value.

The merchant gave up everythinghe had to buy the pearl.

Likewise, we should be willingto do anything it takes

to enter the kingdom of heaven.

- That makes sense.

The kingdom of heaven is worthmore than anything on earth.

Sometimes we might have to be willing

to give up things thatseem important to us

in order to obey God.

But it's worth it because being

in the kingdom is priceless.

- You know what else is priceless?

- What?- You.

- Really?

I'm priceless?

- Yes, you are priceless.

As a matter of fact,everyone is priceless.

The Bible says, "For youwere bought at a price,

"therefore glorify God in your body

"and in your spirit which are God's."

- Wow, you're right.

I would never trade mygrandmother's pearls

for any amount of money.

But I would not be willing

to give up my life for them.

We must be truly priceless to God.

- I know, right?

Isn't it wonderful how much God values us?

- Definitely.

- His word is forever alive.

- That was a great parabola.

(sour note playing)

- Parable.

A parabola is a plain curverepresented by the equation

Y equals A times X raisedto the power of two

plus B times X plus C.

- What?

- Never mind.

To read more about Jesus' parables

check out the Superbook Bible app

and check out

for more Superbook.

- Thanks for watching.

I'll trade you my flowerearrings for your,

for your...

What do I say instead ofheart earrings? (laughing)

- [Coach] Necklace.

- You know what?

I think I know a great para (laughing)

I almost said parabola.

Oh, boy.

- But it's worth it because being

in the kingdom is priceless.

(cellphone ringing)- You know what else

is priceless?

- What?

- You!

- Hey, you.

(girls giggling)

Wait, you ruined the whole script.

You ruined the whole stuff.

(comedic duck quacking)

- Jesus paid the ultimate price

when He gave our lives,

gave His life for us on the,

I told you I shouldn'thave said that out loud.

- When He gave our lives.

- It's fine.

When He gave His life for us on the cross.

- That was a great parabola.

- Parable.

(girls laughing)

And check out

for more Superbook (giggling).

- Thanks for watching.

- [Coach] Parables, you guys.

(girls giggling)

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