A jet ski accident leaves a young man practically dead in the water. Watch the race to save his life. Plus, Jack Phillips looks back at his landmark batting in front of the Supreme Court.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Narrator] Coming up,
the cost of one man's faith.
- [Jack] One the commissioners said that
religious freedom was adespicable piece of rhetoric.
- [Announcer] Turns intoa fight for all Americans.
- This has been so much more than just
can Jack go back to making cakes again.
- [Narrator] Jack Phillips looksback at his landmark battle
in front of the Supreme Court.
Then, a jet ski accident.
- I looked up and I told Dale,I said, Dale, is that a body?
- [Narrator] And a young man
is practically dead in the water.
- He had blood coming out of his ears,
he had blood coming out of his nose.
- [Narrator] Watch therace to save his life.
- Time is not on our side.
- [Narrator] On today's "700 Club".
(upbeat music)
- Welcome folks to thisedition of "The 700 Club".
Last week, 124 retiredgenerals and admirals
sounded a warning to our country.
They wrote that
under the current administrationand Congress, quote,
our country has taken a hardleft turn towards socialism
and a Marxist form oftyrannical government.
Among their concerns is this, and I quote,
the mental and physical condition
of the commander inchief cannot be ignored.
He must be able to quickly
make accurate national security decisions
involving life and limbanywhere, day or night.
Any sudden change in the Oval Office
points to this successionof the presidency.
Now this isn't something they said,
it's something I want you to say.
If something happens, if for some reason,
Joe Biden is removed becauseof mental incompetency,
and there are people sounding the alarm,
these admirals and generalsdidn't come out and say,
well, he's mentally deficient,but everybody has found
constant glitches in his speech pattern
and his inability to speak without having
carefully scripted notes.
So this is what's,
here is the succession Iwant to show you again.
If he is taken out,
Vice President Kamala Harrisbecomes the president.
If something happens to Kamala Harris,
the next president is Nancy Pelosi.
Now that's the way it is.
Now, unless,
there are five seats in theHouse that are up for grabs,
there was a redistrictingbecause of the census,
which may have given acouple more House seats
to Republicans,
and it looks without question
that the House is going to turn,
and Nancy Pelosi will not be speaker
after this fall's election.
That looks what is going to happen,
but she will be the Presidentof the United States,
if something happens toJoe Biden or Kamala Harris.
And so the thought is, ifNancy Pelosi is not speaker
if the current Republicanleader of the House
becomes speaker,
then there'll be a wholedifferent chain of command,
but anyhow, it'ssomething very interesting
and I think you should watch it,
because it may be in the news shortly.
Well, there's something elsethat happened a long time ago,
there was a case that wascalled Blackburn's Abortion,
it was the most awful casethat you could imagine,
and it was called Roe vs. Wade,
and suddenly what should have been
a police matter of the state,
to be decided at the state level
was federalized and taken away
from the voters of everystate in the United States.
But somehow or other,the Democrats had stuck,
assiduously to the ideaof unlimited abortion.
And I remember hearing
the candidate for presidentof the Democrat Party
in a debate with President Trump,
saying she would backup late term abortion
even with a baby being broughtfrom the mother's womb.
And I said, that is so horrible,
but if that is theposition, it's terrible.
Well, it could be now
the beginning of the end for Roe vs. Wade.
Yesterday the Supreme Court
made a potential move in that direction.
CBN's Jenna Browder has the details.
- The Supreme Court madethe announcement Monday
which comes by way of achallenge to a Mississippi law.
And with the current 6-3conservative makeup of the court,
the outcome could be different this time.
That law limits access to abortion
after 15 weeks of pregnancy
and challenges fetal viabilityas the standard for abortion.
- You can't legislate away
an entire group of human beings' rights,
children that are in the womb.
- [Jenna] Lila Rose,president of Live Action
on CBN's Faith Nation.
- And it's time for thelaw and the Supreme Court
to catch up with science
which is crystal clear thathuman life begins before birth,
and that the only differencebetween a pre-born child,
whether that child is 10weeks old, 15 weeks old
or moments before birthand us, a born human being,
is our age and our level of development.
- [Jenna] The Mississippi casedoes not directly challenge
the current legal right to an abortion,
but it could lay the groundworkfor more restrictions.
And if Roe V. Wade were to be overturned,
abortion would become a state issue.
- Ultimately, the hope is that
the Supreme Court will takethe handcuffs off the states
and allow them to pass laws
that reflect the values ofthe people that live there.
- [Jenna] Mallory Quigleywith the Susan B. Anthony List
says the mood of the country is shifting
and that the majority ofAmericans are now pro-life.
- This year alone, more than 500 bills
have been introduced at state legislatures
across the country,
61 have at this point been signed into law
and it's not even June.
This is the crescendo of agroundswell of pro-life momentum
that's been growing, especiallyin the last 10 years,
and it's in a direct contrast to
the legacy of Roe and the extreme
pro-abortion jurisprudencethat we have in this country.
- [Jenna] Pro-choice advocatesare voicing their opposition
and they are all callingit an ominous sign
that some states areready to ban abortion,
and the Biden administration too.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
condemning what she callsdraconian state laws.
Adding that president Bidenis committed to turning Roe
into codified law.
- And the president and the vice-president
are devoted to ensuringthat every American
has access to healthcare,
including reproductive healthcare.
- For now we'll haveto wait until the fall,
when the court should hear arguments,
and then release a decision next spring.
In Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN News.
- Just think ladies and gentlemen,
since Roe was passed,
we in the free country of America
have slaughtered approximately60 million unborn babies.
Think of the tremendous creation,
the creative ability that these people
could have brought toour society, 60 million.
Roe vs. Wade has been a terrible tragedy.
And we're going to have to pay the price
for slaughtering those unborn children.
But I remember when, you know
my friend Jesse Helms said, well
we need a constitutional amendment,
that'll enshrine the right to life,
and I thought, you know
it's not going to happenJesse, but what is needed
was a flip in the Supreme Court.
But to think that we'vehad to wait this long
to get a Supreme Court majoritythat would indeed hear this
and this whole idea ofpartial birth abortion
and the other thingsare just an abomination.
And there's no way that anybody can claim
it's a woman's health,
while a baby there'sbeing taken from her womb,
has his brains sucked out,
and to say that is something
having to do with woman'sreproductive health,
it's nonsense, but that'swhat's been claimed
by the so-called pro-choice people.
And well, we'll see what happens,
but it looks like to me, theSupreme Court, finally, finally
after these terrible years
of these millions of unborn babies
is finally going to make a decision,
that will, if nothing else
return this whole thing to the states,
and that's what shouldhave been done all along,
when the Supreme Courtfederalized abortion,
it took it out of the hands of the voters.
Well also in the news,
while the fighting betweenHamas and Israel rages on,
a political battle is brewing here at home
inside the Democratic Party.
John Jessup has more on that story.
- That is right Pat.
The ongoing conflict has exposed
a rift in the Democratic Party.
President Biden expressingsupport for ceasefire
in a phone conversationwith prime minister,
Benjamin Netanyahu Monday,
but stopping short ofexplicitly calling for one.
So far Biden and Democrat leaders
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi
are showing support for Israel,
citing it's right to self defense.
But the progressive wing of the party
wants the White House to takea more hard line approach
by addressing what he callsIsrael's apartheid policies
toward the Palestinians,
including withholding US aid as leverage.
Well, as most of the media is focused
on the rocket fire from Gazaand Israel's military response,
on the ground however, somefear and internal strife
threatens to tear Israel apart.
CBN's Chris Mitchell reportson the growing violence
between Arab and JewishIsraelis throughout the country.
- [Chris] Disturbances andrioting in Israel's major cities
is the worst in decades.
- What we saw on thestreets is something that
was reminding us of thedays of the pogroms in 1948,
in 1927, in 1936, in 1967,
that is unacceptable.
We want the Israeli Arab culture,
we want the Israeli Arab communities
to calm the situation down.
- [Chris] Israel Policespokesman Mickey Rosenfeld says
authorities have usedonly non-lethal methods
to control the violence.
- It's come from theIsraeli Arab community
who have attacked policeofficers, burned vehicles,
tens of vehicles ofcivilians also been burned
in the different cities.
- [Chris] Rosenfeld tells CBN News
the incidents began atJerusalem's Old City,
during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan.
- [Micky] But unfortunately,local residents,
local communities, local individuals,
the majority of them youngstersare taking to the streets.
- [Chris] In the initial violence,
Arab rioters attacked Jews and synagogues.
The violence also promptedJewish self-defense
and revenge attacks such as this one
caught live on Israeli television.
- The majority of those individuals being
individuals with criminal records
were taking to the street anddefending themselves as well
in the majority of situations.
Unfortunately, therewere one or two incidents
that took place, where theybeat up people in the streets,
which is absolutely unacceptable.
- [Chris] Meanwhile, Israel'spresident Reuven Rivlin
brought together Muslim, Christian
and Jewish religious leaders and educators
from the Northern Israelimixed city of Akko.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- This is home to us all,
and we protect our home,not with clubs and knives,
not with stones and firearms,
not through destruction and ruin,
but first and foremost, bymaintaining law and order.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- We had three awful days hereand we are still traumatized.
Our town is a special place,a place where we live,
and where coexistenceis not just a slogan.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- The people here have worked very hard
invested a great deal instopping the violence.
As the rabbi said, Akko is a place
where you feel the calmand the coexistence.
- [Chris] Arrests areongoing and Rosenfeld
hopes the situation calms down,
so police can decrease thenumber of officers on the ground.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Thanks for that report Chris.
Turning now to the US Southern border,
and the surge of migrants
crossing into the country illegally,
the numbers increasing every month.
The latest figures show nearly179,000 encounters in April,
a 900% increase from last year.
Republicans blaming Bidenadministration policies.
- You said as recently as this week
that the border is closed,
is that still your position today?
Border is closed.
- Yes, it is.
- Don't you think youbear any responsibility
for the current crisis
by telling the world earlier this year
that the border was open?
- I've never said that the border is open
and I've never been.
- We're not telling you not to come,
how would you parse that?
- I don't recall saying that.
I don't believe.
- You don't recall saying that.
- That's correct, Senator.
- [John] Another concern,
the flood of unaccompaniedminors at the border,
record numbers of children
now arriving faster thanthey can be processed
and placed in sponsor homes,
more than 17,000 crossed over in April
down slightly from the all-timehigh, Pat, back in March.
- You remember all of thefuss that went on about
Trump building a wall,
and he didn't have the money to do it,
and everybody complained hewas a dictator and an autocrat
to want to build all a wall,
and that he was somehow racist, jingoist,
all those terms that will be used?
He was right.
We cannot, cannot open our nation
to the flood of people aroundthe world who want to come in.
I mean, we just can't do it.
There's no way any nation
can accommodate a flood of immigrants
from outside it's borders
and still maintain it'sown standard of living.
But that seems to be the case,
and to deny that there's a crisis
is something that's just appalling,
it is an absolute flood ofrefugees that are coming in,
not only from South America,from all over the world,
and the cartels are takingadvantage of it and profiting,
and also taking the namesof people's families
when they bring them across,the so-called coyotes,
they bring them across the border,
then they find out thenames of their family
and where they live, andthen they use that blackmail.
We can't allow that to happen,
but it'll never, it won'tstop unless people say
Trump was right, weneed to build the wall.
At the same time,
we need to have a dealwith Mexico, which we had
to prevent this flood of immigrants.
But we abrogated that agreement,
and we stopped building the wall,
and that's been the liberal position,
to flood this country,
and when we have unemployment in America
and Americans seeking jobs,
to bring in a flood of low wageearners is just outrageous,
but that's what we're doing.
So folks, you know, we cannot have
one party coming in and saying,
our mandate is to dismantle
everything that my predecessordid, because let's face it,
Trump did some very good for things, John.
- And Pat on both sidesof the political divide,
American politics is being swallowed up
by what's known as dark money,
shadowy sources making huge contributions
and influencing government policy.
As Dale Hurd reports,
some say it goes all theway to the White House.
- [Dale] Both sides ofthe political aisle,
conservatives say dark moneycontrols White House policy,
on issues ranging from courtpacking to the environment.
Dark money is a political contribution
with no requirement todisclose who gave it
and no limit on the amount.
Democrats who've long warnedthat conservative dark money
was a menace to the nation.
Although in the last two elections,
Democrats were the dark money champions.
- Maybe no issue has greater hypocrisy
than debates over campaign finance reform,
and so-called dark money.
Because Democrats thunderagainst dark money,
and yet Democrats dominate dark money.
- Liberal dark money groupsoutspent conservative groups
by a three to one marginin the 2018 election,
and by a five to one margin in 2020.
$1 billion in dark money
was spent on the 2020 federal elections,
mostly by Democrats.
According to the website opensecrets.org
from the Center for Responsive Politics,
it says two thirds of it
came from shadowy politicalnon-profits and shell companies.
Joe Biden received five timesas much of these contributions
as Donald Trump.
Former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt
is with Americans for Public Trust.
- Everything that's goingon in America right now
where culture is being pushedin so many different levers,
there's often a dark moneygroup on the other side of that.
- [Dale] After the election,
officials connected to dark money
accepted positions inthe Biden administration,
including White HouseCounsel, Paige Herwig,
and spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
They worked with a groupcalled Demand Justice,
which paid for this sign
demanding Supreme CourtJustice Stephen Breyer resign
to make way for a Biden appointment.
Demand Justice alsowants to pack the court.
Chief of Staff RonKlain was a board member
at the CAP Action Fund,
which reports claim dealsin dark money donations.
And White House ClimateAdvisor Gina McCarthy
led the Natural Resources Defense Council,
another dark money group.
Laxalt believes thiseffectively makes Joe Biden
a puppet of dark money.
- These groups made an investment,
they cared about X issues
and they're not just outthere still spinning,
a lot of them moved into the White House,
and they're helping to shape policy.
- Democrats in the new Congress
have vowed to end dark money.
Critics say maybe they will,after they're done using it.
Dale Hurd, CBN News.
- Thanks Dale, Pat, back to you.
- Folks, don't you get sickof the hypocrisy in politics?
But I tell you, we betterdo some praying because
this is not a socialist country,
and I do believe that thiscountry belongs to the Lord,
it was given to the Lord Jesus,
and he doesn't really wantto give it up right now.
And I think this is a bastion of freedom
that is supposed to bea light to the nations,
and a city set on a hilland all the other things,
and we've got to be a leader.
Instead of that,
this country is beinghijacked by socialists,
it's being hijacked and the agenda
that's being jammed down thethroats of people right now
is nothing more than a socialist play
to take over the freedomthat you and I enjoy,
and we'd better wakeup because if we don't,
it's going to be too bad.
The Germans finally woke up to the fact
that they had given up their freedom
to a group called the Nazis because,
well there was a weakness hither and yond,
and a powerful group came inand the next thing you know
the chancellor was, laid off Hitler.
Well, we don't have that here in America.
And I believe,
I believe God is going tobring a blessing to America,
that is my fervent desire,and my hope and belief
is that we're going to see
a great move of God on this country,
that is going to overthrowthis particular initiative
that has tried to seize controlor take away our freedom,
- Well, still ahead, a bodyfloating face down in the water
and a stranded jet-ski.
So what happened, and how didthe family's day on the water
turn into a life ordeath race against time?
You'll find out, that's coming up.
Plus, don't call him woke,
Colorado baker Jack Phillipsstood up to cancel culture
and he'd do it again.
So how much has it cost him?
He'll tell you himself, after this.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Well, the so-called wokecrowd is running roughshod
over Christians who refuse to compromise.
Just ask Colorado baker, Jack Phillips.
He fought all the way to the Supreme Court
for the right to do what?
Obey his own conscience.
And now in a new book,
he's calling on people of faithto stand for their beliefs
no matter what the cost is.
Paul Strand brings this wonderful story.
- [Paul] In his new book"The Cost of My Faith",
Jack Phillips explains
why he couldn't design and bake a cake
for two men celebrating a gay marriage.
- The Bible is pretty clear that God made
a male and female and he joinedthem together in marriage
and marriage was his design, his idea.
I'm not smart enough todo anything like that.
And he created it unique and special
between a man and a woman,
and any other view of that
would go against biblical principles.
- [Paul] Phillips insists his refusal
wasn't about discrimination or homophobia,
from the beginning, Phillipsand his wife agreed,
there were many designs andorders they would not fulfill
because of their faith and conscience.
- Among them would be cakesto celebrate Halloween,
cakes that had alcohol in them,
cakes that would denigrateother people or belittle them,
including people that identify as LGBT.
- [Paul] As for denigratingPhillips takes issue
with the labels andaccusations thrown at him
by the Colorado Civil Rights Commission,
as it ruled his freedom of religion
provided no right to refusebaking the cake in question.
- One of the commissioners said that
religious freedom was adespicable piece of rhetoric,
and that it's been usedfor different things like,
you know slavery and the Holocaust,
and to compare not creatinga cake that celebrates
a view of marriage that I couldn't do,
but comparing that tothe Holocaust and slavery
were particularly offensive.
- The commission ordered Phillips
to either bake the gay wedding cake
or stop making wedding cakes altogether.
It also ruled his staff had to go through
mandatory reeducation to teachthem their baker was wrong.
Phillips however, refused to surrender,
realizing his fight for hisbusiness, faith and conscience
could affect all Americans.
- This has been so much more than just
can Jack go back to making cakes again
or anything like that,
it's so that every American
has the right to live and work
according to their conscience,
without fear of punishment,
especially punishment fromthe government in this way.
- His case is really important, right?
It's about the freedom ofartists and all Americans
to control what they say,
and the messages they believe in.
- [Paul] Alliance DefendingFreedom's John Scruggs
was one of the lawyersfighting for Phillips.
He was amazed at how cool andcalm the Baker's faith in God
kept him through years of legal battles.
- Jack lost numerous times
before we got to the US Supreme Court,
and as the lawyers, we wouldget so frustrated, you know,
about what was going on,
and he just had such aquiet faithfulness and trust
that God was in controlof the judge's opinions,
and in the results.
It was really a testament.
- Jack Phillips had a chance
to show his true character and faith,
when outside Washington's Museum,
he ministered to a young gay man
reading headlines about Phillips'US Supreme Court victory
the day before.
- He broke into tears, and he was like,
well, what's going to happen to us?
What's going to happen to me?
What about our rights?
- [Paul] The baker assured the young man,
this wasn't a loss for homosexual rights
and emphasized he, Phillips,wasn't some anti-gay bigot.
- I tried to be compassionatewith this young man,
and tell him, you know,this is not who I am,
I'm not a hateful person,
I gave him my card with my phone number
and tried to talk to him and said,
you can reach me anytime at this number.
- Phillips insists nomatter how much pressure
is put on Christians toconform to various agendas
and what's politically correct,
they must stand by God and their faith.
- We still as Christians have to follow
what the Bible teaches andfollow Christ's mandate.
- As he relates in his book"The Cost of My Faith",
it's a practice he and hisfamily continue to preach.
- We decided which cakes wewould and would not create.
It was like drawing the line in the sand
that we couldn't cross,
and we still have to, asChristians, as Americans,
chart our lines and know where we stand
and know what we'll fight for.
- Paul Strand, CBN News, Washington.
- Jack Phillips' book is"The Cost of My Faith".
You can find it wherever books are sold.
A great hero and his victorybefore the Supreme Court
was a masterpiece, God bless him, Terry.
- Well up next, blood pouringout of his ears and nose,
no pulse and extremely labored breathing.
That's how a young jet skier was found
after floating face down in the water.
So what clue did he give his mother
that let her know he would survive?
Stay tuned to find out.
Plus, we're going to be prayingfor you right after this.
(upbeat music)
It was a beautiful summerafternoon on the water.
22 year old Kyle Hollingsworth
had taken his jet ski out for a spin,
something he'd been doing for years.
No one knows how Kyle fell off his ski
or how long he'd beenfloating in the water
before he was found.
But one thing is certain,
by all accounts he should have been dead.
(soft music)
- [Narrator] Heading to the marina,
coastal South Carolina gamewardens Tommy Buckhannon
and Dale Tanner knew it'dbe a busy day on the water.
- We had an incoming tide,coupled with the inlet
it makes for choppy waters.
A lots of people on boats,lot of people on jet skis,
very congested.
- [Narrator] Then, after twohours patrolling the waterways,
Officer Buckhannon spottedsomething about 150 yards away.
- I looked up and I told Dale,I said, Dale is that a body?
And he turned at thesame time and said yes.
He was face down.
- [Narrator] They pulled upto find a stranded jet ski,
and a young man in his early twenties.
Another jet skier had also stopped
and helped them pull thevictim into the patrol boat.
There were obvious signs of head trauma.
- Just looking at him, he wasbad off, he was very serious.
He had blood coming out of his ears,
he had blood coming out of his nose,
had a pulse, but his breathingwas extremely labored.
- [Narrator] Officer Buckhannontended to the young man
as Officer Tanner navigated
through the heavy holiday boat traffic.
- Time is not on our side.
For both Dale and I, we were both praying.
I remember calling for a helicopter,
and I knew it was going to take that
to get him where he neededto be at the trauma center.
- [Narrator] The jet skiertook off toward the boats
clustered near BirdIsland, North Carolina,
looking for someone who knew the victim.
All he had was a last name
pulled from the registrationnumber on the victim's jet ski,
- And all of a sudden, thisguy comes up and he says,
Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth,yellow ski, yellow ski!
- [Narrator] Mark and Vonda Hollingsworth,
who'd been bringing theirfamily to Bird Island for years,
knew at once it was their22-year-old son, Kyle.
- Is it bad?
And he just looked at me,shook his head, and said
yeah, it's bad.
And that's when it hit me.
First thing I said was, Lord, help me!
- [Narrator] Vonda immediately
jumped on the back of the man's jet ski.
- I said, take me, take me!
- [Narrator] As Mark andthe rest of the family
made their way to the marina,Vonda and the jet ski driver
sped towards the docks,where EMS was waiting.
- I was thinking, it's going to be okay
because Kyle's such a daredevil
and he just bounces back from everything.
- [Narrator] They arrived in time
to see Kyle loaded onto the helicopter.
- I saw the shorts that he was wearing,
and I could tell he wasn't conscious.
And so, at that moment I knew it was Kyle
and I knew it was bad. And Iheard the helicopter lift off.
I could not form thewords of a good prayer.
All I could say was, oh God! Oh God!
And I knew it wascompletely out of my hands.
- [Narrator] Waiting for Kyle's arrival,
trauma surgeon Dr. AntonioPepe and his team got to work.
Initial reports were not promising,
and they didn't know howlong he'd been in the water.
- At the time of assessingKyle, it was life or death.
Does he have a brain injury?
And the second one andthe most pressing one,
was the degree of anoxiahe may have sustained
from a drowning in this case,
that would make the recoverymuch less promising.
- [Narrator] A CAT scan confirmed
Kyle had an epidural hematoma,or bleeding around the brain.
Immediately, doctorstook Kyle into surgery
to implant a device in hisskull to monitor brain pressure.
If it got too high, they wouldhave to open up his skull.
Kyle was in ICU in amedically induced coma
by the time his family arrived.
- Dr. Pepe was like let'sjust see how this goes.
He's really strong.
You know, I feel optimistiche's going to wake up.
- [Narrator] And if he did wake up,
he could have any numberof neurological issues.
So, the Hollingsworth's
reached out to friends and family to pray.
- Everyone, everyone was praying.
Kyle's high school football coach
showed up at the hospital
and he started theMississippi prayer chain,
and Kyle had kids that he graduated with
that had gone to different schools.
It was just so far reaching.
- [Narrator] Five daysafter Kyle was admitted,
the swelling on his brain subsided.
Doctors removed Kyle's monitoring device,
and weaned him off medication,
but he still didn't wake up.
After another four daysof prayer and waiting.
- The head nurse came to meand said, Mrs. Hollingsworth,
your son, pulled the restraints up,
twisted himself and was offthe bed in a prayer position
on his knees, like this.
And I said, that's my boy, that's my boy.
He has so much life in him,and when that happened,
I knew at that moment
that God was going topull him through this,
I had no doubt.
- He regained consciousness.
He was starting torespond, starting to move,
which is a great prognostic indicator
that once you start havingneurological recovery
in a very early time frame.
- [Narrator] Kyle remembersnothing of the accident,
and not much of his hospital stay.
What he does remember
is meeting Officers Buckhannon and Tanner
the day of his discharge,
the two men who, throughcourage and God's providence,
helped save his life.
- I got up and shook their hand
and wanted to tell them thank you.
And I had to show them,
you know, how appreciative I was of them.
- I would say it was an emotional moment,
But he reached out under hisown strength and shook my hand
and he mouthed, thank you.
It was very gratifying.
- There's so many factors
that could have gonewrong in this situation,
but Kyle didn't meet anyresistance all the way through,
he just came straight throughand this is what we hope for.
- [Narrator] Today, Kyleis back out on the water
with his family.
While he might takethings a little easier,
he's still living thelife God has given him.
- He is my God and my Savior
and there's not a day that goes by
that I don't wake up and thank him,
even when I take thefirst breath of the day.
- It was all prayers
and the good Lord wanting himto tell his story to somebody.
- No matter what happened,God deserved that glory
because He intervened inso many ways for Kyle.
- And the Hollingsworths are sure
that God is getting the glory for that,
a situation that lookedlike death was imminent,
turned around by prayer, by faith.
We want to pray for you andwhatever you're facing today.
I know many of you have various struggles,
perhaps not the samething as he was facing,
it's a unique situation butGod sees and knows it all.
He knows us by name,he knows our need, yes
- Here's somebody by theway, who's named Tammy,
who lived in a city called Willis, Texas.
Tammy was in a car accident,
left her, you know,crushed ankle and foot.
She had a partial healing but suffered.
She was watching our programand she heard Terry say, quote,
someone else you have droppedsomething on your foot,
you're having a terriblebruise, deep, deep bruise.
It wasn't healed, butyou have to keep walking,
God is healing you right now.
And she called the prayer line to say,
the right foot is completelyrestored, praise the Lord.
What do you have?
- Well, this is Latitawho sent this by email.
She said, I'd injured my knee
and it hurt really bad for months.
Every time I'd get up after sitting,
I'd have to stand thereand get myself together
before taking a step.
I'd been limping a lot.
Then on April 28th, I waswatching "The 700 Club"
during the healing section of the program,
Pat Robertson indicated thatsomeone had a knee injury,
and it was the left knee due to a fall.
He said, put your hand on that knee.
I believed and placedmy hands on my left knee
and received my healing.
I've been able to get up andmove around without any pain.
Praise God that the GreatPhysician healed me.
- Folks, I said before,and I'll say it again,
God is no respecter of persons.
He loves you very much.
Now Terry and I are goingto pray for you right now
and I want you to believe God with us.
All I can say is, please don't fight us,
please agree with the Lord
and agree with us as we pray for you.
Now, we're going to join hands,
and we're going to believe God, Father,
I thank you for these testimonies.
I thank you for the miracle power of God.
Thank you, Lord.
Somebody has a lung infection,it's like a lung fungus,
you may have been overseas someplace,
you may have been aroundthe Paris or something,
but you got an infection,
touch your hand on your chest right now.
- Yeah, there's someone else named Leslie,
you've been praying desperately
for God to do something in your life.
A situation, it's notyou it's somebody else,
but God has heard your prayer
and that is being doneright now in Jesus' name.
- Roberta, I believe you'rein a neck brace right now.
You may have had some kind of an accident,
and it has injured your spine in some way
in the name of Jesus justput your hand over there
in Jesus' name touch her.
- And someone else with a heart condition,
it's like your heart flutters,
kind of it's very unnerving,you can actually feel it.
God's healing thatcondition for you right now,
just begin to breathe evenly and freely.
It's gone in Jesus' name.
- Somebody, is it Tammy
you've got an infection in your blood,
and it's one of those things
that just won't seem to go away.
And you've tried every kind of antibiotic
that you could imagine,
and right now none of them have worked.
But at this moment, God, Tammy
is healing that infection in your blood
and you are completely wholein Jesus name, touch her.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Wherever you are, I wantyou to give us a call.
We love to hear from you.
So all you have to do ispick up the telephone,
call in and say, listen
I have received something fromthe Lord or I need prayer.
And we've got peopleon the phone right now
who are here to pray for you,
so just call, Terry.
- Well, still ahead.
You've heard of Godwinks?
Well now there are dogwinks too.
So what exactly is a dogwink?
Find out when bestselling authors
Squire Rushnell andLouise DuArt join us live,
that's later on.
Plus we've got your questionsand Pat's honest answers.
Duke asks, what's your thoughtabout a child who borrows
thousands of dollars and won't pay it back
or even talk to you?
Should I just forgive it or what?
Pat tells it like it isand that's coming up.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor this CBN Newsbreak.
Louisiana is in a state of emergency
after severe weather ravaged areas
with torrential rain and tornadoes.
Rescuers in boats and trucks
had to pull people tosafety from their homes.
Parents carried their children
as they waded throughmore than a foot of water.
In neighboring Texas,tornadoes and flash flooding
caused damage to Dallas neighborhoods.
Severe weather continuing today,
as more storms are expected
in the Southern part of the United States.
President Biden says he will share
an additional 20 milliondoses of the COVID vaccine
with the world,
that 20 million allotment of Pfizer,
Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines
will be shipped overseas in June,
that is in addition tothe 60 million doses
of AstraZeneca vaccinespledged last month.
Right now, more than 157 million Americans
have received at least onedose of the COVID-19 vaccine,
with 123 million now fully vaccinated.
You can always get thelatest from CBN News
by going to our website at cbnnews.com.
Pat and Terry will be backwith one of "The 700 Club"
right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Ruby is a hero.
She's a National Search and Rescue winner.
She's also a dog,
and her story is being made into a movie,
it's just one of manytrue stories about canines
in a brand new book called "Dogwinks".
- [Narrator] Bestselling authors,
Louise DuArt and Squire Rushnell
are well-known for theirpopular "Godwink" books
that have brought laughterand inspiration to many.
With more than one and ahalf million copies in print,
the successful series hasbeen the basis of several
record-breaking hallmark movies.
This time Squire and Louise
share a collection of truestories about our canine friends
and the blessings theybring in their latest book
The first "Dogwinks"film "Rescued by Ruby"
will premiere on Netflix next year.
(upbeat music)
- Please welcome back to "The700 Club" our good friends,
Squire Rushnell and Louise DuArt.
It's great to have you with us guys.
- Hi Terry.
- Hey, great to be here.
- You have had such a tremendoussuccess with your books,
the "Godwinks" series
the expression Godwink hasreally become a household word.
So how did "Godwinks"inspire the book "Dogwinks"?
- Well, we know that a God wink
is one of those little coincidencesthat isn't a coincidence
but comes from divine origin.
Well, a dog wink is any trueGod wink story with a dog
right at the center of it.
So it's using another way toget people to think about Lord,
the Lord, you know?
- Well, Pat and I both love dogs.
We've both had them.
You say dogs have a definitepurpose in God's plan for us,
explain that.
- Well, I think that, I think that
God and dog use the same three letters
to be spelled together,
and there are so many commontraits between the two of them.
- Well, when you think about it,
God is, he loves usunconditionally, so do dogs.
God is faithful, so are dogs.
God protects us, so do dogs
and God as we've talked about before
is no respecter of persons.
You know, you can be homeless,
or you can be a person in a mansion,
it doesn't matter whatreligion or color or anything,
a dog's going to love you no matter what.
- Even if you voted red orblue, it doesn't matter.
- Well Squire earlier wementioned your upcoming movie
"Rescued by Ruby", tellus Ruby's story quickly.
- Well, Ruby was a seven month old pup
at the SPCA in Rhode Island,
Australian shepherd border collie,
very smart, but very high energy.
Now, Pat Inman was the lady trainer
who got the dogs ready fortheir adoption interviews.
And Ruby's problem was that shehad been returned five times
and the lawyers started getting worried,
and they decided toeuthanize her, in two hours.
Well, Pat Inman calls upand says, you can't do that,
Ruby's smart.
Cant you call the StatePolice Canine Unit?
The manager said, you know,
we've never been able to getthem to take one of our dogs,
they get these dogs that cost $15,000,
bred for search and rescue.
Well, can't you try?
She says, and then she leaves in despair,
not wanting to think about poor Ruby.
Well, the manager did take her up on that.
He called the canineunit and the commander,
now here's the first God wink.
He just had his budget cut.
He had a trooper named DanO'Neill he wanted to recruit,
but now no dog.
So he took a chance, heput the two together,
and after a grueling six months,
they became champion status.
But wait, there'sanother amazing God wink.
Two years go by,
it's a cold snap inProvidence, freezing nights,
a boy has been in thewoods, lost 48 hours,
canine units sent out, Ruby takes off.
Officer Dan finds Rubyat the bottom of a ravine
licking the bloody face of a boy.
He calls the other units,put him on a stretcher,
take him to the hospital,
and officer Dan goes to see the parents
to give them the good news.
And the mother is crying.
And as officer Dan starts toleave, she calls after him.
Officer, have you everheard of a dog named Ruby?
He said, ma'am, that's my partner.
She cried.
She said, my name is Pat Inman.
I advocated for Ruby to live,
but I never knew what happened.
He said ma'am, that meansthat the dog you saved
just saved your dog's life.
That is a God wink dog wink.
- Boy, I guess it is.
Louise, when people read "Dogwinks",
what overall message do you want readers
to take away from the book?
- Well, you know, I think God uses
every part of nature and allcreatures great and small,
he'll use birds, he'll use dogs, whatever,
but when, our man's best friend
is used in such a special way,
all through the book,
there's stories of,
miracle stories of how adog found cancer in a woman
just by sniffing, you know,
they, in dogs that hadthis keen sense of smell.
How a dog saved a little baby
who was attacked by a rattlesnake,
about all kinds of things.
So I think that these stories give us hope
and know that God cares about us,
he uses everything to touch our hearts.
- He really does.
The book is, it's areally entertaining read,
but it's also very touching,just like the story of Ruby.
It's called "Dogwinks".
It's available, wherever books are sold
and I'm sure there aregoing to be some movies
on a number of these dogs.
Thanks you two, it's greatto have you with us today.
- We got three movies in here.
- I don't question that.
We love you.
Thank you so much for beingwith us today, bless you.
- Okay, time for some email questions.
- All right, let's go for it.
- All right.
This is Duke.
What's your thought about a child
who borrows thousands ofdollars and won't pay it back
or even talk to you?
Should I just forgive it or what?
- All right, there are two things,
you know the Bible says, sufferyourself to be defrauded.
So that's number one.
But at the same time, areyou going to allow this,
I guess the kid borrowed money from you.
- Yes, sounds like that.
- So he got away with this,
now, is he going to wind upstealing from somebody else?
The answer is probably, andthen what'll happen next?
Will he wind up in juvenile detention
or maybe being sent away to prison?
The answer's probably yes.
So the redemptive thing would be to
hit him at this point of timeand make him pay it back.
Now that means that you may have to
bring some kind of a suit against him
and you know maybe puta lien on his income,
but only redemptively,
if you're mean about it andyou hate him because of it,
forget it.
I mean, a little bitof money doesn't make,
God can give you ahundred times, fold that.
So the overriding is sufferyourself to be defrauded,
but be redemptive if possible, all right?
- This is Mom R who says,
can people receive visions from the enemy?
Someone we know hasvisions about our child
and it causes horrible fear
that something bad's going to happen.
In the visions, ourchild is in an accident.
- I really think some ofthese things come from Satan,
I really do.
I mean, God, Chris warns people obviously,
but I don't think the Lordis going to instill fear.
If you talk to Jesus over and over again,
don't talk to Jesus, you read the Bible,
he's always, fear not, fearnot, fear not, fear not.
The enemy causes fear, okay?
- This is Roxanne who says dearPat, I love "The 700 Club".
I DVR and watch every episode.
My question, is the crossnecklace considered an idol.
Is it wrong to buy orwear across necklace?
- I don't think so.
I mean, it's a piece of jewelry
and you know it may be anexpression of your faith.
There's definitely nothingwrong that I can see.
All right?
- This is Irene who says,
my 72 year old ex husbandholds grudges, has bitterness,
is unforgiving, speaksof getting you back,
and refuses to admit when he's wrong.
He has been nonambulatory
and in a hospital bed for nineyears due to four strokes.
He wants to walk and be ableto take a shower by himself.
He's been a Christiansince becoming a teenager.
Can God heal him withthe attitudes he has?
- Look the answer is can God heal,
God can do anything,
but he will not overcome that bitterness.
The Bible says, when you stand praying,
if you have ought against any forgive,
and if you hold bitterness in your heart,
it will eat like a cancer and destroy you.
And it's very possiblethat these strokes he's had
and this illness has beencaused by this bitterness.
It will eat at your insides.
So can God heal him?
Yes, God can.
Will God?
No, he won't.
So he needs to learn forgiveness,or he will stay a cripple
the rest of his life.
- This is Tracy who says my dad is 93,
and I am his financial power of attorney.
He has done well financiallyand is not sound of mind
when I asked him aboutcontinuing financial support.
I want him to continue tobe blessed and bless others.
What is your advice for tithingon his behalf, if at all?
- Well, I think if you'remanaging his affairs,
you want to bless him andI think that by all means
that tithing, you know but
he won't take financial advice
and you have power of attorney,
that means you run the money
and you wanna make the money grow,
so the best way to make it grow
will bring God's blessing on it,
so the answer is why not?
You have the power ofattorney, it's your estate,
now, manage it the bestway that you know how.
- Okay, this is a viewer who says,
what does it mean when someone says that
no one gets away with anything,
that God will surely deal with them.
Also it's said that there'snot anything that you can do
that will stop God fromloving you and blessing you.
So is there a chance that thepeople who are hurting you
will get by with it withno kind of punishment?
- That is a very complicated question.
And what you're asking is isGod going to zap my enemies
because they hurt me?
That's what you're,
and you really want revenge,
and the Bible says vengeanceis mine, sayeth the Lord.
And so leave it in hishand, but don't be hoping,
you know you want to pray foryour enemies, do good to them,
and to spitefully useyou and persecute you.
That's what you should do.
So always be praying forthem, and don't be saying,
well, God do it to 'em
it's time those so-and-so'sgetting zapped, okay?
Well that's all the time we've got,
thank you for being with us.
Today's Power Minute is from Psalm 20.
May He grant you accordingto your heart's desire
and fulfill all your purpose.
And tomorrow we've got the star
on the TV show "The Doctors".
He's gonna break down the health benefits
of what he calls intermediate fasting.
You may not like it, butyou'll be interested in it.
So for Terry and all ofus, we'll see you tomorrow.
(upbeat music)