(upbeat music)
- Welcome folks to thisedition of The 700 Club.
Last week, 124 retiredgenerals and admirals,
sounded a warning to our country.
They wrote that under the current
administration and Congress quote,
"Our country has taken a hard left turn
"towards socialism and a Marxist form
"of tyrannical government."
Among their concerns is this and I quote,
"The mental and physical condition
"of the commander-in-chiefcannot be ignored.
"He must be able to quickly make accurate
"national securitydecisions involving life
"and limb anywhere, day or night."
Any sudden change in the Oval Office
points to this successionof the presidency.
Now this isn't something they said,
it's something I want you to see.
If something happens,
if for some reason Joe Biden is removed
because of mental incompetency
and there're people sounding the alarm,
these admirals and generalsdidn't come out and say,
well he's mentally deficient,
but everybody has found constant glitches
in his speech pattern andhis inability to speak
without having carefully scripted notes.
So, here is the successionI want to show you again.
If he is taken out VicePresent Kamala Harris
becomes the president.
If something happens to Kamala Harris,
the next president is Nancy Pelosi.
Now that's the way it is.
Now, unless there arefive seats in the house
that are up for grabs,there was a redistricting
because of the census which may have given
a couple more house seats to Republicans.
And it looks without question
that the house is going to turn
and Nancy Pelosi will not be speaker
after this fall's election.
That looks what is going to happen
but she will be the presidentof the United States
if something happens toJoe Biden or Kamala Harris.
And so the thought is ifNancy Pelosi is not speaker,
if the current Republican leader
of the house becomes speaker,
then there'll be a wholedifferent chain of command
but it's the nanny hell, it'ssomething very interesting.
And I think you should watch it
because it may be in the news shortly.
But there's something else that happened,
a long time ago there was a case
that was called black ones abortion.
It was the most awful casethat you could imagine
and it was called Roe versus Wade.
And suddenly what shouldhave been a police matter
of the states, to bedecided at the state level
wasn't the federalized andtaken away from the voters
of every state in the UnitedStates, but somehow or other
the Democrats have stuck a you asleep
to the idea of unlimited abortion.
And I remember hearing the candidate
for president of the Democrat party
in a debate with presidentTrump saying she would back
up late term abortion even
with a baby being broughtfrom the mother's womb.
And I said, that is so horrible.
That is the position it's terrible.
Well, it could be.
Now the beginning ofthe end for Roe vs Wade.
Yesterday the Supremecourt made a potential move
in that direction.
CBS, Jenna Browder has the details.
- The Supreme court madethe announcement Monday
which comes by way of achallenge to a Mississippi law.
And with the current 63conservative makeup of the court
the outcome could be different this time
- [Reporter 1] that lawlimits access to abortion
after 15 weeks of pregnancy and challenges
fetal viability as thestandard for abortion
- You can't legislate
away an entire groupof human beings rights.
The children, childrenthat are in the womb.
- [Reporter 1] Lila Rosepresident of Live Action
on CBN, Faith Nation
- And at time for the law
and the Supreme courtto catch up with science
which is crystal clear thathuman life begins before birth.
And that the only differencebetween a pre-born child
whether that child is 10weeks old, 15 weeks old
or moments before birth and usa born human being is our age
and our level of development.
- [Reporter 1] The Mississippicase does not directly
challenge the currentlegal right to an abortion
but it could lay the groundworkfor more restrictions.
And of Roe V. Wade were to be overturned.
Abortion would become a state issue.
- Ultimately the hope is
that the Supreme courtwill take the handcuffs
off the States
and allow them to pass lawsthat reflect the values
of the people that live there.
- [Reporter 1] Mallory Quigleywith the Susan B. Anthony
list says the mood
of the country is shifting and
that the majority ofAmericans are now pro-life
- This year alone, more than500 bills have been introduced
at state legislatures across the country.
61 have at this point,been signed into law
and it's not even June.
This is the crescendo of agroundswell of pro-life momentum.
That's been growing, especiallyin the last 10 years.
And it's in a directcontrast to the legacy
of Rowe and the extreme pro-abortion
jurisprudence that we have in this country
- [Reporter 1] Pro-choice advocates
are voicing their opposition
may roll calling it an ominous sign
that some States are ready to ban abortion
and the Biden administrationto why does press secretary
Jen Saki condemning what shecalls draconian state laws.
Adding the president Biden is committed
to turning row into codafide law
- The president and thevice-president are devoted
to ensuring that every Americanhas access to healthcare
including reproductive healthcare
- For now we'll haveto wait until the fall.
When the court should hear arguments
and then release a decision next spring
in Washington, Jenna Browder, CBN news
- Just think ladies andgentlemen, this row was passed.
We in the free country
of America have slaughtered approximately
60 million unborn babies.
Think of the tremendous creation
the creative ability thatthese people could have brought
to her society.
60 million Roe versus Wadehas been a terrible tragedy.
And we're going to have to pay the price
for slaughtering those unborn children.
But I remember when, you know
my friend Jesse Helms said, well, we need
a constitutional amendment
that will ensure trying the right to life.
And I thought, you know
it's not going to happenJesse, but what is needed?
It was a flip in the Supreme court.
But the thing that we'vehad to wait this long
to get a Supreme court majoritythat would indeed hear this
and this whole idea ofpartial birth abortion
and the other thingsare just an abomination.
And there's no way that anybody can claim
as a woman's health whileI baby there's being taken
from her womb, has his brains sucked out.
And to say that is something having to do
with woman's reproductivehealth it's nonsense, but that's
what's been claimed by theso-called pro-choice people.
And well, we'll see whathappens, but it looks
like to me, the Supremecourt, finally, finally
after these terribleyears of these millions
of unborn babies is finally going
to make a decision that will
if nothing else returned thiswhole thing to the States
and that's what shouldhave been done all along
when the Supreme courtfederalized abortion,
it took it out of the hands of the voters
will also in the news while
the fighting between Hamas and Israel
arranges on a political battleis brewing here at home.
Inside the democratic party.
John Justice has more on that story.
- That is right, Pat the ongoingconflict has exposed a rift
in the democratic party.
President Biden expressing support
for ceasefire in a phone conversation
with prime minister,Benjamin Netanyahu Monday
but stopping short of explicitly calling
for one so far Biden andDemocrat leaders Chuck Schumer
and Nancy Pelosi are showing support
for Israel sighting it'srisk, right to self defense
but the progressive wing
of the party wants the white house
to take a more hard line approach
by dressing what he callsIsrael's apartheid policies
toward the PolicyLink Palestinians
including withholding us aid as leverage.
Well, as most of the media is focused
on the rocket fire from Gazaand Israel's military response
on the ground hell or for some fear
and internal strife threatensto tear Israel apart.
CVNs Chris Mitchell reportson the growing violence
between Arab and JewishIsraelis throughout the country
- [Reporter 2] Disturbances and writing.
And Israel's major citiesis the worst in decades.
- What we saw
on the streets is somethingthat was reminding us
of the days of the pogroms
in 1948 in 1927 in 1936 in1967, that is unacceptable.
We want the Israeli Arab culture.
We want the Israeli
our communities to calmthe situation down.
- [Reporter 2] Israel police spokesman
Mickey Rosenfeld saysauthorities have used only
non-lethal methods to control the vines.
- It's come from the IsraeliArab community who have
attacked police officers, burnvehicles, tens of vehicles
of civilians also been burnedin the different cities.
- [Reporter 2] Rosenfeld tells CBS news.
The incidents began atJerusalem's old city
during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan,
- But unfortunately
local residents, localcommunities, local individuals
the majority of the youngstersare taking to the streets.
- [Reporter 2] In the initial violence
Arab writers, attack, Jews and synagogues.
The violence also promptedJewish self-defense
and revenge attacks
such as this one caughtlive on Israeli television.
- The majority of thoseindividuals being individuals
with criminal records were taking
to the streets and defendingthemselves as well.
In the majority of situations.
Unfortunately, there were one
or two incidents that tookplace where they beat up people
in the streets, which isabsolutely unacceptable.
- [Reporter 2] Meanwhile,Israel's president
Reuven Rivlin broughttogether Muslim Christian
and Jewish religious leaders and educators
from the NorthernIsraeli mixed city of ACO
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Reporter 3] This is home to us all.
And we protect our home,not with clubs and knives
not with stones and firearms.
That's so destruction and ruin.
But first and foremost, bymaintaining law and order
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Reporter 3] We hadthree awful days here
and we are still traumatized.
Our town is a special place,a place where we live in
where coexistence is not just a slogan.
(speaks in foreign language)
- [Reporter 3] The peoplehere have worked very hard
invested a great deal instopping the violence.
As the rabbi said, Ocho is aplace where you feel the calm
and the coexistence.
- [Chris] Arrests are ongoing
and Rosenfeld hopes thesituation calms down.
So police can decrease thenumber of officers on the ground.
Chris Mitchell, CBS news, Jerusalem.
- Thanks for that report Chris,
turning now to the us Southern border
and the surge of migrantscrossing into the country
illegally the numbersincreasing every month
the latest figures show nearly179,000 encounters in April
a 900% increase from last year Republicans
blaming Biden administration policies.
- You said as recently as this week
that the border is closed.
Is that still your position today?
Borders is closed.
- Yes it is.
- Don't you think youbear any responsibility
for the current crisis bytelling the world earlier
this year that the border was open.
- I've never said that the border is open
and I've never been
- We're not telling you not to come.
How would you parse that?
- I don't recall saying that.
I don't believe- You don't recall
saying that it's
- That's correct.
- Another concern, the floodof unaccompanied minors
at the border record numbersof children now arriving faster
than they can be processedand placed in sponsor homes
more than 17,000 crossedover in April down slightly
from the all-time high Pat, back in March
- You remember all of the fuss that went
on about Trump building a wall
and he would didn'thave the money to do it.
And everybody complained.
He was a dictator
and an autocrat to wantto build an all a wall.
And that he was somehow racist.
Jingo is to use all thoseterms that will be used.
He was right.
We cannot, cannot openour nation to the flood
of people around theworld who want to come in.
I mean, we just can't do it.
There's no way anynation cannot accommodate
a flood of immigrantsfrom outside its borders
and still maintain itsown standard of living.
But that seems to be the case.
And to deny that there'sa crisis is something
that's just appalling.
It is an absolute flood of refugees
that are coming in notonly from South America
from all over the worldand the cartels are
taking advantage of it and profiting
and also taking the namesof people's families.
When they bring them acrossthe so-called coyotes
they bring them across the border.
Then they find out thenames of their family
and where they live.
And then they use that as blackmail.
We can't allow that tohappen, but it will never
it won't stop.
Unless people say Trump was right.
We need to build the wall.
At the same time, we needto have a deal with Mexico
which we had to preventthis flood of immigrants.
But we abrogated that agreement
and we stopped building the wall
and that's been the liberal position
to flood this country.
And when we have unemployment in America
and Americans seekingjobs to bring in a flood
of low wage earners is just outrageous
but that's what we're doing.
So folks, you know, wecannot have one party coming
in and say, our mandateis dismantle everything
that my predecessor didbecause let's face it.
Trump isn't very good things John.
- Pat, on both sidesof the political divide
American politics is being swallowed up
by what's known as darkmoney, shadowy sources
making huge contributions andinfluencing government policy.
As Dale hurd reports.
Some say it goes all theway to the white house
- [Dale] Both sides of the political aisle
conservative say dark money controls
white house policy on issues ranging
from court packing to the environment.
Dark Money is a political contribution
with no requirement todisclose who gave it
and no limit on the amount.
Democrats have long worn
that conservative Dark Moneywas a menace to the nation.
Although in the lasttwo elections Democrats
were the Dark Money champions.
- May be no issue has greaterhypocrisy than debates
over campaign finance reformand so-called Dark Money
because Democrats thunderagainst Dark Money.
And yet Democrats dominate ark Money.
- Liberal Dark Money groups,outspend conservative groups
by a three to one marginin the 2018 election
and by a five to one margin in 2020.
- [Dale] $1 billion inDark Money was spent
on the 2020 federal elections
mostly by Democrats,
according to the website opensecrets.org
from the center for responsive politics.
It says two thirds of it came
from shadowy politicalnonprofits and shell companies.
Joe Biden received five timesas much of these contributions
as Donald Trump, formerNevada attorney general
Adam Laxalt is withAmericans for Republicans
- Trust everything that'sgoing on in America right now
where culture is being pushedin so many different levers.
There's often a Dark Money group.
On the other side of that.
- [Dale] After the electionofficials connected
to Dark Money accepted positions
in the Biden administration
including White House Counsel Paige Herwig
and spokeswoman Jen Psaki
they worked with a groupcalled Demand Justice
which paid for this signdemanding Supreme court justice
Stephen Brier resigned to makeway for a Biden appointment.
Demand justice alsowants to pack the court.
Chief of staff.
Ron Klain was a board memberat the cap action fund
which reports claim deals
in Dark Money donations
and White House climateadvisor Gina McCarthy
led the natural resources,defense council.
Another Dark Money group.
Laxalt believes this effectivelymakes Joe Biden a puppet
of dark money.
- These groups made an investment.
They cared about X issues
and they're not just outthere still spinning.
A lot of them moved
into the white house
and they're helping to shape policy.
- [Dale] Democrats in thenew Congress have vowed
to end Dark Money.
Critics say maybe theywill, after they're done it.
Dale hurd CBN news.
- Thanks Dale, Pat, back to you.
- Well, folks actually get sickof the hypocrisy in politics
but I tell you we'd better do some praying
because this is not a socialist country.
And I do believe that thiscountry belongs to the Lord.
It was given to the Lord Jesus
and he doesn't really wantto give it up right now.
And I think this is of freedom
that is supposed to bea light to the nations
and a city set on a Hilland all the other things.
And we've got to be aleader instead of that
this country is beinghijacked by socialists
there's being hijacked
and the agenda that's being jammed down.
The throats of people right now is nothing
more than us socialists play to take
over the freedom that you and I enjoy.
And we'd better wakeup because if we don't
it's going to be too bad.
The Germans finally woke up to the fact
that they had given up their freedom
to a group called the Nazis because well
there was a weakness, hither and Yon
and a powerful group came in.
And the next thing you know
the chancellor was laid off Hitler.
Well, we don't have that here in America.
And I believe
I believe God is going tobring a blessing to America.
That is my fervent desire.
And my hope and beliefis that we're going to
see a great move of God or this country
that is going to overthrowthis particular initiative
that is trying to seize controlor take away our freedom.