Imagine starting a marriage with combined debt over $100K. That’s Jamie and Jenna’s story. They mapped out a pay-off plan and it ended better than they ever thought possible. Find out their strategy.
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- [Announcer] The followingprogram is sponsored by CBN.
- [Gordon] Coming up, aroutine surgery goes wrong.
- She was going down fast.
- [Gordon] And this patientis struggling to breathe.
- She totally looked lifeless.
- [Gordon] As blood chokes her airway.
- I honestly didn't knowif she was going to make it
at that point.
- [Gordon] So how is thiswoman alive to tell her story?
- God is not ready for you,you aren't going anywhere.
- [Gordon] On today's "700 Club".
(upbeat music)
Well, welcome to "The 700 Club",Israel is at a crossroads.
The Jewish state is aboutto start a new chapter
with a very different government.
- Israeli president ReuvenRivlin has chosen Yair Lapid
to form a coalition government.
So if he succeeds,
what happens to primeminister Benjamin Netanyahu?
Chris Mitchell brings usthe story from Jerusalem.
(logo whooshing)
- [Chris] President Rivlingave the mandate to Lapid,
hoping that Israel can emergefrom a political stalemate
that's led to fourelections within two years.
Lapid told Israelis the countryneeds a unity government.
(speaking in a foreign language)
- Israel is tired of fighting.
These Israeli society islooking to its politicians
and asking them, whenwill they stop arguing
and start working?
Now we need a unity government.
- [Chris] Lapid leads thecenter-left Yesh Atid party,
Hebrew for there is a future.
The majority of his supportcomes from secular Israelis,
many who oppose Ultra-Orthodox policies.
A former TV journalist,Lapid supports negotiations
with the Palestinian authority
while drawing the line onan undivided Jerusalem.
- Jerusalem is the ethos thiscountry was established by
and you don't, I don't know.I don't think Americans will,
for any kind of agreement,will give up the Capitol Hill,
And I don't think Israelisshould give up their own Capitol.
- [Chris] Lapid faces a daunting challenge
of unifying parties acrossthe political spectrum,
including an Arab party ofthe so-called Change Block
which primarily seeks to oustprime minister Netanyahu.
- Because there's such apush to replace Netanyahu
there does seem to be a feeling that
these parties may agreeto what they can agree on,
and whatever they can't agreeon to leave that on the side.
- [Chris] For weeks Lapidhas been negotiating
with so-called kingmaker,Naftali Bennett from Yamina,
a religious Zionist party.
Bennett's support is crucial,
and Lapid has offered apower sharing agreement
where the two would taketurns as prime minister
with Bennett going first.
A Bennett partnership would include
a conservative foreign anddomestic policy agenda,
which he explained in ourexclusive CBN News interview
prior to the last election.
- The country' 72 years old,
we continued to be threatened by you know,
some of the worst countries in the world
let's cut taxes, cut bureaucracy,
speed up the economy in a Reaganesque way.
- [Chris] Like Lapid Bennet opposes
the Iranian nuclear agreementcalling it a terrible deal.
- The deal in fact allows Iran
to proceed to the very verge of acquiring,
not one nuclear weapon, but dozens,
all they need to do is press a button,
and they'll have within daysdozens of nuclear bombs.
- [Chris] Bennett and Lapidclaim they can form a government
within a week.
If so, they would mark a watershed moment
in Israeli politics, whilepushing Netanyahu out of office
and into the opposition.
The prime minister has failed three times
to form a government
and his latest effort expired on Tuesday
leading president Rivlin to choose Lapid.
Traiman sees twin threats,
of increased Palestinian terrorism
and a potential nuclear Iran
facing a Lapid-Bennett government.
- The question is whether aninexperienced prime minister
can deal with these threats.
- Lapid has 28 days to form a government.
If he fails, Rivlin couldallow a three week period
when any Knesset membercould try and cobble
a coalition together.
If that doesn't work, Israeliswill head to the polls
for the fifth time injust more than two years.
Chris Mitchell, CBN News, Jerusalem.
- Well, if you think ourpolitics is complicated
and our politics is divided,
take a look at Israel right now.
They've gone through multiple elections
trying to form a government,
and have been so far unsuccessful.
Any coalition that's based on,
well, let's get Netanyahu out,
in my opinion, isn'tgoing to be able to last
once that goal has been achieved.
So you can have a governmentpick a prime minister
once that transition happens,
then I think the coalition will fall apart
and we'll be back into elections again,
it looks like that's goingto be Israel's future,
until a solid majority canbe elected in the Knesset.
In other news, the US hasmade significant progress
in the battle against COVID 19,
but the fight isn't over yet.
John Jessup has that story
from our CBN News Bureauin Washington, John.
- Thanks Gordon.
The number of new cases is dropping,
vaccinations in someplaces are on the rise
and research finds vaccineseffective in adolescents.
But as CBNs Eric Phillips reports,
the country isn't takingits foot off the gas.
- The US is not letting up on its push
to get Americans vaccinatedas health officials say,
it's the only way to returnto some semblance of normal
and consider this,
while some stats indicatethe US death toll from COVID
hovers around 600,000,
a new report indicates thatnumber may be closer to 900,000.
Whatever the actual number advocates say,
getting vaccinated is amatter of life and death.
From broadcast messagingto now boots on the ground.
- We are just getting theinformation out about the vaccine.
- [Eric] A new army of footsoldiers going door to door
giving the vaccine's directvoice in communities.
About a third of thecountry is fully vaccinated.
- This is a campaign.
This is a campaign andwe have two candidates.
Our candidate is the vaccinefor life and COVID for death.
- [Eric] This as both Moderna and Pfizer
are reporting that research shows
their vaccines are safe andeffective in adolescents.
Researchers say the Pfizervaccine also appears
to be effective againsttroubling variants.
- The goal would be tomake sure that the vaccine
is available for vaccinating adolescents
over the course of the summer,
and at least beforethe coming school year.
- Don't be worried, don't be scared.
The people here know what they're doing.
- [Eric] The good news,the US is reporting
daily new infections aredown 11% over a week ago,
but so are the numbers of shots,
falling more than a millionper day since mid April.
And a new poll shows just 9%of un-vaccinated Americans
are making plans to get the shot.
It's why places like New YorkCity are getting creative,
rolling out mobile vaccination sites
where they will offer the onedose Johnson & Johnson vaccine
to tourists in TimesSquare and Central Park.
- Come here, it's safe,it's a great place to be.
And we're going to take care of you.
- This week PresidentBiden set a goal of getting
70% of US adults to get at least
one dose of a COVIDvaccine by the 4th of July.
As of Wednesday, 57%of adults have done so.
Eric Phillips CBN News.
- All right, thank you Eric.
Well, as the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan
comes to an end next week,
Christian ministries worldwide
are praying for Muslims to find Jesus.
Part of this focus is onRamadan's Night of Destiny,
when Muslims seek spiritual breakthrough.
CBN's Wendy Griffithtakes us behind the scenes
of a social media eventcalled "Souls and Stories"
where Christians will presentJesus as the ultimate destiny.
- I said, dad, if I havechoose between you and Jesus,
then I choose Jesus.
- Former Muslims are sharing their stories
of discovering Jesus,
and praying that others willhave the same experience.
- Once you have Jesus in your life,
it just changes everything.
- [Wendy] Nadine, Afshin, and Yasra,
talk directly to Muslims,
about growing up under the Islamic faith
and the new life found in Christ.
- He's not a mad, angry God who created me
but he's mad at me, he's not a that.
He created me with so much love.
- [Wendy] An effort betweenUncharted Ministries and CBN,
will use social mediaand streaming platforms,
to take these stories around the world.
Tom Doyle says theseMuslim background believers
will take questions, pray for Muslims,
and also help Christianswith sharing the gospel
to this special group.
- How did they find Christin Iran, in Baghdad, Iraq,
and sharing their stories,
and then they're goingto give a call to action
to believers in the West onhow to reach out to Muslims.
- Why is it important to do this
during the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan?
- Yeah you know that last week
is the most special week during Ramadan
because there's what we call,
what Muslims called the Night of Destiny,
the Night of Power, wherethey just cry out to God.
Do you know Wendy, that is thenumber one night of the year
that Jesus appears to Muslims in dreams.
So they're searching for God,
and Jesus accommodates that request,
but they're shocked and they're surprised
when a man in a whiterobe comes and tells them
that he loves them and hedied for them on the cross.
- [Wendy] According tointernational estimates,
there are about 2billion Muslims worldwide
and Doyle says a surprising number
find Jesus in a truly divine way.
- 20 years ago,
we just started tounderstand this phenomenon
about Muslims having dreams about Jesus.
They weren't even seeking Jesus,
they were seeking their ownGod and all of a sudden,
Jesus is appearing andthey were searching,
and getting online andwatching television,
watching your programs,listening on radio,
finding believers,
and so this week is so important for them
and we just want to make sure that
Muslims are saturated with prayers.
- How can our viewers watch
and take part in this event, Tom?
- So it's going to be great,
It'll be on CBN, yourplatforms, Uncharted platforms.
If they want to go a little bit farther
they can go to our friendsat
and get to meet some of theguests that will be with us
and hear their full story.
They're exciting,
they are like fast paced novels,
but they're God'sstories about what he did
to deliver them from Islaminto the kingdom of God.
So it's a greatpartnership, CBN, Uncharted,
I Found the Truth,
and people around theworld praying for Muslims
to find Christ.
- [Wendy] Wendy Griffith, CBN News.
- Thank you, Wendy,
and you can watch Souls and Stories"
and share it with others.
It airs May 8th through the12th at 6:00 PM Eastern time
on CBN social media platforms and also,
Unchartered Ministries platforms
and Gordon, viewers canget more information
on this outreach at
- Well it's a wonderful thing
and it fulfills what theBible says very clearly,
when you seek me with all of your heart,
then you will find me.
This isn't a new phenomenon,
this has been happening for some time.
Years ago there was a wonderful movie,
entitled, "More than Dreams"
talking about the revelationthat was happening to Muslims
as a result of earnestlyseeking God to say,
I really want to know you,
I really want to meet you,
and what a wonderful thing,
God shows up, the God of love.
If you want more information again,
all you have have to do is goto our website at
- Well, up next, after 20 years,
the United States military iswithdrawing from Afghanistan.
What will we be leaving behind?
And then later,
running out of oxygen andrunning out of options.
This patient would bleed to death
if the nurse opened up her airways.
So can anything save her life?
Plus, crazy in love and deep in debt.
Money woes threatened this marriage
even before the wedding.
Will this romance includefinancial freedom?
You'll see for yourself,that's later on today's show
(soft music)
- Explosions, killings, robberies, thefts
that's what's one resident of Kabul
fears in the wake of the withdrawal
of US troops from Afghanistan.
And what about here in the United States?
Could this drawdown lead toanother attack on American soil
by Al Qaeda?
George Thomas brings us thiswarning of potential danger.
(logo whooshing)
- [George] Ms. Sadatfled to Iran 20 years ago
when the Taliban took controlof her country, Afghanistan.
- When I was in Iranthe media used to show
the destruction and war in Afghanistan.
In general, we werehorrified by the Taliban.
- [George] After returninghome a decade ago
to open this beauty parlor in Kabul,
she now fears the Taliban's return.
- I didn't achieve what I have now easily,
I worked very hard for it.
If the Taliban come one dayand don't allow us to work,
I will have to go to Iran againand live there as a migrant.
- [George] Her makeupartists and customers
worry the radical Islamic group
will once again imposeharsh Islamic Sharia laws
that often targeted girls and women.
- We don't want the old Afghanistan.
I haven't seen Taliban, but I fear them.
- [George] CongressmanMike Waltz tell CBN News
there's no doubt in his mind
that Al-Qaeda will come roaring back
when the Taliban gaincontrol of Afghanistan.
- I do fear a Talibantakeover of the country,
and a resurgent Al Qaeda
that will attack the homeland again.
We saw this when the Obama administration
pulled out of Iraq too soon.
That led to the rise ofISIS, attacks across Europe
and inspired attacks righthere in the United States.
- [George] The Florida Republican,
a decorated Special Forces officer,
led multiple combat tours to Afghanistan.
Waltz says by abandoningthe US Bagram airbase,
Biden gives up a strategicmilitary foothold
in the backyard ofAmerica's greatest rival.
- If you just look at the map,
Afghanistan is the onlycountry in the world
where we have an air basethat physically borders China.
Afghanistan is on theWestern flank of China,
the Southern flank of Russia,the Eastern flank of Iran,
why would we just give that base up,
especially when the Afghangovernment wants us to stay?
- [George] Marc Polymeropoulos conducted
multiple covert missions to Afghanistan,
during his 26 year career with the CIA.
- There's no doubt.
This is one of those foreignpolicy decisions that,
that I'm afraid,
might come back to hauntthe Biden administration
- [George] Retiring in 2019,
and now writing about his experience,
Polymeropoulos is theauthor of the upcoming book,
"Clarity in Crisis".
He tells me CBN News that by pulling out,
the US also gives up its huge
intelligence gathering andcovert operations network
which took years to build following 911.
In addition to withdrawingsome 3,500 troops,
Biden is ordering hundredsof covert forces back home.
- The bottom line is withoutUS forces on the ground,
that means US intelligence personnel
will not be on the ground,
and that really hurts us
when it comes to human intelligence.
That's the art of spotting,assessing, developing,
recruiting and handling a human source
of penetration of a terrorist group,
without US officers being on the ground.
That that really takes awaya key capability for us
- [George] As the US withdrawal ramps up,
Waltz worries about the fate and future
of thousands of Afghanswho risked their lives
to work alongside the Americans.
- All of those people thathave been working with us
that do it with us againstextremism for all of these years
are going to be hunteddown by the Taliban.
Many of them are in a panicand reaching out to me.
- [George] On the streets of Kabul,
Afghans can only hope and pray for peace
after a suicide truck bomberkilled 21 people this week.
- I'm worried about explosions,killings, robberies,
thefts, unemployment,and an unknown future.
These are all what I worry about.
- [George] Afghan officialscan only try to reassure
a nervous public aheadof the US withdrawal,
by September 11th.
- This is my hope andthe hope for all Afghans.
I hope Afghanistan could have peace,
and I hope I can see it.
- [George] George Thomas, CBN News.
- Well, Afghanistan isliving up to its reputation
as this is the countrywhere empires go to die.
That's exactly what happenedto the British empire,
it's happened to the Russians as well,
and now we're next in line.
Am I in favor of the troop withdrawal?
Yes, we've been there 20 years
and you've had multiple tours,
what's the cost to American lives?
What's the cost to American families?
The soldiers who've gone throughmultiple tours 9, 10 tours,
you know, it's time to bring them home,
but in that, you canfully expect the Taliban
to try to regain controlof the government.
We're already seeing theterror attacks, the bombings,
all of those things,
my heart goes out to thewomen of Afghanistan.
they enjoyed a brief period of freedom
where they could be educated,
and is all of that going to go away?
My prediction is yes, it will,and that's very unfortunate.
It would be wonderful ifthey found the gospel,
if they found the Prince of peace,
that would be a wonderful solution.
But you go back in historyand here's a piece of history
many people don't know,
right before the invasion ofAfghanistan by the Russians,
the King of Afghanistanrejoiced and they finally closed
the last church in Kabul.
So that is a trigger moment
and this, we need to pray.
How do we bring the gospel to them?
Can we, just as theother Muslim countries,
as they seek God with all of their heart
will they find the Prince of peace?
- Still ahead, just a dayafter leaving the hospital,
this patient had to berushed back in an ambulance.
This time she can't breathe.
ER physicians say is one of the quote,
scariest emergencies they've ever faced.
So how was this woman ableto walk out of the hospital
after they feared she'd die in the OR?
And a hundred thousanddollars in the hole,
these newlyweds were drowning in debt.
Then comes the gut punch.
Their wages were garnished.
So how did an unbelievable promise
help this couple pay itall off in just five years?
They're going to tell youthemselves, so stay with us.
(upbeat music)
- Student loans, creditcard debt, a car loan
Jamie and Jenna were a hundredthousand dollars in the hole.
So Jenna prayed about it,
and God gave her an unbelievable promise.
What was it?
Take a look.
- [Narrator] Jamie andJenna were crazy in love
and horribly in debt.
As they were planningtheir future together,
the couple took a cold hardlook at their finances.
- Total combined like student loans
and we both had a littlebit of credit card debt
at a like a car loan out due,
it was right around ahundred thousand dollars.
- [Narrator] The two were both working
as part-time teaching assistants,
neither jobs pay more than 20,000 a year.
- And I remember, again, both of us like
almost laughing at the mountain of debt
that we knew that we were under.
- [Narrator] Unsure of what to do next,
Jenna prayed about the debtand the future marriage.
She says, that's when God madeher an unbelievable promise,
one that she immediatelyshared with her fiance.
- Jesus is now saying like us as a couple,
are going to be debt free in five years.
- It was like one of those,
you've gotta be kidding,
like there's no way that that's possible.
- [Narrator] The couple mapped out a plan
to pay off their debt.
They created a budget basedon their limited income.
They also decided their firstexpense would be tithing.
- I knew that it wassomething that would honor God
and something he calls us to do.
- When I heard the ideaof tithing would be
10% of your income,
like I did a quick mathcalculation and like,
that's a lot of money every month.
- [Narrator] A few monthsbefore their wedding,
both Jamie and Jenna were offered
full-time teaching positions,
but with just a few weeksto go before the big day,
bad news.
Their school hadn't been taking out
the state-mandated retirement deduction.
To make up for the shortfall,
both Jamie and Jenna hadtheir paychecks slashed.
- They were literally takinghalf of each of our salary,
every paycheck for thenext six pay periods.
- It felt like a gut punch,
like we'd been working so hard.
- [Narrator] Now the twowould have to make do
with even less than they had planned.
The couple went on with the wedding
and despite their limited income,
held on to their promise from God
and stuck with their plan to tithe.
- For the first year or two, we struggled
with the idea of being sorestricted and sacrificing things
and not being able to do the things
that we saw our friends andfamily and community doing.
- [Narrator] Jamie and Jenna
picked up side jobs along the way,
and continued to titheoff of what they earned.
And they credit that
for helping them getthrough those lean months.
- 12 weeks ago, we had half a paycheck,
12 weeks later you know, fast forward
we got through that stressor,
and we didn't have to dipinto our savings at all.
- I think continually being
humble enough to say yes to Jesus,
that he has more plansand bigger plans for us
than we could ever dream for ourselves,
I think is a big part of what tithing is,
and how Jesus can reallytransform your life.
- [Narrator] The two continuedto chip away at their debt.
The school stopped garnishing their wages,
and they even earned pay raises.
Their daughter was born in 2017.
Then in January of 2019,
shortly before they celebratedtheir fifth anniversary
Jamie and Jenna paid off thelast of their $100,000 debt
just as God had promised.
- I wouldn't have believedit possible to pay off
$100,000 in debt in five years,
but we said yes to Jesus.
To Jesus, one plus one equalswhatever he wants it to.
- [Narrator] Today, Jamieand Jenna are still teaching.
They own a home,
and they've also started a financial blog
where tell the world about how tithing
put them on the road to financial freedom.
- If we hadn't committed to tithing,
and made that a non-negotiablein our lives in our budget
than our budget wouldn't work.
- Looking from the time we started,
to where we are now,
$100,000 in five yearson a teaching salary,
we could not have done itwithout Jesus providing.
- We could not have doneit without Jesus providing.
What happened to them,
I mean, a lot of peoplewould have just said,
I can't do this, this is impossible.
But when you understand, God is with you
and when you have that full assurance
that he's going to honor his word,
that he watches overhis word to perform it,
Jamie and Jenna had that full assurance.
They knew that if they keptdoing what God asked them to do
then he would come through for them.
Here's a promise for you,
it's from Matthew chapter 21, verse 21.
Jesus told them, I assure you
if you have faith and don't doubt,
you can even say to this mountain,
may God lift you up andthrow you into the sea
and it will happen.
If you believe, you will receive
whatever you ask for in prayer.
One of the great helps to believe,
one of the great helpsto faith is obedience,
if your conscience is condemning you
saying, well you'renot doing it God's way,
you're not doing it the right way.
If you have that consciencenagging after you,
well then you're notgoing to have the faith
to believe that mountains can be moved.
But when your conscience is clear,
when you're doing things God's way,
you're saying, God, I'm all in with you,
I want to honor you with my obedience,
I want to honor you withmy tithes and offerings,
then you can say to any mountain of debt,
be removed and God will help you.
He watches over his word to perform it,
he will do it for you.
- Well, after a hurricane hit,
Kathy and Dennis tookone, look at their house.
They said, it seemed asif the walls were melting.
Mold was everywhere.
The walls and ceiling had to be replaced.
Before long, their housewas torn down to the studs,
and when insurancewouldn't cover the rebuild,
Kathy and Dennis had tolive in their garage.
- [Narrator] Shortly afterDennis and Kathy Dorman
moved to Florida to retire,
category 5 Hurricane Michael
made landfall on the Florida Panhandle.
They evacuated,
and had no idea what to expectwhen they returned home.
- The walls were lookedlike they were melting,
just like they were just disintegrating.
- The house was destroyed from the inside.
The walls and the ceiling,everything had to come out.
Once we started finding mold,
we thought maybe it wouldbe isolated, it wasn't.
The more we pulled, the more we found.
It all had to come out.
- [Narrator] Insurance covered removing
some of the infected drywall,but not doing the rebuild.
Dennis had ongoing healthproblems that were getting worse.
It didn't help that they hadto move into their garage.
- We had to use the bathroomin a five gallon bucket.
I mean, that was what wehad, that was our bathroom.
But at our age, you really start to think,
Lord are we going to have tospend the rest of our days
living in this garage?
And my husband was reallydepressed at that time
because he knew he couldn't do anything
because of his health, and thattook a toll on him greatly.
- [Narrator] Dennis decidedto talk to God about it.
- I said God, I can't do this.
I can't fix this, I can't do it.
Would you please do it?
The impression that Ifelt in my spirit was
okay, all you had to do is ask.
- [Narrator] Kathy and Dennis
didn't know how theywere going to recover,
but they continued to trust in God.
Inspired by their dedication and faith,
Pastor Cole of Lighthouse Church
gave them a chance toshare their testimony.
- I heard God tellingme, trust me, trust me.
We never stopped tithing
all through the hurricane,loss of jobs, loss of health,
we never stopped, we trusted.
So that night I went online
and I posted my paymentto the church, my 10%,
and when I had left over Ipaid what bills we could.
The next morning, I get a call.
Praise God.
- Hallelujah.
- Amen.
(audience applauding)
- I got a call from Operation Blessing,
they said, we want to rebuild your house.
(audience applauding)
- All of a sudden, allthese trucks pull up
and people are working andit was just unbelievable.
- A ray of light broke through.
We were smiling and laughing,
that's something to be excited about.
We had hope.
- [Narrator] With the support
of Operation Blessingdonors and volunteers,
our team remove themold, put in new drywall,
floors, ceilings and kitchen cabinets
and refinished two bathrooms.
- Sometimes my husband and Ijust open the door and walk in
and we just, we just start crying.
Everything smells good.
Everything is beautiful.
And you think about Heavenand what Heaven will be like,
and I think that God gave us
a taste of what Heaven will be like.
People loving you, working together,
wanting you to have the best.
I mean, you say thank you,
you say those words, butthank you can never be enough.
Never be enough for what was given to us.
(soft music)
- You know the Bible says
that God puts the lonely in families,
and certainly he does that
very specifically with individuals,
but he puts us all in hisfamily, the family of God.
And when you come to those places
where life has fallen apart,
and when you're feel the kind of aloneness
that Kathy and Dennis are talking about,
being a part of the family ofGod is where you want to be.
700 Club members, you are showing
this kind of love, compassion
and this kind of solutionif you will, to people
all around the world whoare in desperate need.
That was here in the United States,
but there are people all around the world
who are struggling, who are suffering,
and what do 700 Club members do?
They show up.
They show up with with hope first of all.
Isn't that what Dennis talked about?
A ray of light broke through, we had hope.
There are those points and times in life
where you feel like hope is gone.
I want to be part of the family of God
that drives in with those trucks,
that shows up with microenterprise opportunities.
All over the world, you're doing that.
65 cents a day, $20 a monthmakes you a 700 Club member.
So if you're watching this program
and you haven't joined before,this is a great day to do it.
There's so much neednow in our own country
and around the world.
Be a part of answering that for people,
be a part of bringing that ray of hope
into the midst of theircircumstances, you can do it.
Maybe you're already ageneral 700 Club membership.
Take a look at this
because you could go up to 700 Club Gold.
That's a gift of $40 a month.
or join our 1000 Club at $84 a month.
We have a 2,500 Club level,
these folks join us at $209 a month,
or you could become aFounder, that's $5,000 a year
and it breaks down to $417 a month.
Ask God what he'd have you to do?
We don't have to ask ifhe wants us to do it,
he's already told us that.
So ask him what he'd likeyou to do and then call
and just say, I wantto join "The 700 Club".
When you do by the way wewant to send you this gift,
it's called "God is For Us".
It's the verses of salvation,peace and victory ,
all from the book of Romans
and I think you're reallygoing to be blessed by it,
even as you are reachingout and blessing others,
so please call now tollfree 1-800-700-7000, Gordon.
- Well Jocelyn has to travelup and down a mountain
just to get water.
The round trip takes her 45 minutes
and she does this three times a day.
It's brutal work for anyone,
and it's especially grueling for Jocelyn
who is just eight years old.
- [Narrator] From an earlyage eight year old Jocelyn
has been raised by her grandmother.
The two are very close.
In recent years collecting water
for drinking and cookinghas been a challenge.
Because of age, Grandmacan no longer fetch water
with her granddaughter.
- For me, it's difficultto go down the mountain.
It is even harder tocarry the water back up.
- [Narrator] Jocelyn walks by herself,
first down then back up themountain three times a day
to fetch the water they need.
Each trip takes 45 minutes,
and the most she can carryis two gallons at a time.
Their primary water sourceis this small cistern,
which collects dirty waterthat runs down the hillside.
- Sometimes the water is very muddy,
and has dirt in it.
It's gross.
It always has worms.
- [Narrator] Nearly 190households use this cistern
and other dangerous watersources around the community.
One afternoon, Jocelyn said she got sick
from drinking the water.
- I told grandma I wasnot going to get water
from this place again.
- When Operation Blessinglearned about the community,
we confirmed that their water source
was bacteria-filled and dangerous.
So we started a clean water project.
First we identified a new water source.
With help from residents, we dug a trench.
- I was happy when I heard the news.
They will bring water.
I said, thank God forsuch a wonderful day.
- Next Operation Blessingrepaired the community's
15,000 gallon holding tank
that was damaged and unusable.
We also added chlorinationto purify the water.
Finally, we ran pipes to Joceyn's house,
and to every other homein the small community.
- When I saw the water,I was very excited.
I was really happy because I knew,
that now I was going to drink clean water.
- Water is so precious.
I thank the engineersfrom Operation Blessing.
Also the donors, God bless you.
- That thank you, thatGod bless you, goes to you
if you're a member of "The 700Club", you're part of that,
you're part of providing fresh water
for that wonderful little girl.
You're a part of allthat we do here at CBN.
A portion of every gift to "The 700 Club"
goes into the work of Operation Blessing
to help people very tangibly
both here in the UnitedStates and around the world.
Another portion goes intothe work of CBN International
to preach the gospel around the world,
and you're a part of all ofit when you join with us,
if that's you give usa call 1-800-700-7000.
So say yes, I want to be a part of it.
If you're already a 700 Club member,
consider increasing,
consider going to 700Club Gold at $40 a month,
Thousand Club, that's athousand dollars a year
that breaks out to $84 a month.
At whatever level do it now.
And when you call, make sureyou ask for Pledge Express,
that's electronic. monthly giving.
Bank doing all the work andwe can send as our gift to you
monthly teaching CDscalled "Power for Life".
So if you'd like those ask forPledge Express when you call
or go to
When you give monthly on the internet
you automatically signup for Pledge Express.
There's also a new way to do it,
where you can text CBN to 71777.
Either way do it now.
And when you join "The 700Club", we have a gift for you.
My father's latest recording,it's called "God is For Us".
It's both streaming and CD.
And it features verses ofscripture from the book of Romans,
take a look.
- [Announcer] "God is For Us,
Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory".
Let the word of God transformyou as you listen to.
- [Pat] There is now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.
- [Announcer] This all newaudio recording by Pat Robertson
features powerful selectionsfrom the book of Romans.
- [Pat] Through Christ Jesus,
the law of the spirit who gives life
has set you free fromthe law of sin and death.
- [Announcer] "God isFor Us" available now.
CBN presents "God is For Us,
Verses of Salvation, Peace and Victory".
From the book of Romans.
- [Pat] It is filledwith verses that defined
our need for salvation,
God's free gift of redemption in Christ.
- [Announcer] Call nowto get your audio CD
of "God is For Us, Verses ofSalvation, Peace and Victory".
Yours when you become a CBN partner.
- [Pat] Therefore,
since we have beenjustified through faith,
we have peace with Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ.
- [Announcer] These select scriptures
from the book of Romans will lift you up
and carry you throughdifficult circumstances.
- [Pat] My hope is thatyou will let these verses
fill your mind and heart.
They will change your outlookand increase your faith.
- [Announcer] Call 1-800-700-7000or go to today.
(upbeat music)
- [Gordon] Coming up, a patient was dying
and the trauma team knewwhat needed to be done.
- She was going down fast.
- [Gordon] So why didn't they take action?
- This is not an option.
- [Gordon] And how did it save her life?
- She quite franklycould have bled to death
right there on the table.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
- Welcome back to Washingtonfor the CBN Newsbreak.
Americans celebrated
the 70th annual NationalDay of Prayer Thursday.
This year's theme called on Americans
to pray for God to pour outhis love life and liberty.
In his proclamation for the day of prayer,
President Biden made no mention of God,
but he did acknowledge that Americans
can exercise their convictions freely.
Former vice president Mike Pence
shared his own prayer foreveryone to unite as one nation
under God.
- On this National Day of Prayer,
whatever are our differencesthey fade to insignificance,
as each one of us appeals forGod's grace and his blessing.
- And you can see ourcoverage of the day of prayer
Well CBN's Operation Blessing
has long been coming to thescene to help those in need
after a natural disaster.
Sheryl and Peter Alvarado were asleep
when an EF3 tornado
tore through their homein Nashville last year,
just before COVID hit.
They escaped unharmed,but watched helplessly
as the powerful storm
ripped a huge tree out of their backyard
and then dropped it on top of their home.
Peter couldn't remove it himself
and a contractor was too expensive.
But thanks to the generosity
of Operation Blessing's partners,
disaster relief crews, staffand volunteers came together
to clean up Peter's yard.
A grateful Sheryl said,
you don't know how much we love y'all.
You can find out moreabout Operation Blessing
by going to
Gordon and Terry will be backwith more of "The 700 Club"
right after this.
(upbeat music)
- Lorraine Besson struggled to breathe.
Something was blocking her airway.
The doctor and the OR knewLorraine needed to be intubated
and fast.
So why did she put down the knife?
Well, take a look.
- For emergency medicine physicians,
one of the scariest emergencieswe see is lack of an airway.
When I saw her, I knew
we better do something and do it quick
because she was going down fast.
- [Narrator] In March,2016, Lorraine Besson
went to the hospital forwhat was supposed to be
a low risk spinal fusion surgery.
Her sister-in-law Angelaremembers the day.
- I was worried about Lorraine,
it was a serious surgerywhere they had to go in,
you know from the frontto work on her back
and it seemed to go okay,
and then it was then whenshe was at home later,
you know, that things kind of went south.
- [Narrator] Two days laterwhile at home recovering,
Lorraine's struggle to breathe.
She was rushed to thehospital by ambulance.
Soon after, her brotherNeil got a phone call
with terrible news.
- One of her children saw her
come out of the ambulance at the hospital,
and she said that shetotally looked lifeless.
That was very alarming to hear
so I knew it was a critical situation.
- When we got the first call,all I could do was pray.
Just ask for God's intercession, you know,
to intervene on thissituation because I knew
it was really really serious
and I honestly didn't know
if she was going to make it at that point.
- [Narrator] In the emergencyroom, Dr. Lura Wight knew
something was blocking Lorraine's airway,
yet was unable to insert a breathing tube
due to the swelling on Lorraine's neck.
- It was quite obvious to all of us
that she needed to be intubated.
I looked at her neck and I justhad this sense of foreboding
that told me just this is not an option,
this is not a viable option
to get an airway on this patient.
We were able to keep her oxygenated
while we were waiting foranesthesia to get there.
And I chose to do that
rather than make an incision in her neck.
- [Narrator] The anesthesiologist arrived
and was soon able to establish an airway.
They then found the sourceof Lorraine swelling
stemming from her previous surgery.
- She had a nick in her thyroid artery
and the blood was slowlyleaking out of that artery
into her neck.
Had we put an incision in her throat
anteriorly to put a breathing tube in,
she quite frankly could have bled to death
right there on the table.
- [Narrator] Lorraine was movedto the ICU on a ventilator
in a drug-induced coma.
Her family continued to pray.
- We've kind of came whenwe were given a chance to,
and probably prayed before Lorraine
right there in the room in the ICU
and it was frightening
to see her lying on her back like that.
- [Narrator] After 10 days,
Lorraine began breathing on her own.
Her family was thankfulthat she was alive,
yet concerned that she mayhave suffered brain damage
due to the lack of oxygen.
- I know for sure withoutoxygen for that long
she was going to have severe damage,
you know to her cognitive functioning.
- [Narrator] She was sent torehab to continue her recovery.
Dr. Martin Setliff wasthe attending physician.
- She was having difficulty
the first few days even recalling
what she did even the previous hour.
And she also had a mildcomponent of anoxic brain injury
which indicates that in the period of time
that her airway was blocked,
she was unable to get adequateblood flow to her brain.
I did have concerns thatgiven the nature of her injury
and the severity of it,
that her time on ourunit could be anywhere
from three to four weeks, possibly.
She fortunately was able toundermine my original estimation
and she got out of the rehabunit within about 13 days'
- [Narrator] Lorrainemade a full recovery.
She is grateful for theprayers and miracles
that kept her alive every step of the way.
- I know that Jesus isalive and well today
and that he does still domiracles, I'm proof of that.
I should not be sittinghere telling you my story.
It was only through theintervention of God.
He had his hand on it fromthe beginning to the end.
From the ambulance, allthe way to the surgery,
where I was then able tobreathe and not in danger.
- I am a firm believer inif God is ready for you,
you will go.
And if God is not ready foryou, you aren't going anywhere.
And I've seen this happentime and time again.
I've had people walk into my ER
and six hours later they're ona vent, deathly ill and die.
I've had them come, like Ms. Besson,
critically ill, on death's door
and end up walking out ofthe hospital two weeks later.
And all of this, physicians play a role in
but the ultimate decider ofwho survives and who does not
is God.
- It's been five yearssince this happened,
and I still will ask people, strangers,
would you like to hear my miracle story?
And I can't tell you how manytimes I've told them my story
and then they say,
thank you so much fortelling me your story,
I needed to hear that today.
- And that's the power oftestimony, testimony as witnesses.
Jesus said, you will be my witnesses.
We will go throughoutthe whole world telling
what God has done for us,
but let your report be the good report
that convinces someonethat God's for them.
God loves them,
he doesn't want anyone to perish,
he wants all to come
to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
and that saving knowledgeincludes healing,
it includes deliverance.
It includes the answer toevery single human need.
What does it take to get it?
Well, you have to believe,
and there's this wonderfulthing you believe in.
You don't believe in your prayer,
you don't believe in how good you are,
how many good works you'vedone or any of that?
What you believe is that God so loved you,
that he gave his only begottenson that Jesus would come
and live on the earth,live a sinless life,
and then be the ultimate sacrificefor all sin for all time.
And in that sacrifice,
provide the way forhealing, for deliverance,
for forgiveness,
so that God's children couldbe with him for all eternity.
The Bible says that forthe joy set before him,
he endured the cross.
What's that joy?
You, you're the one he did it for.
You're the one.
That whosoever would believe in him,
you can be that whosoever.
All you have to do is say yes to it.
Jesus, I believe I believethat you died for me.
I believe that by yourstripes, I am healed.
Now, word of caution,don't try to add to it,
the bargain has already been made.
Every time you come to himin prayer and say, well,
God, if you do this for me,
then I'll do the,
all of that is saying, wellI don't believe the cross.
Don't do that,
it's not based on your prayer,
it's not based on your works,
it's not based onanything you do other than
you believe the good reportof what the Bible says
Jesus has already accomplished for you.
Now Terry and I are going to pray for you.
And here's what I want youto do in an act of faith,
lay your hand on that area ofthe body that needs healing.
We're going to encourageyou, so you lay that hand,
we're going to encourage you
with some other miracle reports,
then we're going to pray for you.
Here's Geraldine of NorthChesterfield, Virginia.
She had chronic pain in her right hip,
the pain was so bad that shecould not stand up straight.
At night, it affected her sleep.
Then one day watching this show,
she heard Terry say youhave a right hip issue.
Your gait is off.
Well Geraldine felt heat in her right hip,
the pain disappeared
and now she can do whichhe couldn't do before
without pain.
- That's awesome.
This is Anne.
She lives in McPherson, Kansas.
She was experiencing severesymptoms in her left eye.
This included pain, soreness to the touch,
redness, puffiness.
Anne's husband Denniswas watching this program
when he heard you Gordon say
someone has a severeinfection in your left eye.
God has taken that infection away.
He claimed the word ofknowledge for his wife
even though she was away at church.
When Anne returned, he askedhow her eye was feeling.
She told him she was healed.
When Denis told her about Gordon's prayer,
they both knew it was God.
- God wants to heal.
Just be certain of that.
He wants to heal, it's his will.
Look to Heaven, is anybody sick?
No, that's God's will.
Let's pray that his willwould be done in your body
right now.
Lord, we lift all of thosewho are laying a hand
on that area that needs healing.
We lift anyone who issick, infirmed, in pain.
We come into agreement as they touch
and we claim this word
when two or more agree touching anything,
it shall be done for themby my father in heaven.
We claim that word right now.
we speak in agreement with them,
be healed and be made whole.
There's someone,
you're laying your lefthand on your left knee,
and there's a severe pain onthe outside of the left knee,
God has touched you andthat pain is gone right now,
do what you couldn't do before,
stand up on that left knee
and realize that you havebeen completely healed.
- There's someone else, youhave an issue with your eyes
and it's causing you to have to wear
special kind of glasses.
God's healing that condition for you,
you're going to be able tosee perfectly in Jesus' name.
- Amen, if you've been healed
if you've been touched,
give us a call 1-800-700-7000.
Here's a word from the gospel of John.
If, and that's, if you abidein me and my words abide in you
you will ask what you desire
and it shall be done for you.
God bless you, we'll see you next week.
(upbeat music)